A Look at Watercolour Bleaches and Erasers in Corel Painter 11

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A Look At Watercolour Bleaches and Erasers Can you figure out without looking at the arrows what particular controls might make this stroke have this appearance? If you thought a lot of wetness, pick up and diffusion, plus a fair bit of runny and cap factor you would have figured correctly. If you missed the fact that it was not removing the paint, but painting with white paint don’t feel too bad! You’ll soon start to know what to look for and what to change to make the stroke you want to make!


Watercolor Bleach Splatter can be done in any colour, not just white

Watercolour Eraser Diffuse Water Controls

Watercolour Eraser Dry – Subcategory change causes paint to be removed

Water Controls very different than the ones with the subcategory grainy wet abrasive. Compare to two previous brushes. This one has the wetness and pick up greatly decreased.

Watercolour Eraser Grainy - the Water Controls and subcategory cause the paint particles to move around so much. Colour does matter because we are adding paint, not removing density

Watercolour Eraser Salt – Water Controls and Subcategory

Eraser Salt can be done in any colour, but very tiny dots won’t show much colour . Changing the subcategory to Wet Remove Density is another way to make white spots.

Watercolour Eraser Wet – Water Controls and Subcategory Type is not actually removing paint.

Quick Reference for Watercolour Bleaches and Erasers

These brushes with the exception of Pale Density Remove were made by me from Skip’s Splashing Water set. Using his Captured Dabs and changing the Method to Wet and the Subcategory to Wet Remove Density will add these creative shaped erasers and paint removers to your watercolour brush collection.

Excerpt from my Lessons on Painting Watercolours Digitally – JoanAHamilton.com

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