7 minute read
The Journey To Inner Self
Sr. Annastacia Mwikali Mutiso
As the Bible states in Proverb 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your Paths."
I arrived in Houston on March 30, 2022, for the Congregational Chapter and began my international experience. Following Chapter, I joined the Annunciation Community, which allowed me to enjoy my international experience in having the presence of being within community-God bless them all for my stay. First, I started working as a Teacher at the Incarnate Word Academy High School in Houston, Texas. I learned much about the different ways and methodologies of approaching Chemistry and Biology. I also learned how the school operates as a learning institution.
Upon completing my experience in that high school, I visited, along with the Novices, Sr. Mary McHale, Sr. Helena, and Sr. Ethel, Castroville, Texas. I also had an opportunity to visit within Space Center, and Galveston.
My next stop took me commitment program at St. Mary of the Lake and enriching and inspiring. Other members of the program eight Congregations accompanied by six facilitators. During the program, we explored the Evangelical Counsels of: Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience. We were also guided through a presentation on Voices in the Wilderness - Religious Life as a Prophetic Experience and Community/Communal life. Upon successful completion of the program, I visited St. Louis, Missouri, our International Novitiate House, and enjoyed being in that community for one week with the Sisters. While there, I saw The Gateway Arch Monument, Saint Louis Zoo, and the Missouri Botanical Garden.
On July 14 - 17, 2022, I had an opportunity to attend a Giving Voice gathering. This national gathering that was held in Oblate Missionaries in San Antonio, Texas, and learning from different Sisters all over the United States was a great moment. The main theme for this gathering was “Stir Into Flame The Gift of Global Sisterhood.” It is well known for giving voice to religious Sisters under 50. Interestingly, it is typically held in the United States every other year. Aiming at creating an avenue for younger Catholic women religious to build relationships (consider revitalizing their vocation) and give voice to their hopes, dreams, and challenges in religious life.
This gathering featured three things: speaking with intention, noting the relevance of the conversation in the moment, and listening with attention. This was a considerate learning process for all members present; while tending to the well-being of the circle and being mindful of the impact of the contribution of each member.
The theme for the first day was “The Encounter,” which was guided by the Gospel of Luke 1:39-45, which reminded us of the visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth and the Stir into flame (2 Timothy 1:2-14). As an ice-breaking ritual, each member lit a candle and then placed it in a central location to provide us the opportunity to create a sacred space to meet and share in openness, kindness, and sincerity.
During the gathering at the Sunday Holy Mass, one of the participants gave a reflection, which focused on how Abraham and Sarah created space for the three visitors who visited them; Martha welcomed Jesus into the space, and Mary became the space for Jesus.
The second-day theme was: "Walking Together as Global Sisters," guided by the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24, 13-35.) This provided us with contemplative silence and personal processing time to focus on what Jesus longed to transform in us and its effectiveness in our spiritual growth. Subsequently, we had a glorious moment to reflect upon the questions, thoughts, or actions that have been burning within us and the ways in which the global sisterhood will, at all times, impact our religious life positively.
Later in the day, we selected either a foot washing or a hand washing ritual based on the journey to Emmaus. This led to an opportunity to introspect on the dust we have gathered in our hearts that Jesus Christ wants to wash us away from.
Furthermore, we had a ritual of blessing, breaking the bread, and sharing the bread amongst ourselves. The ceremony symbolized how Christ broke the bread in the house of the two disciples who hosted him to Emmaus, and then they recognized Him.
Prayer Companions Sr.Annastaciavisitingwith Sr.MaryannShanahanatSt. Ann'sConvent
The theme of the third day, “Call to Discipleship as Global Sisters,” is guided by Luke 4:14-21. The section of this Gospel aided us to mirror the purpose or mission God has anointed us for. This aligns with our own experiences of the three main pillars of prayer, community, and ministry, and also with ways of living them fully. Interestingly, the speaker said, "To speak of Christian discipleship is to turn our eyes and hearts towards Jesus of Nazareth," since this is the originating source of a lifestyle that experientially proclaims relational dynamics, which transform people and structures of all kinds; therefore, reminding us that discipleship is communal, which requires everyone to be on board.
The final day’s theme was: “Giving Voice to Our Global Sisterhood,” guided by Acts 2:1-4, "When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly, there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim." We were encouraged to "take the flame from the giving voice gathering and our call to love and go forth as disciples of new life creating spaces… becoming spaces… and trusting that God is holding the spaces and all within."
I also had the opportunity to visit New Orleans, Louisiana, with Sr. Ann Mary Brangan for her spiritual direction program's graduation day. I enjoyed touring the city, offering many thanks for allowing me to celebrate with her too!
On September 11, 2022, I left Houston for Colorado Springs for the Fall Sabbatical Program at Mercy Centre, which took 13 weeks. The sabbatical group comprised of priests and religious sisters representing different countries, including the US, Australia, Kenya, Nigeria, Jamaica, Poland, Syria, India, and others, joined us for a week or two from Trinidad. It was an incredible moment; I will live to remember it.
Various topics that were presented included: Encounters with Sacred Living, Mountain and Hills Retreat, Inner Explorations, Grief and Trauma, Enneagram Explorations, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, Healing Emotions, Dream Explorations, and Conscious Celibacy. The topics mentioned served a great deal of learning, healing, and setting goals in life. For instance, Encounters with Sacred Living was a great time to revisit my family tree called Mercy Life Line. This brought awareness and healing to my family and me too.
Furthermore, on Mountains and Hills Praise the Lord Retreat, I had a chance to reflect, pray, and meditate with nature, that is, mountains and hills, wind, stars, rocks, meadows, water, and desert, which were guided by different Scripture readings and finding God in each of them.
Without forgetting the Spirituality of Celibacy, I learned that, I become what I pray. Hence, this invited me to have a creative way of living, loving, and relating with God, self, and others. Generally, I learned a lot from all the presentations. As St. John of the Cross (1542-1591) said, "To reach satisfaction in all, desire its possession in nothing. To come to the knowledge of all, desire the knowledge of nothing. To come to possess all, desire to possess nothing. To arrive at being all, desire to be nothing. When you turn toward something, you cease to cast yourself upon the all; for to go from the all to the all, you must leave yourself in all. And when you come to the possession of all, you must possess it without wanting anything in this nakedness. The spirit finds its rest, for when it desires nothing, nothing raises it up, and nothing weighs it down because it is in the center of its humility". Indeed, being conscious of my personality aids me in living well with others and understanding them with their unique personalities. Hence, be patient with them, realizing that change is always from within and is personal, and therefore I cannot change others. In the process, I deepened my understanding of all other personality types, thus, how the inferior function can reveal itself in my interactions with others.
Moreover, in doing the Mountains and Hills Prayer Retreat, I had the opportunity to go to the Garden of the Gods, the Grand Canyon, Pikes Peak, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Helen Hunt Falls, and Fox Run Regional Park, which were all a very fulfilling experiences. I experienced God more profoundly, especially in solitude and silence. We were also offered the opportunity to practice creative expressions where we interacted with different works of art, for example, painting ceramics, paint pouring, card making and crocheting.
I created beautiful memories of all the places I traveled, the people I met, and the programs I attended. I returned home healed, rich in knowledge, skills, and experience, and full of gratitude. I am grateful to Sr. Kevina for seeing the worth of having my international experience after my perpetual profession of vows; it was timely.
Thank you, Sr. Joyce, together with your team in the finance department, for granting me the opportunity to learn and acquire some skills. To all our employees at the Villa Campus, thank you for making my stay on that campus comfortable. Visiting some of the ministries where I learned a lot was inspiring, for example, St. Mary's Clinic, Social Concerns Office, Literacy Center, RUAH, and Archives.
Thank you to Sr. Helena for organizing everything for me. I thank all the Sisters in the Annunciation Community for providing me the opportunity and a safe space to grow, enjoy and have an incredible experience. God bless you all. Visiting with the Sisters in our various communities at the Villa campus and outside the Villa was inspiring. I am grateful for all the stories shared with me, and the encouragement I received to keep me ever-focused on my journey. Your prayers, support, and constant communication via email, letter, card, phone calls, and text messages were highly appreciated; they kept me going and made me realize that the journey makes us one.
Above all, I am grateful to God for His love and grace that sustained me throughout my international experience, and it continues to be with me each day. The experience reminded me that “The will of God will not take us where the grace of God can not sustain us.”
Feast Day Celebration with Sisters
Sisters Pictured (Starting with Top Left)
Betty Campos Arias, Juana Matías Tomás, Angélica González, Ethel Puno, Margaret Bulmer, Kim Xuan Thi Nguyen, Maria Méndez, Veronicah Nyokabi Karengeri, Annastacia Mwikali Mutiso