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Musicwoman Magazine Spring 2020
The Power of Women in Music
Randi Fishenfeld on violin, Linda Ann Kiley on keys & vocals and Autumn Martini on bass.
RANDI FISHENFELD on Meaning of Life
[Edited for Musicwoman Magazine by Joan Cartwright]
String Player's Guide to The Universe: A Thesis Based on Super String Theory
This is my theory based on life experience. It may be complete garbage but it’s just theory. According to the quantum physics Super String Theory, the smallest component part of matter is not particles, but strings that resonate at different frequencies. Consistent with this theory, each one of us is made up of our smallest component parts - strings. As such, we are stringed instruments created by the *Master Luthier/Conductor to resonate at a particular frequency.
As long as we stay on that frequency, all things are in universal or quantum harmony. Sometimes, we go out of tune, causing us to not resonate properly, and eliminating an essential quantum harmonic voicing. When this happens, there is dissonance, and bad stuff happens.
We have free will, so, we choose to tune up or stay out of tune. Choosing to stay out of tune has a negative effect on the relative harmonic resonance of the quantum field - the all-inclusive universe. We are all necessary component instruments, playing the needed parts that create the essential harmonic voicing in the quantum symphony orchestra. As long as we stay in tune, the Symphonie Fantastique plays beautifullyall other instruments (people or opportunities) come in on cue. As long as we choose to remain in tune, all the orchestrated events in our lives play out, fulfilling our free will and quantum destiny.
In many instances, we recognize red flags that will knock us out of tune or relative harmony. It’s like people you get a bad vibration from or saying, “Let’s make beautiful music together,” with people we get a good vibe from. Why do some people choose to stay out of tune? Maybe they are wearing earplugs. I could elaborate on variations of self-medication like earplugs, including behavioral and chemical disorders.
It takes some of us longer to tune up because
some people have a higher tolerance for dissonance. Also, some people do not know how to retune. They need assistance from those with knowledge and wisdom. We all have the same potential to stay in tune but we choose to turn a deaf ear and tune out at times.
Why would this be? Maybe, we are supposed to go out of tune so we can retune. After all, the engine that drives melodic motion forward is tension and release - dissonance to resolution. The only way to continue to drive melodic motion forward is by resolving the dissonance. If we do not choose to tune up, we continue on a destructive, dissonant path, and get fired from the orchestra - a quantum “Hasta la vista, baby!” We should not beat ourselves up about playing out of tune. But it is essential to tune-up or face the consequences of impending annihilation. Furthermore, this explains why many creative people are in turmoil. Creativity is forward motion as opposed to stagnation. If the engine that drives melodic motion forward is dissonance to resolution and, if creativity equals forward motion, then, an increase in creativity is equal to a higher rate of tune or harmony – detune or dissonance – retune or harmony – detune or dissonance.
This process can wreak havoc on the creative individual who is not in sync with the Symphonie Fantastique. Sync means the ability to achieve serenity by connecting with a higher power. I call that higher power the *Master Luthier/ Conductor.
Serenity does not mean a lack of conflict, but the ability to cope with conflict. This explains why keeping it simple allows you to coast on through. Sometimes, we have simpler parts to play. Sometimes, we are the soloists. Sometimes, we’re the continuo, the accompaniment, and, sometimes, we have a page that reads Tacet, a musical term meaning silence. All parts are equally important, even those that remain silent. Imagine the chaos and cacophony if we all played with the same intensity at once!