Deconstruction of Natural Order. The Legacy of the Russian Revolution

Page 156

Index of Names Akhmatova Anna 91 Aksakov Ivan 80 Aksakov Konstantin 79 Alekseev Nikolai 91 Alexander II, tsar of Russia 82 Alschen Sergei 10 Arendt Hannah 120 Aristotle 12 Augustine, saint 12, 136 Axelrod Paul 81 Badcock Sarah 108 Bakhtin Alexei 97 Bamyeh Mohammed A. 110 Barkashov Alexandr 76 Basmanov Vladimir 77, 96 Bassin Mark 107 Batu-Khan, Mongol leader 8 Bäcker Roman 79, 92, 118 Belov-Potkin (Belov) Alexandr 77, 96 Belyaev Yuri 75 Berdyaev Nikolai 10 Berezyuk Igor 101 Beria Levrentiy 82 Bervi-Flerovsky Vasily 82 Bervy William 82 Besançon Alain 110 Beyrau Dietrich 108 Bieleń Stanisław 134 Blau Peter M. 67 Blum M. 27 Bocheński Józef Maria 137

Borisov Vadim Mikhailovich 88 Bosiacki Adam 21, 23–24 Braithwaite Rodric 118 Brezhnev Leonid 88 Buckley William F., Jr. 124 Bulgakov Sergei 10 Catherine II the Great, tsarina of Russia 83 Chaadayev Petr 9, 131 Chase Christopher W. 108 Cherkassky Vladimir 80 Chernov Victor 10, 71 Cochin Augustin 89 Court Anthony 121 Cracraft James 108 Dalferth Ingolf U. 110 Danilevsky Nikolai Y. 80 Danishevsky K. 26 Davoudi Iran 118–119 Demushkin Dmitry 77 Deutsch Leo 81 Đilas Milovan 135, 139 Dostoevsky Fyodor 79 Dubas Agata 94, 101 Dudin M. N. 47 Dugin Alexandr Gelevich 91–92, 98 Duguit Leon 35 Dzerzhinski Felix 32–33, 82 Empedocles 12

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