JakobPlan ... new dorm, new possibilities. How does the current lighting work? Let’s take a closer look at it ...
The analysis of light in the dorm at Jakobsplan 1 in Weimar Prof. Verena von Beckerath Winter semester 2017/2018
From the left: arrangement of lighting in rooms, horizontal place of light, spot analysis of light, lighting intensity, analysis of lighting in various rooms in the building
Dormitory Diagonality Modularity Frame construction Wood Dorm project based on F. Fischer’s „Das 100” project Cooperation: Natalia Wyrwa prof. Verena von Beckerath Winter semester 2017/2018
On the left: floor plan of the fourth level, on the right: basement plan, entry diagram and diagonal stairs through the building
Analysis of the square module settings turned by 45 degrees On the left: spatial development plan
Western elevation
How well to design a reception? What to do to make it comfortable? How does human anatomy affect the dimensioning of furniture?
Ergonomic analysis of the space at the reception prof. Marek Ostrowski Winter semester 2016/2017
95c 0
5c 0
-4 0
-4 0
0 z=-3
z=-3 0
0 0
95c 5c
95c 5c 30o 30o 30o 30o
How to get more sunlight in the interior? In which places more is needed light? Which housing functions require more exposure?
The project atrial house terraced prof. Grzegorz Ferber Summer semester 2017
Diagram 1: typical house - night zone on the first floor, day zone on  ground floor. Diagram 2: sunny house - day zone on the first floor, night zone on the ground floor. On the right, from the top: west elevation, cross-section
Ground floor plan
Floor plan
How to design a railway station to become an integral part of the environment? What additional functions are needed at the railway station? What kind of people can potentially use the station on Pogodno?
Project of the Fast Metropolitan Railway in Szczecin, Pogodno Station prof. Tomasz Sachanowicz Winter semester 2016/2017
On the left: patterns of space analysis. On the right, from the top: cross-sections through the land, spatial development plan
Main view axes connecting with the waterfront of the city. Water. Floating Garden. Water infrastructure. Urban project of the island Kępa Parnicka in Szczecin Cooperation: M. Kolińska, K. Kołaczko, K. Kowalczyk prof. Waldemar Marzęcki Summer semester 2017
Parking scheme. On the right: spatial development plan.
JOANNA KLIMCZAK 24 VIII 1996 ul. Gryfińska 13 74-107 Daleszewo (+48) 725 512 883
EDUCATION 2012 - 2015 II High School „Nicholas Copernicus” in Bydgoszcz (profile: humanistic-linguistic) 2015 - currently West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin Architecture and urban planning 2017/2018 - Winter semester (Erasmus) Bauhuas Univeritat in Weimar rchitectures EXPERIENCE V 2016 - II 2017 Cymbik Małgorzata Architektura - Urban practice June 2017 - currently PM Studio Biuro Projektów - Architect’s assistant April 2018 - currently C+Ho Ar Wachniccy A P - Architect’s assistant
TRAINING AND COURSES 16 VI - 11 VII 4th week English language course at the upper level intermediate „at Dundee & Angus Collage XII 2016 - II 2017 Intensive course in computer graphics (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator Draw, Adobe In Design, CorelDraw) Driving license. B
LANGUAGES English: very good knowledge of writing and communication Level: B2 German: intermediate - advanced knowledge in writing and communication Level: B1 + In plans: start learning Spanish
SKILLS Knowledge of advanced programs: Archicad Photoshop Knowledge of programs at an intermediate level: Revit Sketch up Knowledge of basic programs: Autocad, Adobe In Design, Dynamo INTERESTS Naturalistic painting. I paint for relaxation and pleasure. I am in the process of creating my first collection. I like to travel. I have a dream about hitchhiking expedition around the world. I was a scout leader in the 10 Bydgoska Drużyna Harcerek „Aqua” „Janina Bartkiewicz Bartek”