As photography exam final

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Earth, Air, Fire and Water

Kyle Thompson

Experimenting with self portraits (Earth)

Experimenting with self portraits (Earth)

Untitled 2012

Experimenting with self portraits (Air)

Pause, 2013

Aaron Feaver

On location portraits (Air)

“He delicately photographs young women in landscapes and interiors. His soft toned, often poetic and in evening sunlight images show the women in a vulnerable yet strong way”

On location portraits (Earth)

People and water Â

Joeri Bosma

Self Portraits 365 Project 2011/2012 and later

People and water

People and water Â

Bettina Von Zhewl

Rain 2003

Experimenting with burning (Fire)

It’s an exploration of contemporary Russian youth today. My most recent photos Girls, is a reflection on LGBT rights. Its quite a big issue in Russia right now. I promised to hide the twins’s identities and faces, so I burnt in their faces. I enjoyed creating the melted visual effect since these days, everything’s digital. Also, its relevant because lesbians were burned as witches in medieval times.

Amy Friend Â

Experimenting with found photographs (Earth)

Villigen, Germany 2012

Experimenting with found photographs (Water)

I dream of that day 2012

Through small deliberate interventions, I altered these vintage images, allowing light to pass through them.

Reflected Landscapes (Water)

Misha de Ridder

Bergwald, 2009

Reflected Landscapes (Water)

Riett端rli, 2009

Dafna Talmor

Constructed Landscapes (Earth)

Constructed Landscapes

Constructed Landscapes

Ingvar Kenne

Deconstructed landscapes (Water) Â

Untitled (Culburra) 2007

Deconstructed landscapes (Water)

Untitled (Murray floodplain) 2007

The vast scenery is extended; points of view change, layers and dimensions are added/Subtracted. The flat photographic surface becomes sculptural

Altered Landscapes (Earth)

Noemie Goudal

Promenade, 2010

Altered Landscapes (Water)

Cascade 2009

Sabine Delcour

Natural and un-spoilt Landscapes (Earth)

In her series Thoroughfares she photographs marginal areas where nature has to make compromises, places where the landscape can be seen as a story of "human nature".

Remembered Landscapes (Earth)

Yaniv Waissa

Traces 2007-8

Remembered Landscapes (Earth)

“I go on a journey following the memories of my youth”

Gavin Hammond

Urban Spaces (Earth)

A series of iPadinspired Lomo photos entitled, London – There Is An App For That – the humorous response of an analog lover to the demands of the modern digital age.

Urban Spaces (Earth)

Morten Nordstrom

Reflection in the city (Water)

Shooting from ground level Nordstrom captures the people and the architecture of the city of Copenhagen in mirror-like fashion.

Reflection in the city (Water) Â

Stephen Gill Â

" The images for the series Outside In were made in Brighton where he featured objects found in the local surroundings that he literally put inside of his camera and started making images of street sceneries�

Rinko Kawauchi

The natural world - close-up (Earth)

“By paying attention to tiny gestures and incidental details within her environment she finds the extraordinary within the mundane”

The natural world - close-up (Earth) Â

Gerco de Ruiter

The natural world - close-up (Earth) Â

One of his latest series is Baumschule and focuses on tree nurseries. The images are composed geomatrically. The distance from the subject helps to create the impression of an abstract painting.

Rita Maas

The natural world - close-up (Earth) Â

Skylight Views October 10, 2008 From the Series At Home

The natural world - close-up (Earth) Â

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