PRODUCT STORY TRIGHT is a transformable bedside lamp shade formed by triangle hinges. Users can feel free to move the hinges and transform TRIGHT into different forms according to their mood. Light bulb can be placed under TRIGHT. Light can be able to transmit through the irregular holes on the hinges to create light shadows onto the wall. The stylish black carbon fibre finishing also spice up the design.
WHY 3D PRINT? TRIGHT is made from 28 triangular hinges which are locked together by build-in parts. It has to be 3D printed in order to connect all the hinges which are printed in one piece without any separation.
PRODUCT SEPCIFICATIONS Actual size: Printing size: Autual cost: Printing cost: Printing time: Printer type: Material:
108x108x108mm 108x51mm HKD882 HKD63 3hrs FDM ABS