Mississauga, ON L5A 2G1
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
“To provide youth athletes with elite instruction, skills based development and physical training, while affording the highest levels of quality for all players through a variety of programs and services designed to enhance their continued athletic development on a local, provincial, national and international basis.”
In Pursuit Of Excellence! Dear Corporate Sponsor, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce your organization to the Red Devils Academy (RDA), our long-term goals and your company’s potential sponsorship opportunities and benefits. The Red Devils Academy, based in Mississauga, Ontario, was formed in July 2002 with the mandate to provide skills training and development for novice, intermediate and advanced players on a consistent and focused basis. RDA staff have been involved in soccer for over 12 years in the Mississauga, Toronto and Southwestern Ontario area, training youth players at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Since July 2002, RDA has been working with co-ed youth from U7 to U20 respectively. RDA Staff have been conducting 4-5 clinics per week during the winter, with 3-4 hour training sessions on weeknights and weekends during the academic year and 3hour training sessions during the summer, principally on the weekends. Currently, there are over sixty players that come to practice on a regular basis. In addition, throughout the year, Club Representative, Select teams and School teams from RDA’s School Program, will be working with RDA to learn the skills-based, possession oriented style of soccer that we teach. RDA’s goals in working with all of our trainees is to develop players for competitive athletic and academic opportunities at University/ College and Professional Academies, International opportunities in Canada and other countries as well as supporting local soccer communities and Elementary and High Schools by providing year-round soccer training for their developing players.
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
To date, RDA has organized several successful local events that have eased the increasing financial demands considerably. However, as RDA continues to develop and progress, it has become abundantly clear that, with the increasing financial demands for insurance, facility rentals, equipment, clinics, travel, showcasing and training; solely depending on the players to cover these costs through registration fees alone will not be enough. It is time to look at alternative methods of fundraising. Your help will defray costs involved in the development of young athletes in a competitive environment. Sponsorship funds will be directed towards the cost of equipment, permits, showcase tournaments, skills development camps, team training clinics and participation in competitive Academy leagues and US College and Canadian University identification tours. Your generous donation will help to deliver to these young athletes, an excellent training program that will reinforce competition, fair play and team development while allowing the trainees to achieve their personal athletic and athletic-integrated academic goals. What does this information mean to you, our potential sponsor? There are a number of benefits associated with sponsorship: Financial: ・
A Business Deduction will be provided annually to your company for the amount of your yearly sponsorship.
Public Exposure and Advertising: ・ ・ ・
Your company will be gratefully acknowledged on RDA’s website with your company’s logo and a website link to your company’s home page. Your company name will be screened on every jersey worn by RDA’s players and teams at every skills training session. Your company’s name and logo will be displayed on an advertising banner that RDA will exhibit at all training sessions, games, tournaments and functions involving players and teams trained by RDA.
Community Involvement: ・
As players and teams trained by RDA become older, they will be competing in very high profile competitions (Nationals, OYSL, Ontario Cup, tournaments and University Showcases across Canada and the USA), thereby increasing your company’s exposure to a wider market. Academy trained players will be involved with the National, Provincial, Regional,
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
District, and Academy programs for both female and male teams, thereby increasing your company’s exposure to a wider market. Your company will receive a team picture, a signed team jersey and plaque to display and exhibit your support for youth sport in your city. This will solidify and enhance your company’s reputation as an important and progressive corporate partner in the community.
Your company’s support will help to promote the sport of soccer amongst our youth, make soccer more competitive in our area, provide opportunities for less fortunate players to train at RDA and give our local players the chance for future athletic and academic opportunities. Please help make the difference so talented players can be rewarded with the opportunity of pursuing their dreams with better and more consistent training in the Southwestern Ontario area. If your company is interested in becoming a partner with RDA, please complete the attached Sponsorship form and forward to RDA today. Should you require additional information, please contact the Academy Staff at your earliest convenience by e-mail at theacademy@bellnet.ca, by phone at 1-888-838-5274 or visit RDA’s website at www.reddevilsacademy.com. Thank you for considering sponsorship for the Red Devils Academy (RDA). Respectfully,
Jeremy O'Byrne RDA Director 1-888-838-5274- Toll Free 416-948-7475- Cell theacademy@bellnet.ca jobyrne@reddevilsacademy.com www.reddevilsacademy.com
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
Red Devils Academy (RDA) S SP PO ON NS SO OR RS SH HIIP P IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N FFO OR RM M S Sppoonnssoorr N Naam mee:: A Addddrreessss:: C Ciittyy:: C Coonnttaacctt P Peerrssoonn::
P PC C::
P Phhoonnee:: C Coom mppaannyy W Weebb A Addddrreessss::
E E--m maaiill::
D Deettaaiill hhoow w ssppoonnssoorr nnaam mee w wiillll bbee ddiissppllaayyeedd ffoorr pprroom moottiioonnaall ppuurrppoosseess::
P Plleeaassee iinnddiiccaattee lleevveell ooff ssppoonnssoorrsshhiipp:: __ D Diiaam moonndd S Sppoonnssoorr -- $$55,,000000
__ P Pllaattiinnuum mS Sppoonnssoorr -- $$22,,550000
__ G Goolldd S Sppoonnssoorr -- $$11,,550000
__ S Siillvveerr S Sppoonnssoorr -- $$11,,000000
__ B Brroonnzzee S Sppoonnssoorr -- $$550000
__ C Cooppppeerr S Sppoonnssoorr -- $$225500
__ ZZiinncc $$______________ v Please refer to the Sponsorship chart below for specific information:
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
Sponsorship Chart: LLEEVVEELL
$5,000.00 & ABOVE
The DIAMOND level will help off-set the cost of Academy teams or may purchase additional gear for those team or for the entire Academy. Sponsors name will be on all Academy uniforms.
$2,500.00 TO $4,999.00 $1,500.00 TO $2,499.00
The PLATINUM level will help off-set the cost of Academy team or may purchase additional gear for that team or may contribute to on-going facilities rental. Sponsors name will be on all Academy tracksuits.
The GOLD level will help off-set the cost of equipment or other Academy expenses. Sponsors name will be on Academy training gear.
The SILVER level will help off-set the cost of equipment or other Academy expenses, or may be placed in a general expense fund that covers all Academy expenses.
$500.00 TO $999.00
The BRONZE level will help off-set the cost of equipment or other Academy expenses, or may be placed in a general expense fund that covers all Academy expenses including registration fees.
$250.00 TO $499.00
The COPPER level will help off-set the cost to a player or may be placed in a general expense fund that covers all Academy expenses including registration fees.
$1,000.00 TO
The ZINC level is where everyone can help to off-set the cost for a player.
A Allll ssppoonnssoorrss w wiillll bbee aacckknnoow wlleeddggeedd oonn tthhee R RD DA Aw weebbssiittee.. C Coom mppaanniieess w wiillll bbee rreeccooggnniizzeedd w wiitthh tthheeiirr ccoom mppaannyy llooggoo aanndd aa ddiirreecctt lliinnkk ttoo tthheeiirr ccoorrppoorraattee w weebbssiittee w whheerree aapppplliiccaabbllee. P Plleeaassee iinnddiiccaattee tteerrm mss ooff ssppoonnssoorrsshhiipp:: II w waanntt ttoo ssppoonnssoorr aa ssppeecciiffiicc ppllaayyeerr::
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
II w woouulldd lliikkee tthhee ccoom mppaannyy nnaam mee oonn tthhee ffrroonntt ooff tthhee R RD DA A tteeaam m uunniiffoorrm mss ((D I A M O N D s p o n s o r l e v e l ) . DIAMOND sponsor level). II w woouulldd lliikkee tthhee ccoom mppaannyy nnaam mee oonn tthhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee R RD DA A ttrraacckk ssuuiitt ((P PLLA ATTIIN NU UM M S p o n s o r l e v e l ) . Sponsor level). II w woouulldd lliikkee tthhee ccoom mppaannyy nnaam mee oonn tthhee R RD DA A ttrraaiinniinngg uunniiffoorrm m ((G GO OLLD D S p o n s o r l e v e l ) . Sponsor level). II hhaavvee aattttaacchheedd aa ccooppyy ooff tthhee ccoom mppaannyy llooggoo ffoorr pprroom moottiioonnaall ppuurrppoosseess.. P Plleeaassee aadddd aa lliinnkk ttoo tthhee ccoom mppaannyy w weebbssiittee.. W Weebbssiittee A Addddrreessss:: O OTTH HE ER R::
TThhiiss ffoorrm mw waass ccoom mpplleetteedd bbyy ((pprriinntt nnaam mee)):: P Poossiittiioonn iinn ccoom mppaannyy ((iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee))::
S Siiggnnaattuurree::
D Daattee::
P Plleeaassee m maakkee cchheecckkss ppaayyaabbllee ttoo R RD DA AS Sppoonnssoorrsshhiipp aanndd m maaiill w wiitthh tthhee ccoom mpplleetteedd ffoorrm m ttoo:: R Reedd D Deevviillss A Accaaddeem myy A Atttt:: S Sppoonnssoorrsshhiipp D Diirreeccttoorr 22223355 H u r o n t a r i o Hurontario S Sttrreeeett S u i t e 1 1 1 4 , Suite 1114, M Miissssiissssaauuggaa,, O ON N LL55A 2 G 1 A 2 G1
TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr yyoouurr ssuuppppoorrtt ooff
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
Available Sponsorship Opportunities:
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
Available Sponsorship Opportunities: RDA PROMOTIONAL BANNER
YOUR COMPANY NAME AND COMPANY LOGO HERE (The above banner is an example for viewing only.)
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *
YOUR COMPANY NAME AND COMPANY LOGO HERE (The above flag banner is an example for viewing only.)
In Pursuit Of Excellence! * Toll Free: 1-888-838-5274 * * theacadem y@bellnet.ca * * www.reddevilsacadem y.com * * http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mississauga-ON/RDA/48932273710 * * http://rdaworldblog.blogspot.com *