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COVID to Billie Joe

COVID to Billie Joe (with apologies and credit to singer/songwriter Bobbie Gentry)

—Philip Merideth, MD, JD Jackson


It was the sixth of June, another sticky, steamy Delta day

I was shoppin’ for some Charmin and Brother was lookin’ for some pay

At dinner time we drove back to the house, and oh lands,

Mama hollered out the back door, y’all remember to wash your hands

And then she says, I got some bad news this mornin’ from Choctaw Ridge

‘Cause Billie Joe McAllister’s low sick at Tallahatchie Bridge

Then papa says to mama, as he touched his face and tried not to sneeze

Billie Joe’s a sickly boy, never had a lick of immunity; pass the Kleenex, please

There’s only five more rolls of toilet paper we’ve got left in the house now

And mama said it was a shame about the folks in New York, anyhow

Seems like nothin’ ever comes to no good durin’ the COVID anyway

And now Billie Joe’s caught it at Tallahatchie Bridge today

Next off, Brother said he recollected when he, Cousin Tom, and Billie Joe

Poured a Co’ Cola down my back at the midnight picture show

And he says wasn’t that me Zoomin’ with Billie Joe after video church last Sunday night?

I’ll have another Lysol wipe, please; you know, if I got it right

I saw him not mindin’ the social distancin’ last week on Choctaw Ridge

And now Billie Joe’s fell out at Tallahatchie Bridge

And then mama says to me, child, you lost your appetite?

You been coughin’ all mornin’, and you haven’t eaten a single bite

That nice young Gov’nor was on the news again today

Said he’d be pleased to re-open the schools in August, and oh, by the way

Cousin Tom said he heard yesterday a girl that looked a lot like you was up on Choctaw Ridge

And she and Billie Joe were talkin’ mighty close at Tallahatchie Bridge

Well, a year has come and gone since we heard ‘bout the President election and Uncle Joe

And Brother married that ER nurse; they’re sellin’ medical stuff online in Tupelo

There was another bunch of the COVID and papa was saved by that breathin’ machine

Billie Joe’s not the same and doesn’t want to do much of anything

And me - I’m OK now; spendin’ a lot of time daydreamin’ up on Choctaw Ridge

Just hopin’ to see Billie Joe feelin’ better again at Tallahatchie Bridge

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