Feb 2023 News-Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston

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Smallgesturesoflove, oftenderness,ofcare, makepeoplefeelthatthe Lordiswithus. Thisis

howthedoorofmercy opens


February News

Pope's Prayer Intention for February

For Parishes: Wepraythatparishes,placingcommunionat thecenter,mayincreasinglybecomecommunitiesoffaith, fraternityandwelcometowardsthosemostinneed.


Rest in heaven's glory

Sr DamianMurphywasbornin1930toCorneliusand Kate(O’Mahony)MurphyinNewcestown,Bandon,CoCork, Ireland Shewasthesecondyoungestinherfamilywithtwo brothers and five sisters Her initial entrance into the CongregationoftheSistersofCharityoftheIncarnateWord wasatSt.MichaelConventinCountyClare,whereshespent threemonthsbeforeleavingforHouston,Texas. Shearrived atVilladeMatelonMarch6,1950,tocontinueherprocessof becomingaSisterofCharityoftheIncarnateWord.Hertwin sistersNora(Sr.NoraChristina)andMargaret(Sr.Gertrude)had previouslymadethissamejourney.Sr.Damianjoinedthemasa finallyprofessedSisteronDecember8,1957.

ShebeganherformaleducationatSacredHeartDominicanCollegeinHouston,whereshereceiveda BachelorofScienceDegreeinnursing,whichledherto60yearsofexcellentHealthCareMinistry, beginningwithserviceasNursingSupervisoratSt.MaryHospitalGalvestonandSt.BernardineHospital, SanBernardinoaswellasDirectorofCriticalCareatSt.JosephHospital,Houston.Shecontinuedher HealthCareGraduateStudiesearningaMasterofScienceDegreeinHealthCareAdministrationfromThe UniversityofHoustonandcompletingaHealthCareAdministrationResidencyProgramatSt.John's RegionalMedicalCenterinOxnard,California,whereshealsoattendedclassesinPastoralCareMinistry.At theuniversityofSt.Louis,shetookcoursesinTheologyandinHealthcareEthicalIssues.Whenshe completedthesestudies,shebecametheAdministratorofSt.ElizabethHospitalinHouston.

BeforeretiringtoVilladeMatel,Sr.DamianjoinedthePastoralMinistrystaffatCHRISTUSSt. MichaelHospital,Texarkana.Theresheaffectedthelivesofmanypatients,theirfamilymembers, physicians,associates,volunteers,boardmembers,andarearesidents.WhenshearrivedatCHRISTUSSt. MichaelHospital,SisterDamianwasgiventheresponsibilityforimplementingaPatients’BillofRights andOrganizationalEthicswhichincompliancewithnewU.S.laws,thehospitalhadtoimplementbythe year’send.Sr.Damian,withherusualenthusiasmandgiftoforganization,setupprogramsandtaughtall boardmembers,physicians,andassociatesabouttherightsofpatients,especiallyduringthedyingprocess. Herpresentationsextendedtopatients,nursinghomes,andparisheswithina50-mileradius.“Eventoday, no board member, employee, or physician begins work at the hospital without attending this orientation,”shesaidwithpride.“Itbecameanongoingprocess,asrequiredbystateandfederallaws.”

Sr.DamianMurphy Sr. Damian (center) pictured with her twin sisters (also CCVI Sisters) Sr. Gertrude Murphy & Sr. Nora Christina Murphy

HerrolequicklydevelopedintothatofVicePresidentof MissionIntegration,whereshedailyreaffirmedtothestaff andcommunityonthemissionofCHRISTUSStMichael “ThemissionatSt.Michael’sistoextendthehealingministry of JesusChrist,”sheexplained.“Howdowedothis?We accomplishthistaskbylivingandpracticingthecorevalues andmeasuringourexcellencewitheveryaction That’sour vision,andwecandothatbycreatingahavenhereand beinganexampletootherssothattheyalwaysrememberthe wordsofJesus:"Asyoudidituntotheleastofthesemylittle ones,youdidituntome"

AsRegionalVicePresidentforMissionIntegrationatCHRISTUSSt.MichaelHealthSystem,Sister Damianchairedthefollowingcommittees:Ethics,PatientRightsandOrganizationalEthics,Organizational SpiritualityintheSpiritualCareDepartment,andEthicalConsultationInaddition,sheservedontheSenior ManagementTeamandtheAdministrativeExecutiveCommittee.Herresponsibilitywasforthehealth system’sregionwhichincludedtheacutecarehospital,DubuisHealthSystem,rehabilitationhospital, outreachhospitals,andclinics SisterDamianfulfilledavarietyofdutiesatthehospitalwithafocuson integratingthehospital’smissionandcorevaluesinacompetitivehealthcareindustryWithacalmingand reassuringvoice,shevisitedpatientsandfamilyalike.Shegaveorientationpresentationstoalllevels, includingtheLocalGoverningBoard,physicians,andassociates.Inaddition,shealsosaidamorningand eveningprayeroverthehospital’sintercomeachday.

Duringher60yearsofHealthcareMinistry,Sr.Damianreceivedthanksandadmiration,notonlyfrom patientsandhospitalstaffbutalsofromtheCivicCommunity,includingSanBernardino,whereshewas giventheKeytotheCityofTexarkana,whereahighwaywasnamedinherhonor.SheretiredtoMarian CommunityandfromtheretoSt Placiduswheresheandhertwosisters,Sr NoraChristinaandSr Gertrudejoyfullyprayedandsharedlifetogether.


makes a difference as


WhennewsofSr.Damian’sretirementspreadatCHRISTUSSt.Michael’sandher timetherewasbeingcelebrated,itwasreportedthatshesaid: “I like to do meaningful things. We are born to do good. Life is a gift from God who says 80
20 years
long as you ' ve got an eager passion to help people. Then with a twinkle in her eye, she added: I have the Passion."
Sr.Damianduringtheunveilingofthewalkingtrailsignnamedinher honor which is located on the outskirts of the CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System complex. Sr. Damian shared her thoughts with the audienceinattendanceaspartofthecelebration. Sr.Damian pictured with Eric Cain, U.S. Congressman Ralph Hall's representative, presenting the proclamation that Congressman Hall entered into the permanent U.S. Congressional Record on the floor of the U.S, Senate, Washington, D.C. for her 19 years of service at CHRISTUS ST. Michael Hospital for her service to God and her love and compassion for the peopleinthatregion. Sr. Damian (center) pictured with (R) Fr. Felix Okey Alaribe and Sr. Katrina LeGrand, applauding Texarkana, Texas Mayor Steve Mayo, at the dedication of a walking trail in her honor. Sr. Damian riding with one of the motorcycle ridersduringthe2010NunRun

Pope Benedict served the Church and God's people faithfully. He was belovedbymany,andhispassingcreatedasignificantmomentinthelifeofthe Church. Webidhimfarewellandrememberhimtrustingthathewillcontinue toprayforus,theChurchhefaithfullyshepherded. Oneofthethingshewrote inhisaddresstotheSuperiorsGeneraloftheInstitutesofConsecratedLifeand Societies of Apostolic Life dated May 22, 2006 was, "Belonging to the Lord, means to be on fire with his incandescent love, to be transformed by the splendourofhisBeauty:ourlittlenessisofferedtohimasasacrificeofsweet fragrancesothatitbecomesawitnessofthegreatnessofhispresenceforour epoch,whichhasgreatneedtobeinebriatedbytherichnessofhisgrace."


Pope Benedict XVI pictured with Sr. Lillian Anne Healy May 2, 2007 Photo credit: The Florida Catholic Media


Esquipulas is a municipality of Chiquimula, Guatemala Located near the border of Honduras and El Salvador, this is a town where you can see migrants from Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, Haiti, and other countries passing through. On one occasion, I approached a lady and asked her why families from Honduras emigrated to the United States. She told me Honduras was affected by natural disasters, heavy rains, and landslides, where families commonly lost their properties, crops, and houses.

One day, I brought hosts to be consecrated at the Basilica; while I was waiting for the sacristan to pick them up, a migrant was waiting to be seen by the priest; he shared that he came from Honduras and had emigrated because of violence The man said he was from a working family, but because of the violence in his country, he did not feel safe there, so he and his family emigrated to Esquipulas. He also said they had arrived at Casa del Migrante, and then they decided to rent a house, and he was looking for work.

On another occasion, I was coming from mass, and a very fearful young migrant approached me and said: “Please buy some water, cookies, or bread for me; I am starving and cannot take it any longer " While we were buying some bananas, he said that three people needed food, the other young men were waiting under a tree, and they ate the fruit with great hunger

On another day, a migrant girl approached to buy a coconut The person selling the coconuts told her that they were one dollar each The sad girl stared at him and gave him six quetzals, (i.e., quetzals are the currency of Guatemala, named after the national bird of Guatemala, with six equaling approximately 77 cents to the U.S. dollar) which was the actual cost of a coconut, not a dollar. These are just some of the difficult experiences migrants face and one of the reasons they run out of money quickly.

Esquipulas has a house that helps migrants, but it is always overcrowded As a result, entire families, children, teenagers, and adults are seen on the streets daily; it is a challenging and overwhelming situation

December 21, 2022

MyExperienceWithOurMigrantBrothers&Sisters Anonymous

Esquipulas, Chiquimula Guatemala C.A.

These are experiences that get to me, when I see children crying because they are hungry, cold, or thirsty or when a child wants something sweet, and the parents will not give it to him because they do not have the money, but they will physically abuse him to get the child to calm down Consider if this is not something that hurts. As members of one human family, we feel the pain of others. But how do we help in this situation? It's not time to teach to fish as is said, but to lend our brothers and sisters a helping hand to quench their hunger, their most urgent needs I also feel vulnerable to that as well because it is not only one person but hundreds every day.

Due to my work, I travel often, and I see at the bus terminal that the cost of their travel ticket is higher than that of Guatemalan nationals. In addition, there are police roadblocks; sometimes, you can tell who the trafficker is because that person will negotiate with the driver an amount for each person to pay so that the police officer will let them get to the capital. Some do well, and others are left halfway, even if they have paid the required amount This is unjust, but for fear of retaliation, I stay quiet and only cry in my heart When possible, I give them a hand with food or some cash so that they can buy something, especially when they're traveling with children. To others, I provide face masks so that they are permitted to board the bus

There is a migrant house in Esquipulas. I visited it twice in 2016, but since the migrant caravans started to travel from different countries like Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, and Africa, I don’t have the courage to visit again because I feel sensitive to this reality, and not having enough means to support them to cover the needs of our brothers and sisters It is said, "Guatemala is the waist of America; for that reason, it becomes a bridge or passage for all our migrant brothers and sisters [fleeing their countries]." The local church provides support, but when we see on the news that some die during their journey, the Bishops ask, what are we doing? Are we helping or harming the people that migrate? These are questions without answers, but we cannot remain indifferent Therefore, it is an opportunity to find them and contemplate our Lord Jesus Christ’s face, who seeks relief at our hands.

Praised be the Incarnate Word. Forever. Amen.

St. Josephine Bakhita

"ItwasthepowerofGodwhichmadeBakhita,inlikeness ofChrist,intotheonewhoenrichesmany. Thepoorslave girlwhohadnothingshowedthatshewasinfacttheone who had the greatest treasure. And even if, humanly speaking, she seemed condemned to death, she lives! She livesjustasChristlives,thoughhewascondemnedtodeath andwascrucified. Sheliveswithhislife!"

Love will always conquer hate. Pray DearGod, JosephineBakhitaenduredhorrors Icannotfathom, yetherbravery, hermercy, andherwarriorspirit couldnotberestrained byman-madechains Teachmetoforgiveassheforgave andtoloveassheloved Helpmetounderstand whatsheunderstoodwithsuchclarity: TrueFreedomcanonlycome fromyou

Pope John Paul II, Eucharistic Celebration in Honor of Blessed Josephine Bakhita
ChristopherHeffron EditorialDirectorFranciscanMedia
St. Josephine Bakhita bore scars throughout her body from years of slavery, yet her courageous heart remained unblemished. She forgave her enslavers because she understood something they could not:
Two impactful movies on the life of a humble slave, taking final vows in 1896 with the Daughters of Charity in Venice, passing in 1947, beautified in 1992, and she was canonized by Pope John Paul II eight years later.

CelebratingBlack History Month as Christians

Whateverourethnicity,wehaveaninterconnectedhistory,andFebruary1stmarksthebeginning ofBlackHistoryMonth EachyearUnitedStatesresidentssetasideafewweekstofocustheir historicalremembranceonthecontributionsthatpeopleofAfricandescenthavemadetothiscountry CelebratingBlackHistoryMonthallowsustopauseandreflectonthestoriestocommemoratetheir achievements.Historyisimportant;bylookingatthepast,wechartthewayforourfuture.The UnitedStatesmayhavebeenfoundedontheprinciplesoffreedomanddemocracy,butwecannot ignorethedarkerchaptersinourhistoryBlackHistoryMonthismorethanacelebrationofthemany accomplishmentsmadebyAfricanAmericans,it'salsoareminderofwhereweasacountryhavebeen andwherewehopetogo.

ChristiansshouldcareaboutBlackHistoryMonthbecauseitisaninvitationtorecoveraforgotten andsuppressedhistorywhichoffersusabetterunderstandingoftheworldanditspeople Black HistoryMonthisn'tsimplyaboutethnicdiversityingeneralbutrememberingthetroublesofour sharedhistoryandcelebratingtheprogressmadeinGod'scommonkindness,specificallythemany successesofBlackAmericans.AsChristians,wehonorthismonthbecauseithelpsusunderstandthe difficultyofAfricanAmericans,madeinGod’simage,manyofthemfellowbelievers,andalso acknowledgeGod’sgoodnessatworkinremarkableachievements;inandthroughthemwhooften havebeentreatedwithinjustice

Today,thereremainsangerinAmerica,withpeopledivideddownpolitical,religious,andracial lines.YetGodhascommandedustoputasideourprejudicesandlookatoneanotherwithGod'seyes. WeareallthesonsanddaughtersofGod,andinChrist,weareafamily Solet'scelebrateBlack HistoryMonthbyrememberingwhatmanyofourbrothersandsistershavefoughtforandcontinue workingtogethertobuildabetterfuture.

Wecontinuethroughourprayersforadaywhenourdivisionsaretrulyovercome,andour historiesaregenuinelysharedbroughtthismonthwithsharing,conversations,andcelebrations

Compassionate God, who sent Jesus Christ to deliver us from all manner of injustices and inequalities, create in us new hearts and enlarged visions to see the image of God in every person irrespective of background, race, and ethnicity May we be generous in our love of others as we work towards ending misunderstanding, racism, and injustice, creating communities of humans flourishing through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer acknowledgment: The Church of England

Site Visit on November 8, 2022

Small Farms, Big Dreams is Plant It Forward’s motto, encouraging their farmers to adopt the same mentality They focus on empowering refugees to develop sustainable urban farming businesses that produce fresh, healthy food for the community. Plant It Forward (PIF) secures land, trains, and mentors farmers Plant It Forward also facilitates sales to local markets located throughout Houston. The cultivated farms offer sustainable practices that enrich the land and support the surrounding community Currently, they have 20 farms with pick-up locations for their farmer subscription program, in which they guarantee a variety of fresh organic produce

Plant It Forward was awarded a Dubuis grant this year for expanding farmland access, providing training for aspiring refugee farmers, and ongoing expenses, which prompted a site visit. During the tour of one of their four farm sites, I had the privilege of meeting Mr Pierre from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is a beautiful example of the impact Plant It Forward can have on a refugee family Although he is still part of the PIF farmer subscription program, he and the other farmers are encouraged to make their own sales. PIF wants them to get the most they can from their produce, whether with them or a different vendor For example, a restaurant from Austin asked him to grow as many sunchokes as possible, so he is growing several on his lot with the guarantee of purchase Mr Pierre walked me through his two-thirds of an acre plot of land, and everything looked to be thriving He even shared his sunchokes with me; they were crisp and delicious!

shares his hearty growing of Sunchokes Sunchokes are used as a root vegetable and a great source of iron, magnesium, and potassium-PLUS high in fiber

The future looks bright for PIF as they build new relationships with other organizations, such as Urban Harvest and the Food Bank They are eager to expand and obtain more land since they have allocated all the land at their disposal. PIF focuses on providing different types of training to farmers, including teaching what produce grows best in our city In the next three years, PIF aspires to grow economic Impact by increasing sales capacity by 35%,

Fresh Vegetables & Beautiful Flowers Embody

20 Sustainable Urban Farming Businesses Throughout Houston

Many people think of New Year's resolutions and brainstorm ways to improve themselves for the year ahead It is now February, and what if we expanded those aspirations to include resolutions that benefit our communities and the planet too? Let’s think about a twist for improving our relationship with nature in 2023 and beyond

Learning something new about nature and how to reduce harm to the environment

Clean air, water, and soil are fundamental for survival, but research shows that many people lack basic environmental and health literacy to protect themselves. In 2023, get to know your impact on the environment Read more and start exploring ways to preserve the integrity of your area’s natural resources. Studies show that spending time in nature, including urban green spaces, can improve your relationship with nature and others In addition, time in nature can increase social cohesion Throughout the pandemic, many people discovered the outdoors as a place to decompress and reduce stress.

Have you seen this documentary film? This film tells stories that matter.

The Vatican's global premiere of "The Letter," featuring Pope Francis, can be viewed on YouTube Originals. This documentary is devoted to protecting and saving the earth with a call to action on climate change. This documentary film has won four Emmys and 50+ other major festival awards worldwide

There are a few speakers in this film. One is a 14-year-old high school student, Ridhima Pandey of India, who had become a member of groundbreaking lawsuits and complaints to hold the government accountable for their climate inaction. She founded a non-profit organization to help young women become climate activists Ridhima describes how the young and future generations will be the ones to suffer from the abuse of the earth and carelessness worldwide. She shares her "nightmares" of chilling accounts of territories, the sizes of entire nations, destroyed, flooded, or burned due to climate catastrophes.


“The Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word (CCVI), Houston, takes a corporate stance on the Care of God's Creation We commit to educating ourselves and others on the current environmental crisis and to take concrete actions individually and communally to care for the earth "


Today, ever faithful to the Congregation’s foundational call, proclaiming to hear the cry of Mother Earth, who is sick and infirm, and seeks relief at the hands of all, continue to implement. We have asked others to join in this service of our planet, the poor, and future generations by conserving energy, recycling, and composting.

Reducing Greenhouse Gases & Waste Footprint at Villa de Matel

At the Villa de Matel Sisters, staff, and guests follow the 5R’s of sustainable living by:

❖ Refusing to buy what we do not need

❖ Reducing unnecessary consumption

❖ Reusing what we can

❖ Repurposing what we can

❖ Recycling/composting as a last resort

Using the 5R’s is one way we can seek to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the amount of waste and plastic pollution entering our landfills, air, and oceans The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, thank you for joining us in caring for our common home – the Earth


Recycling Composting

Paper & Cardboard: Newspaper, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, office paper Gable top & shelf-stable cartons, examples: milk, juice, & soup cartons **Please flatten/rinse all cardboard

Tin & Aluminum: Cans= soda, soup, vegetable, fruit, & coffee **Please rinse

Plastic Containers #1-#5, & #7 <NO #6> Bottles= water & soda, milk jugs, yogurt cups, margarine/butter tubs, detergent bottles, shampoo, hand soap & pill bottles **Please rinse



*Meat,Bones,Dairy:raworcooked.Please Note:Bones,meat&dairyareallowedat largecommercialcompostingfacilities,as theseitemsshouldnotbecompostedin mosthomesystems






Plastics #6: Styrofoam, straws, stirrers, coffee lids, plastic-lined disposable drink cups, and white cutlery Plastic bags of any kind: grocery bags, bread bags, dry cleaning bags

Plastic packaging: bubble wrap, cling wrap, microwave meal film covers

Nature In Time

➢ Experts estimate that by 2050 some 1.2 billion people will be displaced globally due to climate change.

➢ Pope Francis’ Synod on the Amazon in October 2019 has brought attention to the exploitation and devastation of the Amazon region, with the Pope sharing that it is the Indigenous people who are protecting some 80 percent of the world’s biodiversity.

➢ Warnings of global warming ever so slightly will cause suffering to wildlife and will be a significant risk for our coral reefs


ThedustofAshWednesdayremindsusthatlifeismoresignificantthanourindividualexperiences andthatwearenotincontrol.ThepracticeofAshWednesdayissymbolicincommunicatinggriefand sorrowoversinsandrepentancethroughthedeathofJesusChristonthecross,recognizingourfrailty as humans, and marking the beginning of the Lenten season Lenten practices of fasting, almsgiving, andprayerarerelevanttodayandperhapsmoreneededthanever.Godisreadytohealusandmake us more whole than ever before Ash Wednesday is our call to make room for the divine to work its sacredpowerineachofusduringthe40daystoEaster,providingatimetoreflectonsinfulhumanity andJesus’sacrificeforoursins.OurbeliefinJesuswillhelpustoberaisedinglory.

GivingUp:Fasting,aspiritualpracticethathasdeclinedinpopularityovertheyearshasmadea comebackinaless-than-spiritualway."Intermittentfasting”isalltheragelatelyonnutritionandinbestsellingbooks Butwhenfastingisunderstoodnotasaweight-losstechniquebutasawayoflettinggoof ourrelianceonthingswedon'tactuallyneed,itcanbeapowerfulformofprayer It'sokaytogiveup dessertsforLentifthathelpsusreflectonthethingswecandowithout.Fastingisawaytoexperience ourown"lacking"inatransformativeway

GivingTo:Almsgiving,whichmeansgivingmoneyorfoodtothoseinneed,isanothertraditional Lentenpractice GivingisrelevantduringLentandallyearlongbecauseitishowwerecognizethatwe aren'ttheonlyonesvulnerable Theworldisfullofothersjustlikeusinourlacking Theymaybe vulnerableindifferentwaysthanweare,butwebearwitnesstothemintheirneed,withwitnesstotheir pain Bystandinginsolidaritywiththeemotionalpainthathindersthemfromlivingabetterorhealthy lifeeachday,wetakestepstowardhealingourownafflictions.

GivingIn:Prayerasaspiritualpracticealwaysstaysinstyle Prayerisapowerfulwayof participatinginthereligiouscommunityduringLentandthroughouttheyear.Byliftingourselvesand othersinprayer,weattesttothevulnerablepartsofourlives.Inaddition,prayerconnectsuswitheach otherandwithGod


MercifulGod,youcalledusforthfromthedustoftheearth;youclaimedusforChristinthewaters ofbaptism.Lookuponusasweenterthesefortydaysbearingthemarkofashes,andblessthejourney throughthedesertofLenttothefontofrebirth Aswerememberourmortalityandseekpenitencetoday, weknowyoutobeaGodwhoisrichinforgivenessandaboundinginsteadfastlove,lovethatculminates ineternallifewithyou.GuideourstepsthisLentsothatwemightfindgreaterfulfillmentinourpromises andbetterserveotherswithaheartthat'sreflectiveofyou Amen lleKirchner-Pastor

"Wearepeoplewhoneedtolove,becauseloveisthe soul'slife,loveissimplycreation'sgreatestjoy."
Felt Love
~Hafiz It
How Did the rose Ever open its heart And give to
All its Beauty?
It felt the encouragement of light Against its Being, Otherwise, We all remain Too Frightened.

St Austin's Literacy Staff hosted the annual holiday bingo event for the Villa Sisters This year ' s theme was "Sweet & Salty Bingo Party." Watching the Sisters' faces full of hope and anticipation was a joy as they listened for that one number needed for a winning card

After an hour of play, the Sisters enjoyed sweet and salty treats, the fellowship of one another, and visiting with the Literacy Center and Social Services Staff was a great time

Sr. Jane Zartman with Sr Annastacia Mwikali Mutiso enjoying the bingo party Sisters pictured left to right: Ethel Puno, . Jane Zartman, Annastacia Mwikali Mutiso, Veronicah Nyokabi Karengeri, Kim Xuan Nguyen, Ricca Dimalibot Sr. Ethel Puno showing her prize to Sr. Jane Zartman and Sr. Ricca Dimalibot Sr. Gemma Stanford concentrating on her bingo card Sr. Margaret Ann Toomey collecting her prize

Blessings from the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word

The Dominican Sisters hosted her 75th Jubilee Mass & 100th Birthday Dinner at Saint Dominic Villa Chapel & Dining Room on Wednesday, January 4, 2023

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