2 minute read

Introducing our Genomics Programme

Dr Nogzi Edi-Osagie, RCPCH Officer for Genomics

I’M DELIGHTED TO INTRODUCE MYSELF as the new Officer for Genomics and Chair of the Genomics Working Group (GWG). So, what’s a jobbing neonatologist doing chairing a working group on genomics, you may ask. I think it’s sometimes quite useful to have a non-expert Chair, especially as the adoption of genomics in clinical practice is ever expanding and will impact more widely on our patients and practice in the future; genomics is set to become more mainstream.

However, I’m really grateful to expert colleagues working in genetics who volunteered to join the working group as their guidance will be invaluable. I’m also supported by Charlotte, our genomics project manager, whose input has been vital.

I’m fortunate to have had quite a varied career so far and been involved in lots of different things that keep my working life interesting. One of my roles is national specialty adviser for neonatal critical care for NHS England, and it was as part of this role that I was invited to join the working group for the Genomics England Newborn Genomes Programme to represent NHSE and the College. This is a programme which will evaluate the feasibility of screening newborns for a larger number of childhood onset rare genetic conditions, where early intervention is crucial and can make a significant difference to outcome.

It’s been a privilege to be involved in this evaluation.

Does the College need a working group in genomics? Yes, it does, especially as the Genome UK Strategy and the NHS Long Term Plan is committed to harnessing the power of genomics to improve population health. These plans will be far reaching, not just for our patients but also for paediatricians as we will need to consider the workforce and training implications.

One of the aims of the GWG will be to try and ensure paediatricians are aware and engaged in the changes to practice. To this effect, the GWG will be hosting a series of webinars and have also planned a number of activities for our ‘month of genomics’ in March, in collaboration with HEE Genomics Education Programme. Please visit our webpage for more information on our activities and get involved.

Visit: www.rcpch.ac.uk/genomics

RCPCH Officer for Genomics, Consultant Neonatologist | @ngozi_ediosagie

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