Photo manipulation and quote
Initial ideas-brain storm
I like the whole idea of photo manipulation. The whole idea of creating something which cannot be taken with a camera alone.
With photo manipulation I create an image of a man flying which could relate to peter pan with a disney type theme.
I could play around with people by making them miniature which could make small objects looks enormous such as this image of a small person playing with cards.
I could also make an image of me interacting with myself by taking many photos of myself wearing different clothing playing games such as hide and seek.
I also like the idea of the quote brief as although it’s very simple it is also effective as the less there is the more effective it would look.
I like the idea of using a quote such as a quote from a lyric and creating an image relating to it.
I could get parts of a song and change the lyrics relating to it for example I can change the text so that it’s in the shape of the artist’s face.
Dara Scully Dara Scully is a Spanish artist who’s photography is filled with childlike fantasy, her photos blending the line between fact and fiction, each loaded with rich narrative potential. Acting frequently as the protagonist, Scully places herself in a world where bicycles are strapped to hot air balloons, where she parties with miniature elephants and has adventures rivaling those of Alice in Wonderland.
Kyle J Thompson Kyle J Thompson is a photographer from Chicago. His style of photography is surreal conceptual. He has a fascination with abandon houses and empty forest where majority of his photography is taken. His love for outdoors sprang from his distaste of the suburbs where he grew up. He says ‘the suburbs are a fake and constructed reality’. He is also known for using water, smoke and lighting effects to enhance surreal feel of his photos. Props are also a major part of his work.
Barbarah Kruger Barbarah Kruger is an american conceptual artist. Majority of her work consists of black-and-white photographs overlaid with declarative captions. The phrases in her works often include pronouns such as ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘we’, and ‘they’ Kruger lives and work in New York and Los Angeles.
Visual Research into the brief
I like these photography of Dara Scully as I like the whole idea of the fantasy type of images.
I like the image of the naked lady laying in a tub in the middle of the park as it is very unusual and effective.
I like these images of the man dressed in a suit with the balloons placed around with as it makes you question the photography.
I like this typography of the text being shapes into the shape of the type. I like how it’s proper detailed and it is also unusual as I haven’t seen anything like this type of typography.
Photos I could take based on the brief ď‚? Dara Scully inspired piece: Having a bath in the middle of the park. Walking a tiger. Having a picnic with animals. ď‚? Kyle Thompson inspired piece: A man wearing a suit playing on the swings. Someone drowning in a puddle. A man in a suit in a bath full of balloons.
Existing photos based on the brief