6 minute read
Interview with DJ Proclaima
DJ Proclaima was born Bernard Reilly in Nottingham City - famous for Robin Hood - at the heart of the Midlands in the United Kingdom. His two radio shows are syndicated on over 100 FM, Digital and online stations around the world. His YouTube channel gets somewhere between 10 & 20,000 views every single day. All in all, he is able to reach over 1 Million people a month. His channel has just hit 50,000 subscribers. In the midst of all this busyness, the KW Magazine was able to snag a conversation with him just before going to press!
KW: At what age did you encounter Christ and how did it change your life?
PROCLAIMA: As a child I remember a few things that later made sense to me when I gave my life to Jesus. My granny used to take me to Catholic Church, which I never really understood. But there was something about her that was good. I remember meeting a street preacher who was an old man and when he spoke to me I felt God’s power. At the age of 21 I became a Christian and it completely changed my life.
KW: How did you become a selector? How old were you when you started?
PROCLAIMA: After being saved for a few years God delivered me from music! I had an amazing collection of hard to find white label records, many of which had to be imported. God made me give it away and as soon as I did it I felt like something was lifted off me. God revealed that music had been my idol. About 4 years later He spoke to me in a very profound dream and told me He had made me to be a DJ for Him. He told me that I was to start a ministry called ‘Soulcure’, a name I had never heard before. He showed me a vision of myself playing a sound in a community centre in Nottingham called the Marcus Garvey Centre. I was about 28 at the time.
KW: Why did you choose the name DJ Proclaima?
PROCLAIMA: God has given me a real love for people and the joy of being an evangelist. Wherever I go and whenever I play, I ALWAYS proclaim the Gospel hence the name Proclaima.
KW: Who were your early musical influences?
PROCLAIMA: I was brought up in a black Caribbean community so was heavily influenced by my peers. I remember as a little boy standing alongside the selectors and mic chatters at local events whilst the other kids ran around playing. I had a deep passion for reggae artists such as Dennis Brown, U Roy, I Roy, Gregory Isaacs, Bob Marley and more. Plus, I grew up on disco or what we called Funk music, Earth Wind and Fire, Kool and the Gang, Funkadelics, Parliament and many more.
KW: Were you a ‘dancehall’ selector before becoming a Kingdom selector?
PROCLAIMA: I was always that guy asked to play a couple of tunes at parties. The anointing flowed even then.
KW: I know you play different genres but why such a strong focus on reggae music?
PROCLAIMA: To me Reggae is the foundation of most modern black music. From I first heard ‘Money in My Pocket’ (Dennis Brown) and ‘Night Nurse’ (Gregory Isaacs) I was hooked. The sweetness of the original reggae riddims are as profound as Mozart and Handel and should be treated with the same respect in my view.
KW: One of the first things I noticed while listening to you is July 2020 KW Magazine | 13
that you don’t just play music; you minister unashamedly. What can you tell us about your call to minister using this method?
PROCLAIMA: I respect that everyone has a view, but how can it be that a Rastafarian can boldly represent Rasta, and a Christian be shy? The Gospel has to preach, and I will share the Good news of Jesus Christ until He takes me home. I was called and anointed by Him for this purpose. As a result many thousands have turned to Christ.
KW: Have you played outside of the UK? If so, what countries?
PROCLAIMA: I play mainly to the black communities in Florida … so the USA is my biggest overseas gig. This year I was due to go to Canada for the first time, but Covid has delayed that. I have also played across Europe. My last two events were in Paris, France.
KW: As a white male growing up in England, what is your view on reparations for people of African descent?
PROCLAIMA: The truth is that much of the wealth of Europe and the Caribbean was built off the back of slavery. Therefore, it is only right that the descendants of slaves receive reparations. I also believe that there need to be national days of repentance, and 14 | KW MagazineJuly 2020 heads of state including the Queen should issue formal apologies. Any nation involved in the slave trade should be seeking to help affected black communities to recover, and should invest in their infrastructure.
KW: Have you seen where reggae music can play/has played a role in reconciliation between blacks and whites? What about between churched and unchurched?
PROCLAIMA: Reggae music is black music, but many white people feel a strong connection to the art form. In the UK there are many white people who genuinely love black people without reservation. Sadly, there will always be those who choose to reject people because of their skin colour. But this is what I tell people: “If you do not like black people, do NOT go to heaven as you will feel uncomfortable!”
Since Papa San, Chevelle, Stitchie, Junior Tucker and Sasha crossed over I think the Church is more accepting of Reggae music now. This is a good thing as Reggae music is a great way to make a joyful noise to the Lord.
KW: Do you think we have enough Christian songs that challenge issues in society such as injustice and racism?
some amazing tracks that speak to real issues. Eddie Neblett, has a track called ‘Mr Musician’. This track talks about the responsibility of the music industry, asking their position on promoting violence and sexual sin.
I also love it when artists sing about their life experiences and how Christ has made them whole. The truth is that whatever problems we face only through Jesus can we find real solutions.
KW: Who are some of the memorable reggae ambassadors you have worked with?
PROCLAIMA: I have done so many great events and had so many fantastic moments over the years. I have met and worked with the following: Lt. Stitchie, Goddy Goddy, Papa San, Chevelle Franklyn, Junior Tucker, can’t forget Sista Sasha, Kary Diamond, DJ Nicholas, Jason Mighty, Carlene Davis, Abi MacDonald, Chozenn, Darren Grant, 2nd Chance and more. Plus, I must shoutout the amazing talent we have right here in the UK: Peter Spence, Leroy Morrisson (RIEP), St Andrew, Lytie, Annette B, Joshua Kesler, King Arthur, JayJayBorn2Sing, Cudjoe, Lita Marie, Denis Maclean. I also have to acknowledge the amazing gifts of the artists from other islands: Sherwin Gardner, Positive, Jaron Nurse, Saiku, Naycha K.I.D. and more recently a young man called Farenite. To be honest I could keep going all day (Please forgive me if I missed anyone).
KW: What are the top 5 songs you would want played at your thanksgiving service?
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is a big question for me. I want my funeral to be a complete celebration and a time of joy as I will be jumping around with my Saviour. But I also want the Gospel preaching, so it has to be an outreach.
I would choose what I call BIG people tunes 1. Papa San – Hail Him Up 2. Ketch a Fyah – Prodigal Son 3. God’s Love – RickBlazze 4. Jaron Nurse – Jesus Youth 5. Papa San – Perdominent (I have a crazy Gospel special on this) Sorry you have to get 10 tunes …. BIG funeral 6. Chevelle Franklyn – Special 7. Peter Spence – Special 8. Leroy Morrison – Special 9. Yankee B – Special
10. Shelly Thunder - Special
KW: Bless up yuself Proclaima! Waak gud, an wan lov! p