Vol. 64, No. 3

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Fall, 2009


Vol. 64, No. 3



BY CMDR. Bob Downer

ell here we are again at the beginning of a new AMVET year with so many things to do and a short time to do them in. I (meaning the officers) have looked into having a CPA do our finances, the actual cost for the entire Department accounts plus payroll is the same as we are paying one to do one account and payroll. This will eliminate some of the confusion and complaints we have now. The next thing in the works is a solicitation company out of Texas, soliciting for Michigan AMVETS; nothing is in concrete still in the talking phase. Audit is still in the works one bank did release some info but a lot more is yet to come. We are pulling all Finance Reports, and all SEC Minutes from as far back as we can, that is happening as I write this article. I’m also looking into starting up an AMVETS Department Bingo. This Bingo will be on a Tuesday (every Tuesday) we are going to need $3,000 dollars to start up and time to build a clientele our hopes are to generate $4,000 a month. I would hope if all goes well this start up would be sometime in September or October. If this does well I will be looking for more places to start a Bingo preferable in an AMVETS Post. So, if you have room let us know the terms and conditions. We will also be look-

ing for Bingo Chairperson and workers as we establish these Bingo sites. The State does allow us to pay these people a small monetary amount each night they work. I have established a joint Planning Committee, consisting of members from all groups of the AMVETS family; their job is to create a Fall Conference, Spring SEC and Convention Book, with every group’s individual wants and needs addressed right down to seating arrangements in conference rooms, food, water, and microphone and so on. After this book is finished anyone, including the hotel staff, should be able to set up any of these functions with very little difficulty. When this project is complete, I have many ideas of other projects for this committee to do and return this organization back into a family who works together. Now I will tell you what I would like to hear from our AMVET family instead of complaints about other people and everything going on. Why don’t we come up and say, “Can we do anything to help get us out of this mess we are in?” We are sinking! And going to have to pull together as a family to get us out of this crisis to restore this organization or we are going to suffer for years or maybe just fade away. I know I can hear the voices already as they read this paragraph, but that means you Continued on page 3

1st Vice Commander's Report


t this writing I am just finishing up contacting posts that haven’t reported their programs for 09 January to June. I have about 10 left for 100% reporting. Thanks to all of you post 2nd Vice Commanders who report programs every year twice a year without prompting. So on to membership. If you haven’t wrapped up all of your annual membership renewals for 2009 continue contacting them, write a friendly reminder on a post card and tell them we need their support or have the member that recruited them add a note encouraging them to renew their membership. The 2010 membership year began September 1, I hope you have been out there recruiting new members for your post. I was invited to have a recruiting table at the 2nd Annual WWII and Veteran’s Weekend at Veteran’s Memorial Park in St. Clair Shores in July. The event was successful as we passed out many membership pamphlets with applications attached. I did inform each perspective member which of our posts were located in their area, so you may have gotten some referrals. Membership incentives for the 2010 membership year are listed here. Commander’s Award Pin and Renewal Star Pin for individual member awards. Post Membership Renewal Awards and Post Membership Increase Awards. National First Vice Commander Duane Miskulin writes in the Spring Issue of American Veteran Magazine about the membership contest

“Green for Green Hats”. In the past year the program rewarded members who recruit 25 new members with a$25.00 gift card from either Bas Pro Shops or Home Depot. The contest ran from Veteran’s Day through Memorial Day. The National Membership Department also offered another award, the Membership By Vince Cass Coin, which was presented to any member 1st Vice Commander (not just a green hat) who recruited five or more new members in the course of a membership year. Those AMVETS who are working hard to grow this organization should be recognized and rewarded so if this program, or any other, continues in the coming year, if a member qualifies for these awards 1st Vice Commanders should get the paperwork in to Department Headquarters for submission to National. In 2008-9, 46 Challenge Coins and 5 Gift Card awards were presented. Rick Mc Whirter of Post 269 Ypsilanti with 25 New Members is the only recipient from the Department of Michigan. Rick was awarded a Challenge Coin and a Gift Card. There are veterans in Michigan who haven’t been asked to join or great organization they are waiting for you to ask. 


Upcoming Events

Department Of Michigan 2009-2010 State Executive Committee

Department Commander ......................................................Robert Downer 1st Vice Commander.................................................................Vincent Carr 2nd Vice Commander........................................................Anthony M. Lema Finance Officer.........................................................................Jean Bennett Judge Advocate.............................................................. Daren R. Heckman Provost Marshal...................................................................... Roger Lanting Nec Man....................................................................Pdc Dennis M. Butler Alternate Nec . ................................................................. Pdc John Dowd Immediate Pdc ................................................................... Mary Wilseck District I Commander............................................................James Meloche District Ii Commander.................................................................Dave Ewald District Iii Commander....................................................Michael Wainwright District Iv Commander.................................................................Alan Abels District V Commander.............................................................. Perry Corwin District Vi Commander............................................................. Paul Ladochi District Vii Commander............................................................ Carol Hebert Executive & Service Director..............................................Glenda Cogswell Aide De Camp......................................................................... Dennis Butler Chaplain............................................................................... Donald Cooney Legislative Director.................................................................John Hoechrel Inspector General.....................................................................Alan Norman Department PRO................................................................... Martin Bennett

Post 29 Talent Show September 26 Mt. Clemens

Dept. of MI Fall SEC and Conference October 2-4, 2009 Ramada Inn, Grayling, MI Veterans Day Dance November 7, 2009 Post 27, Warren

Subordinate Organizations

Ladies Auxiliary President........................................................ Kathy Keizer Auxiliary Legis/Liaison...................................................... Maureen Jackson Auxiliary Exec Secretary..................................................... Nancy Middleton Jr. Amvets President.............................................................Ashley Keizer Jr. Amvets Coordinator................................................... Robert Middleton Sons of Amvets Commander........................................... Douglas Beedon Sons of Amvets Coordinator............................................ Pdc John Dowd Service Foundation President...................................... Pdc Harold L. Reed Saddest Sad Sack..................................................................John Hoechral

State Commander Bob Downer’s Testimonial Dinner March 20, 2010 VFW Durand

Next DEADLINE for The Michigan AMVETS News is 10/07/09 ANNUAL DEADLINE DATES

Spring Issue Summer Issue Fall Issue Winter Issue

January 7 April 7 July 7 October 7

If you have upcoming events, please let us know so we can post it. Next cutoff date October 7

The Michigan AMVET News Official Publication of the AMVETS Department of Michigan American Veterans who have served honorably since September 1940 Chartered by Congress July 28, 1947 Owned, Edited and Operated by the AMVETS Department of Michigan Published Quarterly Publication design by JM Publishing Editorial Office: Mail: P.O. Box 254 Dryden, MI 48428 UPS: 5489 Main St. Dryden, MI 48248 Phone 810-796-3876 Fax 810-796-3896 E-mail address: miamvet2008@yahoo.com The Department Headquarters business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. NON-PROFIT POSTAGE PAID IN PONTIAC, MICHIGAN Subscription Rates: 50 cents per year to members * $1 per year to non-members Advertising Rates on Request

Michigan AMVETS News


Vol. 64, No. 3

COMMANDER'S CORNER, cont. didn’t get it please reread it until I don’t hear those voices any more, just faces asking what can I do to help. I will be the first one to tell you I would love for our Department to give out monetary awards, grants, bring back all the donations to our family like we used to. I would not even mind if we could pay our officers room and mileage, but you can’t keep paying out with nothing coming back in. I think our membership in general has taken on the philosophy, as far as the Department is concerned; it’s better to receive than to give. That just can not continue and I’m not saying always money, even though that is our immediate problem at this time. We need help in the office. Glenda is the only one working. We have no secretary. Her husband comes down and helps. Bert Lema is going to help next week, but that is not like having someone a couple days a week. Do we have a member with secretary skills and computer skills who could volunteer some time? Membership renewal time is coming fast and that means more work yet. How about a post that has available space that could be used for our Department Head Quarters until we get back on our feet? See there are a lot of ways to help and maybe you have an idea on how to help. Call me. I will listen.

I will be sending out a letter to all posts, Ladies Auxiliaries, Sons Squadrons, Sad Sack Units and Riders Chapters, requesting them to hold one Texas Hold’em Tournament this year plus one next year and donate the proceeds (minus expenses) to AMVETS Department of Michigan. Maybe you have licenses you are not going to use. Let me know, we could see about using them. This is just one other way to give back to the Department without costing you any money. If everyone would do this, we would have enough money to get back to where we were 10 years ago and also allow us enough breathing room to create funding on a consistent basis. I know I hear those voices again. Please refer to paragraph above starting with the word now and please use that paragraph as a refresher at any time. Some of our posts have not revalidated yet. Please get them in as soon as possible or your post could be put in suspension and we do not need any more drama added to what already exists. On the good side of things, I would like to thank everyone for supporting me again this year as you know I have a lot of things I would like to do. I will try to accomplish as much as I can in this very short one- year period. With your help, this could be the

AMVETS defining year (let’s hope so). I also need to give a special thanks to my Post 2273 and District III, but especially my post. They have supported me from the start and this year gave me a check for $5,000 to help defray expenses. I do thank them all very, very much AMVETS, Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and Riders. Speaking of Riders we now have five Rider Chapters in our state Chapter 1941 Big Rapids, Chapter 29 Mt. Clemens, Chapter 1957 Adrian, Chapter 171 Westland, and Chapter 2273 Durand. Having five chapters allowed us to form a Department of Michigan Riders, which was done at convention. I would like to welcome them to the AMVETS Family. They will add new life to this organization and hopefully some new ideas. AMVETS can be a great organization, it is up to us. The ball is in our court. Are you a team player, cheerleader, do you set on the bench, or are you a fan cheering for the other team? Heart is the driving force for any team, we have the team with plenty of heart all we need now is the help. God bless all of you and God bless America. 

Legislative Corner John Hoecherl, Legislative Director


s of this writing the state still has not approved a budget for 2010. In SB 250 introduced by Senator Valde Garcia all funds were taken away from the Service Organizations. It was sent to the House and they amended it with a substitute bill and sent it back to the Senate and there it was voted down. A committee was appointed but a meeting has not yet been scheduled. If we do not receive funding then we will have to close the doors of our Service Department. Other issues pending legislation are listed to the right. 

Programs By Anthony M. Lema


ell, Convention is over. Congratulations are in order for all of the new officers. Also, I would like to thank our Judge Advocate, Daren Heckman, for the great job that he did at Convention, most importantly getting our AMVETS Department of MI Riders formed. As most of you know, we have a tough road ahead of us. We need to work as a team if we hope to make it through the year. The State of Michigan has basically stolen funds from all of the VSO’s. We are on our own. Fundraising is now more important than ever. With over 70 Posts, we should be able to raise $70 - $100,000 for the Department of Michigan. Our Service Officers brought in over $23 million in recoveries for this past year. What will our veterans do without them? Think about it. Program reporting, program reporting, program reporting. Enough said. 

Michigan AMVETS News


Vol. 64, No. 3

Department of Michigan Americanism Contest Winners Kindergarten Flag Drawing 1st Place – Zachary Moore - $50.00 check 2nd Place – Rylee Donovan - $25.00 check 1st Grade Flag Drawing 1st Place – Imran Siddiqui - $50.00 check 2nd Place – Hailey Burden - $25.00 check 2nd Grade Poster 1st Place – Caitlin Rawlins - $50.00 check 2nd Place – Dustin Kasperski - $25.00 check 3rd Grade Poster 1st Place – Grace Myers - $50.00 check 2nd Place – Carolann Walkuski - $25.00 check 4th Grade Poster 1st Place – Anthony Rizzo – $75.00 check 2nd Place – Calloway Daily - $50.00 check

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5th Grade Poster 1st Place – Alexander Nowicki - $75.00 check 2nd Place – Paige O’Connell - $50.00 check 6th Grade Essay 1st Place – Thomas Montgomery - $100.00 check 2nd Place – Jessica Barger - $50 check 7th Grade Essay 1st Place – Lexie Hawkins - $100.00 check 2nd Place – Otyllia Abraham - $50.00 check 8th Grade Essay 1st Place – Candace Majewski - $100.00 check 2nd Place – David Bailey - $50.00 check 9th Grade Essay 1st Place – Carl King - $150.00 check 2nd Place – Brilla Patterson - $75.00 check

Special Offer for Department and Post Commanders As a special introductory offer, your post will receive $300 in FREE printing if you place your order before May 30th through your exclusive AMVETS website at: www.printingforless.com/C/ AMVETS. Save 10% on All Orders AMVETS members will receive a 10% discount on all orders placed with PrintingForLess.com. PFL’s exclusive website offers a wide variety of products ranging from business cards, postcards, stationery, catalogs...and more! Convenient Ordering The AMVETS member website is easy to access and a breeze to use. You can learn about the products offered by PFL and place your order in just minutes. To get started, visit www. printingforless.comC/AMVETS, choose your product, and enter your quantity. An online proof will be emailed to you within hours after placing your order and your order will ship within 4 days.

10th Grade Essay 1st Place – Desirae Tibaudo - $150.00 check 2nd Place – Nevin Pleiness - $75.00 check 11th Grade Essay 1st Place – Courtney Piotter - $200.00 check 2nd Place – Jacob Moegle - $100.00 check 12th Grade Essay 1st Place – Jackie Flegm - $200.00 check 2nd Place – Rebecca Hawkins - $100.00 check

Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN 2010 MEMBERSHIP INCENTIVE AWARDS PROGRAM iNDiViDuAL AWArDS COMMANDER’S AWARD PIN – Will be presented for the recruitment of three or more new members. The pin will have “2010” on it. At the 2010 State Convention Posts will be presented one pin for each three new members, for presentation to membership recruiters. No APPLiCAtioN iS NECESSArY. RENEWAL STAR PIN – Will be presented for the renewal of ten or more annual members during the period of September 1, 2009 – February 28, 2010. The pin will have “10” on it. Posts will be sent one pin for each ten renewals for presentation to members that were involved in procuring renewals. No APPLiCAtioN iS NECESSArY. PoSt MEMBErSHiP rENEWAL AWArDS Certificates will be awarded to posts with the best percentage renewal record of annual members in the groups listed below, as of February 28, 2010, when compared to August 31, 2009. In case of ties, those Posts reaching the highest percentage of renewal first shall be considered the winner in their group. The first runner-up in each group, and all Posts reaching 100% renewal no later than February 28, 2010, shall be awarded certificates. GROUP I ……..Posts with 15-21 annual members. GROUP II …….Posts with 22-38 annual members. GROUP III ……Posts with 39-54 annual members. GROUP IV ……Posts with 55-104 annual members. GROUP V …….Posts with 105 and over, annual members. PoSt MEMBErSHiP iNCrEASE AWArDS Certificates will be awarded to the Posts that have the largest numerical increase in the groups listed below, over 100% of the 2010 Membership Year by May 31, 2010. In case of ties, the post reaching the largest numerical increase over 100% first in their group shall be considered the winner. The first runner-up in each group, and all Posts exceeding 100% of the 2010 membership year, will be awarded certificates. GROUP I ……Posts with 10-29 members. GROUP II …...Posts with 30-44 members. GROUP III …. Posts with 44-83 members. GROUP IV …..Posts with 84-195 members. GROUP V ……Posts with 196 and over, members. Only Membership Transmittal Forms that are received by Department Headquarters POSTMARKED no later than June 1, 2010 will be used to compute Post membership increases. ALL MEMBErS AND PoStS MuSt BE iN GooD StANDiNG WitH tHEir DiStriCt, AND tHE StAtE AND NAtioNAL DEPArtMENtS to BE ELiGiBLE to rECEiVE ANY AWArDS. MEMBErSHiP trANSMittAL ForMS AND MEMBErSHiP AWArD ForMS MuSt BE SuBMittED BY tHE SPECiFiED DEADLiNE DAtES For CoNSiDErAtioN oF iNDiViDuAL, PoSt, AND DiStriCt AWArDS. Michigan AMVETS News


Vol. 64, No. 3

VA News More Than 1,100 Colleges and Universities Partner with VA WASHINGTON – Over 1,100 colleges, universities and schools across the country have entered into “Yellow Ribbon” program agreements with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to improve financial aid for Veterans participating in the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Over 3,400 agreements were received from the 1,100 schools participating in the Yellow Ribbon Program. “This is a strong response to a new benefit,” Keith Wilson, Director of VA’s Education Service, said. “We are pleased so many institutions are supporting our Veterans.” “The Post-9/11 GI Bill is an important part of fulfilling our promise to the men and women who have served our country so honorably,” Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki said. “Implementing this landmark legislation and providing even more veterans with a quality education is a top priority for VA. We are grateful so many schools are joining us as partners in this unprecedented effort.” The Yellow Ribbon program, a provision of the new Post-9/11 GI Bill, funds tuition expenses that exceed the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition rate. Institutions can contribute up to 50 percent of those expenses, and VA will match this additional funding for eligible students. The Yellow Ribbon program is reserved for Veterans eligible for the Post9/11 GI Bill at the 100 percent benefit level. This includes those who served at least 36 months on active duty or served at least 30 continuous days and were discharged due to a service-related injury. The Post-9/11 GI Bill, passed by Congress last year, is the most extensive educational assistance program authorized since the original GI Bill was signed into law in 1944. The maximum benefit allows every eligible Veteran, servicemember, reservist and National Guard member an opportunity to receive an in-state, undergraduate education at a public institution at no cost. Provisions of the program include payments for tuition and fees, housing, and a books and supplies stipend. Benefits are payable for training pursued on or after August 1, 2009. The tuition and fee benefit is paid directly to the school. For information on specific schools participating in the Yellow Ribbon program, go to www.gibill.va.gov/GI_Bill_Info/CH33/YRP/YRP_List.htm. Additional information about the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon program, as well as VA’s other educational benefits, can be obtained by visiting VA’s Web site www.gibill.va.gov or by calling 1-888-GIBILL-1 (or 1-888-4424551).

VA Launches 10-Year Health Study of 60,000 New Veterans

WASHINGTON -- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has initiated a large, long-term study to look carefully at a broad array of health issues that may affect Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) Veterans and their counterparts who served during the same time period. VA’s “National Health Study for a New Generation of U.S. Veterans” will begin with 30,000 Veterans deployed to OEF/OIF and 30,000 comparison Veterans who were not deployed. “This study will help us fulfill President Obama’s pledge to ‘stand with our Veterans as they face new challenges’ by enabling us to understand the health problems of our newest generation of combat Veterans,” Dr. Gerald M. Cross, VA’s acting under secretary for health, said. “The study’s findings will help us plan more effectively to provide the best care possible for these deserving Michigan AMVETS News

Veterans.” The study will include Veterans who served in each branch of service, representing active duty, Reserve, and National Guard members. Women will be over-sampled to make sure they are represented and will comprise 20 percent of the study, or 12,000 women. A combination of mail surveys, online surveys, telephone interviews, and in-person physical evaluations will be used to collect data from the Veterans. The study will compare the deployed and non-deployed Veterans in terms of chronic medical conditions, traumatic brain injury (TBI), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological conditions, general health perceptions, reproductive health, pregnancy outcomes, functional status, use of health care, behavioral risk factors (smoking, drinking, seatbelt use, speeding, motorcycle helmet use, and sexual behavior), and VA disability compensation. VA has contracted with an independent Veteran-owned research firm, HMS Technologies Inc., to collect the data. The Department of Veterans Affairs is responsible for providing federal

benefits to Veterans and their families. VA is the second largest of the 15 cabinet departments and operates nationwide programs for health care, financial assistance and burial benefits. The VA health care system operates more than 1,400 sites of care. Nearly 5.5 million people received care in VA health care facilities in 2008.

Secretaries Shinseki and Donovan Host First Meeting of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness under the Obama Administration

WASHINGTON – The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) met today for the first time under the Obama Administration. U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki chaired the meeting, at which U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan was elected rotating Chair for the upcoming year and U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis was elected Vice Chair. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Melody Barnes, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, attended the meeting. The mission of the USICH is to coordinate the federal response to homelessness and to create a national partnership with every level of government and the private sector to address homelessness in the nation. “It is simply unacceptable for individuals, children, families, and our nation’s Veterans to be faced with homelessness in this country,” said President Obama. “I am confident that the Interagency Council on Homelessness, under Secretary Donovan’s leadership, will have a renewed focus on coordinating efforts across federal agencies and working closely with our state, local, community-based, and faith-based partners to address these serious issues.” “Ending the continuing tragedy of homelessness demands thoughtful and focused leadership,” said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. “President Obama and I are committed to working through the USICH, the agencies it represents and our state, local and non-profit partners to build a thoughtful and compassionate response to this crisis. The bottom line is that through our combined efforts every man, woman and child in this nation should have access to a safe, affordable place to lay their head at night.”


Vol. 64, No. 3

Executive Director News

By Executive Service Director Glenda F. Cogswell


hope everyone had an enjoyable time at Convention. With the beginning of a new year, hopefully we will get some good news on our State Appropriation. Nothing has passed as of this writing, but hopefully we will get our funding and be able to put our service officers back to work full time and get things back to normal. Fall Conference will soon be upon us, so I hope everyone is ready to learn in the classes that will be presented. I would also like to WELCOME the Department of Michigan Riders. I hope you all have a good first year. We are getting ready to start a new membership year so everyone should get stocked up on forms. If you need extra please let me know. Please remember Jasper McCain, Jim Metzger, and David Ladd in your prayers and wish them all a speedy recovery. In closing I hope everyone has a fruitful and rewarding year. ď‚ś

In Memoriam Deceased Members as of July 1, 2009

Sylvester Guzdzial

Post 22

Donald Zube

Post 22

David Boggess

Post 29

Edward Bassett

Post 52

Blaine Winthers

Post 52

Walter Pickes

Post 82

Clifford Eversole Michigan AMVETS News

Post 1942 -7-

Vol. 64, No. 3

VA News Secretaries Donovan and Shinseki also announced the allocation of $75 million to local public housing authorities across the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam to provide permanent supportive housing and dedicated VA case managers for an estimated 10,000 homeless Veterans. This innovative joint initiative is called Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (HUD-VASH). This funding will provide local public housing agencies with approximately 10,000 rental assistance vouchers specifically targeted to assist homeless Veterans in their area. Public housing authorities, that administer HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher Program, work closely with Department of Veteran Affairs medical centers to manage the program. In addition to the rental assistance, VA medical centers provide supportive services and case management to eligible homeless Veterans. “It is shameful that after serving our nation so well, some of our Veterans leave their military life only to fall into homelessness,” said Donovan. “Working closely with the Department of Veterans Affairs, we’re able to offer a permanent home, along with critically needed supportive services, to the very people to whom we owe so much.” "No one, especially Veterans who have faithfully served our country should become homeless," said VA Secretary Eric Shinseki. "This council's work is critical to providing for those at risk and on the streets. This interagency partnership allows us to leverage our resources, programs, talent and experience to create viable solutions that will eliminate homelessness." “With new service members returning home every day and the economy sputtering, we must step up our efforts to provide all Veterans with housing and the dignity that comes with it,” said Senator Murray, Chairman of the Senate Housing Appropriations Subcommittee. “For too long homeless Veterans have been forgotten heroes. HUD-VASH grants are making a real difference in ensuring that those who have sacrificed for our nation are not coming home to sleep on our streets.” Under HUD-VASH, HUD will provide housing assistance through its Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) which allows Veterans to rent privately owned housing. The VA will provide to eligible homeless Veterans clinical and supportive services through its health care system across the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. VA addresses the needs of the more than 100,000 homeless Veterans who access VA health care annually. The USICH is an interagency council made up of members from federal agencies, including the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Interior, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Corporation for National and Community Service, Social Security Administration, General Services Administration, and United States Postal Service.

VA Assistant Secretary Raises Awareness About Post-9/11 GI Bill

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, L. Tammy Duckworth, the assistant secretary for public and intergovernmental affairs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, made a successful visit to Vermont to promote the Post-9/11 GI Bill and meet with veterans. “The Post-9/11 GI Bill throws open the doors of the country’s colleges and university to Veterans,” Duckworth said. “The Department of Veterans Affairs is working with those educational institutions to help Veterans improve their Michigan AMVETS News

lives through education.” Duckworth attended an awareness-raising event at Champlain College, in Burlington, with Rep. Peter Welch. She also traveled to Rutland to participate in a roundtable discussion at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post. The Post-9/11 GI Bill, passed by Congress last year, is the most extensive educational assistance program authorized since the original GI Bill was signed into law in 1944. The bill, which takes effect August 1st, allows eligible veterans who served at least 90 days active duty since September 11, 2001, to receive an in-state, undergraduate education at a public institution at no cost. Under this new GI Bill, certain members of the armed forces may transfer benefits to a spouse or dependent children. Additionally, the Yellow Ribbon Program, a provision of the Post-9/11 GI Bill, allows degree-granting institutions to voluntarily enter into a formal agreement with VA to fund tuition and fee expenses that exceed the highest public, in-state undergraduate rates. It provides for dollar-for dollar matching funds from VA to educational institutions for tuition for Veterans above the amount funded through the new GI Bill.

VA’s Suicide Prevention Message Carried on 21,000 Buses

WASHINGTON – The telephone number for the suicide prevention “lifeline” of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA is now being carried on more than 21,000 city buses in 124 communities across the United States and will run until Sept. 1, 2009. The advertisements carry a message of hope for those who have served their country and are undergoing an emotional crisis. “We continue to look for new, innovative ways to reach our Veterans,” Assistant Secretary Tammy Duckworth said. “VA wants to make sure to exhaust all avenues to reach those in need of our services.” VA is partnering with Blu Line Media, an outdoor advertising company which specializes in helping businesses and government tell their stories through educational outreach campaigns, cause-related social marketing and integrated communications. Since its inception in July 2007, the VA Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1 800273-TALK, has rescued more than 3,000 Veterans and provided counseling for more than120,000 Veterans and their loved ones at home and overseas. The lifeline is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by trained mental health professionals prepared to deal with immediate crises. Marketing the lifeline through mass transit campaigns was piloted in the Washington D.C. area during the summer of 2008 with great success. VA has also promoted awareness of the toll-free number through national public service announcements featuring actor Gary Sinise and television journalist Deborah Norville. The bus advertisement and public service announcements are available for download via YouTube and at www.mentalhealth. va.gov/suicide_prevention. VA Secretary Hits the Road to Highlight “United We Serve” Effort Shinseki Encourages Veterans, Families to Help Their Communities WASHINGTON – Heeding President Obama’s call for Americans to commit themselves to meaningful, long-term service to their communities as part of the “United We Serve” campaign, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki spent part of his morning today transporting patients to the Washington, D.C., VA Medical Center. “We, who enjoy liberty’s blessings, will forever remain in debt of the men and women who served our nation in uniform,” Secretary Shinseki said. “Volunteering on their behalf is one way we can show our respect, regard and devo-


Vol. 64, No. 3

VA News tion for their service.” He noted that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a long tradition of volunteering. Last year over 80,000 people volunteered more than 11 million hours to service to VA. They drove patients to medical appointments, welcomed returning combat Veterans home, helped homeless Veterans and donated time to maintain VA’s 128 national cemeteries. Shinseki was joined by several members of VA’s senior leadership. Assistant Secretary L. Tammy Duckworth addressed a group of youth volunteers about “Knowing and Respecting Disabled Veterans” and helped escort a patient to a rehabilitation appointment. Assistant Secretaries John U. Sepulveda and Roger W. Baker escorted patients to their appointments at the D.C. VAMC. Assistant Secretary Jose D. Riojas and Acting Assistant Secretary Karen W. Pane served meals at a local D.C. shelter. “There is no better way to honor America’s heroes than to spend time every week giving back to those who have already given so much,” Shinseki said. VA’s principals and other cabinet officials and senior federal leaders across the country highlighted the President’s summer service program, which encourages Americans to recommit themselves to improving their communities. The campaign runs through September 11, which will be National Day of Service and Remembrance. The campaign, coordinated by the Corporation for National and Community Services, is encouraging Americans to develop their own service programs that benefit their communities. Toolkits for developing projects are available online at www.serve.gov

clinics across the country by expanding access to health care enrollment for certain Veterans who had been excluded due to their income. “This incremental approach to expanding enrollment ensures that access to VA health care for a greater number of beneficiaries does not sacrifice timely access or quality medical care for those Veterans already enrolled in VA’s health care system,” Dr. Gerald Cross, VA’s Acting Under Secretary for Health, said. “Over the next four years, we hope to provide enrollment to more than 500,000 Veterans.” Under a new regulation effective June 15, VA will enroll Veterans whose income exceeds current means-tested thresholds by up to 10 percent. These Veterans were excluded from VA health care enrollment when income limits were imposed in 2003 on Veterans with no service-connected disabilities or other special eligibility for care. There is no income limit for Veterans with compensable service-connected disabilities or for Veterans being seen for their service-connected disabilities. Veterans who have applied for VA health care but were rejected due to income at any point in 2009 will have their applications reconsidered under the new income threshold formula. Those who applied before 2009, but were rejected due to income, must reapply. VA will contact these Veterans through a direct-mail campaign, Veterans service organizations, and a national and regional marketing campaign. Information about enrollment and an income and assets calculator are available at www.va.gov/healtheligibility. The calculator provides a format in which Veterans enter their household income, number of dependents, and zip codes to see if they may qualify for VA health care enrollment. In addition to applying online, Veterans may also contact VA’s Health Benefits Service Center at 1-877-222 VETS (1-877-222-8387). Each VA medical center across the country has an enrollment coordinator available to provide veterans with enrollment and eligibility information.

VA Reopening Health Care Enrollment to Thousands of Veterans

WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which now has nearly 8 million Veterans enrolled in its award-winning health care system, is poised to welcome nearly 266,000 more Veterans into its medical centers and

Bolt one on for the troops today! Yes, today! The Michigan Support Our Troops! plates are available at all branch offices of the Secretary of State and on the Department of State’s Plate It Your Way website.

Isn’t it time to show them how much we care? Switching into the Michigan Support Our Troops! Plate costs just $35.00 (the same as other specialty plates), and the troops are more than worth it. Nothing compared to what they do for all of us. Funds will benefit the programs of SupportOurTroops.Org, working for the troops and their families. Act Now! Don’t Delay. Don’t wait for your renewal month to get into this great new plate!. The troops didn’t wait. They went half way around for the world for us; let’s all do this simple thing for them! For more information you can go to www.supportourtroops.org Michigan AMVETS News


Vol. 64, No. 3

The Michigan AMVETS News DO's and DON'TS DO have the articles in before deadline! Deadlines are the 7th of October for the Winter Issue, 7th of January for the Spring Issue, 7th of April for the Summer Issue and 7th of July for the Fall Issue. If articles are not in by the deadline they WILL NOT appear until the following issue. If you are having an event that you want in the paper ensure that the information is received in time for the appropriate issue before your event. DO make sure the pictures are clear and well-contrasted. Fuzzy or dark pictures won’t reproduce well. If you are submitting digital photos, set your camera to "high quality". DO send in articles. Posts and districts have something newsworthy going on. Why not share it with the rest of the department? If you send pictures make sure you have an article for them. I will not write your article and the pictures will not appear in the paper. DO write post numbers on the back of each picture so they can be returned to you.

Submit your digital original directly to the editor!

We accept almost any file from a computer. Simply type your report, including the title, byline and story, and add numbered captions at the end. Name the photo files to correspond with the caption number in your report and you’re ready to go!

Questions? Call me anytime at

810-796-3876. E-mail your submissions to: miamvet2008@yahoo.com

Michigan AMVETS News

DO send credits with your articles. Also send credits for articles from other publications and permission to reprint if necessary. DO refer to an individual as an AMVET. The organization is AMVETS. DO refer to the AMVETS Auxiliary as the “AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary.” DO type the article. You’re the only person who can read your writing. DON’T use all caps when typing. DON’T tape pictures to articles. Paper clip them to the article. We have to be able to scan the pictures to put them in the paper. This can’t be done if pictures are taped to the article and the article gets torn when we try to remove the pictures. DON’T print or type your captions on the back of photos. Ink smears! DON’T think we’re being too tough! We just want to make sure the paper is done right.


More Words Less Pictures

n an effort to make the Michigan AMVET News a true newspaper and not a pictorial quarterly, the publications committee is asking all contributors to consider writing more articles and submitting fewer pictures. The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is only true if everyone knows what the picture relates to. Keep in mind the four Ws:

Who, Where When, What

This will make your articles easier to write. Articles should normally be 300 – 500 words and may be accompanied by one or two pictures for each article. By increasing the number of written articles, we can increase the reading time of the paper vastly and spur members’ interest in what’s going on around the state. You do want a better Michigan AMVET News, don’t you?

 TOP TEN Posts  As of June 30, 2009






















































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Vol. 64, No. 3

AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN - POSTS post# city address district#

post# city address district#



122 N. MAIN








2900 Connon Street








75185 NORTH AVE.






















520 N. PINE












98 52ND ST. S.E.




















127 W. CASS ST.


69 Livonia

19801 Farmington Rd




VFW POST #8945














Dearborn Hgts







9 Eastpointe












Milford Post

Milford A/L








VFW Post
















57581 AMVET DR.








2627 S. 11TH ST.




8495 M-71



130 E. Drahner





4064 PERRY















11 Evart

4681 85th Ave







10651 N. Vandecar Rd.








VFW 2373 S. 53RD ST.















Grand Rapids





22427 E. NINE MILE RD.








VFW — 3131 S. ELMS RD.








VFW 9021 32100 Ryan Rd




19730 HARPER








8009 N. AU SABLE RD.












2839 E. Michigan Ave.


Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

Post News

Post 22 - Bay City


t the recent Department convention, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #22 won the Americanism Award and the S.O.S. award. They also received a plaque from PAWS With A Cause for their donation of $700. Our Kindergarten 1st Place Flag Drawing Contest winner, Zachary Moore, won 1st Place on the State level and was in attendance at the Awards ceremony in Sault Ste Marie. In the photo, Zachary is shown with Ladies Auxiliary Department Americanism Officer Pat Michalski showing his drawing of the American Flag. In another photo, showing Zachary receiving his award, is L to R; Bruce Ringler, SOAs Commander; Vince Carr, AMVETS Department 2nd Vice Commander; Kathy Biela, Ladies Auxiliary Department President; and Mary Wilseck, AMVETS Department Commander. ď‚ś

Post 29 - Mt. Clemens By Chuck Petch

Memorial Day Ceremony


Post Ride for Billy


n May 24th Post 29 held their Memorial Day Ceremony. Post 29 Honor Guard Bugler sounds Taps among hundreds of US Flags honoring our fallen heroes, with the Clinton River in the background. The flags were placed in rows in the area between Post 29 and the new seawall on the bank of the Clinton River. After the ceremony post members and the Honor Guard presented Wreaths along with the American Legion, VFW, DAV, and VVA organizations at the Cass Ave Cemetery and at the Mt Clemens Fire Department Memorials. Updated tablets and bricks with 2008/2009 deceased post members and previously deceased members are honored at the post memorial. Inscription on large boulder in front of Post 29 Memorial.

n May 17th Post 29 Riders put on a benefit and ride for Billy, who became a quadriplegic after a snowmobile accident. Group photo after donating $500.00 and an AMVETS Rider Vest to Billy. Riders in parade formation for Billy had 18 bikes and 36 members as participants.

Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

Post News

Post 29 - Mt. Clemens Homeless Veterans Luncheon


n June 18, Post 29 held its annual Homeless Veterans Luncheon. Post volunteers were made up of Post members, Sons and Riders. Members preparing food for luncheon of 15 guests

Convention 2009

ost 29 was well represented by members at our State Convention below is the afternoon session This year at our State Convention elections were held for a Department Riders. With Nominations underway, over 50 Riders representing 4 of 5 chapters were present to vote in New State Riders Officers. 

Above: Josh Feltman the newly elected State Rider President gives his acceptance speech, newly elected Riders Officer L to R: Melissa Gagnon - 2nd Vice,Randy Fruit – Judge Advocate, Neal Marshall – Sgt at Arms, Bob Rivard – Treasurer, Mary Wilseck - Department Commander, Josh Feltman – State Rider President, Jerry Johnson – 1st Vice

COME ONE COME ALL POST 29 TALENT SHOW SEPTEMBER 26TH For more information contact Post 29

Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

Post News

Post 72 - New Haven Memorial Day Parade By Jim May


uncan Sullivan Post 72 again had the honor of sponsoring the New Haven Memorial Day Parade. Just behind the New Haven Police and Fire Department was Post 72 Honor Guard, Rifle Squad, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, Son of AMVETS, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Little League and Guests. The parade marched from the old fire hall to the village cemetery where we held services and a rifle salute, then marched to the village flag pole for another salute. We then went back to our post where we held our own services with prayers and a rifle salute. We also planted a tree in remembrance of our last year’s deceased members.

Election of Officers


n May 7th AMVETS Duncan Sullivan Post 72 held their election of officers for 2009-2010. The officers are: Commander Dave Sopfe, 1st Vice Iver Joe Hansen, 2nd Vice Robert Brethauer, Adjutant Jack Schubert, Finance Officer James Ponder, Judge Advocate James May, Provost Marshal Curtis Lyons, Service Officer A Brzusek Jr., Chaplain Roy King, Trustee Gary Gagleard, Lester Dobberowsky, and Mark King. On May 9, we held our Fund Raiser Steak Out with all the trimmings. A good time was had by all. 

Post 122 - Ishpeming Phillip Petry Post 122 Honors Eagle Scouts By Marvin Gibson


avid Flint and Nicolas Winkler was awarded their Eagle Scout Rank at an Eagle Court of Honor held February 7, 2009, put on by Troop 372 at the Lake Superior Christian Church in Marquette. David is the son of Joel and Kathy Flint and Nicolas is the son of Stephen Carroll and Heather Winkler-Carroll. They were also presented certificates from AMVETS National Commander Hapner, the National Commander of the American Legion, American Legion Post 44 and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter380. Presenters L to R: Marvin R. Gibson, AMVETS Post 122, Boy Scout Chairman, John F Carroll, American Legion Post 436, Wrightstown, Wisconsin, Shaun Clark, Maj., US Army Retired, Scott Hausman, Maj. US Air Force Retired, SFC Carl Aho Jr., US Army Retired and Nicolas and David in front. 

Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

Post News

Post 1957 - Adrian Street Stock Class Race By Aaron Ricketts


he Sons of AMVETS Squadron 1957 sponsors Son’s member Billy Brown and his Bomber Street Stock Class race car. On June 20, 2009, 30 Post members commandeered the 40 et 8 Voiture 997 Train and tailgated and watched Billy win his heat race and come in 10th in the feature at Oakshade Raceway in Bryan, Ohio. Billy currently is in 5th place in points in his division. The Brown family, including his wife Tobi and father, Bill were on hand with all his friends!




SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2009 Village-Stinson VFW Post No. 9021 32100 Ryan Road Warren, Michigan 48092 (Just north of Chicago Road) Cocktails at 6:00PM Dinner at 7:00PM Program at 8:00PM (Music afterwards) (OPEN BAR) For tickets call Chairman - Phil Barclay (586) 755-1937 Commander Frank Rusak (586) 519-5059 Or Edward Florence (248) 474-4104 Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

The wail of bagpipes at Memorial Day events honoring servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan rang hollow for some military veterans this year By DAVID EGGERT, Associated Press Writer – Thu May 28, 4:10 am ET LANSING, Mich. – In Michigan and elsewhere, once-sacrosanct veterans’ programs are no longer safe from the knife as tax revenues continue sliding in the recession. In a recent budget-cutting order, Gov. Jennifer Granholm and legislators slashed $1 million, or 25 percent, of funding for 11 groups that help veterans through a maze of paperwork and bureaucracy to get disability and pension benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The cut is forcing layoffs and likely will be carried over to the next budget, too. “It’s a travesty,” said Daniel Crocker, Michigan service director for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, which had to eliminate four jobs. “The greatness of a nation will be judged by how it treats its veterans.” South Carolina plans to cut aid to the VFW, American Legion and Disabled American Veterans in the next budget. Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn recently outlined a “doomsday” budget that would close all four of the state’s veterans’ home if an income tax increase is not passed, leaving more than 1,000 veterans without care. Thirteen veterans’ groups in Ohio got 10 percent less than promised this year after state cuts. Funding for veterans’ service organizations, or VSOs, is a fraction of multibillion-dollar state budgets that support schools, prisons and health care for the poor. But a $27,000 reduction means the South Carolina VFW will not be able to pay its lone service officer when she returns from medical leave. The public is most familiar with veterans’ groups for their baseball tournaments, bingo nights and participation in parades. But veterans and widows of veterans rely on service organizations for help with benefits, especially in states that give money to the groups instead of hiring their own employees to help file claims. Vietnam veteran Dennis Wayne, 62, of suburban Detroit, became so upset about Michigan’s cuts that he protested last week at the state Capitol. Wayne, who wore dog tags to the rally, says he was turned down after requesting service-connected disability benefits by himself. He sought help from the Livonia chapter of Disabled American Veterans, and benefits ultimately were approved. “It’s very difficult. There’s a lot of red tape,” said Wayne, who served in the Marines. Veterans say the cuts could not come at a worse time. President Barack Obama is moving to remove combat troops from Iraq in 2010, and they will return with physical and psychological problems. Fort Jackson already has an outfit full of injured soldiers recuperating from combat, training injuries or other illnesses, says Albert Landsperger, senior vice commander/ adjutant for the South Carolina VFW. “They’re all going to need assistance putting in claims with the VA,” he said. “We’re going to need more service officers than we’ve got now.” Sean Wood, 23, served in Iraq last year with the Michigan National Guard’s 126th Calvary Squadron. The Lowell resident hopes to go to Afghanistan in the future. “Why would you take away from the guys who are willing to put their life on the line?” he said. “The veterans deserve to get their wounds healed.” And it’s not just younger soldiers who need help. Older veterans are being laid off and losing their health insurance coverage, forcing them to seek assistance from the VA for the first time. Granholm spokeswoman Megan Brown says Michigan’s Department of Military & Veterans Affairs overall is not experiencing any harsher cuts than Michigan AMVETS News

other state departments. She says the state is preserving “essential” services for veterans. “We understand how painful this is. These are very, very painful economic times, and we’ve had to make some very painful decisions on the budget,” Brown said. 

- 16 -

Friends Advance Pathology Service, PC Avon Protection Systems Inc. Continental Linen Services Dmf Bait Co. Dollar Tree Farm Credit Services Petroleum Technologies Inc. Potapa & Vanhoosear Silver Lake Resort-Campground SILVER Cherry Lane Nudist Resort Simmco Data Systems GOLD F H James Plumbing & Heating Frankland Haulage, Ltd. Vol. 64, No. 3


f you are planning a vacation, now is the time to call Kari at the AMVETS Higgins Lake Lodge and reserve your dates. If you are unaware, there are six - four-bedroom, two-bath cottages, one two-bedroom cottage, and the lodge with 17 bedrooms and meals. A swimming beach, a boat dock, fire pits, five row boats (no motors) for fishing. In the fall there are color tours. Call Kari, our manager at 1-989-821-6574.


For your next vacation you must visit the AMVETS Lodge on beautiful Higgins Lake. 106 Thorpe Ave, Roscommon, MI 48653 I-75 Exit 244 or US127 Military Road Exit

For reservations call : 989-821-6574 Four Bedroom Cottages

Roy Love Memorial Room

Tax Included

Per Night – Tax Included

Per Week............................... $850

One bed.................................. $50 Two beds................................. $60 Three beds............................... $70

(Sat. 4 PM – Sat. 10 AM) *$100 security deposit

Weekends................ $180 Plus Tax


Friday-Sunday per night

Per Night – Tax Included

One bed.................................. $50 Two beds................................. $60

*$100 security deposit


Meals in Lodge

Per Night – Tax Included

AMVETS................................ $30 Non-Members......................... $33 Michigan AMVETS News

Breakfast or Lunch...... $5 Plus Tax Dinner........................ $8 Plus Tax

- 17 -

Vol. 64, No. 3

Auxiliary NEWS Kathy's Korner Kathy Biela, Past PRESIDENT


t’s hard to believe that my year serving as the Department President for the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary has already come to an end and I have already passed on the President’s gavel. It was a privilege to have both our National Commander, Chad Hapner, and our National Auxiliary President, Charlene Kee, at this year’s Department Convention. A special thank you to my Convention Chairman, Carol Pickett, for working so hard and doing such a great job to keep everything running smoothly for the auxiliary. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone, especially my department officers, my local Auxiliary # 9, Past Dept. Commander Mary Wilseck, and Past Sons Commander Bruce Ringler for making this past year such a wonderful experience. Thanks to all of the local auxiliaries and districts for making me feel so welcome throughout my travels during the year. I had such a great time spending time with all of you. Thanks to all of you who supported my President’s Project: Honor Flight Michigan. It was a thrill to present Rick

Sage of Honor Flight Michigan a very generous check on the convention floor! This is truly a remarkable organization and I am very proud to have served as the Department Auxiliary President. Thank You for giving me that opportunity! A BIG “Congratulations” to our new President, Kathy Keizer, and her new slate of officers. I know they will continue to do a great job for the Ladies Auxiliary and I wish Kathy a successful year as well. Thanks again for working hard to “Make it Happen” in Michigan this past year. I know that we will continue to keep making it happen by doing great things to serve our veterans, our service men and women, and those in need in our community. Of course, if I can ever be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to ask. 

Keeping Up With President Kathy


feel so blessed and truly honored to be able to serve as your President this coming year. With the world the way it is right now, my theme this year is “Keep Moving Forward”. We need to increase membership, serve our veteran’s and communities, help our children and promote patriotism. I believe that this is more important than ever before. As I write this article, I have to keep in mind that it is fall and you have many projects planned and have started holding your special events. You should also be busy renewing your memberships. Remember to check out the various membership contests that will be going on this year. Special note: a new



standing rule was added at the post-Convention SEC meeting.. It states that D&R’s that are received by the Department Secretary MUST have all information or they will be returned to the local. Mid-year reports will be due soon. Be sure to read the monthly newsletter for the information on where to send your reports. Reports should NOT BE sent to the same person as last year except for one. Our Americanism officer is the same as last year. Be sure to follow the directions and provide ALL the information asked for. This makes it easier for the chairman to contact you if they have a question regarding your report. I am also working closely with the AMVET Commander and others to plan ways to bring the organization back to the AMVET family feeling and to help plan events that will hopefully run more smoothly. I am excited to be included in this first stage of planning. Watch for updates as we make progress. Of course, school has been in session for a few weeks and as a school bus driver, I hope you are watching for those flashing lights and for the students that are entering or exiting the vehicle. I look forward to visiting with as many of you as I possibly can this year. If you have something special planned, please let me know as far in advance as possible, so that I might be able to attend. Events that are on the weekends will work better for me because of my job. May this service year be all that you are planning and hoping for and may we truly “Keep Moving Forward” in the great state of Michigan.  New President, Kathy Keizer

Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

Auxiliary NEWS VAVS Report By Harriet Biela

volunteers Danny Malendowski and Emiliee Bohde pushed wheel chairs, and delivered bags. Danny is the grandson of Pat Malendowski and follows in his father Tom and Grandfather Ray’s footsteps as they volunteered at John Dingell before him. Emilee has volunteered for several years with him and we always welcome young help. 280 residents were serviced for the Carnival. The annual ice cream social/bingo is planned during the summer. 

VAVS Annual Carnival


he annual Carnival was held in June at John Dingell VAMC on a bright sunny day, under the large tent in front of the main entrance to the hospital. Auxiliary volunteers and youth volunteers gathered early in the day and packaged 80 lbs of peanuts into 300 bags for distribution at the Carnival. Each resident as they came to the AMVET Auxiliary decorated tables threw a large dice and received a comfort article numbered from 1 to 6, socks, puzzle books, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, hair brush, and if the threw a 6 they also received a $1.00 bill with the puzzle book which was #6, in addition they each received a $1.00 canteen book, a bag of peanuts, tray favor with bags of gold fish crackers, and a bag of comfort articles from AMVETS left from Because We Care Day. For the residents that could not come down, bags were filled from all the other organizations and AMVETS and taken to their rooms. Our two youth

Top: Filling bags of peanuts left to right: Deputy Pat Malendowski, Representative Harriet Biela, PDP Rose Solak, and PDP Maureen Jackson. Bottom: Under the big top waiting for residents are left to right: PDP Maureen Jackson #57, VAVS Rep Harriet Biela #9, Youth Volunteer Danny Malendowski, Deputy Pat Malendowski #9, Youth Volunteer Emilee Bohde.

Post 9 By Harriet Biela

Department of MI Leaders for 2008/2009 AMVET Commander Mary Wilseck and Department President Kathy Biela. They look just as impressive out of uniform as in uniform.

Testimonial Dinner


epartment President Kathy Biela began winding down her year with her Testimonial Dinner/Dance held at the VFW Cpl Menge Post in Centerline. A delicious dinner, cocktails flowing, a beautiful cake made by Pat Malendowski from Post 9 and a live band that all enjoyed dancing to, ended all to swiftly. A long list of honored guests was there to honor Madam President. Far too many to list but here are several: AMVETS Department Commander Mary Wilseck, Sons of AMVETS Commander Bruce Ringler, Kathy’s immediate officers, Commander Post 9 Gene Lemieux, President Auxiliary 9 Pat Malendowski, PDC Commanders and PDP Presidents, past officer, several tables of family and friends, the list was many. The Mistress of Ceremonies was Harriet Biela, (Kathy’s Mom and PRO). What a privilege to honor my daughter. Honored also were Auxiliary members from Post 9 that attended the Testimonial who have been members for over 50 years. Rosemary Lucas and Lois Woods(these two ladies are also Charter Members), Pat Malendowski, Harriet Biela, Helen Warchol, and Catherine Lesniak. Congratulations ladies on 50 years of dedicated work Department President Kathy Biela, with AMVET Commander Mary Wilseck attended Memorial Day Ceremonies at Great Lakes National Cemetery and along with other veteran organizations placed an AMVETS wreath for fallen comrades. PRO Historian Harriet Biela also attended the memorial services. It was wonderful to see several hundred people attend to honor our dead comrades. Speakers were short and to the point. Michigan AMVETS News

AMVETS Department Commadner Mary Wilseck and Department Auxiliary President Kathy Biela present the AMVET Wreath.

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Vol. 64, No. 3

Auxiliary NEWS Post 9

Department President Kathy Biela was the honored guest at the May District I meeting. The meeting was held, officers for the year 2009-2010 were nominated and elected. President Kathy installed the new officers after the meeting. Present from President Kathy’s own local were Auxiliary 9 President Pat Malendowski, Rosemary Lucas, Harriet Biela, and Kathy Mobus.

Auxiliary 9 Department President Kathy Biela’s home post take pride in a group Auxiliary picture. Standing L to R: Alice Swiatkowski, Val Krotkiewicz, Pat Malendowski, Lois Woods, Harriet Biela, Michelle Hackel, Norma Duran, Kathy Mobus, Laura Lesniak, Jill Bensie, Rosemary Lucas. Seated: Helen Warhol, Honored Guest Madam President Kathy Biela, and Catherine Lesniak PRO Harriet Biela and Department President Kathy Biela with the AMVET Wreath

Department President Kathy Biela presenting Distirict I President Theadus Reeves with her Past President Pin

Above: Children with their winning certificates, participating was Rose Solak Americanism Chairman from Post 171, Department President Kathy Biela, and Maureen Jackson District Americanism Chairman

Department President Kathy Biela installing new officers from District I. L to R Madam President Kathy Biela, District I President Theadus Reeves, 1st Vice Rose Solak, Secretary/Treasureer Kathy Mobus, Sgt at Arms Demetrius Copeland, Chaplain Cathleen Sliker, 3 yr Trustee Carol Lemie.

Michigan AMVETS News

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Vol. 64, No. 3

Auxiliary News Post 9

This year the Americanism program was held on another Saturday with children participating showing their posters and reading essays. Maureen Jackson Americanism Chairman held a wonderful program and served refreshments after everything was finished. Department President Kathy Biela had the honor of installing new officers for Post 57 and her own local 9. This was a special day for Auxiliary 57 as the ladies celebrated 60 years of dedicated service. Congratulations Auxiliary 57 on many years of hard work. Installation of Auxiliary 9 was held at their local meeting. in the center is the outgoing president Department President Kathy Biela handing over the gavel to the newly elected President of Post 57, Janet Hirth, Yvette Rusak in the center is the outgoing president

Highlight of the Convention is the Honors and Awards and Maureen Jackson Chairman did an outstanding job with her Red Carpet as winners received their awards. Auxiliary 9 President Kathy’s home post made her proud as they won 4 1st place plaques, 2 runner up’s and for the 6th year in a row the Most Outstanding Auxiliary Award. President Kathy is the Community Service Chairman for Post 9 and received a special plaque for 5 years of donations to Paws in the amount of $19,428.65 from Deb Davis. Auxiliaries 57, 121, 126, and 171 also received 5 year plaques for their donations. To soon Convention was over and a new President Kathy Keizer was elected as our newleader, with a new slate of officers. Top: Our leaders posing for a year to be proud of: Department President Kathy Biela, National Commander John Hapner, Department Commander Mary Wilseck and National President Charlene Kee

Department President Kathy Biela presenting the gavel to her local President Pat Malendowski

Department President Kathy Biela installs her own local 9 of newly elected officers. President Kathy, Auxiliary 9 President Pat Malendowski, 1st Vice Lois Woods, 2nd Vice Val Krotkiewicz, Treasurer Laura Lesniak, , Chaplain Alice Swiatkowski, Parliamentarian Rosemary Lucas, Trustee Michelle Hackel. Secretary duties are shared by Kathy Mobus and Kathy Biela.

State Convention


he State Convention held in Sault Ste Marie went along smotthly as Carol Pickett Convention Chairman had everything under control. Department President Kathy Biela ran the meetings like clockwork and everything was on time. We were honored to have the National President Charlene Kee present at all our meetings and our own National Commander John “Chad” Hapner share a few words with us, as did AMVET Department Commander Mary Wilseck. Department President Kathy Biela had as her project this year “Honor Flight Michigan” and was able to present Rick Sage from Honor Flight with a generous check in the amount of $2,465.00, from the Department of Michigan Deb Davis from Paws With A Cause also received a generous check of $7,611.58. All the Auxiliaries work very hard to make these and other donations to Penrickton, Americanism, SOS, Scholarship, Carillon, Hospital, it is what we are all about. This year President Kathy had the privilege of installing Auxiliary 123 at the Convention and had National President Charlene Kee present them their Charter. Michigan AMVETS News

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Upper left: Department President Kathy Biela presenting Rick Sage with a check for Honor Flight Michigan Left: Department President Kathy Biela (and Community Service Chairman fo her local Post 9) receiving a special 5 year plaque from Deb Davis from Paws With A Cause Left: Auxiliary President of Post 9 Pat Malendowski receiving the Most Outstanding Auxiliary Award for the 6th year in a row from PDP Nancy Blok, Department President Kathy beamin in the background

Vol. 64, No. 3



reetings from the Sons of AMVETS Department of Michigan, I would like to start off by congratulating all of the 2008-2009 AMVET Family Department officers, for their dedicated service to the Department of Michigan. I am looking forward to the up-coming year with great anticipation. It will be an honor to serve with AMVET Commander Downer, Auxiliary President Keizer, Jr. AMVET President Keizer, Saddest Heocherl, and newly installed Riders President, Feltman, I would also like to add congratulations and good luck to all of our new officers. This year the Sons of AMVETS Department of Michigan will be concreting on membership renewals, and as always we will gladly accept any new members wishing to serve. Membership is the life blood of any organization, and it will be difficult for us to survive without it. Our Sons of AMVETS Department of Michigan officers for 2009-2010 are as follows: Commander Douglas S. Beedon Squadron 126 1st Vice Commander Gregory Charbeneau Squadron 29 2nd Vice Commander Conrad D. Seidel Squadron 13 3rd Vice Commander John Aldrich Squadron 4064

Who are Sons of AMVETS?

The Sons of AMVETS is a subordinate organization of the AMVETS. We have been part of the AMVET Family since 1974.

What do the Sons do?

The Sons of AMVETS sponsor various community projects. These include Americanism, Legislative and Scholarship programs, as well as assisting our parent organization of AMVETS, and our active and growing Veterans Hospital Program on the Local, State and National Levels.

Why should my post have a Sons of AMVETS Squadron?

A Sons of AMVETS Squadron will allow your post to increase its membership and your presence in the community. It will allow more members of you family to become active in AMVETS. A Sons of AMVETS Squadron can bring new fresh ideas to any AMVETS Post increasing membership and potential income.

Who can join Sons of AMVETS?

Eligibility for membership in the Sons of AMVETS shall be limited to all male descendents, grandsons, adopted sons and stepsons, fathers, husbands, widowers, and brothers of members of AMVETS and the deceased members of AMVETS, or the personnel who died and would have been eligible for

Adjutant Steve Dunn Squadron 29 Finance Officer Don Torr Squadron 121 Judge Advocate/NEC George McNees Squadron 126 Provost Marshal Ron Gossman Squadron 126 Chaplain Gary Glumm Squadron 22 VAVS Coordinator William Chiddester Squadron 1988 Jr. AMVETS/Les. Dir Mike Coleman Squadron 1988 Imm. Past Commander Bruce Ringler Squadron 1988 AMVET Coordinator John Dowd AMVETS 29 I would further like to encourage all of our membership to fill out Project Report forms, we all volunteer by serving our veterans and communities, and by turning in Project Report forms we can show the nation that Sons of AMVETS Department of Michigan are the best. Douglas S. Beedon Commander Sons of AMVETS Department of Michigan 1715 N. Greenfield Cir. NE #101 Grand Rapids MI 49505 dsbeedon@comcast.net 616-794-2294 Home 616-304-5479 Cell

membership in the parent organization, and are at least eighteen (18) years of age and is not eligible for membership in the parent organization. This is not to include in-laws of any type.

Why should I join the Sons of AMVETS?

Your membership in the Sons of AMVETS makes you a part of the fastest growing Veterans Service Organization in the United States. Most of all, it will allow you to be a part of the fellowship of the AMVETS Family, and make a difference in your community, state, and nation. It gives us a chance to give something back to those who sacrificed so much, for the freedom that we love so dearly. Dues for Members at Large are $22.00. You must be more than 50 miles from an existing Squadron for Member at Large.

Who should I contact about Sons of AMVETS?

To become a member of Sons of AMVETS Just fill out the application below and contact your local Sons of AMVETS Squadron. AMVETS if your interested in starting a Sons of AMVETS Squadron at your post, contact the Sons of AMVETS Department of Michigan for a starter kit and we will be happy to help you.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me or any of the Department of Michigan Officers.

-----SCHOLARSHIPS-------------------Military Scholarships Available Through Grantham University


rantham’s desire is to make education affordable for our nation’s service members, which is why they have established scholarships for active duty, reserve, guard, veterans, and military family members. Grantham’s Military Scholarship covers the tuition remaining after Military Tuition Assistance (TA) benefits have been applied, up to the fiscal year (FY) cap, even for National Guardsmen and reservists who only receive 75% TA benefits ($187.50 per credit hour). It also includes a Textbook and Technology grant that covers the costs of required textbooks and software. In addition, military students, who use all their allotted FY TA with Grantham, are allowed to take one additional credit hour - at no additional cost - for every $1,000.00 of TA paid (Additional credits must be used the same FY they are earned). Grantham University offers online undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Criminal Justice, Business Administration, Business Management, General Studies, Computer Science, and other technology-related fields. For more information, visit: http://www.grantham.edu/admissions/ scholarships.php.

in North America, DeVry University provides high-quality, careeroriented associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in technology, healthcare technology, business and management. More than 48,000 students are enrolled at its 87 locations in 25 states and Canada, as well as through DeVry University Online. DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association. DeVry University, a division of DeVry Inc. (NYSE: DV), is based in Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. For more information about DeVry University, visit http://www.devry.edu. University of Phoenix The following scholarship is funded by the University of Phoenix and is a joint venture to help veterans; active duty service members, reservists, Guardsmen and family members obtain a high-quality online education. 

AMVETS and DeVry University recently announced a new partnership to provide up to 30 new scholarships for veterans and their spouses and children. Beginning in November, the partialtuition scholarships will be available to those who have applied for or enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs at DeVry University or its Keller Graduate School of Management. The AMVETS scholarships are part of the millions of dollars in scholarships awarded by DeVry University to prospective students each year.

Fifty scholarships will be awarded this year. Each scholarship will consist of a $4,000 non-cash credit to the University of Phoenix.

Download University of Phoenix scholarship application. For more information about the University of Phoenix, visit www. phoenix.edu

Apply today! As one of the largest degree-granting higher education systems



onvention is over and there have been some major changes in the Sad Sacks. Our elections are now going to be held at State Convention instead of Fall Conference. This means that all of the Sack units in Michigan are going to have to have their elections done by Convention. What we have done at the State level is to extend all the officers terms until June. This means that I will be continuing my duties as your State Saddest for another year. During this time I would like to hear from all the local Sack units. I would like all of you to tell me what your are doing out there. We have kind of been “under the radar” so to speak, and as I told all of you in my last article, this will help us reintroduce ourselves to our AMVET family.

I would like to extend my congratulations to our new AMVETS Commander Bob Downer, Auxiliary President Kathy Keizer, Sons Commander Doug Beedon , Jr. AMVETS President Ashley Keizer, and all of the new officers for the Department of Michigan. I look forward to working with all of you during the coming year. Finally, I would like to thank PDC Mary Wilseck for allowing me the honor and the privilege of filling in for Jim Metzger as State Chaplain during State Convention and especially at the Memorial Service. Special thanks also go out to Kathy Keizer, Gary Glum and Ashley Keizer for all their help. Until next time Sadly Yours John Hoecherl

Michigan AMVETS News

- 23 -

By John Hoecherl State Saddest

Vol. 64, No. 3



5489 Main St. P.O. Box 254 Dryden, MI 48248

Check it out! AMVETS Dept. of Michigan web site


Application for Membership



MICHIGAN HEADQUARTERS 5489 Main St., P.O. Box 254, Dryden, MI 48248 (Please Print Information Below)


POST#__________ STATE__________

SPONSOR__________________________________________________________________ NAME__________________________________________________ SPOUSE____________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP______________________________________________________________ BRANCH OF SERVICE______________________ YEAR ENTERED SERVICE____________ DISCHARGED__________SERVICE NUMBER______________________________ TYPE OF DISCHARGE________________ SEX_____M _____F DATE OF BIRTH_______/_______/_______ SIGNATURE_____________________________________________________

DATE___________________________________ POST_____________________________________________ AUTHORIZING OFFICER_____________________________________________________________________





Your official Membership Card will be forwarded to you. If you do not receive your card within 60 days, contact AMVETS Michigan Headquarters. DATE_________ POST#_________ STATE_________ THE SUM OF $__________IN PAYMENT OF AMVETS MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR THE YEAR ____________ HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM: NAME_______________________________________

PERSON RECEIVING DUES NAME______________________________ PHONE (HOME)______________________ (WORK)____________________________ ___________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PERSON RECEIVING DUES

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