DOI: 10.12797/9788376389042.06
Joanna Rak
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Chapter 5
Justifying the Use of Violence: A Gnostic Deconstruction of a Political Universe 1
Introduction and State of the Art The current analyses of the Russian Revolution of 1917 show that it was a by-product of successful modernization (Mironov, 2015, p. 79; Bassin, et al., 2017, p. 2). Theoretical frameworks employed to study the contentious politics draw upon the theories of anomie, disorganization, and tension. In introducing a variety of social and political factors that influenced the revolution, they concentrate on the change of living conditions, rules of behavior, social norms, anomie, attenuation of the mechanisms of social control over the individual by social organizations, disorganization 1 This paper is a result of the research project “Contemporary Russia: Between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism” funded by National Science Centre, Poland. The research grant number: 2015/19/B/HS5/02516.