Architecture graduation thesis cultural center and theater (Adaptive Reuse and Urban Infill Project)

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School of Architecture and Built Environment Department of Architecture Amman Theater and Cultural Center Adaptive Reuse and Urban Infill Project

Presented by: Joana Alma’ayeh, 20121601040 Supervisor: Dr. Yasser Rajjal 2nd Semester Amman, Jordan

Table of Contents Amman’s Morphology ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Project Site Location .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Analysis Existing Building in the Site ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Site Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Amman Theater and cultural center .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Theater standards.................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Proposed program .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Site Plan.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Project Plans ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Sections, Elevations & Sective............................................................................................................................................................... 22 Exploded Axonometric of the Cultural Center....................................................................................................................................... 24 3D Views ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25


Figure 1: Jabal Amman sarvice


Figure 2: Jabal Amman in the 40’s


Figure 3: Al Husseini Mosque and Jabal Amman Figure 4: King Hussein wedding, Amman Figure 5: Roman amphitheater in 1948 Figure 6: The Arkijian house

Figure 8: Islamic Scientific College

Figure 10: 1st Circle in the 80’s

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Figure 7: The old Parliament building

Figure 9: King Hussein Club


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Figure 11: Al Khourfan Str. ( Figure 12: Amman location in Jordan (done by our phase I group) Figure 13: Jabal Aamman (Google maps) Figure 14: The Site & the existing building location (done by our phase I group) Figure 15: Existing building in Site (taken by me) Figure 16: The existing building interior Figure 17: The existing building plans

(taken by our phase I group) (Done by Revit) II

Figure 18: 3D model

(Done by Revit)

Figure 19-26: different analysis Figure 27-28: Pictures of the site Figure 29: Theater standards

(done by our phase I group) (taken by our phase I group) Neufert, Architect’s Data, Third Edition book

Figure 30: Proposed Programm (Done by me ) Figure 31: Site plan

(Done by me using Revit)

Figure 32: G.F Plan (Done by me using Revit) Figure 32: 1st Floor plan

(Done by me using Revit)

Figure 33: 2nd Floor plan (Done by me using Revit) Figure 34: 3rd Floor plan (Done by me using Revit) Figure 35: 4th Floor plan

(Done by me using Revit)

Figure 36: Basement 1, 2 plan (Done by me using Revit) Figure 37: Section A-A & West Elevation (Done by me using Revit) Figure 38: Theater (Done by me using Revit) Figure 39: Cultural Center Exploded Axonometric (Done by me using Revit) Figure 40: 3D Views (Done by me using Revit)


Amman’s Morphology Through Pictures Jabal Amman district is a wellknown and famous district of the city Amman. The area of Jabal Amman became the place to go for politicians and businessmen in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s of the past century. It was and still is considered an upper class area of Amman. Jabal Amman started in the first circle area; the first roundabout in Amman, when the heads of tribes moved there they thus encouraged many others to do the same.

Figure 4: King Hussein wedding, Amman

Figure 1: Jabal Amman sarvice Figure 2: Jabal Amman in the 40’s

Figure 3: Al Husseini Mosque & Jabal Amman

Figure 5: Roman amphitheater in 1948 1

Jabal Amman contains many standing evidences of the modernity era that Amman witnessed in the 40’s - 70’s. Several structures that were built around the area, such as:        

The Arkijian house – now Al Rafidayn Bank - (1940’s) The old Parliament building (1947) Islamic Scientific College (1947) King Hussein Club (1958 ) Ministry of Agriculture ( 1950’s ) Amman’s Chamber of Industry (1962) Malhas Hospital ( 1945 ) Arwa Bint al Hareth School (1950 ) Figure 8: Islamic Scientific College

Figure 6: The Arkijian house

Figure 7: The old Parliament

Figure 9: King Hussein Club 2

The picture in F-10 is taken in the 1980’s, now that Jabal Amman has grown to become a vital district in the Ammani Cultural and Political Scene. Many of the political decisions were taken in the old parliament and thus the area had a strong political vibe to it, not to forget all the embassies around. The area also had a cultural vibe to it later on, when the Shoman foundation and the British Council were first opened; also the Rainbow cinema was a place of culture that drew many people to it

Figure 10: 1st Circle in the 80’s

In the 90’s and at the start of the new century when people started to move to the new parts of Amman, such as Abdoun, Dabouq and Sweifeyeh, many of Jabal Amman old houses were abandoned, not to forget the refugees who settled in the foothills of Jabal Amman and gave the area a bad reputation. An example of this is Al Khourfan street which is known as a poor Egyptian neighborhood (It lacks safety). Figure 11: Al Khourfan Str. 3

Project Site Location Location The site is in Jabal Amman between the 1st and 2nd circle specifically behind Shoman foundation. The site is surrounded with many important buildings. Such as: King Al Hussein Club, The Islamic Scientific College and many Embassies Nature of the Project: The project is an adaptive reuse/urban Infill project, the site is in a vacant land (7000m²) which accommodates the old building of the Ministry of Agriculture (which was mentioned previously).

Figure 13: Jabal Amman

Figure 12: Amman location in Jordan

Figure 14: The Site & the existing building

done by


Existing Building in the Site The building was built in the 1950’s as a governmental building and was designed by Sayyed Krayyem and Abdul Ghani abu Qura, the building is known for its balconies, which were the main concept of the building; Balconies were a major characteristic of modernist Amman. The building shows other characteristic of modernity as well.

Building Occupation throw time: The ministry of agriculture moved to this building in the 70’s, it was the temporary location of the ministry, as there were plans to move the ministry to another building - current building of the ministry of foreign affairs. The ministry of agriculture moved out from the building in the late 80’s and the building was occupied by the Court of Appeal. The Shoman foundation was built around that time too. Since the early 90’s until 2011 the building was occupied by the Department of Civil affairs and Passports. Figure 15: Existing building in Site



Existing Building Scale 1:500

Figure 17: The existing building plans

Figure 18: 3D model

Done By: Shaher Al-Hmoud, Fawzi Bata, Jamil Hajhasan 7

Site Analysis

Figure 19: Solid & Void

Figure 20: Vehicular Traffic

Figure 21: Accessibility Done by our phase I group

Figure 22: Important Buildings


Lost Spaces

Building use

Definition of lost spaces: It refers to any abandoned land or buildings (which belong to the public sector) that have many opportunities to be used in a way to develop the city.

Figure 23: lost spaces

Figure 24: Building use

The building in our site is considered a lost space, it’s owned by the government but have been abounded for many years. The building is located in an important area and has high potential of improving the area. In addition the different lost spaces (shown in F 23) are close to our site, thus they can have a potential of extending our project area.


Site Analysis

Traces and Footpath

Shadow studies

The site contained 8 pieces of land, but after taking with the municipality about the project, they considered the site a one piece of land. Thus our setbacks are 4m from front and back, and 3m from side.

Done by me on Revit

F 26- an analysis to study the sun shadows on the site in corresponding with the surrounding building height. Regulations

Figure 25: Analysis

Sun & Wind

Figure 26: Shadow 10

Behavioral Patterns in Site

Figure 27: Site 11

Vistas View from the building to the site

View from the building

Figure 28: Vistas of the Site and the surrounding

All images were taken by our phase I group


Amman Theater & Cultural Center Concept statement: The idea was to improve the cultural vibe in the area after it faced a drop since the 90’s due to many people moving out to new parts of Amman, many old houses were abandoned, and not to forget the refugees’ settlement in the foothills of Jabal Amman. Thus I wanted to create a cultural place accessible by public, especially youth, where they can practice in different kind of culture and art activities

Done by me

Objectives of the Project • Reviving an old Ammani modernist building and preserving its essence. • Enhancing cultural activities in the area. • Provide a solution to the social problems that the site is causing. • Help catering talents in local communities and developing them. • Provide a solution to the parking problem in the surrounding streets.

Design statement: My project consists of  

A cultural center which accommodates the fine arts ( all functions are located in the existing building) A theater which accommodate performing art. (it’s a separate new building that have been added to the project)


Theater Standards My theater would accomidate 300 visitor. By refering to the theater standards, doing the right calcultion, and distribution for the functions, I reached my theater design.

Figure 29: Theater standards from Neufert book 14

Proposed Programm The cultural center included: 

Different workshops, studios, classes and meeting rooms.

An extinsion for shoman foundation (a reading area and a studio for special events) A guest house for the artists who visit. A restaurant that is open for public.

 

The theater included

Figure 30: Proposed Programm

Done by me on Revit


Site Plan

Scale 1:1000 Figure 31: Site plan

Done by me on Revit 16

Plans 

G.F plan Scale 1:600

Existing G.F Plan (For comparison)

Figure 32: G.F Plan 17


1st Floor

Existing 1st Floor Plan

Figure 32: 1st Floor plan dddddddd 18


2nd Floor

Existing 2nd Floor Plan

Figure 33: 2nd Floor plan 19

3rd Floor

4th Floor

Existing Plans

Figure 34: 3rd Floor plan

Figure 35: 4th Floor plan 20


Basement 1, 2

Figure 36: Basement 1, 2 plan 21

Section A-A

West Elevation

Figure 37: Section A-A & West Elevation

Scale 1:600 22

Theater North Elevation

Theater Sective A space frame (square on square) is used to carry the roof load and a waffle slab structure is used for the parking.

Figure 38: Theater



Exploded Axonometric

Done by me using Revit

Figure 39: Cultural Center Exploded Axonometric



3D Views




Cultural Center


Figure 40: 3D Views

Done by me using Revit 27

Approval and Commitment to Ethical Standards and Integrity

I declare my full acknowledgment of GJU laws, bylaws, regulations, and decisions that are currently followed. I certify to have personally prepared my graduation project on my own with integrity and abided by ethical standards in preparing graduation projects; i.e., I did not receive any assistant in preparing the designs, rendering and presentation, model making, computer visualizations and animation, etc., by anyone other than my supervisor and the technical support team at GJU. I also declare that my graduation project was not plagiarized from other projects, books, journals, or any other source. In compliance with the above information I hold myself fully responsible if my graduation project breaches the above. GJU’s Deans Council has the right to revoke the decision of granting me the scientific degree and to withdraw the certificate and approve a statement of “annulled certificate” to be recorded on all documents on my academic record.

Student name: Joana Alma’ayeh


Date: 05 / 07/ 2017


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