4 minute read
a tribute to our executives
a goodbye to our founding execs. but it’s not the end! whats next?
haley chung
i’ve always known that i wanted to move back to my birthplace one day, but i never could’ve predicted that the move would happen so soon. in the fall, i’ll be in new york studying something pre-law, creative writing, and film studies at columbia university. all while eating all the shawarma i can find. over the next few years, i hope to be a legal human rights activist and also direct a disney movie . . . but we’ll see where life takes me! no matter what, i’ll never stop writing or forget the impact jnb lit has had on my life.
danielle graham

at age five, i wanted to be a florist. maybe it was because of the look on my mom’s face when i handed her dandelion bouquets or the brilliant reds and oranges of the wildflowers at garry point, but something had attracted me to the idea of creating gorgeous flower arrangements. while this won’t come to pass, my botanical dream lives on in a dwarf umbrella tree and a tiny ficus beneath my bedroom window. at age sixteen, i decided to be a nurse. the more i pondered a career in nursing, the more it just seemed to make sense. after doing the foundations in health studies program at langara, i hope to move on to their nursing program and become a registered nurse. though my five year-old self may have a few objections, i know without a doubt that the person i have chosen to be is someone i can be proud of and i’m incredibly grateful for my family and friends who have guided me to where i am now. thank you, jnb.
rosanna tsang creative + visual director
ever since i was a child, i wanted to become a police officer. then a doctor. then a paramedic. and then a nurse. now, it seems that i have steered away from the medicine route and have become pretty dead set on becoming a child protection social worker. although my goals in life may never lead me to cross paths with the likes of jnb lit, besides the occasional poem or art piece to process my feelings, i will always remember this club as the unexpected wonderful medley of freedom, passion, creativity and friendship that it was, and will continue to be, even after my friends and i have left it.
tiffany au creative + visual director
when i was younger, i knew that i wanted to be involved in the arts, but never knew specifically what field of arts i was the most passionate about. jnb lit
(and the art teachers!!!) have really helped find my passion for graphic design. after applying to numerous art schools, and lots of thinking, i’ve decided to start school at sfu’s school of contemporary arts for dance, and hopefully something related to visual arts and design as well in the near future. i know dance is probably the furthest from graphic design but i hope to be able to be doing both in a few years. i will forever be grateful for the opportunities this club has given me and i will miss working on the magazine and seeing everyones creative submissions!
teresa li

general exec.
since the beginning of high school, i have always set my mind to staying close to home for university. never would i have thought, i would study life sciences at the university of toronto. despite the worries and struggles of living alone and moving to another city, i know that my family and friends will always support me. this great independence marks the beginning of a new chapter where i would be creating my journey and pursuing my endeavours.

michael liang secretary
for someone who hasn’t been able to answer that for the past four years, i am happy to say that what’s next is no longer a mystery. in a surprising turn of events, i was miraculously accepted into the ubc faculty of science where i hope to study biophysics. so what’s next? a ton of sleepless nights, a startling amount of morning courses, and a host of good memories. what’s next? the first day of the rest of my life!