Re-Mix Exhibition Program

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7th — 9th January 2015

Exhibition Programme


N ‘Music is an essential form of human communication and has probably been so since before the dawn of speech.’


— Orjan Strandberg

Music has a profound effect on peoples lives, a song can connect you to a person, place or a memory. Throughout history music has been a staple in society, and is a part of every culture in some form. Mainstream or popular music is a gateway in allowing people to connect with one another and to find common ground within society, due to its popularity. However with the increase in popular music is there any room for originality in a over saturated market.

Remix — ‘To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new’ Re-mix is an exhibition looking into the past and present of popular music. Making comparisons to see if it has evolved over time or if it has just been copied from those who have come before.

Re-mix wants to find out what your views are on the music industry and if you can tell the difference between the artists and the music. With interactive art work and music, the exhibition hopes to open your eyes about the development of popular music throughout the years. This is a participation exhibition with comment cards situated at each section of the exhibition and a ballot box, so you can share your views.

‘The experience of pop music is an experience of identity: in responding to a song, we are drawn, haphazardly, into emotional alliances with the performers and with the performers other fans. Because of its qualities of abstractness, music is, by nature an individualising form’ — Simon Firth

The exhibition is split into three elements exploring the lyrics, sound and style which combined create the basis of a song. The break down of the exhibition will give you a clear insight into how music is manufactured for our desire.

Designed and curated by J’nae Saunders


‘We can’t introduce anything new until we’re fluent with the language of our domain and we do that through emulation.’


— Kirby Ferguson



The lyrics in a song can resonate with us forever, with catchy choruses or empowering words it can allow us to understand the song on a deeper level.

The lyrics section in the exhibition will compare them from the past and present to see if there are similarities or if they are simply original.




‘The musical standards of popular music were originally developed by a competitive process. As one particular song scored great success, hundreds of others sprang up imitating the successful one.’


— Theodore Adorno



Sound is an imperative part of music as it gives us a beat to feel and move to. The instruments, rhythm and chords that are generated evoke many emotions from happy, sad and excited. The sound section will draw comparisons from the past and present to see how it has changed or stayed the same over the years.




‘Enjoyment still retains a place only in the immediate bodily presence. Where it requires an aesthetic appearance, it is illusory by aesthetic standard and likewise cheats the pleasure.’


— Theodore Adorno



The vision of music is provided through the artist. The way they perform, sing and look encompasses how we view and enjoy music. The vision section of the exhibition will look into artists from the past and the present. Looking at clothing, dance and performance to see how they have caught our eyes over the years.



‘Consumable art music must pay by the sacrifice of its consistency.’ — Theodore Adorno

10 Music is an influential form, these are the top 10 artists throughout time who have been sampled the most and are used in popular music.

James Brown Active: 1954 — 2006 Sampled 4538 times

Lyn Collins Active: 1962 — 2005 Sampled 17713 times

Micheal Jackson Active: 1964 — 2009 Sampled 912 times

Marvin Gaye Active: 1964 — 1981 Sampled 712 times

The Beatles Active: 1960 — 1970 Sampled 609 times

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘Funky President’ released in 1974.

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘Think’ released in 1972.

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ released in 1982.

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘Stop, Look, Listen’ released in 1973.

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘Come Together’ released in 1969.

Chic Active: 176 — Present Sampled 348 times

Stevie Wonder Active: 1961 — Present sampled 343 times

Madonna Active: 1979— Present Sampled 340 times

Queen Diana Ross Active: 1970 — Present Active: 1959 — Present Sampled 341 times Sampled 314 times

The most sampled song from the band is ‘Good Times’ released in 1979.

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘Living in the city’ released in 1973.

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘Material Girl’ released in 1984.

The most sampled song from the band is ‘We Are The Champions’ released in 1977.

The most sampled song from the artist is ‘I’m Coming Out’ released in 1980.

Re—Mix Exhibition ©

January 2015

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