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F orward … March! All the astrological hype is true: March is gonna be a game changer, with Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th and fantasies become grounding realities. ¶ The Spring Equinox on the 20th encourages you to make your intentions clear. ¶ It’s all about Pluto, the planet of total transformation and sneaky power struggles will be frolicking through the waters in Aquarius on the 23rd for the first time since 1777, lasting until June 11, so pay attention to some life shifting events happening personally and around you. Expect some far out freaky fun!
ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 20
Aries season starts March 20. It’ll be mind-blowing when you feel that “click” inside. Reassess and reboot. The only way is up. Birthday Rams need to thank everyone who got them where they are. You didn’t get there all on your own, you know.