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from ION Arizona #259
by ION Arizona
Horny, needy, “look at me!” Venus wants attention, but Mars urges you to make peace with past especially if you’re feeling jealous or guilty. Look for clarity from the cosmos.
TAURUS April. 21 - May 20
Pursue your passions, dreams and desires. Thanks to Mars your courage is on the forefront. The Sun illuminates your feelings. And you have a lotta feelings goin’ on.
GEMINI May 21 - June 21
Kick an old habit. Like procrastinating. Or tattling. Why not take up crafting? Grumpy Mars brings a rollercoaster of emotions –hardly a surprise with you.
CANCER June 22 - July 22
Expect the unexpected with Venus moving in. You crave surprises, but don’t make any impulsive decisions. Remember, the big gorilla always gets the best bananas.
LEO July 23 - Aug. 22
Your reputation as an “Idea Person” grows, and your ability to get stuff done, not just talk about it. With a little hard work you might get a reward. Not a million dollars. Maybe a stuffed animal. Who knows?
VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sep. 22
Communication issues are clouding things up, mostly because Mercury and Neptune are fussy. This is a good time to deal with money issues. Important info comes your way.
LIBRA Sep. 23 - Oct. 22
Mercury, meet Mars. Mars, meet Mercury. They square off with Pluto. This summit happens on October 29. Important intel surfaces. Is it your birthday? Venus aligns with Jupiter and you get a special gift. Embrace the past and expecta significant transformation in your life.
SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov.23
Two eclipses? Three planets in Scorpio? Expect fresh starts and closures where they’re needed. This is a good time to dive into things you’ve been been ignoring. Don’t overthink.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23 - Dec. 23
Opportunities abound! Set goals and priorities, pursue unconventional solutions to problems. Mars and Pluto get into a tussle and bring power struggles to your world. Set some boundaries. Stick to them.
CAPRICORN Dec. 23 - Jan. 20
Everything is new! New opportunities! New friends! New surroundings! New, new, new! Thank Jupiter for pushing you towards personal and spiritual growth. Be optimistic! Eat that cheesecake! You know you want to.
AQUARIUS Jan. 21 - Feb. 19
You’re a natural flibbertigibbet. You’re flighty. It’s all part of your featherbrain charm. But don’t let bossy Jupiter block your ability to communicate or things will get cattywampus.
PISCES Feb. 20 - Mar. 20
You’re rewriting your destiny. Right now! With a glitter pen and stickers. Follow your supercharged intuition even if the vibe is heavy – it’s because of cranky Mercury. Take the cosmic high ground.