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Health Column
(Extracted by Marcel Goffe from a presentation given by Jamaican Naturopathic Dr. Debra Williams, entitled ‘Boost Your Immunity’, delivered at Diego Martin SDA, July 5, 2020.)
Your immune system is in a battle everyday. That is its job. You’re protected by coordinated dense cells. Proteins and chemical signals join forces against bacteria, viruses, parasites and other pathogens. Your immune system also helps in wound healing, cellular and tissue turnover and repair. A healthy, functional immune system is a complex machine. It contains many layers, sub-systems, tissues, organs and processes.
10 Things that weaken the immune system
Smoking & second-hand smoke. Binge drinking. Inadequate sleep. Physical inactivity Carrying negative emotions. Ignoring personal hygiene, for example using toxic makeup. Misuse of antibiotics Insufficient water intake Stress Lack of sunlight. (In a country where access to sunlight is inadequate, Vegan source of Vitamin D3 supplements is advised.)
Keep your lymphatic system healthy
Get your essential fatty acids (EFAs) from Flaxseeds, Flaxseed oil, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, Almonds and Avocados. Stay active by walking, running, skipping, weight training, cardio and stretching. Practice deep breathing outdoors. Get your Vitamin D from the sun. Spend 30 - 40 minutes daily in the sun between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Get a massage or visit the sauna.
Anti-inflammatory/Antibacterial herbs help to stimulate the Immune System
Dandelion root Garlic Alfalfa Red Clover Echinacea