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Feast of the Annunciation
Saturday - March 25
The Annunciation
(photo right)
1898 painting by the African-American painter HenryOssawaTanner. It depictsthebiblicalsceneof theAnnunciation,wherethe archangel Gabriel visits Marytoannouncethatshe willgivebirthtoJesus. The painting is held by the PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Annunciation
Queen of heaven and earth, daughter of the Father, Mother of the divine Son, spouse of the Holy Spirit, I praise God for the unique grace given to you.
Mary, you became the great Mother of our divine Savior, our Master, true light of the world, uncreated wisdom, source of all truth and first Apostle of truth.
You gave the world the book to read, the eternal word.
For this I bless the holy Trinity and I ask you to obtain for me the grace of heavenly wisdom, to be a fervent disciple of Jesus and to be lovingly devoted to the Church, the pillar of truth.
Make the light of the Gospel shine to the farthest bounds of the earth. Queen of the Apostles, pray for us! Amen
By Blessed James Alberione (1884-1971)
Green is one of the three broad stripes in Ireland’s flag. Green is said to represent the Gaelics and the Catholics (the majority of Ireland’s population). Orange is said to represent Protestants. White, the middle color of the flag, symbolizes the desire for peace between the two.
Tradition holds that Patrick used the small, three-leaved plant called the shamrock (or clover) to explain the Trinity to the Irish people. Each leaf, being separate and distinct, represented the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. The stem represented the Godhead itself from which they all proceeded.
The Celtic Cross is a reminder to all believers that it is appropriate to celebrate nature. Though we must remember to worship the Creator and not God's creation, it is appropriate to enjoy all that God has created to sustain our lives. Let God’s amazing creation move us to thank and praise God!
Fortunately, St. Patrick was a stark contrast to the leprechaun, who was always trying to outwit his captor out of treasure. Patrick generously and graciously offered knowledge of the treasure of eternal life to his former captors.
Who was St. Patrick
St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland ***
He converted many Irish to Christianity in the fifth century ***
St. Patrick incorporated traditional Celtic symbols, like the bonfire and the sun, into his Christian teachings. ***
St. Patrick died on March 17, circa 462 ***
St. Patrick's Day is the saint's feast day and has evolved from a religious holiday to a worldwide celebration