Vol. 14, No. 2

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Summer, 2010

Vol. 14, No. 2

commander’s Remarks By Charlie Ramos, Commander, Department of California AMVETS


elcome to the best year of AMVETS! Why do I say this? Because it is about time we start to realize the benefits of what we started a few years ago. We began a journey a few years ago. We decided that we, the members of AMVETS not a couple of chosen few, are the ones that call the shots in our corporation. We decided that it is more important to serve veterans, than to allow others to serve themselves. But, as you know, all that happened a few years ago. It is up to us to create a department you can be proud of; a department of AMVETS you can rely on, and an organization that will encourage others to join. As the new cadre takes the reins of our department, we need to begin to become accountable to our members. Allowing any post to feel lost when asking basic questions from the department is not an option. I am open to all of your suggestions on how to make this department the biggest and best in all of AMVETS. I have already learned so much from many of you and you will see some major improvements in the coming year. Membership: We are once again going to have our membership outreach program in full force. This year the program will run from September 1, 2010 to April 30, 2011. All membership applications must be postmarked prior to April 30th to be eligible for the program. The new member will receive the first year of their annual membership free. This free year is only available for the year 2011, so make sure you inform your new recruits that they will receive a new bill beginning in September for the 2012 membership year. With the outreach program in full swing, we need to concern ourselves with retention. It is important to do what it takes to keep your new members active and a part of your posts. I encourage you to hold new member events and to continue to communicate through mail, email and, regular phone calls. A few good dates that are coming up are Veterans Day, Christmas, Fall DEC, Spring DEC, New Years Eve and Valentine’s Day. You can hold events such as picnics and dinners, and pot-lucks. The post can hold a drawing for all who show up and make their time worthwhile! This is one area we at the Department will truly need your help. If your post has an event that seems to work for your new members, let the rest of us know. Programs: As last year’s 2nd Vice Commander you all know my passion for programs. Not only does it show National that we as a department are doing things, it helps us provide a face for AMVETS Dept of California. Through our programs, we increase awareness to our Veterans and their families and to the community that the AMVETS are ready to serve! We encourage each post to look over the list of programs located at: http://www.amvets.org/programs.html These programs are an excellent way to increase awareness of our aims and goals. They provide a face for AMVETS and allow each member to be an active part of their post. Some of my favorite programs are: • Americanism - Poster & Essay Contest, Parades, Public Ceremonies, etc. • Blood Drives - Blood Drives - Sponsoring/hosting a community blood drive on behalf of the American Red Cross or providing members to donate for other community sponsored drives. Please report the “pints” donated in the “comment field.” • Care Bears - Raising money and purchasing Teddy Bears to donate to police agencies for distribution to children in emergency situations. • Clothing & Food Drives - Pretty straight forward, conducting your own or providing manpower to assist other organizations.

Homeless Veterans - Conducting or supporting Stand Downs, counseling, donations to agencies working on behalf of Homeless Veterans, participating in a community Continuum of Care. • Military Funeral Honors - For Posts with volunteers and/or formal Honor Guards that participate in conducting MFH for our Commander veterans at any cemetery. Ramos • Prisoner Of War/Missing In Action - Provide support to families, conduct POW/ MIA ceremonies at community military and veterans gatherings. • Scouting - Chartering Boy Scout and/or Girl Scout units, serving as merit badge counselors, facilitating the presentation of AMVETS Eagle Scout Certificates. • Sick or Hospitalized Veterans - Visiting/Helping home bound vets and/or Hospitalized Vets. By the way, this is not VAVS. • Support for National Guard Troops • Since signing a Memorandum of Understanding in late March 2005, AMVETS specific support for the Guard has really expanded. Specific support for NG Troops are reported here. • Support Our Troops - Conducting deployment farewells and returning celebrations, providing assistance to families by helping with children, doing repairs, etc. Providing financial assistance for phone cards, voices from home, and time/money directly to base family support units. Mailing care packages. • White Clover - There are variations on this program, but the classic is the sale of the AMVETS White Clovers for the specific purpose of raising funds to assist our hospitalized veterans. Finally, I would like to mention some of the things you can expect from your Department this year. We are going to be undergoing a streamlining of our office procedures for the department. Our Executive Director is here to serve you and in this spirit, you will be able to find the answers you need and the appropriate office to speak to anytime you call the department. We will be creating an Office Procedure Manual to help you with any problem you may have as a post. We will also have resources available online to help posts with reporting, revalidation, and registering with both the IRS and State Attorney General’s office. We will also be exploring options for a new, fully functional website. It has been too long for our department and we need to make our internet presence known. We will be creating a District Commander Manual with resources required for each post to accomplish many of these tasks. Your first line of contact should be your District Commander. We will provide the resources for him/her to do their job. I am truly honored that you have chosen me to head this great organization. I know that with your help we can make this Department shine! I encourage your ideas and hope to speak with you very soon!  Be Proud AMVETS! Charlie Ramos Commander AMVETS, Department of California

The Voice is published quarterly by Midwest Publishing, Inc.. Any articles or photographs received after the deadlines will be held for the next edition. All articles must be signed to be printed. The editor reserves the right to edit any submission for clarity, brevity, etc. The opinions expressed in The Voice are those of the authors and not necessarily the opinion of the AMVETS Department of California. Submit articles to: California AMVETS Voice, Attn: Rod Blackman 120 North “M” Street Tulare, CA 93274 or E-mail: roseblackman@hotmail.com

DEPARTMENT OFFICERS FOR 2010-2011 Commander Charles Ramos charlie@charlieramos.com


1st Vice Commander Jerry Greer vfwjerry@yahoo.com


2nd Vice Commander Mike Clay mikeclay40@hotmail.com


Northern Area Commander Bud Simmons amvetsantarosa@sbcglobal.net


Central Area Commander Frank Guerra


Southern Area Commander John Bernier amvets2007@aol.com


Finance Officer Phil Plascencia


Officer’s Reports........................................................................................ 3

Judge Advocate Chuck Kissel cajaclk@yahoo.com


Legislative Advocate’s Report................................................................... 6

Provost Marshal Ben Aguayo bsaguayo@gmail.com



N.E.C. Man Ronald Ferrara rkferrara@gmail.com


Alt. N.E.C. Man Filbert Bejarano


Director at Large Baldy Salmon


AMVETS Online...................................................................................... 13

Director at Large Ray Delgado delmon99@prodigy.net


Department Convention Modesto.......................................................... 14

Chaplain Tom Sarchipone


Friends of AMVETS................................................................................ 16

Chief of Staff Jeff Sharp jeff.sharp@sbcglobal.net


Post Reports.............................................................................................. 17

Executive Director Rose Blackman

2—California AMVETS Voice

120 North “M” Street

Table of Contents Fall DEC................................................................................................... 12 Veteran Videos.......................................................................................... 13


Vol. 14, No. 2

From PDC Byrum

Commander Byrum throwing out the first pitch at a single A minor league (Rancho Cucamonga Quakes) game Sat. 22 May 2010 Cmdr Byrum, Pete Molina, Greg Raffa at Redding Veteran’s home groundbreaking

From the Desk of the Executive Director By Rose Blackman


y the time the paper goes to press our annual Department Convention will be over and I will be working on our Fall DEC in Bakersfield at the Marriott. Thank you to those who were able to attend and help make choices for the future of AMVETS department. We have had a lot of response to the signing up of new annual members under the Veterans’ Outreach program. The important thing now is to retain those members by giving them a reason to want to renew their membership. Get them involved with your post show them what they can do along with you to help other veterans and themselves. Many of you are doing some great activities, involve these new members, listen to their ideas and let them be an active part of the post, not just another number. Please remember when it comes to processing members, requesting new cards, etc. there is a form for EVERYTHING. If you have computer access you can go to www.amvets.org, click on membership, then membership forms and find the form you need.

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You can fill the form out online but then you need to print it out and send it to the department for processing. You cannot send forms directly to national, if you do, they will send them to me which takes longer to process your request, whether it’s a transfer, new member or replacing a card. The department only takes checks, no credit cards. If you do not have computer access contact me and I will send you the needed form. REMINDER: life member cards come from national (but you must send the paperwork and check to the dept and we will forward to national); when you first sign up they send a plastic card. If you want a replacement card you will get plastic if you pay $2, if you want the gold card its $11. When a member transfers from one post to another, they do NOT automatically get a new card, it must be requested and paid for. The only time that you do not pay for a replacement card is if it is an annual card. They are just heavy paper and are sent from the department office. Dues and Remittance forms (for new annuals and renewals) must be filled out correctly or

they will be returned. This means in the “submitted by” box you should put your post address (or the person the cards are to be sent to), new member information MUST include branch of service and dates of service as well as name, address, phone number and dob. The dues & remittance form that comes from national (on website) asks for a barcode, there is NO barcode so it’s important you fill out the information. Fall Department Executive Conference Marriot Bakersfield - 801 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)323-1900 Oct 1st and 2nd. Room rates are $90.04 plus tax I hope to see many of you there. In the past some of you have complained that you like to go to the casino but don’t want to drive. As a result the hotel has spoken with Eagle Mountain Casino and they are willing to set up a tour bus to their Casino if we have a minimum of 40 people wanting to go. It would be for Friday (after our meetings) or Saturday night. I would need to know as soon as possible how many are interested so we could let the Casino know.

California AMVETS Voice—3

It’s official,

DD-214’s are NOW Online


1st Vice Report

By 1st Vice Commander Dennis Starkey


009 – 2010 turned out to be a very good year. Almost every Post did their reporting and we ended up with 16 Post making Golden State. This is a 425 percent improvement over last year. Our Veterans Outreach program has been a great success. Not only did we help hundreds of OIF/OEF veterans and troops get their due benefits from VA but also added hundreds of new members to our great organization. I hope that in the next year that we can improve and expand these programs. Thanks to the

I Trustee Report

To Department of California AMVETS

Northern Area Report

By Northern Area Commander Thomas Johnson

recently held a Northern Area Meeting and received written reports from most of the District Commanders and many of the posts reported about activities in their areas. I must admit, maybe it is because of better reporting but there sure seems to be a lot more activities almost everywhere. I am not going to report on the hundreds of projects going on in the North right now, but I am going to mention a few that stand out. First is Stand downs, there are over 20 stand downs held each year in California. Many of them are 1 or 2 days but there are five 3+ day events in the North. They are: Marysville , starting Aug. 26 Sacramento Sept. 17 Eureka Oct. 1 Dixon Oct 12 Anderson Oct. 22

May 16,2010 From : Raymond G. Delgado 533 W Hillsdale St Inglewood, Calif. 90302 310-410-8856

I have worked with Department Commander on the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center Land Grab. Issue. Have appointed 3members to the stake holders committee two members from Post 2 and one from Post 116. Have also read all documents forwarded by Department Judge Advocate Chuck Kessler. Have attended last D.E.C. in Santa Maria, California. Ray Delgado, Trustee

4—California AMVETS Voice

work and dedication that many of you have shown over the past year that there is no mountain to high to climb. Over the past few years we have had many challenges and obstacles to overcome. But as a team working together we have succeeded to do just that. We have come a long way in moving our Department forward. With your continued help and support we can make our Department grow even more in the next year Thank you all for the great work that you have done.

Something big just happened in the Redding Area. In the year 2000, 10 years ago a bill was passed to build 5 new Veterans homes in CA. 3 in the South 1 in Central and one in the North. Last month May 21, 2010 was the ground breaking for the new 150 bed veterans home in Redding. The ceremony was well attended by many dignitaries and veteran supporters alike. Governor Schwarzenegger spoke, as well as local senators and assemblymen. The keynote speaker was a local medal of Honor winner. Amvets had our own dignitaries present also. Department Commander, John Byrum, was there as well as several District Commanders and members of many area posts. Another AMVET dignitary present was Pedro (Pete)

Molina the first Assistant Secretary for Native American Veterans Affairs in California. The new facility will take two years to complete and will have 244 permanent employees. It has taken a long time to get here but because this is a rare design-build project the finished facility will be state of the art and a great asset to our veteran community. The other topic is one you have heard me talk about on many occasions Honor Flight Northern California. Once again the Dept. of CA Amvets Service Foundation has come to the rescue. When funding from other sources fell through, AMVETS granted us enough money to get our flying season started. Our first flight this year will be on June 25-27 and will consist of 30 WWII veterans and 20 guardians. The reason I am telling you this is because of these 50 Veterans maybe two are AMVETS the rest are predominately American Legion members and VFW members. This needs to change. I need every Post commander to Identify your WWII veteran members and make sure that everyone of them sends that application to me ASAP. As long as AMVETS is going to help fund Honor Flight Nor Cal, we should be sending AMVETS on the flights... pictured is one AMVET who did go, Buck Bordeau, of Corning. 17669 Warwick Pl. Anderson, CA 96007 530-357-3380 Buck Bordeau

Cmdr Byrum, Pete Molina, NAC Johnson

Vol. 14, No. 2

Central Area Report

MAY 18, 2010

Submitted by Jerry Guevara, Adjutant, Post 22


ommander Frank Guerra has been in a training mode recently. He has been training for the National Veterans Golden Age Games (NVGAG) that was to be held May 26 thru May 31 in Des Moines, Iowa. Commander Guerra has been honing his skills on the pool table where he is the defending Silver medalist in nine ball, during the 2009 Golden Age Games. He actually finished 2nd to Baldy Salmon who is the defending Gold medal winner in the 74-79 age group. Both have been active members of the Golden Age games for many years. On Thursday April 15th, Commander Guerra, along with Jerry Guevara from Post 22 visited the VA Hospital in Fresno. There they met up with Past State Commander Mel Posey and met with Toni Lopez, the Recreation Therapist and Intern Supervisor who is very active with the Golden Age games for the Fresno VA. We all met up with Al Perry, Director of the VA. Commanders Guerra and Posey, with a grant received from the AMVETS Service Foundation presented a check for $ 20,000 to be used to help 39 veterans from this area be able to participate in this years games. (See picture of presentation) Military Veterans age 55 and older who receive health care at any VA medical facility are eligible to compete in the National Veterans Golden Age Games. This event is the only National multi-event sports and recreational seniors’ competition program designed to improve the quality of life for older Veterans, including those with a wide range of abilities and disabilities. Several of those competitive events also serve as qualifiers for the National Senior Games. So when Commander Guerra, along with Baldy Salmon, says they are hitting the pool table, it is for a reason, both gold and silver. Let’s hope they continue with their winning streaks in this years games. The Central Area committee recently made a field trip to Shafer, Post 922, where we met up with Post Commander Cliff Pierce and held a monthly meeting. Post representatives were very gracious and provided all that attended lunch during the meeting. There is talk to visit other posts in the Central Area during the monthly meetings. Invitations for future meetings will also be extended to women’s auxiliary posts in the Central Area to start attending these monthly meetings. Their attendance and support is very important in promoting Veterans and the AMVETS way. A new acronym is to be adopted by the Central Area: TEAM T (Together) E (Each of us) A (can Accomplish) M (Much). Most Posts from the Central Area attended the Finance/Adjutant Meeting, held March 20th in Tulare at the new office for the Executive Director and Finance Officer. Post 98, Sanger, with some help from Central Area posts, will be the host post for this years State Convention in Modesto. Commander Guerra has lots of support from most of his posts in the Central Area. They continue to meet and share ideas and all feel it is important to get together and support AMVETS in promoting and providing service to all Veterans. Meetings continue to be held the 1st Sunday of each month, with the meetings being held at different locations it is most important to call in advance to find out exactly when and where the next meeting is.

Vol. 14, No. 2


Southern Area Report

Southern Area Commander, Cephus R. Daniels

would like to express my heartfelt thanks to State Commander, John Byrum, Foundation President, Jim Pigeon and Board Members for the opportunity to serve as a Foundation Trustee Board Member. I am humbled and honored by this vote of confidence. As one of my last duties as Southern Area Commander I had the pleasure of attending the USC/UCLA ROTC Awards Ceremonies. I was honored to present an Amvets Foundation award. I would like to congratulate and thank John Bernier for his acceptance of the appointment to complete my Southern Area Commander tour of duty. I was honored to install officers at Post 2 and Post 116 mass installation. 

California AMVETS Voice—5

Legislative Advocate's Report By Pete Conaty

State Environmental License Plate Fund. Requires all revenue, less Department of Motor Vehicle’s cost, to be deposited in the Veterans Service Office Fund.

AB 1925, as amended, Salas. Veterans courts.

Sponsor: Vietnam Veterans of America, CA State Council Authorizes superior courts to develop and implement veterans courts for eligible veterans of the United States military for creation of a court-supervised veterans mental health program that leads to the placement of as many mentally ill offenders who are veterans of the United States military, including those with post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, military sexual trauma, substance abuse or any mental health problem stemming from military service, in community treatment.

AB 2143, as amended, Gilmore. Workforce development: Employment Development Department: veterans: report.

Sponsor: Vietnam Veterans of America, CA State Council Relates criminal procedures when a defendant charged with a crime alleges specified mental health problems stemming from military service in the United States military. Requires a court to make a determination as to whether the defendant was, or is, in the military. Authorizes the court to request an assessment whether the defendant is suffering from certain disorders. Requires to the court and the treatment program to collaborate with specified agencies to maximize benefits and services.

AB 1644, as amended, Nielsen. Veterans’ remains.

Sponsor: Vietnam Veterans of America, CA State Council Allows prescribed entities in possession of the cremated remains of a veteran to release specified information and remains to a veterans’ service organization. Requires the organization to take steps to inter the remains. Exempts from civil liability, except for willful misconduct, an entity that release the information or remains after meeting the conditions. Exempts from negligence such organization that receives and inters remains if the organization believes all the conditions have been met.

AB 1829, as introduced, Cook. Military decorations: fraud.

Sponsor: Vietnam Veterans of America, CA State Council Amends existing law that provides any person who, orally, in writing, or by wearing any military decoration, falsely represents himself or herself to have been awarded any military decoration with the intent to defraud is guilty of an infraction. Provides that the offense is a misdemeanor and would exempt face-to-face solicitation involving less than a specified amount.

AB 1908, as amended, Cook. Vehicles: specialized license plates: Veterans organization.

Sponsor: California Association of County Veterans Service Officers Authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs to modify the distinctive design or decal for veterans’ organization license plates. Authorizes the newly designed plates or decals to be issued only after all existing plats or decals have been issued. Deletes the requirement that one-half of the additional fee be deposited in the

6—California AMVETS Voice

SB 1057, as amended, Denham. State holidays: Veterans Day: state office closure.

Sponsor: Senator Denham Amends existing law that requires public offices of the state and state institutions be closed on Veterans’ Day. Specifies that public offices of the State and state institutions include all state agencies and the Legislature. Requires that public offices of the state and state institutions including, but not limited to, all state agencies and the Legislature, be closed on November 11 for Veterans Day. Provides exceptions.


FALL DEC: Oct 1st- Oct 2nd Bakersfield Marriott MARRIOTT BAKERSFIELD 801 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661) 323-1900 Fax. (805) 928-5690 toll free 1-800-267-3983 Rooms: $90.04 plus tax (single/ double) Cut off date for reservations is Sept 9, 2010


AB 674, as amended, Salas. Criminal procedure: veterans.

Sponsor: Assemblyman Gilmore Requires the Employment Development Department to submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and to appropriate policy committees of the Legislature, regarding the department’s veterans employment and job training programs and suggested options for a governance and management model to increase program integration and coordination, improve service delivery efficiency, and enhance program performance. Note: This bill was originally intended to move the veterans employment functions from EDD to the CDVA. However, Assemblyman Gilmore’s bill was forced to take amendments which changed it to a study bill.

66th National Convention August 7-14, 2010 The Galt House Hotel 140 North Fourth Street Louisville, KY 40202 www.galthouse.com 800-843-4258 502-589-5200 $113.86 - $148.36 (inclusive of taxes*) Cut-off July 9, 2010 Parking $9 per night

Vol. 14, No. 2

Private file: AMVETS CA AB 308 AUTHOR: Cook (R) TITLE: Special Absentee Voters LAST AMEND: 05/11/2009 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Requires local elections officials to prepare a special runoff ballot for each primary, special or general election to send to special absentee voters that would be counted if there is a runoff election for any of the offices in that election. Position: Support CA AB 498 AUTHOR: Hayashi (D) TITLE: Vehicles: Special Interest License Plates and Decals LAST AMEND: 06/01/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Transportation and Housing Committee HEARING: 06/15/2010 1:30 pm, Burton Hearing Room (4203) SUMMARY: Authorizes a former American prisoner of war (POW) who is otherwise eligible for a special license plate as a former POW to apply for a veterans’ organization special interest license plate and decal. Exempts that former POW from the payment of specified fees under these provisions. Authorizes the surviving spouse of that former POW to retain the plates and decal subject to specified conditions. Extends the fee exemption until the death of the surviving spouse. Commentary: 2-year bill Position: NoPosition CA AB 585 AUTHOR: Cook (R) TITLE: Deceased Personalities LAST AMEND: 04/21/2010 LOCATION:

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Chaptered SUMMARY: Expands the definition of deceased personality under existing law that establishes a cause of action for damages on behalf of specified injured parties for the unauthorized uses of a deceased personality’s name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness for commercial purposes within 70 years of the personality’s death to include any natural person whose name, voice, signature, photo, or likeness has commercial value at the time of his or her death. Commentary: May be dead -Author resigned fromAssembly Amended - taken over by Assemblyman Cook

ganization to provide substance abuse and mental health services to veterans and to pay reasonable administrative expenses. Requires the department to develop a process to certify such organizations. Permits certain counties to apply for a grant to be used for these purposes. Position: Support CA AB 1088 AUTHOR: Fletcher (R) TITLE: Taxpayer Contributions: State Veterans Homes Fund

Position: Watch

LAST AMEND: 03/01/2010

CA AB 674 AUTHOR: Salas (D)

COMMITTEE: Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee

TITLE: Criminal Procedures: Veterans LAST AMEND: 01/25/2010 LOCATION: Senate Public Safety Committee SUMMARY: Relates criminal procedures when a defendant charged with a crime alleges specified mental health problems stemming from military service in the United States military. Requires a court to make a determination as to whether the defendant was, or is, in the military. Authorizes the court to request an assessment whether the defendant is suffering from certain disorders. Requires to the court and the treatment program to collaborate with specified agencies to maximize benefits and services. Commentary: VVA sponsor of amended version Position: Support CA AB 710 AUTHOR: Yamada (D) TITLE: Veterans: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services LAST AMEND: 07/15/2009 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to consult with the State Departments of Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Programs to identify federal funds that are available for the purposes of funding community-based or-

HEARING: 06/09/2010 1:30 pm, Rose Ann Vuich Hearing Room (2040) SUMMARY: Allows individuals to designate on their tax returns that a specified amount in excess of their tax liability be transferred to the State Veterans Homes Fund created by this bill. Requires the expenditure of all moneys in the fund for administrative costs and for distribution into the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Fund for each of the veterans homes. Requires any funds remaining in the Veterans’ Quality of Life Fund to be transferred to the State Veterans’ Homes Fund. Position: Support CA AB 1340 AUTHOR: Lowenthal B (D) TITLE: Special Absentee Voters LAST AMEND: 08/17/2009 LOCATION: Senate Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Relates to absentee voters. Gives a special absentee voter who are temporarily living outside of the United States, or the District of Columbia, or are called for military service a specified amount of time after an election to return a ballot to the appropriate elections official. Requires an elections official to report to the Secretary of State information regarding absentee ballots to appropriate policy committees of the Legislature. Commentary: SOS sponsored bill Position:

Support CA AB 1378 AUTHOR: Perez V (D) TITLE: Workforce Investment Board: Veterans’ Workforce Program LAST AMEND: 01/04/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee HEARING: 06/09/2010 9:30 am, Rose Ann Vuich Hearing Room (2040) SUMMARY: Establishes the veterans’ Workforce Accountability Act to provide a method for the comprehensive and transparent evaluation of expenditures for veterans workforce development programs in the state. Requires the Workforce Investment Board to conduct an annual assessment of those programs and to implement and administer provisions of the act. Requires an annual report on the effectiveness of existing jobs skills development, training, and referral programs for veterans. Position: Support CA AB 1569 AUTHOR: Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee TITLE: Veterans: National Guard: State Interagency Council LAST AMEND: 03/15/2010 LOCATION: Senate Veterans Affairs Committee SUMMARY: Creates the State Interagency Council on Veterans Services and Programs for the purpose of bringing together key state agencies, departments, federal officials, legislative representatives, local governments, and stakeholder organizations to ensure that the state’s programs that serve veterans are efficiently administered and properly integrated with federal and local government and other stakeholder organizations. Commentary: 3/15/10-Gut & Amend Position: Support CA AB 1593 AUTHOR: Yamada (D)

California AMVETS Voice—7

TITLE: Adult Day Health Care Centers LAST AMEND: 05/28/2010 LOCATION: SENATE SUMMARY: Adds specified veterans homes of California to the list of applicants that are not subject to the moratorium on certification and enrollment of adult day health care centers. Position: Watch CA AB 1644 AUTHOR: Nielsen (R) TITLE: Veterans’ Remains LAST AMEND: 06/02/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Veterans Affairs Committee HEARING: 06/22/2010 1:30 pm, Rose Ann Vuich Hearing Room (2040) SUMMARY: Allows prescribed entities in possession of the cremated remains of a veteran to release specified information and remains to a veterans’ service organization. Requires the organization to take steps to inter the remains. Exempts from civil liability, except for willful misconduct, an entity that release the information or remains after meeting the conditions. Exempts from negligence such organization that receives and inters remains if the organization believes all the conditions have been met. Commentary: VVA sponsor Position: Support CA AB 1703 AUTHOR: Knight (R) TITLE: Nursing Assumption Program of Loans for Education LAST AMEND: 03/18/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Education Committee HEARING: 06/16/2010 8:30 am, Burton Hearing Room (4203)

Provides for an additional loan assumption per year for a participant that completes qualified clinical registered nursing service at a state-operated veterans’ home under the State Nursing Assumption Program of Loans for Education. Adds active military duty in the United States Armed Forces to the list of occurrences that would authorize the extension of the term of a loan assumption agreement under the program. Position: Support CA AB 1729 AUTHOR: Yamada (D) TITLE: Civil Service Examinations: Veterans’ Preference LAST AMEND: 03/18/2010 LOCATION: Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee SUMMARY: Amends the State Civil Service Act that provides if a member of the Armed Forces successfully passes a state civil service examination and becomes qualified for the veterans’ preferences within 6 months after the establishment of the employment list, he or she is entitled to receive the additional points at that time. Extends the time in which a member of the Armed Forces may receive the additional points to 12 months after the establishment of the employment list. Position: Support CA AB 1757 AUTHOR: Monning (D) TITLE: Veterans Cemetery

CA AB 1829 AUTHOR: Cook (R) TITLE: Military Decorations: Fraud LOCATION: Senate Public Safety Committee SUMMARY: Amends existing law that provides any person who, orally, in writing, or by wearing any military decoration, falsely represents himself or herself to have been awarded any military decoration with the intent to defraud is guilty of an infraction. Provides that the offense is a misdemeanor and would exempt face-to-face solicitation involving less than a specified amount. Commentary: VVA sponsored Position: Support CA AB 1855 AUTHOR: Yamada (D) TITLE: Vehicles: Disabled Person or Disabled Veteran Placard LAST AMEND: 04/20/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Transportation and Housing Committee HEARING: 06/15/2010 1:30 pm, Burton Hearing Room (4203) SUMMARY: Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to advise in writing an applicant for a disabled person’s or disabled veteran’s placard that he or she may be eligible to apply for a special li-

cense plate or plates that are exempt from the payment of the registration fee and license fee. Position: Watch CA AB 1896 AUTHOR: Jeffries (R) TITLE: Alcoholic Beverage Control LAST AMEND: 05/28/2010 LOCATION: SENATE SUMMARY: Amends existing law that relates to the use of military identification cards as proof of age for purposes of purchasing or consuming alcoholic beverages. Specifies that a valid identification card issued to a member of the Armed Forces that includes the date of birth and a photo of the person would, under all circumstances constitute bona fide evidence of age. Position: Support CA AB 1908 AUTHOR: Cook (R) TITLE: Vehicles: Specialized License Plates: Veterans LAST AMEND: 03/11/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Veterans Affairs Committee HEARING: 06/22/2010 1:30 pm, Rose Ann Vuich Hearing Room (2040) SUMMARY:

LAST AMEND: 05/28/2010 LOCATION: SENATE SUMMARY: Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs, in voluntary cooperation with the Board of Supervisors of the County of Monterey, the City of Seaside, the Fort Ord Reuse Authority, and local agencies to design, develop, and construct the Central Coast Veterans Cemetery at Fort Ord; provides procedures for funding the project and for the review of preliminary plans and working drawings. Position: Support


8—California AMVETS Voice

Vol. 14, No. 2

Authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs to modify the distinctive design or decal for veterans’ organization license plates. Authorizes the newly designed plates or decals to be issued only after all existing plats or decals have been issued. Deletes the requirement that one-half of the additional fee be deposited in the State Environmental License Plate Fund. Requires all revenue, less Department of Motor Vehicle’s cost, to be deposited in the Veterans Service Office Fund.

Position: Support CA AB 1945 AUTHOR: Fletcher (R) TITLE: Taxation: Military Housing LAST AMEND: 04/05/2010

Commentary: CACVSO sponsored Position: Support CA AB 1925 AUTHOR: Salas (D) TITLE: Diversion: Veterans Courts LAST AMEND: 05/28/2010


SUMMARY: Authorizes a county assessor, if the military requires the property tax savings resulting from improvements on leased property used for military housing to be held in a reserve account for use in future project construction, to levy an escape assessment within 4 years after a certain date of the assessment year in which the property tax savings are withdrawn from the reserve account.

LOCATION: SENATE SUMMARY: Authorizes superior courts to develop and implement veterans courts for eligible veterans of the United States military for creation of a court-supervised veterans mental health program that leads to the placement of as many mentally ill offenders who are veterans of the United States military, including those with posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, military sexual trauma, substance abuse or any mental health problem stemming from military service, in community treatment. Commentary: VVA-sponsor Position: Support

Position: Watch CA AB 1948 AUTHOR: Knight (R) TITLE: Property Taxation: Disabled Veterans’ Exemption


Position: Watch CA AB 1984 AUTHOR: Nielsen (R)

TITLE: Vehicles: Special License Plates: Disabled Veterans

LOCATION: Senate Veterans Affairs Committee SUMMARY: Establishes new requirements for the issuance of a special license plate to a disabled veteran that would require that the United States Department of Veterans Affairs certify on a form prescribed by the Department of Motor Vehicles that the veteran is disabled as a result of an injury or disease suffered while on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States.

Vol. 14, No. 2

LOCATION: Assembly Revenue and Taxation Commit-

SUMMARY: Extends the time period the claimant has to subsequently file an appropriate claim for homestead exemption from 30 days to 90 days of receipt of the disability rating from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

CA AB 1944 AUTHOR: Fletcher (R)

LAST AMEND: 05/03/2010

LOCATION: Assembly Revenue and Taxation Commit-


TITLE: Highways: County Signs: Honoring VeterLOCATION: Assembly Transportation Committee

SUMMARY: Amends existing law that authorizes county officials to place and maintain on any sate or county highway within their jurisdictions, signs stating or adding “Where We Honor Veterans”. Position: Watch

CA AB 2087 AUTHOR: Torres (D) TITLE: Veterans’ Farm And Home Purchases: Definition: Home LAST AMEND: 04/19/2010 LOCATION: SENATE SUMMARY: Amends existing law that provides for farm and home purchase benefits for qualifying veterans under the Veterans’ Farm and Home Purchase Act of 1974, and subsequent acts, which are collectively referred to as the CalVet Home Loan program. Expands the definition of home to include residences with 2 to 4 units, inclusive, that satisfy specified requirements and that are only occupied by veterans and their families. Position: Support CA AB 2115 AUTHOR: Knight (R) TITLE: Firearms: Concealed Firearms License: Veterans LOCATION: Assembly Public Safety Committee SUMMARY: Provides if a person seeking a concealed handgun license is a veteran, that no good cause would need to be shown for such issuance. Position: Watch CA AB 2143 AUTHOR: Gilmore (R) TITLE: Workforce Development: Veterans: Report LAST AMEND: 06/01/2010 LOCATION: SENATE SUMMARY: Requires the Employment Development Department to submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and to appropriate policy committees of the Legislature, regarding the department’s veterans employment and job training programs and suggested options for a governance and management model to increase program integration and coordina-

tion, improve service delivery efficiency, and enhance program performance. Position: Watch CA AB 2156 AUTHOR: Evans (D) TITLE: Military and Veterans: Veterans’ Home Allied Council LAST AMEND: 04/08/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Veterans Affairs Committee HEARING: 06/22/2010 1:30 pm, Rose Ann Vuich Hearing Room (2040) SUMMARY: Permits the Veterans’ Home Allied Council to represent veterans who reside in a veterans’ home in matters before the Legislature if the council, in the course of providing that representation, complies with specified requirements. Position: Watch CA AB 2159 AUTHOR: Anderson (R) TITLE: Postsecondary Education LAST AMEND: 04/08/2010 LOCATION: Assembly Appropriations Committee SUMMARY: Amends existing that establishes uniform student residency requirement of public postsecondary educational institutions. Entitles a student who was a member of the armed forces of the United States to resident classification under certain conditions. Position: Support CA AB 2309 AUTHOR: Fletcher (R) TITLE: Veterans Home of California LAST AMEND: 05/03/2010 COMMITTEE: Senate Veterans Affairs Committee HEARING:

California AMVETS Voice—9


A leader since 1944 in preserving the freedoms secured by America’s armed forces, AMVETS provides support for veterans and the active military in procuring their earned entitlements, as well as community service and legislative reform that enhances the quality of A life for this nation’s veterans alike. M citizens and V RS










ET E AMVETS is onesince of the largest congressionally-chartered veterans’ S RID A leader 1944 in preserving the service organizations States, and includes members from freedoms securedin the by United America’s armed RIDERS eachforces, branch AMVETS of the military, including the National Guard and Reserves. provides support for For more information, visit www.amvets.org. veterans and the active military in proMEMbERShIp ApplIcAtIon

curing their earned entitlements, as Riders: or anyone interested in joining. well as community serviceAMVETS and legislaPlease the time to visit www.avradio.org, we are using this tive reform that enhances thetake qualRadio Station for ity of life for this nation’s citizens and a Membership Drive and to promote our project RIDER EMbERShIp • Membership in theM National AMVETS Riders shall be limited to memCamp Hope. Please share this site with all your posts. veterans alike. bers in good standing of AMVETS, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, and Sons of • Membership in the National AMVETS Riders shall Bull Durham 1ST. V. Pres. AMVETS. AMVETS is one of Roger the largest be limited to members in good standing of AMVETS, Nat. AMVETS Riders 574-583-9410 • Members must be the or be the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, andlegally Sons ofregistered AMVETS. owner of a motorcycle congressionally-chartered veterans’ spouse of the legally registered owner within the state of registration. service organizations in the United • Members must be the legally registered owner of a States, includes members from • Members must show for membership application a VALID Stateand Drivers motorcycle or be the spouse of the legally registered each branch of License with athe Motorcycle endorsement, A VALID State Motorcycle Registra-the military, including owner within state of registration. the National Guard and Reserves. For tion, and PROOF of insurance meeting State and Federal Regulations to the • Members must show for membership application a more information, visit Chapter President and one other elected officer. VALID State Drivers License with a Motorcycle www. AMvEtS . oRghe . following information is to help our returning veterans suffering • There will be no HONORARY memberships in endorsement, A VALID State Motorcycle Registration, from PTSD/TBI to secure employment. and PROOF Departments of insurance meeting State and Federal National, or Chapters of the AMVETS Riders.  The DOL has undertaken a project that focuses on the employRegulations to the Chapter President and one other elected officer. ment challenges of service members returning to the United States with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or Post-Traumatic Stress • There will be no HONORARY memberships in Disorder(PTSD). The goal of the project is to educate employers and the art ofRiders. Chapman Law's new Military National, Departments or Chapters of the AMVETS RIDE YOUR FELLOW workforce development system onFOR TBI and PTSD as well asVETERANS... on accommoPersonnel Law Center, the AMVETS BECOMEThis ONE OF US dations they can make for these individuals. website is TODAY designed to be RIDING FOR THOSE WHO SERVE Legal Clinic is housed in the first a link to information and tools that will help service members, primarily floor of the law school building. As the returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, affected by TBI and/or PTSD succeed name implies, the AMVETS Legal Clinic in the workplace. Some of the resources include: job sharing, coaching and is a cooperative effort with AMVETS mentoring programs, fact sheets, training tools and success stories. For all Department of California, a non-profit organization that is committed to veterans these resources please visit: www.AmericasHeroesAtWork.gov  and community service. Another key supporting partner is Brandman University, whose campuses provide satellite office space for clinic participants in the Western United States. Some campuses are on military bases, and many others are near to the law school. Eventually, the arrangement will allow the Chapman clinic to serve all of California and its 200,000 military families spread over 27 Question from Steve Nichols, Post 26 bases. Second- and third-year students at Chapman handle all facets of cases, unot a question in regards to programs reporting, in the latest der the supervision of faculty members and private attorneys. “This is a great issue of the “Voice” I read in your editorials that stand down opportunity for Chapman students to practice a specialized kind of law as the meetings and mileage can’t go on the programs report. clinic also meets a vital community need,” said Kyndra K. Rotunda, Director The East Bay Stand down is in August. It is the biggest Stand Down in the of the Military Personnel Law Center and Visiting Assistant Professor of Law USA. We have had AMVETS working (physically) for the past 2 months. at Chapman. The Family Violence Clinic, the Alona Cortese Elder Law Center They are going to places like PG&E. to get old computers to use at the and the Tax Law Clinic are among the other opportunities for students to learn stand down. We have AMVETS working at the site with AT&T, We have by doing while also serving those in need. AMVETS at the site working with electricians and we have AMVETS Contact: krotunda@chapman.edu working on the camp layout. This stand down takes 6 months to put together. Not to mention the AMVETS working on procuring goods needed. Fax: 714.628.2576 I understand that meetings are not worth reporting, but I strongly Mail: Kyndra Rotunda, disagree. AMVETS who are physically out volunteering to get things set up should be recognized and get credit for their efforts. If this reporting program is Military Personnel Law Center to be an accurate record of AMVETS out working, I think it should be reported. Chapman University School of Law I know you aren’t the person who makes these decisions. Would you please forward this e-mail to the National Programs Director? This is not right!

Rider Membership

America’s Heroes At Work

AMVETS Legal Clinic





One University Drive Orange, CA 92866

10—California AMVETS Voice

Regards, Steve Nichols

Vol. 14, No. 2



he policy is that “meetings” and mileage to drive to “meetings” is not to be reported. Regardless if it is a regular post meeting, dept meeting, NEC meeting, Stand Down meeting, etc. We have thousands of “meetings” taking place where members/officers/chairpersons sit in meetings for minutes and/or hours discussing many different issues including programs.

What you have referenced are AMVETS “working” on a program and that should be reported. Keep it simple; meetings are not to be reported. Post plans/agrees and delegates/appoints members to go with, execute a program. The Chair of the Program should make certain volunteer hours spent “working” on the preparation for the program and executing the program are to be reported. Said another way, “meetings,” members/officers sitting in admin sessions discussing, argu-

2009 AMVETS Scholarship Recipient Dear AMVETS, Hope all is well! As you may remember, my name is Brianna Pang (from Skyline High School in Oakland, CA), and I was one of the 2009 AMVETS scholarship recipients. I concluded my freshman year approximately two weeks ago, and would like to provide an update of my progress. I want to thank you so much for your financial support throughout the past year. It means a lot to me that I have the generous support of such a wonderful organization and excellent group of people. My senior year of high school was filled with uncertainty. As I prepared for the next chapter of my life, I only knew of one thing: I wanted to go to college. After extreme dedication and hard work, I was able to receive the oncein-a-lifetime chance to attend the prestigious Stanford University despite my status as a first generation Oakland public school student from a working-class Chinese immigrant family. I began classes in September 2009. Fall quarter was extremely tough, because I felt constrained by labels. What if I wasn’t good enough? What if Stanford had made a mistake? Maybe I wasn’t cut out to attend a private school with children of the elite, I thought. I was scared of failing, stressed out that my education provided a financial burden on my parents, and terrified of becoming a college dropout after making it so far. However, I worked hard, pulled the necessary all-nighters to finish all the work, and stayed determined to succeed – and I am happy to report that though my GPA is not in the same shape as it had been in high school, I finished my freshman year with a 3.67. Though I have yet to declare my major, I can safely say that I am slightly closer to the right direction. Prior to attending college, I felt that my interests were in public health and pre-medical studies, but I realized that my interests actually lie in more preventative measures: education. Lack of education is the root of many of today’s societal problems: ignorance is not bliss, to say the least. After taking many social science classes and being mentored by political science, psychology, and education professors, I am also committed to performing social justice work in my future career. I am contemplating a major in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, and I hope to pursue a Masters degree in educational policy within the Stanford School of Education. If my co-terminal degree aspirations work out, I hope to finish both my bachelors and masters by 2013 (a four-year plan). I am extremely interested in urban education, educational policy, language acquisition, and education as an international human right. In addition, I plan to attend law school after graduation to pursue a career in public interest law. Throughout the past year, I was able to interact closely with a Law School professor (Bill Koski) in the Education Clinic, who is one of the leading lawyers in the educational finance case against the State of California. (Robles Wong vs. California) He has inspired me to work in educational law, alongside my previously acquired interests in international public health and environmental policy. In addition to my academic pursuits, I was able to keep up several different activities. I was an intern for the Stanford NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), where I presented workshops on environmental justice for minorities, organized inspirational speaker events for ethnic minority communities, and developed plans for beginning a high

Vol. 14, No. 2

ing, perhaps planning what needs to occur is not a PROGRAM, nor are the miles driven to all of those meetings. The actual hours spent working on Program prep and actual Program execution is what should be reported.  Beryl W. Love AMVETS National Programs Director C’3 - Cooperate / Coordinate / Communicate

school chapter to educate students about interracial understanding. I was also a “Frosh Fellow” for The Stanford Daily (newspaper); I was even promoted to Staff Writer and Copy Editor in winter quarter. I was able to develop both my writing and communication skills, along with network with many different professors/students. My work can be read on the Daily website at http:// www.stanforddaily.com/author/briannapang/. I was additionally involved in the Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs (as an assistant editor and copy editor), Green Living Council (as my dorm’s only Green Living Coordinator), the Asian American Students Association (in the mentoring program with KIPP San Jose High School), and In2Books (as a mentor). In my free time, I performed monologues submitted by Stanford students with STAMP (Stanford Theater Activist Mobilization Project) about mental health and body image at local high schools, especially to raise awareness about suicide/depression prevention. Finally, I kept up a job with the Stanford Calling Center as a University fundraising caller to relieve more of my parents’ financial problems. Next year, I plan to pursue the same activities – though with an addition of teaching a student initiated course in the philosophy in winter quarter and of an public interest law internship with the San Mateo Hall of Justice, through the AmeriCorps program called JusticeCorps. Luckily, I was able to get involved with the research at Stanford. I am currently a research assistant in a Psychology lab, called the Mind, Culture, Society lab. I have been collecting data and develop a study on perception of change and how it relates to race. In addition, I am a research assistant with the Martin Luther King Research and Education Institute, where I have had the opportunity to read through many documents written by Martin Luther King, Jr. and others around him in the 1960s. This summer, I plan to continue to pursue my interests in education by teaching English abroad. I will be flying into Hungary on June 22nd for a teacher training with the 501c3 nonprofit organization Learning Enterprisesand will be teaching in Croatia for three weeks and then Romania for another three weeks. After my stint with Learning Enterprises is done, I will be flying into rural China (Guanxi Province) to teach English there as well, for approximately three weeks. I hope to develop my interest in international education. More importantly, I plan to learn more and observe these education systems in preparation for an honors thesis I plan to write in my sophomore/junior years. I plan to blog about my summer on briannapang.wordpress.com, if you would like to stay updated. I have many aspirations for the remainder of my college career, and I would like to thank AMVETS for your continued support. Your financial support was the jumpstart I needed to pursue my goals, and I cannot explain how grateful I am to have such wonderful patronage! Please let me know if I can help out in any way. Please stay in close contact – my contact information is below. If you know of any students who would like to talk to a college student about the college experience or the process of applying to college, I would love to help out! Thank you again for your support! Sincerely, Brianna Pang Stanford University, Class of 2013 510-318-1325 briannapang@gmail.com

California AMVETS Voice—11


October 1st and 2nd FRIDAY - SATURDAY MARRIOTT BAKERSFIELD 801 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661) 323-1900 Fax. (805) 928-5690 Rooms: $90.04 (single/ double) Cut off date for reservations is Sept 6th, 2010 Delegate fees are still only $10.00, pre-registration is greatly appreciated. Everyone who sends in their preregistration with money will have their name entered into the dept. raffle Department will pay mileage for 2 delegates from each post to attend PLEASE CUT & RETURN BELOW INFORMATION TO THE DEPT. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR with check ASAP









Vol. 14, No. 2

Veteran Videos:

What is the “Veterans Helping Veterans” TV series and why do we need Veteran participation?


he “VHV TV” is a platform, a way for veterans to have their voices heard. We want to present a way for veterans to submit their videos, in a 3 to 8 minute roll in segment and recorded on a memory card or DV cam tape. How do you present issues and concerns that veterans may have from whether it is obtaining entitlements and/or community activities? You ask for help. We have a TV series on the internet at www.vecsamnet.org and have produced the “Veterans Helping Veterans” TV series for 16 years. Recently, we received a grant from AMVETS CA to keep our cable access television series going. So now, I need your help. We do the studio tapings at the Media Center in Palo Alto, CA. We now have the capability of getting out of the studio and do “on the street” type of interviews. So I need video from AMVETS members who want to see their activities on the internet TV series, “Veterans Helping Veterans.” So far, this year we have produced 2 television programs on PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The most recent program, “The Truth about PTSD” was done at the Media Center studio in May and soon will be online. Tell me your stories, what your post does in the community; how you make a positive difference. It is easy to get a handheld camera and have your friends interview you. Tell me your story and do it by video. We are accepting 3 to 8 minute segments. The format should be AVI and you can submit the video on SD cards or DV cam tape. You will also have to sign a Talent Release. For more details, please e-mail me at sherylalexa@verizon.net or call 951-654-7307. Dear Oprah show producer: Why was the program on PTSD postponed? I have given you professional contacts, and have more that I can submit. Veterans ask me what has happened, Why was this postponed? PTSD is an important issue and deserves to be on a national platform. If I said something to you Erin that offended you, please forgive me. I am trying to bring national attention to this topic, and my resources are limited. Producer Jim Kelly contacted me to ask for my resources in mid-November. Recently, we did a TV program called “What is the Truth about PTSD?” I have interviewed 2 experts, a mental health professional, Dr. Bridgit C. Cantrell and Stacey M. Sprenkel, attorney from Morrison and Foerster Law Firm in San Francisco. If I over reached in my last letter, and submission of the “Unique Challenges of Women Veterans” DVD and you are not doing this because I asked for an opportunity to present my concept to the Oprah Winfrey Network in Beverly Hills, again I apologize. The important thing, really, is to bring this topic of PTSD to a national audience. The public desperately needs to be educated on this issue of PTSD, what to look for and how to get help for veterans. We sincerely hope thatApplications our latest program encourage you toMerchandise reconsider and to About Tour Schedules FAQ will Programs Donate Contact do a program on this topic. I do not need to be a guest on the Oprah Show but some of these guests should be on to help present this important topic on Oprah.

Why the Buzz About Honor In Honor of Flight Northern California? Our



ome of you might not know that Honor Flight Network tm was adopted at the HONOR FLIGHT Network is our National AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Convention in Orlando, Florida 2008,to way of paying a smallintribute as a National project under Americanism. Honor Flightthose Northern California is a who gave so much—a rewarding sanctioned HUB of Honor Flight Network. You can find it listed on their website. Leomemorable, P. Simonsafe, Postand 1996 and TOUR of HONOR!!! Ladies Auxiliary adopted Honor Flight Northern California as one of several post and auxiliary projects. Honor Flight is a great opportunity for AMVETS and their auxiliaries to help our WWII Veterans. Everyone, of course, is encouraged to raise money for this project. Another way to help is to volunteer to be a guardian. California’s AMVETS is truly in the forefront of this gift to WWII veterans, not only with 6 of 7 board members belonging to Honor Flight Northern California, but also because the AMVETS Dept. of California Service Foundation has donated grants to get these ladies and gentlemen safely on this journey. Honor Flight Northern California is seeking volunteers to be guardians on flights to Washington, DC with our WWII heroes. This is one way veterans can help veterans. Many past and current guardians are veterans, so consider this opportunity to be with living history. Training for guardians is being planned for July in Southern California. Contact Tom or Debbi Johnson, at 530-357-3380 for more information. Dave Cockrill, Post 1996 Commander 2010/2011 has been a guardian two times. Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America's veterans for all their sacrifices. We transport

Vol. 14, No. 2

Watch video coverage of the recent tour when HBO honored veterans of the Pacific.

AMVETS ARE ONLINE Check out the websites of some of our posts to see what they are up to. If you find a site you like contact the post to learn how you can set up your own. Post 2 amvetspost2.com Post 6 www.amvetpost6.org Post 11 www.humboldt.net/veteran/post11 Post 26 amvets26@yahoo.com Post 40 www.caamvets40.org Post 53 www.vecsamnet.org/amvts53 Post 85 montereybayamvets.com Post 311 varstowamvets311@yahoo.com Post 940 amvetspost940.org Post 1240 amvets1240.us Post 1775 vfwlamesa.org Post 1996 rhmercer.org/amvets Post 9126 amvets9126@yahoo.com

California AMVETS Voice—13

Department Conven Department Commander Byrum with National 1st Vice Hotop

 Eileen & Maria, Credentials Desk Modesto, 2010


Ann Reeder (Post 116) AMVET of the Year

 14—California AMVETS Voice

Vol. 14, No. 2


ntion Modesto


GOLDEN STATE AWARD Post 101 with Golden State Award

 Woman of the year 2010 Benny Aginiga

Vol. 14, No. 2

California AMVETS Voice—15


Concord Termite Control

Core-Mark International Inc.


Parker Hannifin Corporation

Internet Business Applications

San Francisco Fire Protection

Jeanette Martin State Farm Agent


Martinez Used Cars

Otto Instrument Service Inc.

Matt Katicich


Patrick Griffin Plaster

Alexander’s Moving & Storage

Pizza Patron

Best Western Frontier Motel

Redi Room

Fpi Management Inc.

Sbe Quality Acoustics

Heckman & Pull Inc.

Si Manufacturing

Ingenium Technical Services

Valley Mobile Service

Intro Foods

Valley Pharmacy

Mobile Choice

Velascos Mexican Restaurant

Mr. John Macharg

Zebron Corp.

Precision Wireless Service

Zmw Inc.

CORPORATE A New Me Access Compliance Consultants Afinety Inc. Alto Corralitos Ranch

Deadlines for Quarterly Submissions by Issue

Asl Pharmacy

Bacome Insurance Agency

Chaste Tree Park Combat Medical Llc Command One Security 16—California AMVETS Voice

Issue Convention Book Vol. 14, No. 3 Vol. 14, No. 4 Vol. 15, No. 1 Vol. 15, No. 2

Deadline April 1 September 1 December 1 March 1 June 1 Vol. 14, No. 2

Post 2

POST Reports Submitted by Commander Ray Delgado


ost 2 has held post meetings every third Saturday of each month at the Pete Valdez sr. AMVETS Post 2 10858 Culver Blvd. Culver City CA 90230. Our Honor guard has done three burials a month since June 2009. Commander has traveled 4,500 miles and 450 hours of service. On memorial day Post 2 Honor Guard Post Colors at National Cemetery West Los Angeles. May 31, 2010.

Post 4

to non-veteran groups. We need to correct this asap or our veterans land will be lost in the near future. Submitted By Ray Delgado, Post 2 Commander e-mail delmon99@prodigy.net 310-462-3654 Below: Gordon Baugh, Cmdr Byrum, Gale Hawthorne and Greg Raffa

By Adjutant Greg Raffa


ur members of the Maurice Johannesen AMVETS Post 4 of Bella Vista needed a veteran of integrity, honesty and promote the values of respect. We nominated and elected Roger “Yellowknife” Cauthen as our new Commander. Roger is a USMC Vietnam Veteran. For the past several years Roger has carried the Eagle Staff for the Hu’ puss Witam all Native Color Guard for ceremonies of all types. Roger travels to local area schools bringing animal hides, the tipi, stories and the Dawi Drum to help the youth learn more about their culture, their history and what it means to be respectful. He has touched thousands of both youth and elders visiting schools, elderly care facilities, multi-cultural events, the Veterans Cemetery, as well as many other places and events such as bringing the DAWI Drum to the 911 Memorial in Shasta Lake City. In addition to conducting weddings and funeral ceremonies, Roger is also responsible for coordinating the “Village” at the Stillwater POW WOW to educate people about traditional ways. Having traveled for the past nine years to South Dakota to help his family and elders he has developed a strong connection to his ancestors and his heritage that feeds his spirit. Spending 2-3 months each year in South Dakota with family allows him to give back to the people of this community. Honoring the ways of his ancestors, he does not teach the people but rather “feeds” the people just as he has been fed by his elders. Roger “Yellowknife” prays for ALL the people. It is evident in his actions that Roger lives his life according to traditional beliefs that we are all related and are connected in the circle of life. As a brand new post, this year we participated in the 1st ever Veterans Outreach Service Officer Program from our AMVETS Service Foundation SO Gary Douglas. Over 35 veterans were processed; Free Veterans Outreach Membership went from our membership of 38 to 129 new Annual Members to our Bella Vista AMVETS Post4. We thank Gary Douglas for doing Gods Works for Veterans and their Families. We participated in the 1st AMVETS Legislation

Vol. 14, No. 2

On May 17, 2010 Post 2 had its installation of officers by Cephys Daniels. February 2010 Post 2 held A super Bowl party for patients from West Los Angeles Medical at AMVETS Hall In Culver City. December 17 Post 2 held a Christmas Party for the membership and friends. Post 2 has been on watch. Per the land grab. As Post 2 Commander the people of the West Los Angeles Medical Center are still leasing VA property

Day at the Sacramento State Capitol. Issuing Legislation Proclamations to our respective Legislators. We then outreached to the Moffet Field Veterans Outreach Meeting and signed up founder John Keith of the OIF Veterans Community. Members Steve Jorgensen (Director of the Northern California Veterans Cemetery), AMVETS Post 4 Finance Officer Gordon Baugh and myself listened and participated and taught the TEAM Veterans Outreach at Moffet Field what AMVETS is doing and will do in the future. Mary Ellen Salsazor Mediator did a fantastic job bringing in civilian and VA experts in fields of health and learning about a court set-up for just veterans and their issues, the first of its kind in California. Veterans joined from the states of Alaska, different counties of California, Iowa, Oregon, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, teaching the history of AMVETS and where we are going in helping all Veterans and their Loved Ones, and supporting our communities with our different programs that are available from AMVETS. We attended and donated food to the 1st Annual Armed Forces Day MIAP/OGR Food Drive Program working with members Fred Salanti (Founder of MIAP), new member President of OGR BIG Bill Holt. We offered our White Clover Program to the Redding Cowboys Pancake Breakfast, and participated at Redding K-Mart and Mighty Fine Foods of Bella Vista, CA. We presented a framed Certificate and Scholarship to Senior Cadet Nathan Baker of the Navy JR.ROTC Enterprise High School of Redding, CA. We bought lunch and gave a groundbreaking t-shirt to our AMVETS State Commander Johnny Byrum at our Redding Veterans Home Groundbreaking Ceremony. We introduced Commander Johnny Byrum to our Veteran and American friends up here in the north state. Our AMVETS Post 4 hosted a barbeque for our members to meet and talk with our AMVETS

CA Commander Johnny Byrum. Gale Hawthorne, our Judge Advocate, Committee Chairman of American Indian Tribes Outreach and Captain of the Hu’ puus Witam Color Guard presented AMVETS Commander Johnny Byrum the Hu’ puus Witam Color Guard Circle of Life T-Shirt. We are very proud of our TEAM Membership and Officers of AMVETS Post 4, and we look forward to the future participating in our community. We have adopted Boy Scout Troop 59 of Shasta Lake City and signed up Scoutmaster Matt Puckett doing a marriage of support for our post and their kids. Shasta Lake City has an unemployment rate higher than 60%, and these kids need our help. A distress call went out from AMVETS Executive Director and Lew Derfuss by email if our AMVETS Post 4 could help a veteran in need. Shawn Frederick’s was contacted by our Judge Advocate, and we found he was of Cherokee descent. We went into action, empowered him to get the help he needed in saving his home, and now he is a member of our post. Shawn like many other veterans afterwards, knew AMVETS speaks louder than words, they walk the talk and our actions spoke louder than any other Veterans Service Organization. Gale Hawthorne our Judge Advocate will be giving classes on the Robert Rules of Order, we will also be offering classes on Membership, Gordon Baugh

California AMVETS Voice—17

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 4, cont.

our Finance Officer will be giving Finance Officer Classes on transparency & safeguarding the post integrity, Public Relations and Service Officer works on dealing with veterans needs and how to empower them to fight for their god given rights as American Veterans. We also will be teaching AMVETS Programs and how we can support these programs throughout our community. We are also in charge this year, two members of our post, Mike Wiley and myself will be running the Veterans Day Program for the 11th Month, the 11th Day, and the 11 Hour this year. We are working hard up here to do even more as we grow and we personally thank our AMVETS State Commander Johnny Byrum, 1st Vice Commander Dennis Starkey, FO Phil Plascencia, Executive Director Rose Blackman, Service Officer Gary Douglas, AMVETS Service Foundation President Jim Pigeon and Executive Director Douglas Bradley, and Doc Kissel Judge Advocate for watching us and teaching us the right values, and allowing us the opportunity to be apart of CA. AMVETS TEAM. We encourage AMVETS in the state of California to get involved with the Collaboration Veterans Outreach Program being developed in the North, Central and South parts of California. There is a great need to help our veterans find jobs, save their homes, help them understand their entitlements. We have to push harder in outreaching veterans that have BTI, PTSD, Migraine Headaches, Joint Aching Problems, Depleted Uranium, Poisoning, Vaccine A Illnesses. We need to show them there is hope, there is help and there is a place in AMVETS for them. Our AMVETS Post 4 has experienced the younger veterans anguish and pain. We need to always be there for them, by praying and showing compassion and understanding. Many veterans do want to get involved and when they do; their experience of ailments drives them away from AMVETS with their desperate need for understanding and affection.

things. AMVETS now more than ever needs to step up to the plate and have their own Needs Assessment, and always be in the corner, in the background and be out front helping our sons and daughters, our brother and mothers from different mothers, these veterans are our number one priority returning home from the Mideast. God's speed.

We have lost three young veterans, and picked up other young veterans. Each young veteran has had their own distinct issues. One of our own now is in the BTI Unit at Martinez VA Medical Center, working hard to understand and deal with his pain and his sorrow of not being accepted in our society scheme of

The Commander with Chief Van Ausdahl.

Post 6


t the San Jose Municipal Firing Range on Saturday 24 April, cadets from Mt. Pleasant High School’s Marine Corps JROTC Shooting Team used new equipment made possible by a grant from the California and Post 6 AMVETS. The equipment included Daisy Model 887 air rifles with upgraded handstops and the CO2 tank for filling. AMVETS Post 6 conducted the monthly flag lowering ceremony to honor fallen veterans on 25 April at Oak Hill Cemetery in San Jose. Lowering, folding, and presenting the flag to Post 6 Commander Jim Reese were 4 cadets from Mt. Pleasant High School’s Marine Corps JROTC program. LTC Clough Post 6 member in uniform. Support provided by the USMC, which was vital to the success of the mission. There were about 30 in the guest gallery. Also present were members Gene and Don MacDougall. Visit our website

www.amvets-ca.org 18—California AMVETS Voice

Vol. 14, No. 2

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 18

Submitted by Ivan Ashbaugh


uring this reporting period, the Legion of Honor (Honor Guard) participated in five funeral services. Ivan Ashbaugh participated in the Orange High School Marine Corps JROTC graduation, presenting the Scholastic Achievement Award to a Cadet, on behalf of Post 18. 141 cadets were in the graduating class. Approximately 40 % were girls. 10 cadets had made commitments to go directly into the military following graduation. The highlight of this period was the participation of post members in three different Memorial Day Services:

Post 22

Ron Lane and his military re-enactors , provided the rifle team for the service at the Los Angeles National Cemetery. They wore uniforms and used rifles from the various wars. Chaplain Hal Camp provided the invocation and benediction at the Long Beach, Forest Lawn, Cemetery Celebration. Post member and Pearl Harbor Survivor Jack Hammett, was the Master of Ceremonies at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Park Fifty-Sixth annual Memorial Day Services. Jack got out of a hospital bed to make it to the program! The Post’s Legion of Honor (Ivan Ashbaugh, Rich Florence, Bill Leonard, Dennis Marfice, Brent Nielson, Fred Schrieber, and Don Zwifel) provided the “21 Gun Salute”.

Submitted by Jerry Guevara, Adjutant Visalia Boy Scout Troop 321, Avenue of the Flags and Sea Cadet PRC-026.



here has been quite a bit of activity by members of Visalia’s Post 22 in recent months. Receiving money from the Service Foundation has also enabled them to help out several programs in the Tulare County

area. Members attended the annual Veterans Appreciation Day at Woodlake High School. They sat with local high school students and discussed with them their time while in the military. Both students and veterans came away with a positive experience. Post members were also able to sign up several new members from other veterans that were in attendance. The high school enjoys this program so much that they also provide a luncheon to all those who attend. Post members also attended the local car show in Visalia, sponsored by the local Lions club. The yearly car show is well attended by both car enthusiasts as well spectators and makes it easy to discuss AMVETS with those attending. There was also representation from Post 22 attending the ground breaking for a new Veterans Home in Fresno. This ceremony was attended by many state, federal and local government officials. This new facility will begin building and is expected to be completed in 2012 with enough rooms to support close to 300 veterans. This is something that is most welcome in the central area. A new group of officers was voted on this last month, with Amador Garcia, voted to position of Commander for the coming year. They new corps of officers will be installed at their meeting following the State Convention in June.

Post 20 Gary C. Douglas , AMVETS Service Officer gets his BA

Vol. 14, No. 2

Since the State Convention is in Modesto this year several members of the post plan on attending for the 1st time. They are looking forward to seeing the inner workings of AMVETS by attending several of the planned programs. At their last local meeting, because of the Service Foundation, grant money was handed out to several deserving programs: (See picture above.) Post 22 continues to be a very active force – attending all AMVETS mandated functions (State, DEC and SEC) as well as all Central Area committee meetings. There are plans for a couple of rather large programs that they will roll out in the next couple of months. If you wish to get more information on these, you can jump on board by attending the monthly meetings. They are at 7 pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Visalia Veterans Memorial Building on Center.

Post 26


ost 26 Commander Gary Pforr presents $5,000 check from AMVETS to the East Bay Stand Down treasurer Martin De Venuta on Tuesday May 11th. 

California AMVETS Voice—19

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 34



ost 34 members attended the Northern Area meeting in Chico hosted by Post 2813. Later in the week, several members attended the memorial service for Adjutant Mack Pong’s wife Mary who will be greatly missed as she was always a supporter of the Post, and often prepared snacks for the monthly meetings. 2nd Vice Commander Quin Jung, Adjutant Mack Pong, 1st Vice Commander Colleen McClain and husband Rodney, and Commander Helen Wong attended the Annual Spring JROTC Competition & Awards Ceremony held at the Presidio of SF. Seven high schools competed, and AMVETS presented medals to each of the schools. The following Friday, Adjutant Mack Pong went to Lowell High to give a Post 34 $350 College Grant to a graduating JROTC senior, Roxane Li. Rodney & 1st Vice Commander Colleen McClain attended the graduation ceremony for Swords to Plowshares veterans and presented a check from Post 34 to a deserving single parent female graduate who was moving into her own apt. Adjutant Mack Pong participated in a talk about the WWII “Flying Tigers” - the 407th Air Service Squadron composed of the largest group of Chinese American veterans in the military. It was held at the San Mateo Library and was moderated by Christina Lim, co-author of the book In the Shadow of the Tiger. Her father Harry Lim, and Wing Lai also particpated in talking about their experiences in the China-Burma-India theater. Post 53 Commander Leo McArdle was the M.C. for the Golden Gate National Cemetery Scout Good Turn Flag Day ceremony which was also attended by Commander Wong. Members from Post 53 helped place flags on some of the 113,000 graves there. On Memorial Day, Post 34 members Ray Wong (M.C.), Glenn Razwyck & Jim Guglielmoni (Parade Directors), Wallace Levin (Ceremony Coordinator), and Michael Thompson (Pledge of Allegiance) were instrumental in making the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Presidio of SF National Cemetery a success. While most of them represented other veterans groups, they all are AMVET members also. 

Presenting $10,000 check to S.F. VAMC

Get your AMVETS gear here!


Edith Shain, Michael O’Neal, Mack Pong, Rodney McClain

20—California AMVETS Voice

Vol. 14, No. 2

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 40



n Tuesday, April 20, Dave Richey, accompanied by wife, Jackie, attended the first annual AMVETS Legislative Day in Sacramento. Also attending from Post 40 was Lorraine Plass, our post liaison to Pete Conaty, the legislative lobbyist for veterans in Sacramento. We were treated to a very good breakfast and lunch while receiving visits from various legislators who are involved in assembly and senate bills affecting veterans. It was really exciting to be able to sit in on committee hearings for a couple of the bills. One concerned the findings of the auditor with respect to appropriations to counties for the Veterans Service Offices (CVSOs). We actually got to testify at a hearing about the change in the bill concerning state certification requirements for purchase and possession of firearms. It was a very interesting day, and provided an opportunity to interact with several other posts and Department officers.YOUNTVILLE VETERANS HOME HOSTS THE SPIRIT OF ‘45 On Monday, April 19, 2010, Michael Ottolini AMVETS Post 40 of Sonoma County and AMVETS Post 101 of the Yountville Veterans Home partnered with the Napa Valley Museum, the California Department of Veterans Affairs staff at the Veterans Home and Brookdale Senior Living to host a Spirit of ’45 event at the Veterans Home. The Spirit of ’45 is a national program designed to preserve the memories of veterans and civilians who experienced the end of World War II on August 14, 1945. The national director of the program, Warren Hegg, was present for the event, and he brought with him Edith Shain, the nurse made famous by the “Kiss” photograph taken at Times Square on that eventful day back in 1945. The nearly 100 guests in attendance were veterans, not only from the Home, but also from surrounding counties, as well as many residents of the Napa Valley communities. Several students from the local high schools were present to record those recollections of the War’s end and upload them to the archives at the website, www.spiritof45.org. AMVETS Department of California, represented on Monday by Posts 40 and 101, has pledged its support for the “Keep the Spirit of ’45 Alive” program. April 19 is also the birthday of actor Hugh O’Brian, another “Spirit of ‘45” partner. He is best known for his TV portrayal of Wyatt Earp. A lesser known fact, but of greater significance, is that Mr. O’Brian heard the “Call to Arms” during WWII and enlisted in the Marine Corps. To this day he holds the record as the youngest Drill Instructor in the history of the Marines at age 17. Though he was unable to attend Monday, a birthday cake in his honor was donated by Peg Miskin of Brookdale Senior Living, and the crowd sang Happy Birthday to Hugh! Several other community groups donated to the success of the “Spirit of ‘45” celebration. KVON radio talk show host Kellie Fuller interviewed Bud Simmons and Dave Richey of AMVETS Post 40 and Ed Olson and Dondy Leedom of AMVETS Post 101 on the Wednesday prior to the event. Bud and Dave also spoke to 4th and 5th grade students at Yountville Elementary School, who later crafted and submitted posters which were displayed at the event. The posters were a hit, and they added to the spirit of the festivities. A trio of singers called “Dollhouse” sang a twenty-minute set of songs from the ‘40’s, ala the Andrews Sisters. They were thrilled to have Edith dance to their music. AMVETS, the Yountville Veterans Home, CDVA staff and Brookdale Senior Living are sincerely grateful to the Curator of Education at the Napa Valley Museum, Pat Alexander, for arranging the use of the museum facility, and for her tireless efforts in making the celebration happen. She also graciously accepted the responsibility of Mistress of Ceremonies. One of the primary reasons for the many “Spirit of ‘45” events around the nation is to raise awareness in the community of the contributions of our WWII

Vol. 14, No. 2

veterans. All partners in the venture are anxious to see House Concurrent Resolution 226 passed. This resolution seeks to establish the second Sunday of every August as “Spirit of ’45 Day” to commemorate the end of World War II, and keep the memories of August 14, 1945 alive. The resolution was sponsored by veteran-friendly Congressman Bob Filner. Every voter who reads this, especially AMVETS, should write, call or e-mail his or her Congressperson to urge cosponsorship of the resolution. Respectfully submitted by Dave Richey CFO Michael Ottolini AMVETS Post 40



n Monday, April 19, 2010, Michael Ottolini AMVETS Post 40 of Sonoma County and AMVETS Post 101 of the Yountville Veterans Home partnered with the Napa Valley Museum, the California Department of Veterans Affairs staff at the Veterans Home and Brookdale Senior Living to host a Spirit of ’45 event at the Veterans Home. The Spirit of ’45 is a national program designed to preserve the memories of veterans and civilians who experienced the end of World War II on August 14, 1945. The national director of the program, Warren Hegg, was present for the event, and he brought with him Edith Shain, the nurse made famous by the “Kiss” photograph taken at Times Square on that eventful day back in 1945. The nearly 100 guests in attendance were veterans, not only from the Home, but also from surrounding counties, as well as many residents of the Napa Valley communities. Several students from the local high schools were present to record those recollections of the War’s end and upload them to the archives at the website, www.spiritof45.org. AMVETS Department of California, represented on Monday by Posts 40 and 101, has pledged its support for the “Keep the Spirit of ’45 Alive” program. April 19 is also the birthday of actor Hugh O’Brian, another “Spirit of ‘45” partner. He is best known for his TV portrayal of Wyatt Earp. A lesser known fact, but of greater significance, is that Mr. O’Brian heard the “Call to Arms” during WWII and enlisted in the Marine Corps. To this day he holds the record as the youngest Drill Instructor in the history of the Marines at age 17. Though he was unable to attend Monday, a birthday cake in his honor was donated by Peg Miskin of Brookdale Senior Living, and the crowd sang Happy Birthday to Hugh!

California AMVETS Voice—21

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 40, cont. Several other community groups donated to the success of the “Spirit of ‘45” celebration. KVON radio talk show host Kellie Fuller interviewed Bud Simmons and Dave Richey of AMVETS Post 40 and Ed Olson and Dondy Leedom of AMVETS Post 101 on the Wednesday prior to the event. Bud and Dave also spoke to 4th and 5th grade students at Yountville Elementary School, who later crafted and submitted posters which were displayed at the event. The posters were a hit, and they added to the spirit of the festivities. A trio of singers called “Dollhouse” sang a twenty-minute set of songs from the ‘40’s, ala the Andrews Sisters. They were thrilled to have Edith dance to their music. AMVETS, the Yountville Veterans Home, CDVA staff and Brookdale Senior Living are sincerely grateful to the Curator of Education at the Napa Valley Museum, Pat Alexander, for arranging the use of the museum facility, and for her tireless efforts in making the celebration happen. She also graciously accepted the responsibility of Mistress of Ceremonies. One of the primary reasons for the many “Spirit of ‘45” events around the nation is to raise awareness in the community of the contributions of our WWII veterans. All partners in the venture are anxious to see House Concurrent Resolution 226 passed. This resolution seeks to establish the second Sunday of every August as “Spirit of ’45 Day” to commemorate the end of World War II, and keep the memories of August 14, 1945 alive. The resolution was sponsored by veteran-friendly Congressman Bob Filner. Every voter who reads this, especially AMVETS, should write, call or e-mail his or her Congressperson to urge cosponsorship of the resolution. Respectfully submitted by Dave Richey CFO Michael Ottolini AMVETS Post 40

Post 56 Special Thanks to our Sponsor “AMVETS Post 56”


n 2009 a proposal was introduced to the AMVETS Post 56 by Co Founder and President of the SMACKERZ Softball Program, three time Iraq Combat Veteran and Lifetime Member of the AMVETS, and Army National Guardsman Adrian P. Corrales. His proposed offer would be simple, create a Leadership Program for outgoing Athletes wanting to play College Softball. To incorporate the foundation of “what it means to be a Leader” through knowledge and experience through Honor, Integrity, Discipline, Self Sacrifice, and commitment. In 2010 the SMACKERZ Softball Program was approved with the support of Uniforms and the Honor of representing AMVETS. 1 June 2010 AMVETS Post 56 Commander Tom Donwen and AMVETS California Foundations Com-

22—California AMVETS Voice

Vol. 14, No. 2

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 56, cont. mander Jim Pidgeon gave honor in presenting the SMACKERZ uniforms to Players. AMVET Commanders express the importance and the significance of each patch placed on the SMACKERZ uniform, AMVETS Patch, American Flag, and the POW patch. Upon receiving this honor each player must have the understanding of what they now represent and the standards they must hold. Members of the team are: Kelcey Knutson, Marion Martin, Mariah Delgado, Morgan McGill, Aurianna Corrales, Jasmine Brown, Karly Routh, Maiquel Ortiz, Amber Land. Senior team members who will be heading to college are: Vanidee Quinonez: Senior at Tulare Western heading to Northern Oklahoma College Softball Program, Lauren Crow: Senior at Tulare Union heading to COS College Softball Program; Deanelle Dorhman: Senior at Porterville High heading to Porterville College Softball Program and Cassey Manning: Graduate of Lindsay High heading to COS College Softball Program Make sure to track our Summer Season at, leaguelineup.com/tularecity. Our first Showcase will be at the Grappettes ASA “A” Tournament in Stockton, Ca 5-6 June 2010. Other Post 56 news: In addition to supporting the softball team post members have been busy Honoring our veterans and community by: Honor Guard participated in 21 funerals; posted colors at various softball and little league events. the Mayors prayer breakfast, at a Senior Citizens celebration and at the Memorial Day event at one of our local cemeteries. The post awarded four educational scholarships to students from our two local High schools, and we sponsored an appreciation dinner for all Gulf war vets. We completed our first ever Americanism project. The post presented awards

Post 66

and gift cards to the first, second and third place winners. Students from 8 schools (grades kindergarten through 12th grade) participated. First place winners applications will be sent to National to compete for National awards. We consider this an excellent program to promote Patriotism and awareness of American heritage and Vets. We anticipate that we will have double the number of students participating in the program next year. Foundation Pres. Pidgeon, Coach Adrian Corrales and Post Cmdr Tom Donwen

By Charlie Sharples


you want” he said. When he was seventeen years old he joined the Civilian Conservation his week I attended a meeting of AMVETS Corps, a program set up by President Franklin Post 66 at the Palm Springs American D. Roosevelt to provide jobs during the depresLegion Post. AMVETS Post 66 is the Post sion.


that fought to have the first installed and dedicated at in Cathedral City. I am AMVETS Post 66 and a

Gay Veterans Memorial Desert Memorial Park Edwards enlisted in the Army in February 1941 a lifetime member of before our country entered he war. He rose past post commander. quickly through the ranks. “In three months, I

Guest speaker at our meeting was George Edwards, an African American and former member of the United States Army who fought for his country in Europe in the segregated armed forces during World War II. Sharp as a tack and fit as a fiddle former First Lieutenant Edwards, now ninety years old, looked like he could easily fit in his uniform today and return to combat. He was born next to a Ku Klux Klan headquarters in Evansville, Indiana and he credits that with his knowing how to fight. Born into a family of twenty children, “you got to fight for what

Vol. 14, No. 2

was a staff sergeant, in nine months I was the first sergeant. In eleven months I was master sergeant and in thirteen months I was regimental sergeant major,” he stated. At that point he was the highest ranking enlisted man in his regiment which consisted of up to ten thousand men. His unit, the 92nd Infantry was called the “Buffalo Soldiers.” After the Civil War the Buffalo Soldiers were established by Congress as the first peacetime all black regiments in the regular U.S. Army. Sources disagree how the nickname Buffalo Soldiers began. Mr. Edwards believes that they name was given them by native American tribes, who they fought, because

of their hair being similar to that of a buffalo. Because his unit needed commissioned officers Edwards took a cut in pay and prestige by going to officer candidate school and being commissioned a second lieutenant. His unit was sent to North Africa and Italy where he was promoted to first lieutenant. In the northern Alps he used his street fighting skills in hand to hand knife combat with a German soldier. Even though he was slightly built and badly cut up he managed to bite off the German’s ear and eventually win the fight to death. Lt. Edwards was later awarded the Purple Heart. Even though it was very uplifting to hear the stories of the accomplishments of the Buffalo Soldiers it was sad to hear of the prejudices that these heroes faced throughout their service and particularly when they returned to the army bases in the South. Mr. George Edwards is an American hero.

California AMVETS Voice—23

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 116

Ann Reeder with post 116 Aux. members


ost 116 meets every second Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at a new meeting location AFGE Local 1061 Union Hall W.L.A. Medical Center. If you need help getting to the meeting, please do not hesitate to call Commander, Cephus R. Daniels, at 310-463-6380. The Post continues to host a bingo at the WLA VAMC nursing home every second Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. In May, Post 116 has begun our annual Dodger Baseball games. Post 116 was presented with awards for its dedication and commitment to Veterans by Volunteer Services of WLA and by Saddleback College. I would like to thank Ann Reeder for her hard work in getting the Veterans Center started at Saddleback College. Post 116 is proud to welcome two annual members. We are honored to welcome new life member, Dr. Sheila Lewis, who is a retired Army 1st Sergeant, and a professor of International Studies at TUI College in Cypress, CA.

Ann Reeder accepting awards at Saddleback college

Commander, Cephus R. Daniels Date: 6-1-10 Through her WE Support Program, First Lady Maria Shriver has partnered with Talbots to provide OIF/OEF women veterans with gift cards to help them purchase professional attire for their transition back into civilian life and entering the workforce. Through a collaborative effort with California Department of Veterans Affairs, Babara Ward, Deputy Secretary of Women Veterans and Minority Women Veterans and AMVETS Post 116 Ann Reeder, Women Veterans Coordinator 10 cards was issued to AMVETS Post 116 Women Veterans Esteem Program for distribution. 

24—California AMVETS Voice

Awards ceremony on 4/22/10 at saddleback college (right).

Vol. 14, No. 2

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 1240

Vol. 14, No. 2

California AMVETS Voice—25

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 1996

Report from the Leo P. Simon Post 1996


his past few months have been our busiest yet. I see members of the Leo P. Simon Post working at every veteran function as well as helping families of veterans and active military persons. We even have several members working in schools in the area promoting the Americanism programs. Military Funerals Post #1996 has about 15 members who attend the funerals at the Northern CA Veterans Cemetery on a regular basis. I am talking about two to three times weekly. These same dedicated honor givers can also be counted upon to be standing a flag line at the local airport whenever a current military member returns home Americanism is still strong at Post 1996, In fact we just awarded students from several schools in the area surrounding Redding with cash awards and certificates. Debbi Johnson (1996 Auxiliary President) awarding two 12th graders their awards (right).

Northern CA Veterans Museum & Heritage Center (NCVM) is one of the projects adopted by Post 1996 to support in any way we can. Rob Burroughs Curator and CEO is a Post 1996 officer and is diligently moving this project forward. Post 1996 members also hold several seats on the Board of Directors of NCVM. The City of Redding has committed to furnish property near the Airport to locate the museum. This was a major boost to obtaining grants to complete the project. White Clover program. The Leo p. Simon Post 1996 has always had a good White Clover program where we disseminate AMVETS information and accept donations. In fact, this year we were able to add a location. In partnership with Honor Flight Northern California we had a booth at the Welcome Home Viet Nan Veterans celebration. That location was very good for us and produced several new members as well as being much easier to operate than some of the others. Such as our traditional appearance at the Asphalt Cowboys annual Pancake Breakfast. This year our 6 can holders were joined by members of the new Post #4. At first our Post 1996 members were concerned that they were sharing their only yearly fundraiser with the other post. I too was concerned at first but then I saw what everyone else saw, “more AMVETS” the people didn’t know we were of different post. We just became more visible. Stand Down. This year the North Valley Stand Down will be held at the Shasta District Fairgrounds, October 22-24, 2010. I don’t even know how many Post 1996 members are working to prepare for the Stand Down. I do know that whenever we meet, the majority of the people present are AMVETS from Post 1996. Two other “Big” happenings in the Redding area are the groundbreaking for a new Chapel coming soon to the Northern CA Veterans Cemetery and “The Biggie” the ground breaking on May 21,2010 for the new 150 bed Veterans Home. It has taken 10 years to get to this point. Governor Schwarzenegger was on hand as well as many other dignitaries. The project is going to take two years to build, but once done will be a much needed and welcome asset to our veteran community. JROTC Yesterday right in the middle of writing this article, Post 1996 had the honor of presenting awards at the 10th annual NJROTC Awards ceremony for the Enterprise High School. This year we presented the Dept. of Ca JROTC award for excellence to Nicolas Stauffer a senior who has already enlisted in the ARMY. Nick has another connection to our Post. He is signed up and has been trained as a Guardian for Honor Flight Nor Cal. He will be going on the June 25-27 flight. Post 1996 Has decided to sponsor Nickolas on that honor Flight. During that same awards ceremony Debbi Johnson our Auxiliary President awarded two 1st place Americanism prizes to cadets Samantha Atwood 10th grader and Megan Bielecki a 9th grader.

Pictured above: while attending the BoonDocker Ball, a NCVM fundraiser are the Board of Directors. Left to right Debbi Johnson (1996 Aux. Pres), Kevin Marshall (1996 member) Dianna Buroughs, Rob Burroughs (1996 member) and Christine Sullivan (1996 member)

Post 2007


ost 2007 honored past department and past post commander Dell Benton with a plague for all that he has done for veterans. 

John Bernier, Terry Williams, Larry Thompson, Al Watson and Dell Benton (in front)

In Memory PDC Benton passed away July 7, 2010

Tom Johnson, Commander

26—California AMVETS Voice

Vol. 14, No. 2

POST Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 7093


oth sides of our main street, Washington, Sonora, CA silently filled with devoted Sonorian’s. This was to be a memorable day for them and their loved ones who served in the military during the Viet Nam era. This long awaited “Welcome Home to all Viet Nam veterans” was finally taking place thanks to the efforts and planning of Viet Nam Veterans, Sonora Chapter #391. A special thanks to George Eldridge who’s enthusiasm spearheaded and organized the parade. Grand Marshall: Vietnam veteran, Medal of Honor recipient, former POW, Jon Cavaiani of Sonora, People gathered and silently moved up and down Washington street. Some spoke in whispers as if not wanting to break the spell. Lawn chairs were placed to their best advantage view. Folks passed one another and they smiled a secret smile. The “rolling parade” was to begin at 1 pm. At the far end of the street near Sonora’s historical Red Church, men and women were franticly assembling the parade in chaos order. Those men & women who could not walk were gratefully seated in different vehicles. Veterans came from far and near and were thrilled to take a part in the parade. The parade was the only one of its kind in California. A hush fell over the street, folks stopped speaking and from my vantage point, just in front of the veteran’s hall, I watched as both the highway patrol and sheriff’s vehicles lit up their lights. As the vehicles began to move slowly forward I pointed and yelled to the Master of Ceremony that both cars were moving forward and the parade was about to begin. It was exactly at 1 p.m. As the parade moved slowly forward and the street folks were silent. The Navy color guard and the Army Marching band appeared and led the parade, followed by two Medal of Honor recipients who appeared waving from a convertible. Suddenly, like an unleashed hurricane, folks on the sidewalks and on the street, and in harmony began chanting, crying, clapping and screaming “Thank You, Thank you for serving our country.” Their flags and that of their children waved proudly for these unsung heroes. These heroes who have waited patiently for forty-seven years for their first and only: ‘Welcome Home Viet Nam veterans.’ Men and women cried openly; their hearts overwhelmed with emotion and gratefulness. Suddenly the street began to vibrate, what appeared like a wave of motorcycle riders they rode proudly and truly vibrated the street. Two ‘fly-over’ planes from Modesto put a finishing touch on the parade. As both planes passed overhead the people were waving and screaming...”Thank you, Thank you.” You could feel the sincere love that spread over the throngs of people. Men who were silently standing, and who wore their military attire proudly, stepped away from the sidewalk and hugged those men walking in the parade. They tearfully thanked them and called them “Brother.” These moments will remain with me forever. I still cry when I look back at all the love and togetherness these men have shared. I was fortunate to captured a few photos, but I could not capture the emotion, the tears and shouts of joy from the sincere hearts of these faithful Americans and their spouses who waited patiently for this honor and acceptance by American’s everywhere. The street continued to be filled with motorcycle riders...we were so proud of them. Dan Hogan was supposed to ‘ride’ with VVA President Dan Brown. However, he preferred to walk carrying a banner - one of many donated and supported by our local businesses. The businesses in Sonora were overwhelming generous. Dan said that as he walked little further down the street, an unknown veteran stepped out onto the street and asked him if he would like some help carrying the banner. Dan said, “Sure brother.” They shared a moment of contentment. A special thank you to the AVVA ladies who were selling the Viet Nam Tshirts. When the AVVA gals ran out of the t-shirts, they were more than willing to take orders for those who signed up for them at the parades special offer. To say we are thankful for our veterans who served in Viet Nam, De Nang, and other areas -over land, sea and air...Thank you once again from all of us. 

Vol. 14, No. 2

Respectfully submitted Eileen Hogan, State Credentials Chairman AVVA, OutReach Chair

George, Dan Hogan and Dan Brown

California AMVETS Voice—27

DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HEADQUARTERS 120 North “M” Street Tulare, CA 93274 www.amvets-ca.org

Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID ROYAL OAK, mi 48068 PERMIT #792


Veterans and Military Retirees:


f you’ve have lost your DD 214 and would like to retrieve a certified copy, or other important service record page you might be missing, this Web site will get the forms back to you much quicker than the past 4-6 weeks it has routinely taken you in the past. http://www.archives.gov/veterans/evetrecs/index.html Follow the instructions explicitly and print out the request. You should have your records back in about two weeks.

Attention Veterans!


All American Veterans who were honorably separated after September 15, 1940 or are now serving in the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reservists, are eligible for membership in AMVETS.

Application For Membership I apply for:  New Annual


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LIFE: $180

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