==== ==== Secrets To Dog Training http://c0866ij27gd1fw5cxfwngu5r45.hop.clickbank.net/ ==== ====
If you have become a dog owner for the very first time, house breaking your dog will be one of the most challenging tasks ahead. But with some planning, good technique and a lot of patience, you will never have to repeat this process again Once you understand the instinctive nature of our canine friends, you will see why the techniques described here are very effective in house training a dog. Once implemented, your pooch will undoubtedly be accident free. As their ancestors before them who lived in the wilds, canines, though highly evolved, have kept certain instincts through the years. Hunting is one, and another is keeping the "den" clean. A dog will not soil its eating and sleeping areas. This has scientifically been shown to be true. With this in mind, consider where your pups "den" will be. I personally used the crate method for house training my dog once she got passed the confinement stage. In confining, a small puppyproof room is used as a den, and the floor lined with paper. This is where you will make up her bed, provide her with food, water and her favorite toys. Make sure to spend ample time with her to get her acclimated to these new surroundings. At times when the pup is unsupervised, such as when there is nobody home to play with her, this den is where she stays until you return. Allow her to roam free in certain rooms where you are, when you are present, and pay attention to obvious signs that she needs to go out and act accordingly. Give praise when she does her business outside. Once your pups "instincts" kick in, she will begin to show a preference to where she will toilet. At this time a crate can be used to further instill that instinct to keep her sleeping area clean. When using this method for house breaking your dog, it is very important to keep an eating and toileting schedule. Pay attention to the times when she eats, sleeps and has the need to eliminate. Always use positive reinforcement in any training. This gains your dog's trust. If an accident does happen, do not scold or punish the dog, especially if it is found evidence only. She has forgotten about it already and scolding will only confuse or frighten her. Bring her out 30 minutes after eating and every couple of hours when you are at home. Being consistent with this schedule is vital to your achieving your goal. Be sure not to leave your dog in the crate for extended periods of time, as she will not be able to hold it indefinitely, and an accident will occur. This could set your progress back considerably.
House training a dog can be stress free when the proper techniques are used. Remember, establish a regular eating and toileting schedule, supervise closely when you are present, give high praises for proper toileting habits and above all else, enjoy your new bundle of joy!
Danny Taylor of DogTraining-User-Reviews.com, specializes in helping new pooch owners get the info that they need to help train their new best friend. Danny, a professional dog trainer himself, leads his team of dog obedience trainers to constantly review new training methods, and programs in the market and make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular dog training programs at DogTraining-UserReviews.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Danny_Taylor
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