Joaquin VILLALBA 2020 Architect Portfolio

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Joaquin Villalba Selected Works 20



DMT Pavilion Conception, production and exposition


In Dialog Colectif

Digital Mental Transposition was presented for the first time during the NUIT BLANCHE in Paris. It is a living environment that reshapes and adjusts itself based on your emotional state. Let your inner self get transposed into a fluctuating sea of lights and gestures, and establish an immersive empathic dialog with your surroundings by wearing a brainwave scanner. Users are invited to freely explore the space and influence it by playing with their neuronal activity. The structure and the patterns of the projection mapping evolve continuously thus creating unique ambiences that mimic the inner state of the visitors.

The pavilion is an interactive and immersive installation that allows the public to alter the ambiance of the space based on their emotional state. Using an EEG (Electroencephalogram) headset, the brain activity influences the kinetics of the structure which impact empatically to the user’s global experience. The pavilion stimulates the public to be self-aware of their emotional fluctuation and rewards their participation by exiting their senses. It is a group experience that generates a shamanic ritual where every participant shares their mental energy to create a symphony of light and sound.


Data Application : Data Application :

System Diagram : System Diagram :

System Diagram : Projection mapping Projection mapping

The brain activity influences The brain activity influences the ambiance of the pavilion the ambiancethe of the pavilion by changing pattern of by patternand of thechanging projectionthe mapping the and the projection projectionsmapping themselves. the projections themselves.


Projection mapping Projection mapping

L’activité cérébrale influence L’activité cérébrale influence l’ambiance du pavillon en l’ambiance du pavillon en variant les géométries des Carbon Fiber Rail variant les projections géométries ainsi des zones de zones de projections ainsi que les symboles projetés que les symboles projetés


Main performance space Main performance space Intimate Intimate



Elastic Sleeve

Track tape

Kinetic structure Kinetic structure

The pavilion has moving Main performance space The partspavilion that givehas themoving feeling parts give the feeling of athatliving organism Intimate of a living organism with a breathing rhythm with a breathing rhythm synchronized with the synchronized with the brain activity of the user. brain activity of the user.

Sensorial stimulations Sensorial stimulations

Structure Cinétique Structure Cinétique

Le Projection pavillon a des parties qui totem Le pavillon a des parties qui bougent en créant l’ i mpression Keder Rail bougent en créantvivant l’impression d’un organisme ayant Dynamic d’ u n organisme vivant ayant un rythme de respiration un rythme de synchronisé avec respiration l’activité synchronisé avec l’activité Aluminium Profile cérébrale de l’utilisateur. cérébrale de l’utilisateur.

Sensorial laboratory Social EEG EEG

Stimulations sensorielles Stimulations sensorielles

An robotic system creates An robotic systemproducts creates gastronomical gastronomical products which flavours depend on which flavours depend on the brain activity of the the brain activity of the person. person.


Un système robotique crée Un crée des système produits robotique de dégustation des produits de dégustation dont le gout est généré par dont le gout est généré l’activité cérébrale de par la l’activité personne. cérébrale de la personne.

Brain activity Brain activity

Visual patterns of light

© 2018 In-Dialog, All Rights Reserved © 2018 In-Dialog, All Rights Reserved

Brain activity


Pro Proj


DMT Pavilion





(A) Dialog Conception, production and exposition


In Dialog Colectif

A)Dialog is a light choreography that allows the user to translate its emotions in splinters of brightness. Glowing spaces emerge, line up, entangle, adjust, calm down, thus creating structural symbols dancing by the beat of the emotional state. Each visitor can therefore become the bandmaster of this audiovisual performance, just by wearing the EEG carefully tuned for the events.

Overwhelmed by the rational reasoning that navigates our everyday live, we ignore other emotive stimulus and don’t recognize their presence. “A)Dialog” transposes the participant in a immersive experience where he interacts with projected shapes and volumes. An EEG reader is used to gather the user’s brain activity and thus deduce some emotional states. The user needs to summon his emotional activity in order to stimulate the variation that alters the projection’s pattern. This process allows the user to acknowledge the presence of his own emotions and the ability to control and alter them.


Cate gori ze/D efin e

ning easo al R Verb

Mi rr or Me ot na he ta rs ll b y eh Re ai he or rs e


-Creativity -Emotional Expression

le tt i l


Admit Novelty F7



of and o self thers





T8 F7












(reference points) P8


P8 01





B Rota uild/ te I mage


e aliz Visu ssion e Impr

ll t ca mn Re ve c Mom ti he al st ic Ae ythm Rh

Fa ct ua l Mo RE ve CA St LL ep





on erceci Self P

to nd ls e At tai de

Symbol s Faces Drawin gs


(A) Dialog



Babel Conception, production and exposition


In Dialog Colectif

The first version of the device represents the community around the neighbourhood Les Bleuets at Créteil. An urban renewal operation was forcing the older generations to leave their homes thus exploding the community. After working several months with them, their testimonies were recorded as a piece of collective memory. An interactive mapped model of the neighborhood was built directly on site whith the inhabitants. People can navigate it with the use of a joystick and discover it trough the neighbors’ own voices. This first step in the research on communities lead us to a transition toward the virtual communities. IDENTIFYING THE STRONGEST ENTITIES OF A COMMUNITY Y S KE T OTEM C A /T TR EX NTS E M LE


BaBel_V2 reflects the power of immaterial communities to share ideas, opinions and experience events collectively.







A virtual landscape was created based on the most trended hashtags at the time (#nomoreguns, #brexit, #manifpourtous, etc.). An algorithm was developed to generate this “babel tower” with the gathered information and transposing it into a visual, acoustic and spatial experience. People was able to wander this virtual universe with the use of their hand and listen to the hashtags that forged this immaterial community. The installation aimed to research the power of social networks as a tool to express and share collective events.






Voyages olfactifs is a multisensorial exposition by the photographer Eleonore de Bonneval, which was presented for the last time at the MusĂŠe International du Parfum in Grasse, France. Trough everyday stories and memories from the people she encounters, she inquires on the part the sense of smell plays on the construction of individual and collective identity.


es photos entre deux plexis aimantĂŠs





12.80 2.00 18.70





Fixation de la structure au mur (visses)

Voyages olfactifs Scenic devices and Scenography


Eleonore de Bonneval

Masque en Plexiglass 2mm Montage des photos sur le cadre (aimants)





Pose du masque sur les photos (aimants)


-- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-25dB Diffusion: Percussion live

-- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-22dB Diffusion: Percussion live

-- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-19dB Diffusion: Percussion live

-- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-15dB Diffusion: Percussion live

18h23 Magnificat op. 34/423MW Ajustements de la spatialisation de l'orchestre

16h52 Fin de la rencontre Départ des artistes vers les loges

20h58 (env.) Retour cadence II-V-I, do majeur

20h31 Mesures 24 à 32 Variation: ré lydien b7

16h27 Arrivée des artistes Information: léger retard sur le planning

-- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-22dB Diffusion: Percussion live

9h07 Livraison: 3 Contenu: voir bon de commande

-- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-25dB Diffusion: Percussion live

20h43 Pont D-E Free variations Grille D7, 9M, #11 et 13M



28 -- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-22dB Diffusion: Percussion live

-- : -HP - 550W - 65-18kHz Amp: +/-20dB Diffusion: Percussion live

En mai 2018 eut lieu le séminaire Hétérophonies/68 au théâtre d’Aubervilliers. Celui-ci réunit cinéma, architecture, musique, philosophie, peinture, théâtre, politique et poésie autour d’une même thématique : l’hétérophonie -comme nouvelle pratique de composition- et les échos qu’elle peut avoir avec d’autres pratiques. Au cours de cette semaine, une partie d’un concert hétérophonique fut présentée. C’est lors de cet événement-là qu’entra en scène le besoin de repenser la salle de concert traditionnelle ; même avec un nombre de musiciens et de voix réduits, les limites de ce lieu sont rendues évidentes. A partir de là, il s’agit de retracer les pas du dialogue fécond entre musique et architecture pour analyser les points clés qui nous permettent d’élucider la nature des échanges qui ont profilé les salles de concert que nous connaissons. De même, il est important de prêter une attention spéciale aux expérimentations spatio-musicales qui voient le jour avec la modernité et de déchiffrer ce que leur existence témoigne sur l’évolution des liens entre musique, espace, musiciens et auditeurs. La proposition architecturale tient compte tous les aspects de cette recherche et propose un auditorium qui puisse réponde aux exigences des concerts hétérophoniques tout en ouvrant les portes à des nouveaux types d’expériences musicales.


Espace Scénique Héterophonique Projet de fin d’études





Essais Urbains Projet licence

Atelier Adrien Durrmeyer et Max Turnheim




Essais Urbains


This studio involved twenty projects from twenty different students. Each member was in charge of creating an individual and unique program while getting along with the site, which was simultaneously the result of all projects put together. Therefore, this experience was the result of an active and common negotiation between the participants for the development of the individual project. The parcel I developed follows the guidelines of the urban morphologies which defined the surroundings, in order to be in continuity with the environment, at a large-scale. At a small-scale it allowed the creation of an open and private space at the interior, and rock-climbing walls at the exterior. This experience acted as the basis to study and understand how different urban typologies can coexist all with common urban basis (in this case, an orthogonal grid) while keeping their autonomous character.




Semestre 6

• Then, we linked this spaces with a basic lems and solving them the simplest and most euclidean pertinent way. The common thread is that theform (a triangle, found by joining The Trianon is the result of the reactivation prothe extremities points of the aforementioned spaces define the program and not the contrary. cess of a space left-aside due to the highway forms).This served as a inhabited roof allowThis project is the simplification Etudes infrastructure.Trianon 44 ing to go from one space to another. Three basic steps guided the conception: of the urban morphology, the reanimation of the • Fist, the of the inaccessible spacunreachable spaces and the restoration of extrusion the Therefore, each part of the • Finally, adjusting the liaisons between the es (found forms) continuity of the built environment. The conceivpendently tuned (architectu ground-floor and the triangle. ing technique consisted on identifying the probvisual matters) in order to g • Then, we linked this spaces with a basic lems and solving them the simplest and most its components work harmo euclidean form (a triangle, found by joining way. The common thread is that the on is the result of the pertinent reactivation proment of all the tools we wer the extremities points of the aforementioned spaces define the program and not the contrary. space left-aside due to the highway purge of a raw element. forms).This served as a inhabited roof allowture. This project is the simplification ing to go from one space to another. Three basicofsteps ban morphology, the reanimation the guided the conception: • Fist, the of the inaccessible spacable spaces and the restoration of extrusion the Therefore, each part of the Trianon was inde• Finally, adjusting the liaisons between the (found forms) y of the built The conceivpendently tuned (architectural, technical, and ground-floor and the triangle. ique consisted on identifying the probvisual matters) in order to get a project where all • Then, we linked this spaces with a basic solving them the simplest and most its components work harmoniously. The adjustway. The common threadeuclidean is that theform (a triangle, found by joining ment of all the tools we were working lead to the efine the program and notthe theextremities contrary. points of the aforementioned purge of a raw element. forms).This served as a inhabited roof allowing to go from one space to another. sic steps guided the conception: he extrusion of the inaccessible spacTherefore, each part of the Trianon was inde• Finally, adjusting the liaisons between the und forms) pendently tuned (architectural, technical, and ground-floor and the triangle. visual matters) in order to get a project where all we linked this spaces with a basic its components work harmoniously. The adjustean form (a triangle, found by joining ment of all the tools we were working lead to the xtremities points of the aforementioned purge of a raw element. ).This served as a inhabited roof allowgo from one space to another.

y, adjusting the liaisons between the d-floor and the triangle.

Therefore, each part of the Trianon was independently tuned (architectural, technical, and visual matters) in order to get a project where all its components work harmoniously. The adjustment of all the tools we were working lead to the purge of a raw element.

The Trianon is the result of the reactivation process of a space left-aside due to the highway infrastructure. This project is the simplification of the urban morphology, the reanimation of the unreachable spaces and the restoration of the continuity of the built environment. The conceiving technique consisted on identifying the problems and solving them the simplest and most pertinent way. The common thread is that the spaces define the program and not the contrary.

Cédric Libert



Parcelle no Habitée pa un poulaill Gérée par l

DipLab Ancien Local Encombrants 6 rue Picabia Atelier de fabrication numérique


on bâtie ar potager urbain et ler les habitants du quartier

DipLab Bleuets Installation d’un FabLab


In DIalog Collectif

Classé quartier prioritaire en 2015, les Bleuets à Créteil connaissent actuellement une première opération de renouvellement urbain. Le travail d’amélioration du cadre de vie et du bâti a commencé avec la construction de la nouvelle Maison Pour Tous, centre de l’activité sociale et associative du quartier qui remplacera à partir de l’an prochain l’actuelle MPT. C’est avec elle que le DipLab collabore depuis 2015 en proposant des activités culturelles et éducatives pour alimenter la vie en communauté des habitants.



Date de Fin 2017

Le DipLab, fondé par In-Dialog se veut catalyseur de la mutation en cours aux Bleuets. Il représente à la fois un espace de rencontre social, un atelier de réparation, d’expérimentation et création, réunissant ainsi les activités qui font partie du quotidien d’une ville. En remettant au centre du quartier les moyens de conception et production, en entrelaçant travail et habitation, nous donnons aux habitants les moyens d’être pleinement acteurs dans la construction de l’avenir de leur quartier.


Maison Paul et Camille Claudel Phases suivies : AVP - PC - DCE Prospective et Patrimoine


Photos de Camille Claudel par Anne Schaefer

Surface de projection

Texte ACPC

Affiche Trilogie

Affiche Tête d’Or

Tête d’Or Au Japon

Habitantes de Villeneuve vues par Camille Claudel

Lettre à Frances James

Paul 1905

Texte Dissolution

Texte ACPC

Maurice Denis avec texte

Chronologie Camille Claudel

Chronologie Familiale

Chronologie Familiale


Photo ancienne avec texte

Affiche Annonce

Affiche Cristophe Colomb

Photo Bronze

Photo Plâtre Jeune Romain

Affiche Annonce


Affiche Soulier


Casa en construccion Phases suivies : DCE - DET


Al Borde Arquitectos

The project is about a different economic understanding and it‘s implications. Although 50% of the world population live in cities; nowadays there are still rural areas where barter is the main economic model. We propose to incorporate this kind of rural practice into urban context in order to improve the life quality of involved actors and their city. As we did not know if it could work in reality, we tested our hypothesis with a practical project with ourselves as one of the involved actors. What we are doing is not new. Barter usually replaces money as the method of exchange in times of monetary crisis. Although there is not a monetary crisis by it self, the gentrification in the historical center of Quito reproduced the same phenomenon for the vulnerable side of the population. If the planning of the city puts interest only in technical and infrastructure restorations, maybe we will end with a Disney land city for tourist routes. We are not against tourism, of course, it is clear that tourism brings good things, but it is not possible either, that after 8pm, areas that used to be residential neighborhoods lie deserted because no one lives there. We try to put the interest in the intangible city more than in the infrastructure. The same intangible relations gave us the solution to the lack of the traditional requirements (money) for the urban reactivation.




Médiathèque La Belle Gabrielle Le Coudray Montceaux AVP à DCE Prospective et Patrimoine

Fondation Carmignac Porquerolles Consultation DET et muséographie Prospective et Patrimoin

Musée de l’ex Banque de France Hyères Concours + ESQ

Prospective et Patrimoine avec Pierre Colboc

Esperanza Dos Equateur Chantier avec les habitants


Al Borde

Casa Culuncos Equateur DET Al Borde

Le Labo Rosny-Sous-Bois Création d’un FabLab au sein de l’école d’arts plastiques de la ville In Dialog


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Forum des matières : Profil enseignant

Vie scolaire

Avatar - Assistant personnel

Architecture et interface de la plateforme

E-Topia UX - UI

Profil élève

In Dialog Collectif

Forum des échanges

E-topia est une application qui aide les élèves dans leurs besoins au quotidien, à l’école et en dehors. Elle a été développée par les élèves élus au Conseil Départemental des Collégiens du Valde-Marne pour la commission “Moi et le Numérique”, en partenariat avec la Ligue de l’Enseignement. Le DipLab a été invité à accompagner ce projet pour assurer sa réussite et partager son expertise avec les participants. Nous sommes intervenus lors de trois commissions.

Partage de fichiers Pour définir le fonctionnement et les interactions de la plateforme nous avons adopté une méthodologie pragmatique pour déterminer les besoins.


Chacun écrit alors une série de commandes vocales qu’il aimerait pouvoir utiliser avec l’application. Cellesci furent la base pour déterminer les différentes fonctionnalités que doivent être présentes. Chaque groupe esquissa une structure de l’application en se basant sur leurs attentes de l’utilisation de l’assistant. Finalement ils dessinèrent comment ils visualisaient les différentes pages et l’interaction de la plateforme.



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