Anna's Tuin en Ruigte permaculture design

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Anna’s Tuin en Ruigte Permaculture Design

By: João Lotufo, Mara van der Berg, Inge Maassen, Waas Thissen and Loekie Schreefel

24st of October 2016

Anna’s Tuin en Ruigte Permaculture Design

Authors + (student number)


Client Course code Course name Supervisor Period Date Chair group

: : : : : : :

Inge Maassen (941204-537-130) JoĂŁo Lotufo (850122-529-100) Loekie Schreefel (920610-748-070) Mara van der Berg (920918-054-030) Waas Thissen (950815-829-080) Anna's Tuin & Ruigte FSE-50306 Ecological Design and Permaculture Ir. Kees van Veluw 2 24-10-2016 Farming systems ecology Bornse Weilanden 9 6708 WG Wageningen

This document has approximately 7780 words, which is 10 pages of text. 2


Introduction on permaculture ........................................................................................................ 4


The client – Anna’s Tuin en Ruigte .................................................................................................. 5




Client discription ..................................................................................................................... 5


Objectives................................................................................................................................ 5


Site description ....................................................................................................................... 5

Sector and zone analysis ................................................................................................................. 8 3.1

Sector analysis......................................................................................................................... 8


Zoning...................................................................................................................................... 9

Design - description, elements, connection, implementation and maintenance .......................... 11 4.1

General design ...................................................................................................................... 11


Zone 0 - House ...................................................................................................................... 13


Zone 1 - Meeting place and outside kitchen......................................................................... 15


Zone 2 - Mandala garden, water farm and hugelkultur........................................................ 18


Zone 3a - Agrosilvopastoral system ...................................................................................... 22


Zone 3b - Entrance plot......................................................................................................... 24


Zone 3c - Chinampa-style water farm ................................................................................... 26


Zone 4 - Romantic and structured food forest ..................................................................... 28


Zone 5 – Wilderness .............................................................................................................. 31


Implementation plan .................................................................................................................... 33


Cost-Benefit-Happiness analyses .................................................................................................. 33


Reflection & Discussion................................................................................................................. 35


References .................................................................................................................................... 37


Annex ............................................................................................................................................ 38


1 INTRODUCTION ON PERMACULTURE As a response to the direction that humanity has taken with regard to their relationship with the environment and their community (post green revolution), the permaculture approach was developed aiming to gather ecological and social knowledge from mimicking patterns present in nature to accessing ancestral wisdom or technological science. Those knowledges were then accumulated, reorganized and systematized in a method of design (Mollison, 1988) and a mind-mapflower framework (Holmgren, 2002) in order to help on with a transition to a more sustainable livelihood, both social as environmental. The ethical principles of permaculture were generated from a gathering of researched community ethics that were present in several older religious and cooperative groups. They can be resumed in three maxima: care of earth, care of people and fair share. Presented as principles instead of rules, the concepts of care can be explored in multiple ways1. Designing a permaculture environment is something unique. Starting from the general ethical principles, the context of the specific site is understood (expansion of eco-literacy2). The site is the analysed and designed through a permaculture perspective. This gives a unique identity to each design. Just then, the most appropriate techniques are chosen to promote food abundance, diversity and resilience3.

Figure 1. Ethical principles adapted from permaculture principles

Designing a site from a permaculture perspective is done through the use of principles that are intrinsically sustainable. For this design the following ten principles4 were used: -

Figure 2. "Layers" of the permaculture methodology

Relative location of elements Each element performs many function Each function is supported by many elements Efficient energy planning: zones and sectors, wind and sun Emphasis on the use of local and biological resources and intrinsic characteristics of animals Nutrient, energy and water recycling: catch, store & use Small scale instead of large scale Accelerating/copying succession and natural rhythms/processes Use guilds (mutual cooperation) and intrinsic behaviour Edges, boundaries and margins: there you find life!



CLIENT DESCRIPTION Anna’s Tuin & Ruigte (ATR) is an initiative of the University of Amsterdam and the surrounding community. It is their goal to connect the social and natural environment, improve biodiversity and actively stimulate and generate knowledge about nature and alternative forms of agriculture. ATR is named after the former owner of the farm, Anna van den Broeke. The farmland later became part of the University of Amsterdam. Her old farmhouse, Anna’s Hoeve, now housing cafe De Polder, is a reminder of the agricultural past of the area, when farms in the Watergraafsmeer area where Figure 3. Logo Anna's Tuin en Ruigte producing food for Amsterdam. Located in a small, unique (ATR) part of polder nature in Amsterdam Science Park, Anna’s Tuin is a permaculture venture that also gives nature space to flourish and grow in biodiversity, besides food production. The key aim of ATR is to become a knowledge centre, a living lab and a meeting place where both social and natural connections can grow in abundance, diversity and resilience.5 Since 2016, Marleen Feldbrugge is the coordinator of the garden. With help of a fund, it is possible for Marleen to work three days a week for two years on the project. For this design procedure, Marleen was our client, representing the whole team of Anna’s Tuin & Ruigte. 2.2 OBJECTIVES Objectives of ATR

Description of objective

Knowledge centre

Providing information about nature and alternative agriculture to all members of society

Living lab

A place for both scientific research and civil science

Meeting place

A place for the community place to relax, have a walk, and have meetings

Food production

Produce food for neighbouring cafe/restaurant De Polder, possibly for Eurest (caterer in Science park 904) and for the student community at Science Park.

Table 1: an overview of the main objectives of Anna’s Tuin en Ruigte as stated by the client.

2.3 SITE DESCRIPTION In this section, the most important on-site features will be discussed. The design site is a 1.5 hectare plot situated in Science Park next to the main UvA-building (Science Park 904) in Amsterdam. Originally, the function of the site is to be a water storage area and a nature habitat that is part of a larger corridor. The site is very suitable for water storage as it was situated 5.5 meters below sea level. In the beginning of October this year, a contractor enlarged the site’s potential to store rainwater by widening the already existing ditches. The site is completely surrounded by ditches with water. The soil that was dug out of the ditches was partly used to heighten parts of the site to 5

about five meter below sea level. However, this soil derived from the ditches is heavy clay soil that was simply put on top of the existing top soil. It will take time before this soil has an optimal structure and becomes filled with life. Moreover, some areas are now assumed to have very compacted soils as heavy diggers have driven over them numerous times. Even though there has been created more room for water in the ditches, the soil is very wet due to a high groundwater level. This has consequences for the type of vegetation that can be grown on the plot. Next to the soils being wet, the soils are weakly acidic and have a high clay content. The soils are moderate- to rich in nitrogen content and the soil organic matter ranges from 0 to 59 cm. In the design and implementation of the site, these are important features to deal with. To make space for the digging-activities, a lot of the original vegetation was cleared. The vegetation in the area currently consists mainly of willows, some ash trees, and mowed nettles. A lot of willows are pruned back to just their trunk, and few trees were left untouched. This implies that the organic matter input for the site is currently low. 2.3.1 General data6 Appellation Location Biome Climate

Site data 52°21'12.5"N 4°57'14.1"E cool temperate moist forest Marine west coast climate (mild with no dry season and warm summers: Köppen-Geiger classification: Cfb 9.6 °C, variation of 16 °C. 38.6°C (1944) and 27.4°C (1942)

Annual mean temperature Highest and lowest temperature measured (in 20c.) Table 2: an overview of the general data of Anna’s Tuin en Ruigte site.

Figure 4. Yearly average low and high temperature and rainfall per month of Amsterdam.7



Implications for design and implementation

High groundwater (stagnation) between 20 and 64 cms deep since last measurement. However, due to the heightening of the soil, the groundwater could now be deeper.

Deep rooting fruit trees are not suitable here, since fruit trees don’t thrive well when their roots are in the water.

Heavy clay soil

The soil structure is not optimal. Water does not infiltrate easily and plants roots cannot penetrate easily.For the annual garden extra soil is needed to make raised beds

Slightly acidic soil and moderately nitrogen rich

Plants favor different types of pH and nutrient levels

Little organic matter (OM) input

For intensive used areas, building topsoil fast has to be done with input from outside; relying on OM input from on-site means one can only use pioneers species biomass in the first years

Table 3: most important on site features that have implications for the design and implementation of the design

Netherlands, Amsterdam

Science Park, UVA

The plot, October 2016

Figure 5. Location of Anna's Tuin en Ruigte in the Netherlands. First images collected from Google maps and third picture is a bird view made with a drone.


3 SECTOR AND ZONE ANALYSIS 3.1 Sector analysis The sector analysis shows the external energies that influence the site (Mollison, 1988). After charting these energies, one can determine whether one would like to design the system to make use of certain external energies, for instance sunlight, or whether one would like to block certain external energies, for instance severe, plant damaging winds. Below, a sector analysis including wind, sun and view is depicted.

Figure 6. Sector analysis indicating the sides of the plot facing the sun, damaging winds and neighbouring views. 3.1.1 Sun The lower right corner of the ATR-plot is situated towards the south. In the summer, an estimated average of 7.24 hours of sunlight shines down on Amsterdam every day. In winter, an estimated average of 1.19 hours of sunlight reaches the earth every day in Amsterdam8. The other hours of daytime are cloudy or rainy. These numbers are general average numbers for Amsterdam and could differ from the actual sunlight on the plot. However, there are no high buildings blocking the sun, since the buildings of the university are at the north-east of the site. 3.1.2 Wind During the largest part of the year, the wind is coming from southwest. These are temperate winds arriving from sea. This wind is a mild one compared to winds coming from the northeast. The latter occurs in wintertime and is a severe wind, taking cold air from the cold Polar Regions and from deep within the continent. This northeast wind is the most damaging wind for plants and trees. Both 8

winds are an important feature to take into account while designing the plot. For instance when considering where to plant trees as windbreaks. 3.1.3 View An enormous amount of people, especially students on their way home or to the university, pass the site daily and have the opportunity to see what is happening with the site. Moreover, guests of Cafe de Polder have a direct view on the site, as the cafe is situated next to the plot. Since the plot is so large and empty, it is hard not let one’s attention drawn to the vast plot. It is important to take the proximity of both the university as cafe De Polder into account while designing the plot; the site has to be attractive.


Figure 7. The distribution of zones in Anna's Tuin en Ruigte based on the energy intensity. Zoning is the permaculture instrument used to design according to energy input and consumption. Places of high work intensity, demanding frequent presence of people, have a lower zone number. The location of a zone should also be far away from or close to the centre of activity, according to the intensity of work. The highest zone is zone 5 in which there is no work to be done. In zone 5 one can contemplate, learn, experience and expand his ecoliteracy.


Figure 8. Energy use according to zonation. Although the permaculture principles are the same, the technique to achieve a good design changes in every zone according to the context. For instance, in permaculture it is always tried to increase the quality of the soil over time (“create soil�). In zone 1 this is done through a worm hotel that receives the scraps of the kitchen. In zone 2 a compost pile is made to increase the production of compost. In zone 3 this can be done with the use of green manure9 and free range chickens and in zone 4 through the succession of specific plants, fungi and manure from wild animals. In zone 5 nature takes control. This is the place where we can observe and learn about the nutrient cycles and ecological interactions (guilds). We can mimic these patterns in the other zones. In ATR, the zone design is done in such a way that the energy is concentrated in the social meeting place. From there it is naturally irradiated and diminishing over the distance through the path. In the design of ATR zone 0 is where the house is located. Zone 1 is the place where people gather and have meetings. Zone 2 is the zone which includes the most (manual) labour; the vegetable garden is located there. Zone 3 has to be visited sometimes; this is the zone where the orchard and later the chickens are. Also the entrance plot and a chinampa system are part of zone 3. Zone 4 includes the romantic food forest and another entrance. Zone 5 is left unmanaged and is located on the most isolated island.



Figure 9. General design of Anna's Tuin en Ruigte indicating all implementations in climax state. The site is composed of eight “connected islands”. Six of them are linked through an ‘official’ path, determined by the municipality. Two bridges on the east and west extremes connect the plot with the surrounding area. The east bridge faces the university entrance and the local café, thus having a lot of interaction with the people that walk by every day, and is therefore chosen to become the entrance of the site. The entire design, as seen in the previous section, is done through energy management. Following the path, after crossing the east bridge, the first island, zone 3b, is designed as a fun and ecoeducational welcoming place and a “buffer” for external energies (such as kids that are playing hide and seek after having lunch at the cafe). The land is most intensively used on the second island, including zone 1 and 2. Most of the annual food production as well as social interaction will take place on the second island. Continuing down the path, the third island, a transitional island between zone 3c and zone 4, is reached. There an experimental chinampa system and a rational food forest are located. Although the input of energy is lower than at the beginning of the path, this part of the site is planned to become highly productive in long term, overcoming the yield of the more conventional gardens that are located the zone 2. The next 3 islands connected by the path are designed as romantic food forest that evoke the wildness without losing the potential of achieving high yields. Yet two other islands are isolated from the path. The first one is connected with zone 2 and is designed as zone 3a to be developed through a productive silvopasture orchard. On the last island, isolated in the middle of the plot and without direct access, zone 5 is located. Zone 5 is the wild part where nature reveals its patterns by developing undisturbed from planned interventions. It is a nature conservation and patterning classroom. Thus, as shown on the header drawing of this document, the given path was used to connect most of the zones and to clearly reveal the energy efficient design of the area. It goes from highly intensive use to a low energy input. Through a simple walk the visitor can have the opportunity to see the


used techniques changing according to the zone, observe nature, collect fruits and learn about permaculture. All in a very casual and fun way. Because if it is not fun, it is not sustainable. Also, as required by the client, the buildings are planned to be portable or easily dissembled. The entire design is designed to make it possible to implement it through workshops given to the community and other volunteers respecting a low budget input. Since there is no full time farmer working in the garden, we propose to let the garden grow slowly over time. Hereafter, each zone will be presented in depth. Also a cost-benefit-happiness analysis, a general implementation plan and an overall reflection of the designing process are included. This design is another step on the path of the Anna's Tuin & Ruigte project, and therefore should be always open to feedback and re-designing processes, according to the challenges and successes that will be encountered. 4.1.1


Figure 10. Connections of general design.


4.2 ZONE 0 - HOUSE 4.2.1 Description and functions Zone 0 is located in zone 1 and includes a self-sufficient (garden) house. This is one of the wishes of the client. The house will function as a shed for tools used in the garden. Furthermore, it will be a place to sit, meet people and to organize business meetings. Therefore a client wish is to have the availability of a (hot) water tap and a place to charges phones and computers etc. Potentially this house could offer an opportunity for a sleeping place. The house needs to be easily disassembled or mobile, since it is not allowed by the municipality to construct a permanent building on the plot. There are several options for a house that could be suitable in a humid climate10. A nice example is the Tiny TIM11, a self-sufficient and mobile house that produces its own energy and purifies Figure 11. Artist impression of the Tiny its own water. The wishes for the house, as listed by the client are in annex 9.1, as well as the components of Tiny Tim a completely self-sufficient house. TIM that fulfil the wishes of the client’s imagined garden house. When it comes to costs, the estimation of the ATR-team for the house is 5000 euro. The Tiny TIM, in ‘full glory’ costs 50.000 euros but is dimensioned to work for inhabiting one person whole year round. However, the garden house will not be needing near as much energy as Tiny TIM. A light version of the Tiny TIM is a nice alternative that is much cheaper and more suitable if the house is mostly used as shed and sometimes for meetings. It is also important whether the house will be used in winter, since a lot of energy will then be needed for heating. Alternatively an earth ship-style house could be designed. This can, for example, be built from natural materials such as straw, wood, and cob. However, these natural materials are heavy, meaning this house would have a permanent/less temporary character. On the side of the house, or perhaps even around the house, a greenhouse can be constructed. The greenhouse is not included in zone 0 but is discussed in zone 2, as it seems more appropriate there.




Figure 12. Connections of zone 0. 4.2.3 Implementation 1. Designing and funding the garden house Find a garden house with space for tools that can also serve as a place for meetings. It is possible to have advanced energy- and water systems so the people that have meetings can enjoy the comfort of electricity, and (hot) water, and perhaps a small kitchen too. A house can be designed from scratch with help of students from for example the design academy, the Rietveld academy and students from TU Delft. Also an existing tiny house, for example the Tiny TIM, can be chosen. 2. Construction of the garden house with volunteers With help of volunteers, a garden house that can also serve as a meeting place is constructed. This will be done over a period of four weeks. Multiple professionals would have to guide the building process. 3. Install sustainable energy- and water technologies TU Delft students could come up with an energy- and water-plan, modelling use and generation of energy and water. Green companies could then sponsor the project with their technologies in return of promotional value of the project. 4.2.4 Maintenance  Maintain energy and water technology: Some technologies are very high-maintenance while others require less. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, need more maintenance than lead- or saltwater batteries12. Wind turbines with blades, for example, have a lot of moving parts and



thus need more maintenance than those without13. Another perk of the low-maintenance technologies is that they are more environmentally friendly. Maintain the house: How much maintenance is needed depends on the building materials used. The burned timber exterior of Tiny TIM, for example, needs to be maintained only every few decades, as the burned timer is very resistant to pests and harsh weather.14


Figure 13. The view if one is walking along the path in zone 1. 4.3.1 Description and functions Zone 1 is situated in the centre of our design plot and is both left and right connected to zone 2. The length of the zone is approximately 27 meters long (including the two meter wide path), and about 20 meters wide. Zone 1 is the centre of activity, where people meet and work. It can be split up in two parts: part one is situated around the house15 (northern side of the path) where there is a glass house16 to extend the growing season and to raise seedlings, an herb spiral17 for own use, and a worm farm18 for creating a healthy ecosystem. Part two is situated on the opposite side of the path (southern side) where there is place for relaxation, a campfire place, a yurt to organize meetings in19, a stage to have performances on20, an outdoor kitchen21 and pizza oven and sanitary facilities22. The whole zone is protected by windbreak vegetation23.




Figure 14. Elements implemented in zone 1. 4.3.3


Figure 15. Connections of zone 1. 16

4.3.4 Implementation 1. Plant windbreak Alder and willow windbreaks, but also some higher trees can be put into place to shelter the area from strong winds and to give a nice cosy feeling. 2. Construct compost toilet A compost toilet can be constructed through a workshop. 3. Construct house This is the house (zone 0). It is smart to build a toilet before construction of the house. 4. Construct greenhouse A greenhouse is constructed. It can be (partially) around or next to the house so both can benefit from each other’s heat. 5. Make a fireplace 6. Construct worm farm A worm farm can be constructed in a workshop 7. Construct rainwater harvester This has to be bought but is an important feature that has to be ready before the summer. Preferably it is close to the annual garden. 8. Construct pizza oven A pizza oven can be constructed in a workshop 9. Construct herb spiral A herb spiral can be constructed in a workshop 10. Buy/built yurt A yurt can be bought and put up every season or if necessary if can stay throughout the winter 11. Built stage A stage can be built in a workshop 4.3.5 Maintenance  Glasshouse cleanings (four times a year)  Compost toilets (two times a year)  Herb spiral (one time a year)  Shed maintenance check(once every two years)  Worm hotel system maintenance check(one time a year)  Cistern maintenance check ( one time a year)  Windbreak pruning (two times a year)



Figure 16. The view if one is walking along the path in zone 2. 4.4.1 Description and functions Zone 2 is most intensively maintained compared to zones 3, 4 and 5. The length of the zone is 40m and the width is 27m, zone 2 is split up by zone 1 and by a path, with a width of about two meters, going through the middle of zone 2 and 1. Zone 2 includes a vegetable garden in the form of a mandala24 and a compost heap25 at one side of the house and hugel beds26 at the other side of the house. These hugel beds are raised beds, up to 1.5 meter, with trunks inside. The hugel beds are half in zone 2 and half in zone 3, depending on what will be planted on these hugel beds. If more space for annual crop production is needed, the hugels beds can be used for that and will be automatically part of zone 2. If not, perennials can be planted on the hugel beds. In this case the hugel beds need less maintenance and will be part of zone 3. Gradually over time, the mandala garden can be expanded for food production which can be used by cafe De Polder, volunteering students and for Anna’s Tuin en Ruigte itself. Both the mandala garden and hugel beds will use the techniques of raised beds and crop rotation27. A chicken tractor28 will be used for maintenance of the mandala and hugel beds. Chickens maintain the soil by picking the weeds, fertilize the ground with their manure and scratch the soil. By means of crop rotation in the mandala one tries to maintain soil health and thwart pests that overwinter in the soil. Raised beds allow a controllable soil. Since the water table of the plot is quite high, elevated beds are also useful to lower the water table. Moreover, because the soil is very clayey, the use of raised beds is handy to ensure a good structure of the soil and a nutrient rich environment. Along parts of the path berries are placed to create some separations. Duck nests are used to create nice breeding places for ducks, these ducks can fertilize the water and eat pest snails. Because this is the zone where the most intensive work has to be done, it is a good zone for agriculture internships and volunteering work. In figure 16. An artist impression can be seen of the water farm, an experimental floating greenhouse with an integrated aquaponics system which is connected to a fish container29. The fish eat algae which infiltrate the system by the surrounding water, the fish excrete manure in the water which is used as fertilizer by the plants in the aquaponics system. The greenhouse ensures an optimal climate for the plants.




Figure 17. Elements implemented in zone 2. 4.4.3


Figure 18. Connections of zone 2.




1. Make the compost heap Gathering of all organic materials which can be recycled again. Compost can come from all zones and from cafe De Polder and from pedestrians willing to leave their organic leftovers in a bucket that is positioned at the entrance of the garden.

Figure 19. Visualization of a compost heap.

2. Windbreak At the whole outside surrounding willows, interspersed with black alders, are placed. This has the function of a windbreak for south-western winds. Zone 2 is protected from winds coming from the north-east by the structured orchard in zone 3 and the food forest in zone 4 and 5. Planting of the windbreaks is done before or during planting of the garden. 3. Raise the beds for the mandala garden  First the raised beds are created with soil from the soil heap in combination with mulch30 and manure that is collected from outside the garden. Lots of organic material can possibly be sourced by the municipality or the Wellant College (school for nature maintenance that collaborates with the garden).  Next, crops are planted in a polyculture. Which crops will be grown has to be decided in consultation with the chef cook of De Polder.

Figure 19. Visualization of a mandala garden.

4. Hugel beds  Gather fallen logs, branches, twigs, fallen leaves on site (the “underutilized” biomass from the site), and gather from off-site sources. Avoid using cedar, walnut or other tree species deemed allopathic. Gather nitrogen rich material (manure or kitchen waste). Gather topsoil (enough to cover the other layers of the bed with a depth of two - five cm) and some mulching material (straw Figure 20. Visualization of a works well). hugel culture.  Lay the logs down as the first layer. Next, add a layer of branches, then a layer of small sticks and twigs. Water these layers well  Begin filling in spaces between the logs, twigs and branches with leaf litter and manure of kitchen scraps.  Finally, top off the bed with two - five cm of topsoil and a layer of mulch.  Dimensions and forms can be varied however as guideline: 1.5m high, slopes of both sides are between 65 and 80 degrees.  Flowers, crops, trees can be planted. 5. Chicken tractor  Build tractor cage, for the mandala garden as well as for the hugel beds.  Chickens are bought or adopted from people that do not want their chickens anymore. Figure 21. Visualization of a  Chickens are free range, they can sleep in a shed in the colder chicken tractor. seasons.  When the chickens are needed for the tractor they are lured with food. 5. Water farm 20

  

Build a greenhouse, and construct an aquaponics system in it. System is attached to an underwater cage containing fish. Buy fish Plant plants

Figure 22. Artist impression of the water farm an experimental floating greenhouse with an integrated aquaponics system which is connected to a fish container creating a circular process.

Figure 23. Visualization of the circulating process of the water farm.

4.4.5 Maintenance Mandela garden and hugel beds    

 

Introduce compost in the beds (two times a year) Buy new seedlings every year, or, if enough labour is available, grow seedlings in the greenhouse before the growing season starts Maintain the garden through weeding Rotate crops every year; planting similar crops on different crops beds over time to prevent depletion of certain horizons and nutrients (ensure an optimal soil fertility) and thus to maintain crop yields. Harvest the vegetables After harvest; put the chickens from the orchard into the chicken tractor and let them stay on the vegetable bed, rotate them every week.

Windbreaks 

Prune windbreaks (two times a year)

Water farm  

Feed fish (three times a week) Water farm - glasshouse cleaning (two times a year)



Figure 24. The view of zone 3a from the side. 4.5.1 Description and functions The area has around 150 square meters and is located at the sites North-west region, visible both from the university building and cafe Polder. As part of zone 3, this is the place where the heavy work is done seasonally to harvest the delicious fruits from the orchard and daily light work to harvest eggs and count the chickens31. This zone consists of a structured orchard combined with chickens. The trees are placed on raised mounds to deal with the high water table. The nutrients are provided through the manure of the free range chickens as well as green manure during the first stages and leaves from the windbreak. A mobile chicken house provides shelter for the chickens when needed. The implementation of this section should take around five years to become fully productive. In the meantime berries and annual crops, like the three sisters32, can be grown in between the young tree rows to provide food and nutrients for the soil33. See annex 9.11 for a list of suitable fruit trees, windbreak trees, green manure, berries and annual crops. 4.5.2


Figure 25. Elements implemented in zone 3a.




Figure 26. Connections of zone 3a. 4.5.4 Implementation 1. Mulch and seed bomb the area with green manure and flowers 2. Put Windbreaks: Alder (N-fixing34) on the inside row and willow on the outside. 3. Plant fruit trees (couple of years old) on a pocket food forest style and intercrop with berries. 4. Place annual/perennial crops in between the fruit tree and berry rows (three sisters + green manure + flowers) 5. Introduce free range chickens with a mobile, open, sleeping house and nest house. 4.5.5         

Figure 27. Succession of the Maintenance agrosilvopastoral system over Until the chickens are introduced: plant annuals, three the years. sisters, and berry (one time a year) Weeding in this annual garden, hopefully not much since the pumpkins are there to suppress the weeds (every week during the growing season) Until the chickens are introduced: Plant green manure (one time a year) Feed chickens (daily) Collect eggs (daily) Pruning of windbreaks (two times a year) Pruning of fruit trees (one time a year) Pruning of berries (one time a year) Maintain chicken house ( every five years)



Figure 28. The view if one is walking along the path in zone 3b. 4.6.1 Description and functions Zone 3b is the entrance of the plot. Designed to be both a bridge between the surrounding community, cafe and university as well as a buffer to the actual headquarters of the project and food production site. Combining education and leisure, this module is designed to invite and amaze at the same time. It will naturally ‘drain’ the energy of the kids that frequent the local during weekends before they get to more productive areas. Also a container will be placed at the entrance to collect the organic trash of the surrounding community followed by a willow maze35, a sensorial garden36 a play (water pump) ground37 and a Jacuzzi heated by a compost pile38. The sensorial garden can include flowers, berries and other plants that have a weird taste, look amazing or smell very attractive. An example is the liquorice plant39. For more examples of nice plants the people from Oost Indisch Groen40 and Wouter van Eck from Ketelbroekbos can be contacted. 4.6.2


Figure 29. Elements implemented in zone 3b.




Figure 30. Connections of zone 3b. 4.6.4 Implementation 1. Place organic waste collector at gate Collection of organic waste can start directly 2. Mow weeds Weeds have to be mown 3. Mulch in garden The sensorial garden is mulched with organic matter 4. Spread woodchips as path in labyrinth and sensorial garden To create paths, wood chips are put in place 5. Plant shrubs for labyrinth Shrubs like willow but also some edible berries and fruit trees can be planted for the labyrinth 6. Plant sensorial garden A sensorial garden with lots of plants to feel, smell, touch and see are put in place. 7. Create natural playground From willows, a lot of fun structures can be made for kids to play 8. Make compost hot tub A hot tub on compost is constructed. This concept comes from the forester jean pain, and is a proven concept to heat water and have compost as an end product. The bacteria inside will 25

decompose the organic matter, and as a byproduct produce a lot of heat. These piles can become up to 60 degrees celsius. One can construct an approximately 1 - 2 m3 pile from layers of wood chips (and possibly manure for nitrogen input and faster decomposition) that is confined by wooden pallets. It can also be larger, but in regard to the width of the zone, this is not aesthetically pleasing here. While building the layers of wood chips, a black plastic hose through which the water will flow is put in between these layers. A system like this can be constructed in a workshop. A bigger system for example constructed by a company called biomeiler. Obviously bigger systems take longer to decompose but will also provide heat for a longer time. Arguably, bigger systems will also provide better heating of water in winter 4.6.5 Maintenance  Pruning shrubs in labyrinth every spring and fall  Refresh water in hot tub every three days of use  Replanting annuals in sensorial garden every year  Maintaining perennials in sensorial garden  Redo the compost heap for the hot tub every year (use the compost at zone 1)  Maintenance on natural playground every five years


Figure 31. The view if one is walking along the path in zone 3c. 4.7.1

Description and functions

The chinampa plot is approximately 30 by 10 meters and is a very interesting experimental plot to research whether a chinampa-style system could work in a temperate climate. Originally this system comes from Mesopotamian agriculture, where the method was used to make wetlands suitable for agriculture. Chinampas41 are constructed by building up extensions of soil into bodies of water. Willows can be planted on corners to secure the chinampa. A canoe was originally used to navigate through the chinampa system, and can be used in our plot for entertainment. Vines and hardy kiwi42 can be grown over bows and can be harvested from below in the canoe. Indian runner ducks, can be integrated in the system. They can serve to produce eggs, meat, and their droppings fertilize the water, providing nutrients for the crops in the chinampa system. Indian runner ducks cannot fly so it is easy to constrain them in the desired area. The females also produce a lot of eggs that they rarely incubate, meaning there’s a lot of eggs available to harvest. A duck house is needed for them to sleep. This duck house could be constructed above the water, where their feces are allowed to drop in the water below. They can forage on water plants43 and insects in the water, and on weeders for grass-clover44. They are occasionally allowed into chinampa system for pest control (mainly slugs) but not if there’s crops that they will eat.




Figure 32. Elements implemented in zone 3c. 4.7.3


Figure 33. Connections of zone 3c. 4.7.4 Implementation  Connect (part of) the inner waterbody with the surrounding water  Create ditches with digger  Manure/compost and mulch soil  Plant chinampa system  Make arches  Get a canoe 27

 

Make duck house Buy ducks

4.7.5 Maintenance  Harvest eggs (daily)  Help people with renting the canoe (daily)  Clean duck house (every month)  Let ducks do pest control in chinampas (seasonally)  Harvest crops (every year)  Prune willows (every year)  Maintain chinampa ridges to prevent erosion (every year)  Mulch chinampas (every year)  Harvest meat (every few years)


Figure 34. The view if one is walking along the path in zone 4. 4.8.1 Description and functions Zone 4 has two parts, a structured and a ‘romantic’ food forest45. The structured food forest will be structured in rows so that people can clearly see the layers46. These layers are created to intensify the production, make use of every niche and to let the plants benefit from each other (guilds). In a temperate climate the use of four layers is common. The layers will include a canopy/tall tree layer, a sub-canopy/large shrub layer, a shrub layer and an herbaceous layer. The romantic food forest functions as a design in between the nature area (zone 5) and the structured food forest. The trees won’t be planted in straight rows, but the area will grow from ‘eco-nests’. This means that a guild is created around a precious tree that will take many years to come to its climax state. Around this tree smaller trees, shrubs and perennials are planted that will enhance the growth of the central tree and will create a four to seven layered system. These different guilds will naturally grow together. Two guilds that could suit this area are the bee guild and the fruit tree guild47. As it is proposed to keep bees in the romantic food forest the bee guild will be a good opportunity to create a nice environment for bees all year round. Along the path eatable berries will be grown for both food production as a boundary for people entering in the forest and will damage the vegetation. Close to the water, on a shady and moist spot, mushrooms can be cultivated on dead wood logs for food.




Figure 35. Elements implemented in zone 4. 4.8.3


Figure 36. Connections of zone 4.


4.8.4 Implementation 1. Dealing with high groundwater Make brush mounds for individual trees and raised beds/mound for multiple trees. To create the mounds, ditches could be dug and fill with material that acts like a sponge, for example wood chips. This could help with controlling the groundwater48. 2. Mulch 3. Throw seed bombs with a mix of different species 4. Create windbreak/nurture trees with pioneer species Windbreaks from willow and alder are planted. These trees will also go into groundwater and could possibly lower the water table by taking up water. 5. Create eco-nests for fruit trees A nurse tree is a tree growing near our goal tree, in this case fruit trees, providing wind protection, excessive sun protection, evaporation protection, and providing nutrients. As put by permaculturist John Kitsteiner from Temperate Climate Permaculture: “Within a few more years, the goal species are Figure 37. Visualization of the growing vigorously alongside their nurse trees. implementation in zone 4. Indicating the seed bombing and the pollination of Eventually, often only after two or three years, our goal species are getting crowded. This is when we cut bees kept in Anna's Tuin en Ruigte. back or cut down our nurse trees. These trees can be used for firewood, lumber, mulch, mushrooms, etc. If we chose plants intolerant of shade, which was one of our goals, then they will die out. This leaves us room to plant other goal species of reseeding annuals, herbaceous perennials, and shrubs that thrive in the understory” 49 6. Create eco-nests for bees To create food for bees all year round, it is necessary to have nectar-producing plants throughout the whole growing season. The premade bee guild template by Midwest can be used in ATR as well. 7. Introduce bees An urban beekeeper could be asked to house his bees in the food forest. 8. Let everything grow for some years and some pruning 9. Chop trees for mushroom production 4.8.5 Maintenance  Windbreak pruning (2 times a year)  Bee keeping  Let nature thrive!  Harvesting berries, fruits and nuts



Figure 38. The view of zone 5 from the side. 4.9.1

Description and functions

This zone is the wildlife zone. There will be only interference once, where after the land is left alone as much as possible. The goal is to create a diverse piece of wild land where many native species can thrive. The zone should not be possible to enter easily. It needs to be accessible only to researchers and teachers. To decide on the species and elements, one has to look at what native vegetation grows in the area, see annex 9.11. Pioneer species are picked out first to be sown in zone 5. 4.9.2



Figure 39. Elements implemented in zone 5. 4.9.3


Figure 40. Connections of zone 4.

4.9.4 1. 2. 3. 4.


Mulch Seed bombs Create wildlife shelter Let nature do the job

4.9.5 Maintenance Let nature thrive!

Figure 41. Visualization of the implementation in zone 5. Indicating the seed bombing and the creation of wildlife.


5 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN An implementation plan gives an overview of important deadlines and milestones, it is a helpful tool in planning the implementation and maintenance. Especially the more intensively-used parts of the garden need specific indications on what needs to happen when and where. In the short term (one year), the implementation will be mainly focused around the development of the house and greenhouse, meeting place, annual garden, and wildlife zone (zone 0, 1, 2 and 5 respectively). The creation of the garden is ought to be executed at the start of the growing season of 2017, however, the short term implementation plan will include this winter, since the winter is used to prepare the soil, to create a seed sowing calendar, to gather a team of garden-volunteers and to make a detailed planning- and crop rotation scheme. Also, some measures for the mediumand long term will be taken that prepare the other zones for a good start when these are taken into production. The medium term (five years) will include the development of zones 3 and 4. The long term (15 years) will also be discussed.

6 COST-BENEFIT-HAPPINESS ANALYSES Within the cost-benefit analysis an implementation plan for 15 years is prepared including initial costs for ground preparation and the costs of each individual zone. These costs consist only of current and fixed assets and do not take costs for labour into account due to the fact that ATR explicitly works with volunteers. The initial costs are taken into account into the cost analyses of the design of ATR because it gives an overview of the total costs which are spend on ATR. In figure 42 the main costs per zone can be perceived and it illustrates in which zones most costs are made. An overview of the costs is included in annex 9.5 Investment budget. It can be concluded from figure 42 that one expects to have most costs in the ground preparation and costs will decrease were the zones become less intense. Zone 2 is most expensive due to the fact that most implementation in this zone need more costs such as the water farm and Chinampa system. The total costs within 15 years are estimated on approximately € 35.000 (this also includes €12.000 of widening the ditches, which is paid by the municipality).

Figure 42. Indication of main costs (€) per zone within 15 years in Anna’s Tuin & Ruigte. 33

For a better understanding on how the total costs are divided within the 15 years implementation plan and which benefits are derived from the costs figure 4 is made. This figure shows a fast decreasing trend of costs within the first three years, due to the implementation of an experimental water farm costs will increase in year four but will lower in the rest of the years. The high cost in the beginning can be explained due to the initial costs and the build of elements like the shed, greenhouse, yurt, outdoor kitchen, compost toilets, trees for the orchard and seed bombs for the food forest. The low costs from year five can be explained due to fact that minimum inputs are necessary. Only seeds and plants are bought for the hugel beds and mandala garden.

Figure 43. Cost-Benefit-Happiness analysis. Indicates the costs and benefits (earnings) on the left yaxis, the percentage of happiness presented as ethical earnings is indicated on the right y-axis. The trend lines indicating the benefits are the total earnings and the total ethical earnings. The total earnings include the investments in euros from educational funds, research funds, the municipality, the government, memberships, partnerships, parties and leisure. Annex 9.6. Funds indicates all funds which are taken into account as benefits. The expectations is that this will be high in the beginning due the fact that ATR needs funds for the start-up costs to cover the initial costs and the costs for the first couple of years. After that they will be more dependent on memberships and funds from educational and research purposes which are estimated low at the start and are expected to rise when the garden is developing. Next to total earnings in euros there is a maybe more important benefit to distinguish, which is the happiness factor. The happiness factor is a term indicating the total ethical earnings and is presented as percentage of the maximum amount of happiness one can gain on various judgeable criteria. For example food production, visual attraction, increasing biodiversity, implementation of research projects. Education and volunteers will increase during the years which causes a general increasing happiness. Meanwhile there is a reduction of fossil fuel use, CO2 production, farm labour and the use of on-grid electricity. Annex 9.7. Ethical earnings gives the factors which are taken into account for judging the estimation of happiness. In figure 43. It can be seen it is expected, within the progressive development of ATR, that the happiness is increasing as well. Most important, labour which need to be done needs to be considered as nice labour such as harvesting. 34

7 REFLECTION & DISCUSSION In this section there will be a reflection and discussion on our design. Points of attention, explanations on choices we made and possible weak point of the design will be discussed. Although the ATR is enthusiastic about the design and is willing to implement it, we consider our design a continuous constructional process. It is a dynamic process which keeps being developed through the actual implementation and feedbacks from its praxis. A point of attention is the lack of practical experienced workers that are responsible for the garden. There is a possible risk for ATR to underestimate the work that needs to be done. ATR should expand their network and try to create a strong, stable community that feels responsible for the garden. We recommend, for instance to, contact the Urban organic agricultural school Warmonderhof that is located in Amsterdam, they could provide practical skilled farmers for internships. Another point that needs attention in the design is the soil; as already mentioned; in the beginning of October this year the clay from the ditches were put on top of the topsoil of the plot, the loss of the topsoil and the adding of heavy clay soil makes it difficult for plants to grow. As solution we proposed to make use of raised beds and mounds. The scale of the possible problems with quality of the soil is something ATR has to encounter while implementing the design. Another point in this design that needs consideration is the high groundwater level. At first we were told that the groundwater level was 20 cm, which is really high. We tried to find out how high it actually is, by digging holes in the ground. We found different levels, ranging from 20 to 64cm meter. After the raise of the soil with clay, ATR doesn’t know the exact height of the groundwater any more. The solutions we have for the high ground water are also the raised beds, hugel beds and mounds. Moreover we propose to choose for species that like to have their roots (partly) in the water. The high level of the water needs to be taken into consideration while choosing the actual species. Furthermore, in a reflection with professors of the University of Wageningen we considered the possibility of flooding. Since the ATR could be a flooding area in case of heavy rainfall, because it is one of the lowest points in Amsterdam. The water level of the plot is maintained by the Dutch water board. We asked the water board how likely they think flooding is. They answered by saying that in very extreme situations only the inner, isolated waterway can flood. The other waterways are connected to the Amsterdam Rijnkanaal and can’t reasonably flood. They also considered the risk of flooding of the isolated waterway. However, when the isolated waterway will flood, the water will go to the other waterways. Due to the low risk of flooding and the short scope of this project we didn’t fully explore what should be done to prevent flooding or what to do when flooding occurs. However, we recommend the ATR to further look into the possibilities of the water farm and the chinampa system. Moreover we decided to focus on the (ecological) functions which the species need to have in our design that is why we did not propose specific species. Explaining the functions of the different species in the design leaves space for the decision on the actual crops, shrubs and trees. We left this open because the project is in a starting phase and needs input from the chef cook, the volunteering students and the potential future farmer which can do internships. However lists of possible native species which can grow on the specific plots as pioneer species to climax stadium species were delivered in annex 9.11. With this list ATR has the possibility to choose different plant species to fulfil the intended function in the garden.


Another point of attention is the chinampa system we designed. We placed the chinampa system in the waterway that is situated in the middle of the plot. However, this waterway is now isolated from the rest of the waterway, which means that this isolated waterway will likely suffer from lack of oxygen and dry out in the summer. That is why we propose the ATR to connect the middle waterway to the other waterways. But when connecting the waterways ATR faces another challenge; since the surrounding waterways are the property of the water board there is no jurisdiction to use the waterways for cultivation. The same applies, off course, for the inner waterway, when it is connected to the rest of the water system. This creates a challenge to implement the Chinampa system. They either should convince the water board of the importance of this experiment on this plot or try if the chinampa system can thrive well in the inner isolated waterway. Furthermore chinampa systems are well known to work in Southern America. But we did not find any living examples of chinampas in temperate climates. However we think that chinampa system have great potential in the Netherlands, because of the huge amount of water present.


8 REFERENCES Holmgren, D. (1996). Melliodora (Hepburn Permaculture Gardens): Ten Years of Sustainable Living. Hepburn, Australia: Holmgren Design Services. Holmgren, D. (2002). Principles & pathways beyond sustainability. Holmgren Design Services, Hepburn. Mollison, B. (1988). Permaculture: a designer's manual. Permaculture: a designer's manual. , Australia: Tagari Publications. Mollison, B., Slay, R. M., Girard, J. L., Bourgignon, C., & Bourguignon, L. (1991). Introduction to permaculture. Tyalgum,, Australia: Tagari Publications. Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological literacy: Education and the transition to a postmodern world. Suny Press.



Explanation of features

Client wishes of house Can be locked and has an alarm


Has a door with a lock, no alarm but is possible to install

No foundation


Mobile; on frame with wheels

No sewer system


Water purifying green wall

Needs to be quickly destructible or mobile


Mobile with 4x4 car

Has to be able to be built by volunteers


Can be built by volunteers, but outside is difficult

Has to ‘glue’ inside and outside


Has large doors that open and create a sense of living outside

Is self-sufficient in terms of energy


Has solar panels and a wind turbine and a battery to store the energy

Possibility for a green roof has to be researched


Has to be researched

Harvests rainwater


Has 2000L of rainwater storage

Materials need to be contributing to the surrounding landscape and they need to be natural or recyclable


Has a number of natural- and recyclable materials

Contains living elements


Water purifying green wall

Contains storage for tools and seeds


Can be created

Contains a greenhouse for raising seedlings


As a meeting place, contains place to sit inside as well as outside


Places to sit inside as well as outside

The meeting place should have an outside part



In the outside part, there’s a place for fire and place for food production






























See See Orr, (1992) 3 A good example of a permaculture design is Holmgreen, (2005). 4 Mollison et al (1991) 5 More information about the project can be found at 6 Collected from 7 Data collected at 2


Data collected at and 9 See 10 See Molinson, 1988:414-420 for general aspects of planning a house for cold humid clime. 11 More at 12 13

See and See


See For instance, a simple low cost self building pallet garden house: 16 More at 15


See Molinson, 1988:101 and


See 19 See 20 See for an example. 21 An example can be found in the Oost Indish Groen project: 22 A possibility is the compost toilets. A complete study about it can be found at the Humanure Handbook - And an easy low cost self-made (wheelie bin) example here 23 See Mollinson 1988,129 for windbreaks techniques. 24

See Mollinson 1988:274-5 and See for possibilities of composting. 25


See See 28 See 29 Other possibility on the earth-water interface can be floating islands: 30 See 31 An example in Amsterdam of such design can be found at the Fruittuinen van West. 32 See 33 See Mollinson 1988:424 34 See 27


See See 37 See and 36



See and 39 See 40

See See and 42 See 43 See 44 See and 45 Such design was inspired by the Ketelbroek, the oldest food forest of the Netherlands. More at 46 See for possible species. 41


Bee Guild, Fruit Tree Guild and other guilds are described in Plant Guilds (Ruddock, 2013): 48 See 49 See


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