Vol. 16, No. 2

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Summer 2012 | Vol. 16, No. 2


Commander Delgado

By Commander Ray Delgado

to Cephus Daniels

A Better Future Ahead T hank you to all who have supported me in this election. As your new incoming Commander my major concern will be helping veterans in need of help. There are too many homeless veterans out there and that is uncalled for. We need to work together as a unit to help stop this problem. Your ideas


from Post 116 who was named this year’s

are most welcome. Remember, we are all veterans. I appreciate your support and look forward to working with you in the year 2012-13. Team AMVETS is doing a great job and getting better each year. Look for better things in the future.


1st Vice Report By 1st Vice Commander Jerry Guevara

T 1st Vice Guevara

his year has proved to be a very busy packed time in office since the last State Convention in Concord. I, as AMVETS Department of California 1st Vice Commander, has done and been involved in quite a few events and/or programs. The highlights of them have been: • • • • • • • • • • •

Represented the Department at a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Visalia Veterans Memorial Building. Attended and participated in every monthly Central Area meeting. Participated in the California State Commanders meetings that are held about every three months, or so, at different locations through out the state. Attended the National Convention in St. Louis. Was the guest speaker for a local community civic organization. Was an active participant at the American Indian Veteran Association State convention. Participated in a local Project Homeless Connect for veterans in the local county. An active participant at the Central Area 3-day Stand Down in Fresno. Attended a local POW/MIA Ceremony. Attended the Fall DEC in Visalia and the Spring DEC in Santa Maria. Represented the Department by attending the fu-


• • • • • • • • •

neral of a Korean War Veteran, who was also a POW/MIA, while in action. Body was finally recovered and was just identified this past October through DNA from family members. Helped with the presentation of Care Bears to the Child Welfare Services in Visalia. Attended the Northern Area meeting in Santa Rosa. Was the keynote speaker for Madera Community College’s 1st Annual Veterans Day ceremony. Attended both the Fall and Spring NEC in Washington, D.C. Coordinated the 2nd annual Four Chaplains Ceremony in Visalia. Participated by attending the AMVETS National Leadership Conference in Tennessee. Was appointed to represent AMVETS Department of California in the InterAgency Veterans Council and be assigned to the Medical pod. Organized a Blood drive at the local Veterans Memorial building. Has been a very active participant at the local junior college (College of the Sequoias – COS) by attending every meeting and all of their functions. Even signing up several members to join a local AMVETS post. Continued on page 3

The Voice is published quarterly by Midwest Publishing, Inc. Any articles or photographs received after the deadlines will be held for the next edition. All articles must be signed to be printed. The editor reserves the right to edit any submission for clarity, brevity, etc. The opinions expressed in The Voice are those of the authors and not necessarily the opinion of the AMVETS Department of California. Please submit all information for the VOICE to:


Next deadline is Sept. 1. Please submit your articles in Microsoft Word or similar word processing program and your pictures separately as JPEGs. Thank you.

DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Commander Ray Delgado raydelgado3275@yahoo.com


1st Vice Jerry Guevara 2nd Vice Bud Simmons

559-786-9106 707-971-0523

Judge Advocate Frank Juarez


Finance Officer Dave Richey midway65@sonic.net


Provost Marshal Ben Aguayo bsaguayo@gmail.com


NEC Person John Bernier Amvets2007@aol.com


120 North “M” Street

Alternate NEC


Jr. Past Commander Jerry Greer vfwjerry@yahoo.com


Officer's Reports...................................................................................... 3

Officer at large (Trustee) A Dennis Boyce


Veterans Helping Veterans...................................................................


Officer at large (Trustee) B Joe Juarez afphoto@aol.com


AMVETS Auxiliary Officers...................................................................


Northern Area Commander Greg Raffia


Central Area Commander Amador Garcia, Jr. garnik7062@yahoo.com


Southern Area Commander David Diehl


Operation: Save Just One.................................................................... 12 My Trip to Iwo Jima................................................................................ 12 VAVS Luncheon..................................................................................... 14 Post Reports.......................................................................................... 16

Auxiliary President Debbi Johnson debbij@rackotier.com


Executive Director Charles Kissel 714-761-5811 President Jim Pidgeon 559-688-7269


Pete Ramirez, Helen Wong, Gene Clements, Gene Sustaita and Cephus Daniels

2—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

Operation: Confidence..................................................................

20, 27

JROTC Scholarship Recipients........................................................... 25 Friends of AMVETS............................................................................... 26


Vol. 16, No. 2

From the Desk of the Executive Director


hank you to everyone who took time out of their busy schedule to attend our very successful Department Convention in Riverside. It was great to see so many new members in attendance along with our long-time members. Congratulations to all of our new officers and thank you to those who have served in the past. May you continue to help guide us in the future. POSTS: If you have not already turned in your revalidation form to the department, please do so immediately. They were due in by July 1st. ALL MEMBERS: If you have email, please send me your email address (just send an email to rblackman@teamamvets.org and put in the subject line AMVET member). This way you will be sure to get all of the information that we send out monthly. National would also like to have your email address so they can send you current information, please send your email address to Membership Director Harry Neal at: hneal@amvets.org. Both National and the Department will only use your e-mail address for sending you information that you or your family may be able to use (job information, upcoming events, etc). New Post Commanders/ Adjutants: When sending in the paperwork for new or renewing annual members, please remember that your post information or adjutants information goes in the box on the upper left side of the dues

By Rod Blackman

remittance form that says: submitted by. Do not put the member’s information here. I look forward to seeing you in Visalia for our DEC, October 5th and 6th. Article VI – DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE Section 1. The Department shall hold a Fall or Winter Conference (“Conference”) annually on such date as determined by the Department Commander. Section 2. The Conference shall be comprised of the members of the DEC and two (2) duly elected delegates from each post. Section 3. Delegates to the conference may pre-register with the Department or register at the conference, provided they are members in good standing and the conditions of Article XV, Sections 11, 14, 17, and 20 of these Bylaws have been met. Section 4. Delegates shall satisfy all the eligibility requirements required to attend a convention in order to attend a conference. Section 5. Each DEC member and post delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote.

AMVETS DEPartment OF California

August 7

Upcoming Events

National Convention

September 10: Cut off date to reserve room for October DEC. In Visalia.

Florida Night: $15 per person $150 per table of 10 Contact Fertie Brand for advance tickets.

October 4-7 FALL DEC/Department Conference: MARRIOTT Visalia at the Convention Center 300 South Court Street Visalia, CA 93291 Phone: (559) 636-2011 Rooms are $89 plus tax.

in Florida (The convention hotel is booked full.)

Make checks payable to: AMVETS Dept. of FL Mail checks to: Fertie Brand, AMVETS Convention Chair 6213 Travis Boulevard Tampa, FL 33610-5501

December: NEC first weekend in December (usually). Check national website after September for definite dates.

Benefits Please visit the National website, http://www.AMVETS.org and click the “Member Benefits” button on the left hand side of the page, or go directly to http://www.amvet.org/membership.benfits.html and note the various providers that AMVETS has as providers of ben-

Vol. 16, No. 2

Deadlines for Quarterly Submissions by Issue

Issue Convention Book Vol. 16, No. 3 Vol. 16, No. 4 Vol. 17, No. 1 Vol. 17, No. 2

Deadline April 1 September 1 December 1 March 1 June 1

California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —3

1st Vice Report, cont. By 1st Vice Commander Jerry Guevara

Made sure to attend, with other AMVETS members, Legislative Day in Sacramento. • Represented the Department at a funeral for a very active AMVETS member from Tulare’s Post 56. • Made sure to attend the Northern Area meeting in San Francisco. • Made it a point to attend at least one post meeting, if not two for every post in the Central Area. • Took the time to attend every veterans job and resource fair in the central area for the past year. • Was asked to be a speaker at NAS Lemoore’s TAP Separation Workshops, every other week. This is attended by over 60 veterans who are being separated by the U.S. Navy. • Represented the Department at the annual Avenue of The Flag/Memorial Day ceremony at the Visalia District Cemetery. So, as you can see by just the highlights of my travels and visits that I have been VERY active in helping promote AMVETS and doing my best in trying to increase our membership. As of May 31, 2012, our membership is at 10,886 and that has been on the rise this year. These figures are based on the AMVETS National website membership program. We have even received the blessings of the AMVETS Department of California Service Foundation Thrift Stores to display membership applications at every store location. We are looking at doing more partnering with them for the future. I just want to add a personal note. It has been a pleasure to be part of a great leadership team for AMVETS Department of California, working with all the officers and the Service Foundation leadership. Department Commander Jerry Greer, thank you for all that you have done and your friendship.

PAST COMMANDER’S PAGE By Commander Jerry R. Greer

TEAM AMVETS REMAINS ACTIVE H ello again my fellow Team AMVETS members, it is quickly coming time to elect new officers for another year. I would like to thank you all for my year as your commander, also thank you for all the support and help each of you provided to Team AMVETS this past year! I had a great time this year getting out and representing California Team AMVETS. I have gone places and done things to represent the Team that I would never have had the chance to do had it not been for all of you out there working hard and donating your time and energy for building Team AMVETS as well as helping our fellow veterans. Our service officers are helping our veterans obtain their benefits, and our Career Centers are helping them learn how to get back into the work force or go onto college. There is still much too do, and I plan to be right out there with all of you working to make Team AMVETS even better than it already is. I will be the Jr. PDC for this next year, and if I can be of any assistance to any of my fellow team members, just let me know! We need to continue to go to the National Conventions, and show our support for the National head quarters, as we have been doing for the past four years. The only way that you can make changes is by getting involved and staying involved. So I am asking everyone who is able to sign up and go. At the January DEC in Santa Maria, we had quite a few of our younger AMVETS members there, and they were active and excited about Team AMVETS and our programs. This was great to see and gave great encouragement to many of us older veterans. We need to keep these

4—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

younger veterans involved and support them in what they are trying to do. Commander Our Post 96 up here in Eureka, California has Greer started a Riders Chapter 96, and their wives are in the process of starting an auxiliary, so if anyone is interested in joining the Rider’s or the Auxiliary just give me a call at 707-725-3687 and I will be glad to get you signed up. We are looking to start a new post in McKinleyville, Calif. also in the next few weeks. So as we go into another new year for Team AMVETS, we need to start many more new AMVETS posts and auxiliaries, as well as Son’s of AMVETS, Sad Sacks and Riders. They are all a part of AMVETS. I encourage every one of us to think about starting a new post or auxiliary this year! It is not that hard to do and there are members in this department who are willing to help you. District 3 in the coastal area, from Camarillo, Ca. to Paso Robles, Ca. and Camp Roberts. We only have one post, and we need several more. We have much potential in that area. Let’s work on that. So Team AMVETS members this will be my last article for the Voice as your commander. I want to sincerely thank you one and all, for all that you have done for Team AMVETS. It has made my year very special for me, and a great year for AMVETS California, so keep up the good work. Team AMVETS will grow and prosper in the years to come. Go AMVETS! 

Vol. 16, No. 2

NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT By Ron Ferrara, Department of California


ur first day in attendance was dedicated to the National Service Foundation, National Finance Committee, AMVET Programs and related subjects. In 2012, National expects to spend $11,600,000, which is a shade under 2011's expenditures of $11,700,000. National's mailing costs are up $105,000 over last year. The thrift stores are doing o.k. and are up $208,000 over last year's profit. They exceed $5,000.00 per day , which translates to over $25 spent per transaction. They will be opening a new stores on September 12th in Nashville. The 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor was celebrated in December, 2011 at the U.S.S. Arizona. Our National Commander Fry laid a wreath and also a stone at the Punch Bowl. Commander Fry stated, "It was a grand celebration that included the Navy's Band!" A new post was started in Hawaii at the site of the U.S.S. Arizona December 2011. AMVETS continues to make a strong effort to get top billing in everything that we do, as we pour a lot of money into all our projects. Getting everyone's attention is the name of the game. The V.A.'s goals are to decrease their back log by 2015 to improve their public image. H.R. discussed the hiring of eight new veterans, 14 applied for the jobs. Our National Finance Committee reported our total Capital & Liability as of January 31, 2012 is $12,132,413.18. All of our investments were discussed through Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. There was a proposal that became a motion that was passed to keep our finances on an accrued basis, and not a cash basis, so that we really know where we stand, This shows a true account of all our monies. Proposed Resolutions at our 68th National Convention in Daytona Beach, Florida, that I believe will interest you, are: an increase in life members dues from $250 to $500 - reasoning they currently are not adequate to support the growing cost of our members in a professional and mean-

We can only lead if we are heard!

ingful way. It is also based on what other organizations are currently charging and that there is not any money transferred to the fund after year one, due to the fact that there are not any renewal fees involved.

Other issues:

In house payroll going smoothly and we are now employing over 300 employees. AMVETS have participated in the Freedom Foundation for more than 30 years. As you are aware, California tops the list by sending the most young people in the past few years. VAVS, Matching Funds, Healing Heroes, Suicide Hotline, Homeless Veterans, plus numerous other worthwhile programs for our youths and our Veterans. AMVETS lead the way by it's examples. Membership stands at 185,800 as of February 2012. It was stated by National commander Fry that,"We can only lead if we are heard!". Regarding Communications with our membership, we currently have approximately 20,000 with incorrect addresses, they hope to update through the Web-site. Currently there are over 7.4 million Vietnam Veterans in the United States. Saturday was dedicated to the approval of the N.E.C. reports and guest speakers. The Freedom Foundation was started after W.W. II, in Valley Forge, Pa. By E.F. Hutton. Sons of AM VETS were on the Hill totaling 295 strong covering all the States. They are working with Veterans and their needs and have their budget intact. AMVETS RIDERS is attracting young veterans with it's programs such as Lobster Fishing, working 14 acres of land with various berries produce, and with a Talapia fish farm being rented to the Riders in Florida for one dollar a year. This is a moral booster to get them back on track. Thirty nine states reported, with some having addendum to their reports. In conclusion it is always an Honor and a Distinct pleasure to represent the Veterans and their causes for the great state of California in Washington D.C.. Respectfully submitted, Ron Ferrara National Executive Committee Department of California

George McNally

Department Deputy Chaplain


t the National Convention may God be pleased with the actions of the California TEAM AMVETS along with the rest of the AMVETS family from around the nation who have traveled from far and near to attend the National convention. May you arrive safely, meet new and old friends, share a meal and seek ways to improve the lives of those who are currently serving and those who are now veterans. While in Florida don’t pet the alligators. For they are like some in our government who have a big mouth and sharp teeth; both may bite and remove something you already have. I pray that all goes well at National and your return home is a safe one. Remember in November don’t be a dope—VOTE-- for someone who gives us HOPE. I pray that a safety net will be placed around our Forces and their families who have taken a stand for Freedom in Far off lands. Bless them all no matter where in the world they are.  God Bless America God Bless AMVETS

Vol. 16, No. 2

Chaplain McNally

California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —5

By Alex Halley, CAC


May 29, 2012 reetings to all as we complete another year in TEAM AMVETS. As we strive to help the Veterans as they return home from their military duties, we learn a lot about the changes in the laws and regulations that govern us all. As we go to Riverside next week for the California State Convention, I hope we all have retained the information we need to work together to assist our brother and sister Veterans in whatever they need to “make it” here at home. I’m sure you all read the last Voice, so this is a continuation of that report. Nothing stops. All programs continue, and we’ll see the same hard working Veterans at Riverside. I have met with each post at least three times this year. The Central Area has held meetings the first Saturday of each month with more than 20 Veterans at each meeting. It is a lively group. We have learned a great deal from each other. Tulare Post 56 Honor Guard continues to be very active; they have completed at least twelve funeral services each month, providing four to seven rifles, a bugler, and three at graveside to fold and present the American Flag. The Honor Guard has also posted colors at schools, churches, ball games, Mayor’s breakfast, and Veteran’s Court (all of this an honor for us to do). We posted Colors at two Rawhide Baseball games in Visalia, California. We found out we have a great pitcher in our State Commander as Jerry Greer threw out the first ball of the season. It was a Blazing Slider; the catcher had no chance at all.

This year, once again, Tom Donwen and Alex Halley (yours truly) had the privilege of presenting Medals of Honor to the Lemoore High School Navy Jr. ROTC. The students receiving the medals were all very impressive. To see young people (girls and boys in high school) in their uniforms,

CENTRAL AREA Commander's Report

shoes and ribbons and medals polished, with their pants fitting up around the waist, was a great sight to behold. It gives us hope that not all is lost for the future of our country. We also received a special letter from the Forest Department for a grant to replace the trees some of us are using up. Not quite sure of the meaning of this. Another Veteran’s Appreciation Day was held at the Tulare Memorial Building. Many vendors turned out to assist the Veterans and about 300 Veterans turned out. The lines were very long, especially in the food line and the haircut lines. In January 2012, all three Flags were stolen from our Patriotic Wall on Mooney Blvd in Visalia. This month I attended a ceremony at that wall to replace the flags. Donations from many organizations and local citizens helped us obtain the flags and raise them. As Central Area Commander, I had the honor of attending Posts 22, 99, 98, and 56 when nominations of new officers were taking place. All went well. Elections are just around the corner. On May 25, 2012, I had the honor of swearing in Commander Clifford Pierce Sr. of Post 922 of Shafter, CA. On 28th of April, Jerry Guevara, State 1st Vice, Tom Donwen, and I attended the Northern Area Meeting in downtown San Francisco. The meeting was very informative and the food was wonderful. Many thanks to Gregg Raffa, Northern Area Commander, and Helen Wong, Commander Post 34, San Francisco for all their efforts. May 28, 2012, we honored our Veterans once again at the Tulare CA cemetery with a program in which the Post 56 Honor Guard participated. In addition to remembering them on Memorial Day, I hope we remember many more times than once a year. Remember, Freedom isn’t free, as we realize when we see the flags on all those graves. As we go to the State Convention in Riverside, each delegate will be given two bags of important papers. These papers will have all information on

6—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

how to conduct our posts. The hard part then is-opening the bags and reading them. An even harder chore is understanding election procedures. AMVETS Officer’s Manual page, mandates that a post hold their annual officers elections between May 1 and June 30. Within 30 days of the election, posts must forward to the Department and National Headquarters documentation stating the names of the newly elected officers. Post revalidation must occur no later than July 15. Election of Post Officers shall be held, installed, and reported before the National Convention so that the new officers can take their proper chair on July 1st. Safe travels to all, and hope to see you in Team AMVETS in Riverside.  "Just for today, I will be agreeable, cheerful, charitable, praise people for what they do and not criticize them for what they cannot do. And if I find a fault with another, I will forgive it and forget it." - Dr. Charles W. Edwards, Jr.

Vol. 16, No. 2

By Greg Raffa


Northern AREA Commander's Report

want to thank each post commander and each District Commander for your godly works serving your veterans, their loved ones and your communities for our term of office 2011-12. We united together helping each other with Compliance, National Reporting and Post Reporting. We had together many trials and tribulations within our posts with many members becoming ill, family issues and just plain economic struggles placed upon us by our government. At your final Northern Area Meeting in San Francisco, thank you Commanders for contacting me and saying you could not make it nor would a delegate also be present. Since I took office, elected by you and shared the principles of what I truly believe in and that is GOD, FAMILY and TEAM AMVETS fall in order 1, 2, 3, and if you could balance those 3 together, TEAM AMVETS would flourish. I believe strongly we all worked together as this TEAM, and I pray that many of you will continue to be involved in a Post, District and Department Leadership role capacity for our Departments future depends on it. I personally have made many new friendships and kindled old friendships of the past. For the future of the North, we are going to have work harder in following the California Department By Laws and that means we have to have a 2nd Vice Commander whom will be working very closely with TEAM AMVETS Department 2nd Vice Commander. As a TEAM there is nothing we cannot accomplish aiding our Department Officers. I look forward to still working with you at our next NA Meeting which if everything goes right will be in Sept. or early Oct. Thank you Commander Helen Wong of San Francisco Post 34 and your TEAM for making our last NA April meeting together a great success. Also, District 4 Cmdr. Carroll Erickson kudos for helping Cmdr. Wong with those great speakers. There is no apology to make to anyone why we did not have a quorum, no fingers have been pointed nor will that ever be acceptable in our efforts in working hard for “Quality Takes Time”. It truly has been an honor to serve and work with each and every one of you and I wish you all good health, and great success. TEAM AMVETS Executive Director Rod Blackman, Commander Jerry Greer, 1st Vice Cmdr. Jerry Guevara, 2nd Vice Cmdr. Bud Simmons, Central Area Cmdr. Alex Haley, Southern Area Commander David Diehl, JA Terry McCarty, IG Dennis Boyce, VAVS Steve Jacobs, Legislative Chair Lorraine Plass kudos to you all for allowing me to be a part of your TEAM AMVETS collaboration and having spiritual consultations with me. I am very pleased with the performances of District 8 Commanders Dave Richey helping each post in the Northern Area becoming compliant; District 16 Commander Mark Sanchez Northern Area Legislation works for the Redding Veterans Home; District 13 Commander Mary White laying down the ground work for our future for Public Relations and Membership for Military Installations. God willing I will see you all again.  God Speed, Greg Raffa

Cmdr. Greer presenting Mike Esposito, Post 1776 with Presidential Volunteer Award


California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —7

Department Legislative Chair Lorraine Plass Department Legislative Chair

Legislative News & Events Team AMVETS Legislative Chair attends press conference in support of the Commission on the Status of Women Sacramento – Lorraine Plass, Team AMVETS’ Legislative Chairperson recently attended a press conference at the State Capitol to support the Commission on the Status of Women. Governor Brown has proposed abolishing this commission. Plass joined actress Geena Davis and nine women legislators in applauding Assembly Speaker John Perez’ (D-Los Angeles) decision to transfer funds from the Assembly budget to the Commission. Geena Davis was appointed to the commission by the previous governor. Plass is the first woman veteran who is a legislative chair in any veterans service organization in California and in AMVETS’ national 67-year history. “I was honored to participate in this event as the Legislative Chair of Team AMVETS and on behalf of all of California women veterans”, stated Plass. Plass spoke to Geena Davis about having the commission becoming more active in addressing issues facing California women veterans coming home in this current conflict.

Women Veterans Leaders

I was invited to speak by the new Deputy Secretary of CAL-VET, Lindsey Wathen and update this decades Women Veterans Leaders from all over the Nation about CA AMVETS Legislation. I attended the May 15th Conference of the National Association of State Women Veterans Coordinators [ NASWVC]. Representatives from all over the Nation we able to hear what we [AMVETS] is accomplishing for CA Veterans & their families. Refreshing news. NASWVC Mission The purpose of this organization is to exchange ideas, information and training to facilitate reciprocal service for women veterans and to secure uniformity, equity and effectiveness in providing services to women veterans; furthermore, identify issues of concern to the women veterans community, and develop recommendations to address these concerns through legislative, programmatic, and outreach activities. Our Vision is to have equal services throughout the country for women veterans, that these veterans be able to access all services without problems or delays, to make sure that women veterans are aware of all their benefits and for them to have a person they can contact should any questions or problems arise.

8—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

Plass (right) with Geena Davis is on the Governor’s Interagency Council on Veterans - Health Group and a Judge Advocate of the AMVETS Post 40 in Sonoma County.

This month, I am writing a little historical note to raise our awareness and understanding of just why we undertook legislation at our Capitol. Then I will get to my articles objective. I am interviewing mentors throughout CA AMVETS to tell the story of how CA AMVETS got into state legislation today. Recently, I read an article on the history of veterans legislation. As most of us know quite well, the history of how America has cared for its veterans is not a pretty one. That article was written during the peak controversy of the passage of what is now known as: The greatest piece of legislation: The WWII GI Bill. “The bill more properly known as The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, is still considered by many as one of the three finest (laws) Congress has ever passed since the Constitution took effect.” However, that very first GI Bill was far from being universally supported by many in universities, government, or veterans organizations. Legislators, journalists and veterans could not foresee the results. Only with the passing of time, has the GI Bill been accepted a piece of landmark legislation that affected the United States in multiple ways. “The GI Bill created social options and expectations far beyond its initial intention, laid the foundations and set precedent for the civil-rights campaigns for blacks in the 1960s, women in the 1970s and the disabled in the 1980s.” “Historically, everyone thinks that vet’s benefits come from the ‘Feds’ and that this is dictated by legislation enacted in Washington, D.C. Well, yes and no…Originally this was true, but the benefits trickled out critically slow sometimes taking decades to reach California. Someone along the way figured out, this is not the only way. Someone knew that not only state governments can give benefits and have the responsibility to take care of their veterans. But, that we would have to make laws to make that happen. The California Legislature agreed. This is where it all began” stated Pete Conaty. “In California, AMVETS Leadership didn’t see the need to be involved in legislation at the state level until 2008. Not until there was increased legislation affecting veterans in 2008-09 and contacts between CA AMVETS, other VSO’s and CVSO’s in California did AMVETS see the need to get involved at the Capitol with CDVA and the Legislature. Since then, AMVETS has become a major force at the Capitol. In 2008, CA AMVETS decided to hire Pete Conaty and pursue legislation that benefited every aspect of a California veteran’s life”

Vol. 16, No. 2

stated then Commander Mel Posey. The VA states California contributes the highest number of soldiers and is thereby receiving the largest number back into its state in the U.S. It wasn’t long before we realized we had to try something different before this conflict ended. State level legislation has statistically proven to be another successful tool in caring for veterans in many states throughout the U.S. Enough history for one day, now to our monthly goal. We’ve done the hard work of office visits, follow up, getting feedback, testifying and moving our bills though their various committee processes. The last and most important is communication from the grassroots. The people, you and I. When I first started this, I was told by a Senator : “I need information from the people – the grassroots to do my job correctly…it makes or breaks my decisions” The downside is – that if you don’t let me know there is a problem I think ’Life is Good’ with veterans. Well, we know that’s not always true…” Before 9/11, there were only 20-30 veterans’ bills in the Legislature. After 9/11 that increased to about 50-60 bills per year. Last year we had 60 bills and 55 veterans bills passed even in this budget crisis, with your help folks. This year we are working on an unprecedented 127 veterans bills because of the draw down in Iraq and Afghanistan. Isn’t that great? The problem: The California General Fund is currently projected to have an 11 Billion dollar deficit. California has not historically funded veterans homes or programs at a rate necessary to care for its two million veterans. Which by the way is home to the most Iraq & Afghanistan veterans now, since the drawdown of US military troops. The proposed withdrawal is estimated to return 100 thousand veterans to California from this – the now longest war in history. This is not counting the 200 thousand already here. The Solution: The Legislative Committee has done the hard part. Now, to insure some of these bills pass – your need to support us by writing a letter and walking it into your local legislators office. We’ll have letters at the convention, or go to the CA AMVETS website and print one off and fax it in. Did you see that “60 Minutes” TV segment with Lt. Dan [Actor, Gary Sinise] last month – or the CNN TV show on the returning Georgia National Guards? Powerful – and with empathy in the air over the village shootings and injured troops coming home from the war - This is the best time, historically to get Legislation passed. The Governor will sign or veto the bills that reach his desk by September 30th. Statistically, historical records show that after the war is over support and caring for veterans all but disappears. So write that letter now, and save a veteran all by yourself today, with me. I can’t help but think of the generation coming up who won’t suffer – but will only be helped because of you! Let’s give this generation of veteran’s a future they deserve and break the cycle after every war of homelessness, unemployment, and trouble with the judicial and mental health systems.

State Budget

The State Budget should be passed by the Legislature by the June 15 deadline. Because of changes to the number of votes needed to pass this year’s budget (it is now a simple majority due to a change made by the voters in 2011), the budget will not require the months of wrangling between Democrats and Republicans to get enough votes to pass. After June 15 the Legislature’s budget will go to the Governor for his signature (or rejection) and any line item vetoes he may wish to make to reduce spending. The CDVA has many programs and services which are in the budget, and the Fresno and Redding Veterans Homes are a political hot potato. The Senate Budget Sub-Committee on State Administration did not vote on a motion which mirrored the Assembly’s to provide $10.4 million, which would open both homes with only a 6-month delay. Instead, the Senate Sub- Committee deferred on taking a vote on this issue and will let the full Senate Budget Committee decide its fate. The inaction in the sub-committee does not bode well for the issue’s success in the full committee. We will continue to track and keep Team AMVETS informed. By July, it should be clearer on how all of these budget issues will transpire.

June and November Elections

It is a fact of life that upcoming elections influence the actions of legislators. Many are pre-occupied with running for re-election or a new office, while others cast votes on legislation that will improve their chances of re-election. Either way, these situations can present challenges and also opportunities to advance issues of importance to veterans. Due to the combination of term limits and new district lines, the 2012 elections will bring in an unprecedented amount of new legislators (a 50% turnover is projected) in 2013. This means they will need to be educated about veterans issues. As a lobbyist for business and nonprofit interests, I have interviewed many of the candidates from both parties running for election. I have been pleasantly surprised to find that many more of them are veterans than has been the case in years past. The troop drawdown’s and the influx of new veterans into our state’s workforce and educational systems will prove to be one of the main issues of 2013 and as the Legislative Advocate for Team AMVETS, I look forward to continue advocating for veterans.


By Pete Conaty & Dana Nichol


Pending Legislation

201107 9th Street, Suite 530 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 492-0550 (916) 492-8957 fax


his has been a busy legislative year for Team AMVETS and there have been many new developments since the last issue of the Voice. There are four main issues taking place in the next few months which all have an impact on each other and which also impact veterans: The state budget deadline, the June and November elections, pending legislation, and the culmination of the 2011-2012 Legislative Session in August. Team AMVETS Legislative Chair Lorraine Plass, myself, and Dana have been working on all of them.

Vol. 16, No. 2

2012 is the second year of a two year session. Bills that do not make it through the legislative process this year are dead. Of course, worthy ideas for veterans legislation can be introduced again as brand new bills next year. Some issues such as veterans courts and mental health/PTSD/TBI are an ongoing process with incremental progress achieved each year. Concerning pending legislation, June 1st is the last day for legislation to make it out of its house of origin. All Assembly bills must have been approved in the Assembly and vice versa for Senate bills. After June 4th, the still surviving bills move through the opposite houses for review and voting. Below is a listing of the status of key bills sponsored and supported by Team AMVETS.

California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —9


The end of the legislative session is on August 31. Team AMVETS still has numerous bills still moving through the process. I will provide a full bill report at the convention. A comprehensive wrap up of all veterans legislation will be in the Fall edition of the Voice. The legislative calendar is as follows: June 1 – Last day for bills to pass out of house of origin. June 4 – Committee hearings resume. June 5 - Primary Election. June 15 - Budget deadline. July 9 to August 6 – Summer Recess August 31 – Last day for Legislature to pass bills. September 30 – Last Day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature.

Status of Key Legislation Bill # Title



AB 1725 Sponsor B. Lowenthal Driver’s Licenses: Identification Cards: Veterans SB 1355 Watch Runner Vehicles: driver’s licenses: veterans. Both veterans designation on drivers license bills were held in committee because of cost. AB 2198 Support Nielsen Department of Veterans Affairs: Reporting requirements To the Senate. AB 1550 Support Bonilla Vehicles: Veterans’ Organizations License Plates: Fees To the Senate. AB 1592 Support Olsen Veterans: benefits: business fee waiver To the Senate. AB 2004 Sponsor Knight Personal Income Tax Law: Exclusion: Military Veterans Died in the Appropriations Committee due to cost.

Continued... Bill # Position Author Title AB 2133 Support Blumenfield Veterans: Registration and Resident Classification To the Senate. AB 2462 Support Education: Military experience To the Senate.


AB 2490 Sponsor Butler Veterans service officers: correctional facilities To the Senate. AB 2548 Support California Veterans Board To the Senate.


AB 2611 Sponsor Veterans Courts To the Senate.


SB 383 Support Wolk Remote Caller Bingo In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee. SB 661 Sponsor Lieu Crime: Picketing In Assembly Public Safety Committee. SB 1170 Sponsor Leno Senior and Veterans Health Insurance scams To the Assembly. SB 1422 Sponsor Anderson Handgun Safety Certificates, veterans Died in the Senate Appropriations Committee because of cost. To track access information on California legislation, go to: www.leginfo.ca.gov By clicking on the Bill Information tab, you can read all versions of current and past legislation, committee analyses, votes, and status of the bill. You can also subscribe to individual bills and be notified of any new developments on that piece of legislation. 

Official California Legislative Information


10—California AMVETS - www.calamvets.org New Web Voice Site for Accessing California Legislative Information. We hope you Vol. will16, useNo. 2

this new site and bookmark it for future reference.

Welcome to VHVtv.org

VHVtv.org Sheryl Alexa Shaffer

"Veterans Helping Veterans" T.V. Show

Veterans Helping Veterans

Founder, TV show host/producer



If you have any questions, please contact me at 951-654-7307 or cell 951-522-4234. Sheryl Shaffer Follow us on Twitter, include us on Facebook and go to www.VHVtv.org to see how we are helping veterans.

Our Mission statement:

e completed an interview with NYU Journalism Dept. Wednesday with the producers of the documentary film "Service When Women Come Marching Home." Click on the video to the right to see the interview with Maria Rock and Patricia Lee Stotter.

It is our mission to inform, educate and motivate veterans to learn about and apply for potential entitlements. We present individuals and groups that work on behalf of veterans. We encourage people to volunteer and make a positive impact in the lives of veterans.

Watch VECSM Channel on YouTube


For AMVETS California


This is a huge topic, MST Military Sexual Trauma and we are presenting this because it is CLICK HERE Blipvideo TV epidemic and these women veterans need to be helped. Watch Clickusononthe bottom right to see our latest VHV tv episode. This is Part 1 of 2. The topic of MST is presented. How women CLICK HERE For broadcasting on Public, Education and Government access veterans cope with MST and PTSD are the stories that are presented in this episode. Part 2 is CLICK HERE For the Veterans Employment Committee San Mateo in post production.



DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT Debbit Johnson 17669 Warwick Place, Anderson CA 96007 Home:530-357-3380  Cell: 530-604-4890 debbij@rackotier.com



Gloria Sandoval

Donna McGonigal



Carol Smith

Stella Usery

3rd VICE PRESIDENT Apryl Casares




Diana Honabarger, PDP

Charlene “Charlie” Newell, PDP



Rita Garcia

Tanya Gray


Barbara Peterson

Michelle Scovil, PDP



Eileen Hogan

Maria Rodriguez


WAYS & MEANS CO-CHAIRMAN Teresa “Terri” Fosha



http://www.vhvtv.org/[7/7/2012 4:17:03 PM]

SGT AT ARMS Dolores Sanchez

VHVtv.org website created by AlethiaStudios.com

THANK YOU from the 2011-2012 National 6th District Commander Department of California,


hank you very much for allowing me to participate in your state convention. You all made me feel so comfortable and giving me the opportunity to meet so many AMVET members was such a great feeling. I enjoyed the time I spent with each and every one of you. I am indeed grateful to all of you for treating me as a member of your family. Thanks can’t convey the gratitude I feel for all these precious memories. Brenda Evans

Vol. 16, No. 2

California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —11

Convention Hotel and Banquet Information: Hotel: 1- For all conventions we have a ‘last date to reserve sleeping room by’. The purpose of this is so the hotel can sell any rooms that we are not going to use. This date is on all convention correspondence that is sent out by the department. Every convention we hear from members who say “I had to stay at another hotel b/c the convention hotel was full”. Book early, you can always cancel 72 hours before if an emergency comes up and you can’t attend. To my knowledge our members have had mostly good experiences at the hotels where we’ve held our conventions. Below is some information for everyone staying at any hotel at any time (whether it’s during a personal vacation or business trip) to make sure that your stay is a good one. 2- Protect yourself and your belongs: • Keep the door to your room locked at all times. If you are inside the room, turn the deadbolt and fasten the security chain/bar. • When you leave your hotel room, pull the door completely closed behind you. Make sure the latch has engaged. Take a moment before you leave to try the door and make sure it is closed and locked.

• Do not open your door to strangers. Use the security

viewport to see who is outside your door. Do not trust someone claiming to be a hotel employee if you are not expecting one. If you are unsure, call the front desk to check. Leave the security chain/ bar engaged while opening the door for further protection. • Check all windows and doors in your room every time you enter it and leave it to make sure they are closed and locked. • When entering or leaving the hotel after dark, use the main entrance. • If you travel often, consider buying a portable alarm system to hang on the doorknob for added protection. These movement-sensitive devices can awaken you if a door lock should happen to fail. To protect your valuables: • Use the safe provided in the room to store keys, wallets, extra cash and credit cards, jewelry, and other small valuable items you are leaving in the room. If no safe is supplied, check with the front desk. They may have locked storage available for your use. • *Don’t leave cash, travelers checks and expensive electronics and jewelry lying around the room. • *Leave larger expensive or breakable objects at

12—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

home, if at all possible. If you must bring them, store them in the closet and out of the way of the cleaning crew. *By using your common sense and taking a few precautions while on the road, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from danger and hang on to your possessions. *IF something does appear to be missing from your room, search your room and luggage carefully before calling the desk to make a report. Our experience has been that the missing item has shown up in our car or elsewhere that we did not remember putting/ dropping it. If you don’t find it, call the desk immediately (don’t wait until after you get home) and make a report, if you are not happy with the response you get from the person at the desk, ask to speak to the Manager on duty. When you make your report, describe the item that is missing in as much detail as possible and the last time that you saw it and where, example: leather man’s wallet w money left on bed. Almost all hotels now have locks that operate with a key card. Key cards are encoded with numbers that can tell the hotel who entered a room (guest or employee) and the time that they unlocked the door to the room. 

Vol. 16, No. 2

OPERATION: SAVE JUST ONE Suicide Hot Line Activity


s you are now aware, our OPERATION SAVE JUST ONE program is a resounding success. Our efforts have saved one. Since this success was announced at Santa Maria D.E.C., TEAM AMVETS members have responded in larger numbers to continue out reach to Veterans and families. I have also been notified that there is a smart phone App available for Suicide Hot Line info. I would like to applaud the following members who have stood-up to this challenge and are helping to continue this program, a- true TEAM AMVETS endeavor -- Johnny Byrum, John Bernier, Bud Simmons Jerry Guevara, Lorraine Plass, Mary White, Dave Richey, Alex Halley, Helen Wong, Ernie Aguilar, Rose Blackman, Eddie Acosta and Amador Garcia . Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more handout material and I will make arrangements for P/U or delivery.

New Reporting Categories –

*S.A.V.E./Suicide Awareness - Operation S.A.V.E., a VA program that merits our support. Designed to prepare the lay person to be able to act with care and compassion if they encounter a person who is suicidal. Create awareness of the National Crisis Line

– 800-273-8255

Yours in TEAM AMVETS, Tom Donwen, Post 56, Tulare, Ca. 559-907-7188

My trip to Iwo Jima—14 March 2012

I am a Marine from the first Gulf War era serving from 1982-1992. My primary MOS was 0311 yet I was most of the time a 0341 mortarman. I was active duty from 1982-1986, my boot camp was at Parris Island, SC then I was stationed out of Camp LeJeune, NC, I went on NATO, WESTPAC, and UNITAS floats. Then in 1986 I chose to be an active reservist, during the first Gulf War I was mobilized for about three months, then in 1992 I chose to end my Marine Corps career. About the Iwo Jima Monument Plaque: I love history, one of my four college degrees is in History. Two years ago, in June 2010, I went to France to visit the famous Marine Corps WWI battle site at Belleau Wood and it was amazing. In March 2011 I went on a tour with Military Historical Tours (MHT) and visited: Guam, Tinian and Saipan. We were suppose to go to Iwo Jima but when the tsunami hit Japan it was canceled. So I decided to try again this year. As I was making my plans to go to Guam and Iwo Jima this year I decided to get a granite monument plaque made and shipped to Iwo Jima to have dedicated there and leave on top of Mt. Suribachi to honor and remember the heroes of Iwo Jima. So I designed the monument and wrote the wording for the heroes of Iwo Jima. In addition, over the years I have met several Iwo Jima survivors and I am also friends with a family of a Marine who was KIA on Iwo Jima. Plus, I am friends with a local Vietnam era Marine MOH recipient MSgt Richard Pittman. So I added six “From Your Brothers In Arms” names to the monument. See the photos attached for the wording and the names. In January 2012 I had the 2ft x 1ft, 226lb solid black granite plaque engraved, then I had it shipped to Guam in February 2012. It arrived in Guam at the end of February 2012. Once I was on Guam I coordinated with the shipping company and MHT to have it put on our charter plane. Once we arrived on Iwo Jima the Marine Corps support group helped us remove it from the plane and it was transported to the dedication site. After the main 67th Iwo Jima Battle Anniversary ceremony was concluded, with the help of LtGen Snowden and Colonel Wiedhahn and the Iwo Jima survivors we had a dedication ceremony for my monument near the landing beaches. Unfortunately, even thought we had requested months ago to leave the plaque on Iwo Jima, the Japanese government refused, they would only allow us to dedicate it on Iwo Jima but not leave it. So, as Marines we “adapted” and “overcame” and came up with plan B. With the help of the Generals and Colonels involved, we setup to have the monument shipped to the “National Museum of the Marine Corps” in Quantico, VA where it will be permanently placed in the WWII - Iwo Jima display. Thus allowing thousands of Marines and visitors to see it and to remember and honor the heroes of the Battle of Iwo Jima. I am pretty sure that Lt. Gen Snowden, Lt. Gen Stackpole and Colonel Weidhahn would all be willing to talk to you about my Iwo Jima monument, their thoughts and participation. I can help you connect with them. If you want to know more about me please check out my website listed below. Semper Fidelis,

Michael L. Emerson

Michael L. Emerson 2715 Christopher Court Hayward Hills, California 94541-3179 1-510-247-0777 Website: www.Michael-Emerson.com

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California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —13


Mr. & Mrs. Tony Gonzales


Mr. & Mrs. Al Verret

14—California AMVETS Voice

Franklin Antoyan and Mrs. Verret




Vol. 16, No. 2


AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA 67TH ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION On behalf of the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet), I welcome the AMVETS, Department of California, to your 67th Annual State Convention. As one of our nation's foremost veterans service organizations I applaud you for being such a strong and influential advocate for America's veterans on important issues such as employment and training, mandatory funding for government-provided health care and other benefits to which they are entitled. The diversity of your membership is unlike other veterans service organizations. AMVETS is open to anyone who is currently serving, or has honorably served, in the U.S. Armed Forces from World War II to present including those in the National Guard and Reserves. As a life-member of AMVETS and on behalf of this State, I thank you for being an ally and partner with CalVet on many events and programs in our Veterans Homes of California. I look forward to maintaining our very cooperative relationship, which has been of great benefit for the veterans of the State of California. Sincerely,


1227 O Street, room 300

Vol. 16, No. 2

Sacramento, CA. 95814



California AMVETS Voice—15

Post Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 1


he Auxiliary has donated over 300 volunteer hours and $3,500 in cash and over $2,600 in materials during the past year to their many projects. Member Bill Rottjer passed away the end of April. Bill was an active volunteer within the post and will be missed by all. 

Post 4



he members of our TEAM AMVETS (MOJO) Post 4 salute and praise our newly formed Ladies Auxiliary under the Leadership of Madame President Lyndia Kent, their elected officers Treva May Gebhart, Joetta Ruggles, Sally Rapoza, Loretta Woodard, Linda Billingsle and Shirley Kent. We have been praying since the formation of our post February 1, 2010, that someday we would have our very own Ladies Auxiliary helping all us to do God’s Works. We have accomplished so much in so short of time, the final leg of our TEAM formed working even harder in our community, supporting our veterans and their families. Quality takes time and we have finally accomplished another milestone in our TEAM AMVETS concept for our post and for the TEAM AMVETS Department of California. We attended the Redding Veterans Masonic Cornerstone laying for our home and we continue to pray for our politicians to open ASAP our home to an already waiting list of veterans. Redding Veterans Home has been completed for quite sometime, we all are waiting for our elected officials in Sacramento to keep their promise, and do the Right Thing. This has been a long fought battle, memorandum after memorandum of understandings violated by the Sacramento Legislature. We have been collecting so many worn out flags and finally the National Guard at our Northern California Veterans Cemetery will be assisting us in the final resting place of these AMERICAN FLAGS that once flown so proudly. God Speed, Cmdr. Greg Raffa

16—California AMVETS Voice

Post 2

To all friends and veterans:

Post 2 AMVETS Honor Guard Report

Because We Care Day was April 25, 2012. We gave out canteen books in the wards in building 500 - WLA VA Medical Center. Carrie Branden of Voluntary Service supplied the canteen books. AMVETS (National) supplied the care kits. Jim Johnstone of the AMVETS Honor Guard was helped out by Carrie Branden of Voluntary Service. Also helping was a member of AMVETS Post 116. Also helping were two student volunteers. The Vets were very happy to receive the gifts and get all the attention. Still Serving, Pete H. King Sr. AMVETS Honor Guard

MOJO AMVETS Post 4 Ladies Auxiliary


MVETS Ladies Auxiliary MOJO POST 4 in Bella Vista, Ca is a new and inspiring Post. The Post in the process of getting its Charter, but we are still dedicated to helping and supporting Veterans. This Auxiliary has been blessed to have individuals that are very passionate and dedicated to Veterans and their families here and abroad. Since the creation of this great Nation, the” United States of America” and the “Constitution” the ultimate price has been paid so many times for “Our Freedoms”. This price doesn’t go unnoticed by this group of wonderful and courageous ladies, they hold that very close to their hearts at all times. Through their volunteerism they display their love and empathy for Veterans. These two little words “Thank-you” to a Veteran are very powerful, place them with actions, and the results are amazing. Some of the endeavors of these ladies are: Sitting Assistant Chair on the Beautification of the Northern California Veterans Home, 80 hand-made lap blankets for the residents at the home. Going to the State Capital to show their support and concerns regarding the budget for the Opening of the Veteran Homes in the State of California. Helped with the “putting up” and the “tak-

Please see the picture below. Myself, Paul Perkins and Frank Juarez at the Medal of Honor Wall in Down Town Los Angeles on Memorial Day. We maintained the Wall that day. A thank to others who have also have helped Glen Jimenez New Post 2 Commander, Jim Johnston and Joe Romo who has also helped in the past. Ray Delgado, USMC 1966-1969 310-462-3654

ing down” of the “Traveling Vietnam Wall” and its displays. The Stand Down they presented approximately 120 cooling neck-ties and “Dittie Bags”. They attend dedications and ceremonies for Veterans to include “Home Comings”, and “Final Restings”. They send care packages to the deployed and there is much, much more. Organizations that they support include The Northern California Veterans Museum and Heritage Center, Valentines For the Troops, Missing in America Project, Wreaths Across America, just to mention a few. It’s a great honor and blessing to not only be a part of Team AmVets, but the ability to share Post 4 and its path with such individuals. Their dedication never seems to fall short and it gives me such pride to stand beside them in their endeavors. We would also like to send a special “Thanks” to Senator Maurice Johannsen and Greg Raffa for their confidence and support, without them the foundation for this Auxiliary would not have been laid. President Lynda Kent Ist Vice Treva May Gebhart 2nd Vice Joetta Ruggles 3rd Vice Sally Rapoza Secretary Loretta Woodard Treasurer Linda Billensle Chaplain Shirley Kent

Vol. 16, No. 2

Post Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 18

4. The Ladies Auxiliary conducted elections for 2012-2013. Melody Meraz is the new President; Joye Deutsch, 1st Vice President; Pam Arellano 2nd Vice President, Roberta “Robby” Bracamonte, Secretary, Melody Meraz, Treasurer; Sandi Ashbaugh, Chaplain. 5. The Post Officer election for 2012-2013 resulted in the following.: Post Commander: Terry McCarty, 1st Vice: Don Zweifel. 2nd Vice: Ron Lane, Judge Advocate: Ron Larson, Adjutant: Patrick Herbert, Chaplain: Frank Orzio, Veterans Employment/VSO: Jack Isaacson, Finance Officer: Terry McCarty, Provost Marshal: Charles Kissel. Legion of Honor: Ivan Ashbaugh

AMVETS Hal Camp Post 18 Activities

March 1, 2011-May 31, 2012


uring this reporting period the Legion of Honor (LOH-Honor Detail) participated in a variety of activities:

1. The LOH performed at the Brookhurst Elementary School’s Memorial day celebration. John Doogan was the Master of Ceremonies (MC) They folded the American flag while the MC explained the meaning of the 13 folds, then presented it to the school Principal. The rifle team fired three volleys, Bugler Co Duran, played taps after the MC explained the origin and meaning. 2. Ron Lane and his WWII reinactors rendered the “21 Gun Salute” at the Memorial Day Service at Harbor Lawn/ Mount Olive cemetery in Costa Mesa.

6. The LOH conducted five Military funeral services, including two at sea, aboard the MS Orca Too.

Funeral for Harold “Hal” Camp

The saddest one for all of us was the Funeral for our Post 18 and Legion of Honor, founder, Harold “Hal” Camp. Hal was also instrumental in establishing the Orange County Walk of Honor for Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross recipients at the Orange County Civic Center. He was also a past Department of California Commander and Past Department of California Chaplain.

A church service was held in Long Beach. That was followed by an internment service at Riverside National Cemetery. Full military honors were preformed by Hal’s LOH. The folded flag was presented to his widow, Ida Kate by long-time friend General Marvin Levy.

Post Honor Guard!

By Jim Johnstone

Hello every one! Well a new fiscal year started June 1st. The old one ended with your HONOR GUARD at the Asian American drug abatment program Friday. Cyprus Park retirement and restoration of color’s taps and riffle salute with P.O.W. program Saturday. Sunday flag placement at some remains of friends..MONDAY the 28th: A program at West Los Angeles Cemetery. It was a very good program then Los Angeles V.A. medical center for a new direction 5k walk then a Bar-B-Que on the grounds. That finished out the year for us. In starting out the new one on the June first we posted color’s for the national day of the donut at the Salvation Army home ($10,000 donated by Bake mart) on the 7th carnival at hospital. We would like to welcome all new officers elected June 10. Good luck! All local POST’s incoming officers.

R.I.P. Hal - You are missed.

3. Ivan Ashbaugh and Brent Neilson presented the colors at the Southern California Real Estate Conference at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel.

Vol. 16, No. 2

California AMVETS Voice—17

Career Center


hawna Olson was a specialist 4th Class in the US Army. She is 24 and served at Ft Hood Texas, Bamberg Germany and southern Iraq. She was trained in the Military Police. While serving a tour of duty in Iraq she was a 50 ca.l machine gunner on a Humvee when it detonated a roadside bomb. The concussion from the explosion caused traumatic brain injury. She left the Army in 2010 and began school and her search for employment. Through the efforts of Rod Blackman and the Tulare California AMVETS Career Center she was able to get employment at the Career Center. Rod helped Shawna prepare the paperwork for the Veterans Administration which led to the VA paid work study position at the Career Center. Shawna said “They help out a lot of veterans in a good situation. It took over a year for me to get help and the career center provided it.”

Post 22

Submitted by Jerry Guevara


isalia’s Post 22 continues to file the necessary paperwork, thanks to all the hard work by their post Finance Officer Robert Cadena, and is one of only a handful of posts Statewide that are compliant. Being compliant is a huge step, takes a lot of work by many and is most important. In order to file the necessary paperwork to receive a grant from the Service Foundation, you HAVE to be compliant. The post members are also finding out that even in order to do a fund raiser, you need to be compliant – so, you can see those advantages.



ou served your country through a war, or through peacetime. You expected to receive a military burial, recognition by our government of your commitment to our great country. You expected to have honor and respect paid to you as a result of your service to our great country. Instead, you reside on a shelf in a mortuary or a storage facility at a crematorium. The purpose of the MIA Project is to locate, identify and inter the unclaimed cremated remains of American veterans through the joint efforts of private, state and federal organizations. To provide honor and respect to those who have served this country by securing a final resting place for these forgotten heroes. The MIA Project will be a long-term project, but not a time sensitive project. To Date the MIAP has accomplished the following: 1. Total Funeral Homes Visited - 2242 2. Cremains Found - 13800 3. Veterans Cremains Identified -1898 4. Veterans Interred - 1631 We need your help in getting the word out to funeral homes, State Facilities. Assistance in visiting and inventorying unclaimed persons to enter into databases and let other volunteers work to identify those that are veterans and their dependents. After verification we need to ensure that the veteran has a proper Memorial Service with full Military Honors. MIAP always interns our veterans or dependents at the nearest VA National or State Cemetery. We utilize these facilities as there is a procedure to reunite them with their family if found at a later date. The Missing in America Project steps forward to accept responsibility for those veterans that have no “Next of Kin” that can be located. We accept that responsibility in order to let our veterans rest with their peers in a beautiful cemetery in the open and not in backrooms and storage units. We carry complete liability coverage nationwide and in some states have the capability to conduct legal funeral escorts to ensure a smooth orderly flow of traffic and safety to everyone involved. The Missing in America Project welcomes all other veterans and public organizations to join with us to complete this enormous task. We need your help and welcome you. Thank you, Fred Salanti

With many post members getting involved, they are still very involved in attending post functions/events and programs. Several of those since the last Voice article have been: • There were several members that helped Tulare’s Post 56 work their food booth at the World Ag Expo in February. What a cool deal and shows just what the Team AMVETS is supposed to mean. • Again, there was a Team AMVETS event were members from Post 22, worked with Post 56, and set up an informational table at the Spring Home Show in Visalia. There they handed out educational/membership/suicide information to veterans and community people that attended. • Several members attended a Resource/Career Fair at La Sierra Military Academy.

18—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

Vol. 16, No. 2

Post Reports

Post 22, cont.

• There was participation from post members to attend AMVETS Legislative Day in Sacramento. • Members helped with the 1st Honor the Veteran Blood Drive they organized and held at the Visalia Veterans Memorial Building. • A large group of Post members attended the Central Valley Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Ceremony and helped hand out AMVETS information to those attending. They even had an Elvis Presley impersonator stop by the table. • Post 22 members again teamed up with Post 56 members and had several tables and many members from both posts handing out information to veterans that attended the annual VOD (Veterans Opportunity Day) in Tulare. • Downtown Lions Car Show was another function that several post members set up a table and handed out educational/informational and suicide information not only to Veterans that were walking around but to community members as well. • Memorial weekend saw quite a few events/programs that post members were involved in and the most notable was their participation in and with the group that put on the Avenue of the Flags and Memorial Day ceremony at the Visalia District Cemetery. This is were post members, along with many other veterans groups and community members put up over 1,800 casket flags and poles lining the streets at the cemetery.

Please note that at several functions/events during this period of time, not only did Post 56 members help Post 22 members, but there were also times where there was participation from the Ladies Auxiliary from Post 56. This is truly a Team AMVETS concept. There are several members to thank for their continued support in the many events/functions and programs that the Post participates in. By naming them there would be a certainty that someone would be forgotten. So, not to make a huge error, I would just like to thank all that help out – it does make a difference and your participation and helpfulness is certainly appreciated and welcomed. Thank you – each and every one of you. Many post members continue to sign up new members and the post sees an increase in participation in the meetings and the events/functions/programs that they participate in. I want to now take the time to thank everyone that showed up and supported Post Commander Amador Garcia, Jr., and his family, during a very difficult time – that in the passing of wife and mother Lucy Lopez Garcia. May she rest in peace.

Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!

1. Clip those coupons!

Coupons we can use:  Save ‘em whether they’re active or expired! We’ll send both.  Only manufacturer’s coupons can be used.  They can be from the newspaper, dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, and elsewhere, as long as they state “Manufacturer’s Coupon” on them.  The most important coupons our troops need are for food supplies.  Baby supplies are 2nd priority, though common household goods help troops, too.

Coupons we can’t use:  No assistance vouchers.  No food stamps or the like.  No store coupons. For example, we can’t use store coupons like Walmart, Kroger, Safeway, Walgreens, etc.  No restaurant coupons.  No coupons that have been printed from the Internet.

2. Send them our way! Send active coupons to: CouponCabin.com attn: Active Coupons for Troops PO BOX 231 Whiting, IN 46394-0231

Send expired coupons to: CouponCabin.com attn: Expired Coupons for Troops PO BOX 430 Whiting, IN 46394-0430 (Please make sure expired coupons have expired within the past 90 days.) For more information go to http://www.couponcabin.com/troopons

Vol. 16, No. 2

California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —19

Proper Ventilation: To provide cross ventilation there is a exh clean the air. Storing Wood and Supplies: Wall Storage: For tool and wor Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION Classroom Instructi


Handi Craft Woodworking Training Program For Wounded & Disabled Veterans and civilians with a Disability

Operation Confidence Handi Crafts offers a 9week-4 hour a day hands-on-training course in basic woodworking. Operation Confidence Handi Crafts will follow the sustainability standards for products and will have an open transparent class process. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): is a revolutionary piece of civil rights legislation. The law is designed to protect the civil rights of people who have physical and mental disabilities Disability Rights: Definition of Disability: Federal laws define a person with a disability as “Any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such impairment.” In general, a physical or mental impairment includes hearing, mobility and visual impairments, chronic alcoholism, chronic mental illness, AIDS, AIDS Related Complex, and mental retardation that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include walking, talking, hearing, seeing, breathing, learning, performing manual tasks, and caring for oneself. Operation Confidence Handi Crafts will follow all ADA laws of operation. Operation Confidence Handi Crafts Training Program A requirement for all trainee applicants includes an evaluation for competency, limitation and range of motion. Students range from beginners to more experienced woodworkers who want to enhance their craftsmanship skills. Each class is conducted in 2 sessions a day. Mornings classes are 4 hours and afternoon classes are 4-hours.

Handi Craft purposed workshop

Operation Confidence Handi Crafts has skilled and qualified instructors with over 30 years of experience providing the instruction.


Safety always first and foremost Accident Prevention that we follow:  Wood identification, such as, incorporating a class on tre • · Clean Work Station, no loose cloth or loose their uses, the grain, the smell, textures, and weigh. hair, no jewelry, no smoking, drinking or food, chemical solutions always stored in  How to prep and strip furniture dark green jars and in locked cabinets  Sanding procedures • · Prevent Eye Injury: Always wear safety  Staining procedures goggles and do not rub dirty glove in eyes.  Refinishing procedures • · Safety Gear: Face shield, rubber & working  Learn proper name of tools, to respect them, the woodw gloves, ear muff, dual cartridge respirator,  Choosing a project and completion safety glasses. • · First Aid Kit Chapter 8: Woodworking Art on Furniture Class • · Storage: Red Fire Proof Storage Cabinet Chapter 9: Advance classes: Computer Numerically Controlle flammable solutions, such as, lacquer, paint thinner, vanish, stain, rags, etc. (Once Oper • The Workshop funding to p • Dust Collector System: The most important advance cla for safety is a dust collector system, which as The Comput shop vac and/or air compressors. (CNC) route • Proper Ventilation: To provide cross ventila Wood identification, such as, incorporating a class on trees, different materials wit tion there is a exhaust set-up to clean the air. speed. Unlik • Storing Wood and Supplies: Storage:the smell, textures, and weigh. their uses, Wall the grain, used CNC ro For tool and working supplies increasing y • Classroom Instruction • · Wood identification,suchHow as, incorporating to prep and strip furniture a class on trees, different types of wood, and Sanding procedures Woodwork & Furniture Refinishing their uses, the grain,  the smell, textures, and weigh. Boutique, by Wounded  Staining procedures • How to prep and strip furniture and Disabled Veterans • Sanding procedures  Refinishing procedures Newsletter • Staining procedures  Learn proper name ofOperation tools, to respect them, the woodworking area and Confidence Handi-Crafts Boutique is • Refinishing procedures a unique small business located in the heart of Los Choosing a project and completion • Learn proper name oftools, to respect them, Angeles run and operated by disabled and woundthe woodworking area and how to use them ed veterans who are skilled craftsmen in the art of • Choosing a project8:and completion Chapter Woodworking Art on Furniture Class woodworking, retouching and refinishing furnish• Chapter 8: Woodworking Art on Furniture ings. Operation Confidence Handi-Crafts Boutique’s Class mission is toNumerically provide employment opportunities for Rou Chapter 9: Advance classes: Computer Controlled (CNC) • Chapter 9: Advance classes: Computer Nu- wounded and disabled vets as they work in a thermerically Controlled (CNC) Router apeutic and art filled environment. In addition to (Once Operation Confide • (Once Operation Confidence obtains funding selling small furniture items, Handi-Crafts donates to purchase the CNC Router advance classes furniture pieces to needy disabled veterans and their the C funding to purchase will be provided.) families. people with physical disabilities. advance classes will be pr • The Computer Numerically Controlled Operation Confidence serves a ​population of men (CNC) routers can drill, carve, trim and cut and women who have sacrificed so much to protect materials with incredible accuracy and speed. our country yet have received Thelittle Computer Numerical recognition, reUnlike manual production, a new or used sources, or support from the community. (CNC) routers can drill, c CNC router performs with consistency, in​ creasing your productivity while maintaining with Operation Confidence ismaterials proud to have Theincredible Miliquality. Eliminate errors and increase your tary Order of the Purple Heart, Chapter # 83, The speed. Unlike manual pro profit margins. Find just the right new or used Salvation Army, New Directions, Inc. P.O.W. AssousedAMVETS, CNC router perform CNC router in our thermoforming equipment ciation, The American Legion, Vietnam catalog now and wood technology, furniture Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, increasing your productiv manufacturing, wood engineering, and pro- Jewish War Veterans, Vet to Vet, Korean War Veterduction management. ans, the Salvation Army and many others to support • Certificate of Achievement its efforts. ​Consuella Mackey, Founder and Execu-

Classroom Instruction

Being awarded Operation Confidence’s HandiCrafts Woodworking Certificate of Achievement means that the trainee has successfully completed the required short-term program designed to provide the student with basic knowledge and skills in woodworking.Operation Confidence

20—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

tive Director of Operation Confidence, a nonprofit organization and civilian felt the need to do more to help this population of people society seems to have forgotten. Operation Confidence is a grass roots nonprofit organization that has been in the community advocating for individuals with disabilities for over 25 years www.operationconfidence.org 

Vol. 16, No. 2

Post Reports Here are some great ideas your Post can do to help veterans and your community!

Post 34




• Finance Officer Crichlow and Cmdr. Wong attended the International Academy of Web TV Awards in Las Vegas with Past Dist. Cmdr. Sheryl Shaffer who had submitted her video of “The WholeVet Program” for an award consideration. • Cmdr. Wong attended the tv show taping of the Veterans Helping Veterans tv series that Past Dist. 4 Cmdr. Shaffer hosts, and provided the refreshments. •

Cmdr. Wong attended the DEC meeting at Santa Maria.

• 2nd Vice Commander D. Adams coordinated the weekly AMVETS For VETS Sunday Lunch Program which he has attended since Feb. 2011 when the Post got involved. Total homeless and transitional veterans served in January = 115.


• Cmdr. Wong attended the 4 Chaplains Memorial Service at St. Mary’s Cathedral with State Cmdr. Greer and Northern Area Cmdr. Raffa with his grandchildren. • Cmdr. Wong attended the annual AMVETS Legislative Day in Sacramento.

• AMVETS For VETS Sunday Lunches-total homeless & transitional veterans served = 88


• Several members of the Post participated in the S.F. Community Covenant signing: Alex Crichlow was one of the Committee Chairmans; Cmdr. Wong & 2nd Vice Cmdr. Adams who had the display table, member E. Holmes, S. Shaffer who interviewed & made a tv show of the event, S. Hall who was the videographer. State Cmdr. Greer, State 2nd Vice Cmdr. Simmons, and Cmdr. D. Glasser also attended the event. • Cmdr. Wong attended the Veterans Employment Committee of San Mateo Co. meeting representing AMVETS.

• S. Shaffer & Cmdr. Wong attended the S.F. Chapter of the Int. Academy of WebTv inaugural meeting mixer held at the Revision 3 Studio video network. They passed out the VHVTv postcards. • S. Shaffer attended the “Hackathon” event sponsored by Craig Newmark for veterans to network and learn state of the art software, applications.

• AMVETS For VETS Sunday Lunches-total homeless & transitional veterans served: 122 •

APRIL: • Vice Cmdr. Adams visited Chaplain Johnson who had been hospitalized at St. Francis Hospital. • Cmdr. Wong provided Guardian training for Honor Flight Nor Cal in preparation for an Honor Flight trip scheduled in May.

• Post 34 hosted the Northern Area Meeting at the War Memorial Bld. for N.O. Cmdr. Greg Raffa, with lunch provided by the Bayview Lions Club Gwen Strain. Speakers included Sarah Kim Lee, Josh Laine, Bill Roberts. Guests included State Dept. officers. • AMVETS For VETS Sunday Lunches-total homeless & transitional veterans served: 155


• Adjutant Williams was the Post representative at the SF Giants game for which AMVETS had provided tickets to the SF VA patients. • Member Holmes visited WWII member Gifford in the hospital.

• Newly elected 1st Vice Cmdr Adams attended the JROTC Spring Drill Meet held at Lincoln High, and presented the AMVETS medals to the cadets.

• New member Leo Madrid was designated as the San Francisco AMVETS Career Center (point of contact) coach, and had 15 veterans signed in on the first Sunday he opened the SF Veterans Success Center (formerly Veterans Resource Center).

• 1st Vice Cmdr Adams attended the Swords to Plowshares graduation ceremony.

• Cmdr. Wong, Post 53 members Higgins, Gonzalez, and Post 53 Cmdr. McArdle attended the Operation Eagle Visit banquet hosted by the city of San Mateo. 40 members of the current 101st AB, A Company were flown out from Ft. Campbell, KY to be honored during the weekend for the 40th anniversary of the 101st Airborne Div. parade. San Mateo was the only city which welcomed home Vietnam Veterans with a parade. There was also a Sunday parade which the members marched in, and the Memorial Day Service at the Golden Gate National Cemetery on Monday. • Member Shaffer was invited to be a guest on the Young Turks Network show “The Point” . She made several more videos which can be viewed on www.VHVtv.org. • 1st Vice Cmdr Adams and Adjutant Williams were hosts to the bikers riding across America.

• AMVETS For VETS Sunday Lunches-total homeless & transitional veterans served: 115

Visit our website

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Vol. 16, No. 2

California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org —21

Post Reports Here are some great ideas your post can do to help veterans and your community!



n May 6, Post 40 brought a bunch of “junk” ( as in, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure) to the monthly Flea Market, set up shop and started selling what we brought. Bud Simmons (Air Force, Korea) and Dave Richey (Navy, Vietnam) were on the job at 0530, and by 0700 had made the first sale. Arriving at 0600, Morella Staggs (Coast Guard, WWII) rounded out the set-up crew. Lorraine Plass (Army, Gulf War) blew in around 0700 to “woman” the station for a period, and Jackie Richey (Dave’s wife) arrived about 0830 to donate her time for the rest of the day. She’s a great salesperson! Other participants throughout the day were Dave Marquardt (Air Force, Vietnam), Jay Matthews (Army, Vietnam), Jim O’Neil (Army, Vietnam), Scott Wimmer (Army, Vietnam) and John DeBiase (Navy, Vietnam). The sponsors of the Flea Market are the American Legion offshoot known as the “40&8”. They rent the spaces to the public, but do not charge veterans organizations for the use of a space, so the post did not incur any overhead. The revenue for the day was approximately $250. It was not much revenue per man hour invested, but it was a lot of fun and comraderie. We also used the event as a recruiting opportunity, and handed out several applications. MICHAEL OTTOLINI AMVETS POST 40 OF SONOMA COUNTY OFFERS PRAYER FOR MILITARY Dave Richey of Post 40 was asked to offer the prayer for the Military Services at the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer. The ceremonies were held at The Old Courthouse Square in downtown Santa Rosa. Dave was able to enlist the help of several members of the local National Guard 579th Engineering Battalion. They were: SFC Mendiola, SFC Madril, SSG Magee, SGT Rodriguez, SGT Serrato, SGT Spurlin and SGT Lopez. These soldiers opened the hour of prayer with the presentation of Colors including the POW/MIA flag and the five Service flags. There was a light rain falling during the prayer time, but it did not dampen the spirits of those participating. The military representatives mentioned above were heartily welcomed and cheered by all those attending.

22—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

Vol. 16, No. 2

Post 53


Post Reports

ost 53 continues to do two scheduled days a month at SJVNC and at the other national cemeteries and off-site locations when requested. June 7th I will be at SJVNC and June 8th at GGNC per a request from a family in Iowa. Out of the last 42 years I have been at GGNC in San Bruno 40 times (missed two years in the 70’s) on the Saturday before Memorial Day with the Boy Scouts and others placing flags on the grave-sites. For approximately 20-22 years I have been the MC and I was the chairman for about 12 years. I have been a Boy Scout leader for about 32 years and I still belong too two troops. Jim Blank, who was awarded the first amvets knot for scouting, was recently awarded an outstanding Eagle Scout award. The first one given out by his Boy Scout Council. Post 53 continues to be active in supporting scouting. We support a Cub Scout Pack and the only Scout Venture band that plays for Veteran groups and functions. The band is also registered as a Navel Sea Cadet band and they go by the name “Band of the West”. This last December they were invited by the Pacific Fleet Band in Hawaii to perform for the December 7th activities. While there they were invited by our National Commander to play at the Punch Bowl for a dedication ceremony, which they did. My activities hours

and miles are way lower then they should be because I have several individuals who do not keep track and don’t report. Keith Blackey holds several positions in scouting that all started with AMVETS and VVA and Jim Blank, but both are lacking in the reporting area. I will need to keep a little pressure on them. We have just changed our meeting day and time. While we meet at the same location, we do it on the 4th Saturday at 1200. Hopefully this will be more convenient for the members and I will have more then 3 or 4 show up. Lets see, we also meet with the VVA group on the 1st Sunday of the month at the Menlo Park PTSD bldg to bring goodies to the patients and be available for talking. Last year I completed a training program from the VA to be a Veteran Peer Specialist. It is for working with those that have PTSD, abuse problems and a few other issues. I continue to use my training to convince Veterans to go to the VA. Its a “I will go with you program” on my part, but it works and is worth it. Leo Post 53 Commander CH (Col) Leo P. McArdle DCoS Honors United States Volunteers-America

Captain James D. Blank (Ret.) Captain Jim Blank was the first of four children born to Corpsman HM1 Nathan Blank and Registered Nurse Doris (Sluder) Blank in 1951 at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, IL. Being that dad was in the Navy, Jim would spend his first decade around the military; a mark that would have great influence on his character & family legacy of public service and becoming the 4th generation to serve our country with a career in the Armed Forces – that continued on to his son, Rushkin (Eagle Scout ’05, Troop 271). Jim is married to Greliza Emata Blank, and also has a

Vol. 16, No. 2

daughter, Brownie Scout Elizann Blank. As a youth living on Okinawa, Jim observed several older classmates who attended the School for DoD dependents, having lots of fun participating in Cubing events. One such event was in October, just lying back on a hillside observing the early evening sky for signs of Sputnik. Not yet old enough to join – this sparked enough to join - this sparked his imagination. He was bitten by the scouting bug. After he returned stateside to Great Lakes, Jim was able to join an off-base cub pack. His parents were there every step of the way as cub/troop leaders. Within a few months, they moved yet again, this time to the new on-base housing. There was no pack or troop in this 500+ new housing development. At his own initiative, Jim went door to door soliciting information from each family on the availability of boys interested in starting a pack. Thus his Scouting experience continues to this day. Cub Scout Jim earned: Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Lion/ Arrow of Light, and the 50th Anniversary Achievement Award when Scouting turned fifty. While working on First Class at Great Lakes, Dad retired from the military and they moved to a troop at San Fernando Valley State College. The Scoutmaster was Dean of the English Department and your first merit badge was Public Speaking. This troop loved to backpack with 20 & 50 mile hikes all the time. A year later, he moved to Simi Valley where Jim would be inducted into the OA, earn Eagle Scout (’67, Troop 621) with Bronze/Gold/Silver Palms and 55 merit badges; the youth religious award in the Lutheran Church, attend ’67 Philmont Trek 628J. Then, just before enlisting in the Air Force in 1970, he would be a ranger at Philmont, an experience that paved his way to training at the Survival School. He would continue to volunteer in scouting through-out his military career, even serving as the Base Scout Liaison Officer on Okinawa, and in his off time in Saigon, as a Scouting Advisor (commissioner) in the Vietnamese program. Currently he is assisting a Philippine Rover Scout unit in Cagayan De Oro (his family’s home town). Capt. Jim retired in 1991 and moved back to the Bay Area, volunteering in this council with Troop 271 and also serving on Mene Oto & Quicksilver

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Post 53 continued from previous page Districts’ Advancement, endowment fund; and international rendezvous committees. His 40 year tenure as ADC/Neighborhood/Unit commissioner; earned the Distinguished Commissioners Knot, Doctorate in Commissioner Science, Commissioner’s Key & Arrowhead. Jim attended Wood Badge course WE 3-31-04. April 2010 AMVETS National Commander Miskulin presented the first ever to be awarded, AMVET Community Service Scouting Award to Jim. Jim has also earned the Silver Beaver Award, District Award of Merit, International Knot, Philmont Master Training Knot, and the Scouter’s Training Knot. Scouting has only set the foundation for the future success in the many life’s endeavor’s that Jim encountered over the years. In the USAF he rose through the ranks from Airman to retiring as Captain. Stayed in scouting while serving in the military in Vietnam, Okinawa and the Philippines he. would serve as the Base Scout Liaison officer. He earned the Master Information Qualification Badge; his decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, AF Commendation Medal, AF Achievement Medal with cluster, and many other service medals. He has actively served in the leadership of many veteran service organizations over the years including post commander and district commander for the AMVETs, where he was awarded the departments VAVS AWARD(1999), and the AMVETS Department & National award for veterans employment(1999). He is also a member of Disabled American Veterans and the Vietnam Veterans of America, has done volunteer work with the American Red Cross for more than , locally serving on the Disaster Action Team for ten years responding to the need of victims years. Additionally he has volunteered over 5000 hrs to the VA Hospital since 1995. In his position with the State of California, Employment Development Department as a veterans outreach specialist, he would be cited numerous times for his compassion and assistance to the veteran community. In 1999 he was awarded the National Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist of the Year at the national convention of the DAV. Jim has been credited for assisting in the saving of a child’s life from drowning on Okinawa in 1976; in 1988 assisting in the use of red cross life saving techniques in the Philippines to prevent another child from choking to death, and in 1998, thru compassionate outreach to a despondent veteran threating self harm, was able to turn situation around in a marathon 4 hour telephone conversation to where the veteran was able to receive appropriate medical and mental health from the Veterans Administration. And now after more than 50 years of fun in scouting, to recognize a lifetime of achievements, service and philanthropy to the community, dedication to the cause, being an exemplified outstanding role model and mentor to our youth and whose life has touched and inspired others both in and outside of scouting; the Boy Scouts of America Santa Clara County Council and it’s National Eagle Scout Association & Alumni Chapter are awarding for 2012 the NESA OUTSTANDING EAGLE SCOUT AWARD to Captain Jim Blank.

Post 56 Alex with ROTC winners.

Rawhide Tipper and Honor Guard.

Tom Donwen, Alex Halley w Lemoore NAS Commander

Tom and JROTC winner.

Twin Towers dedication

24—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

Vol. 16, No. 2

This year’s of the



Scholarships are:



Minh Truong Hemet, CA

$1,000 Katarina Schweitze La Mesa, CA

Brittannie Murrieta San Bernardino, CA

Diana Suciu Orangevale CA

Jenny Vo Westminister, CA

Carmen-Eduvijes Valdivia Sanger, CA

Precious C. Daileg Buena Park, CA

Rocio Ortega Los Angeles, CA

Andrea Phan Le San Diego, CA

Edwin A. Cardenas Corona, CA

Edwin Gray Myers Redondo Beach, CA

Zhen-huan Yu Los Angeles, CA

Queena Xu San Jose, CA

Coterie Group 2012 Who are we? Any military veteran of any war is welcome to join our Coterie group. At no charge. What is it?

The Coterie Group offers combat veterans a safe environment for communication and interaction through the powerful presence of horses. Each group session will include three parts: each session will start with a “check-in” or “introduction” with the participants, followed by a group exercise period utilizing the horses, and concluding with a reflection period on the completed exercise. Refreshments are served.

Where? A.Meliora Ranch 16170 Renee Court Happy Valley, California 96007


The second Monday of each month @ 10 a.m. to 12 noon Contact: Jim Busher @ 530-341-2242 cell (Please call between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.) Vol. 16, No. 2

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Friends of Team AMVETS A C Calderoni


AIG Financial Advisors

J & J Clothing

Alvarez & Shelley PC

Tri Med

Automatic Boiler Co.


Bacchus Fulfillment LLC

AGM Investments Inc.

Bas Roofing

BCL & Associates Inc.


BWH Precision Motorwerks

Chiropractic Health Service

John Macharg-Personal

Crane & Co.

San Joaquin Prime Care

DG Tax & Consulting

Virtual Construction Inc.

Direct Construction

Wrex Products Inc. of Chico

Dubey Law Firm Epicurean Group Inc. Haeienda Oaks Property Management Jonathan Barnett Design Kevin Stotmeister Krehbiel’s Automotive Repair Leyla Hanson CPA Mail Boxes Etc.#1307 Paul’s Haul Roger Oviedo Ssaddleback Mortgage Inc. Toto’s Restaurant & Pizzeria Unique Escrow Inc. 26—California AMVETS Voice - www.calamvets.org

Post 1774 December 14, 2011

AMVETS Post 1774 Oroville EST. March 4, 2011 EIN # 27-4420130

Here is a summary of what Post 1774 has been doing during the meeting for the last three months. October 2011- Commander James Bruce and wife, Ruby, attending the Fall Dept. Executive Conference in Visalia. At our regular meeting we had a 50/50 raffle drawing and door prize.. Three of our members attended the AMVETS Northern California Area meeting in Santa Rosa. We also discussed upcoming events for November. November 2011- We had a new member, David Robinson, come in. There was a 50/50 raffle and door prize. On the 9th and 10th we did White Clovers in front of Wal-Mart at least 6 members participated and even recruited a new member. On Veterans Day we enter the parade with a float with a WWII army jeep on it. The 12th was our first breakfast at Memorial Hall. It was a great success. December 2011- We passed out certificates for members 80 or older. We also had certificates of appreciation for Wal-Mart and Gold Country Casino for their donation to our breakfast. We also had another new member, 50/50 drawing, and door prize. We also had recruiting at every meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Commander James Bruce

Vol. 16, No. 2

Post 922

Vol. 16, No. 2

Post 922 in Shafter had a biscuit, gravy, eggs and sausage breakfast on June 16th for their veterans, spouses and guests.

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DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HEADQUARTERS 120 North “M” Street Tulare, CA 93274 www.calAMVETS.org


Veterans and military retirees:


f you’ve lost your DD 214 or other important service record and would like to obtain a certified copy, this website will get the forms back to you more quickly than the past 4-6 weeks it has routinely taken in the past. Follow the instructions explicitly and print out the request. You should have your records in about two weeks. www.archives.gov/veterans/evetrecs/index.html Blogs


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Veterans' Service Records Home > Veterans' Service Records > Military Service Records Request Service Records

Start Your Military Service Record Request (DD Form 214 & SF-180)

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Other Methods to Obtain Service Records

Military personnel records can be used for proving military service, or as a valuable tool in genealogical research. Most veterans and their next-of-kin can obtain free copies of their DD Form 214 (Report of Separation) and other military and medical records several ways.

New "Inside the Vaults" Video Highlights Veterans' Records Requests

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• Veterans Service • Legislative Military Service Table ofAction Contents Records Online Requests Using eVetRecs Use the following to request veterans' service records I - and from• WW State National Publications About Service Records Present. (Looking for Pre-WWI Service Records?) Required Information Correcting Service Records • Local Post Activities Recommended Information Medical and Health Records Emergency Requests and Deadlines • Community Service Locations of Service All American Veterans who were honorably separated after Launch the Download form Where to Send my request Records • Memorial Carillons eVetRecs SF-180 to mail September 15, 1940 or are now serving in the Armed Forces, National Older (pre-WWI) Service Cost System to start or fax your GuardRecords or Reservists, are eligible for membership in AMVETS. • V.A.V.S. Response Time your request request. What Records are NOT online. Checking the Status of your Request Available? • Scholarships Special Notice Regarding Requests


(free for most veterans)

Application For Membership Privacy and Security of Veterans Records

I apply for:  New Annual


 Life Membership & Pay $________ Post dues __________

Online Requests Using eVetRecs Printed Name _________________________________________ Service# or SS# ____________________________________ Our online eVetRecs system creates a customizedCity order__________________ form to request information State from your, or Zip Street Address___________________________________________ _____ your relative's, military personnel records. You may use this system if you are:


Sponsor __________________________ Phone _____________________ Branch of Service _________________________ A military veteran, or

Mo/Yr Entered SVC. _______/_______ Discharged _______/_______ Type Discharge _________________________ Next of kin Mo/Yr of a deceased, former member of the military. Theof next of kin can be any of the Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)



/____ Date of Application


Surviving spouse that has not remarried


Spouse _______________________________

Signature_________________________________ *Post dues vary. Father


Membership Fees: Son ANNUAL: $30 Daughter Sister

LIFE: $250


New and Renewal Dues varies between Posts.

Brother If you are not the veteran or next of kin, you must complete the Standard Form 180

(SF 180).

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