FPCL Annual Report 2021

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2021General Fund Disbursements $1,453,186

Funds and Activity outside the General Fund 

Endowment: Di st r i bu t i o n s f r om t h e En dow m e n t F u n d t o t a l e d $46, 000 i n J a n u a r y 2021, with 50 percent going to mission agencies for projects and the balance to be directed by Session. At the end of the year, the Fund Balance reached $1,335,161 and an additional $55,400 was distributed in January 2022.

Mission: F u n dr a i se r s a n d ot h e r d e si gn a t e d gi f t s a l l ow e d di st r i bu t i o n of $100, 301 for Missions, Deacons, Mobile Food Pantry, and PADS.

Buildings & Grounds: P r ogr e ss c on t i n u e d on c a pi t a l pr oj e c t s, i n c l u di n g i n i t i a t i on of Phase 2 of water remediation efforts and completion of Phase 1, replacement of two aging roof top HVAC units, implementation of livestreaming technology in the Sanctuary and Chapel, upgrade of church security system including installation of key fob access with cameras at the office and Sanctuary entrances, initiation of computer server upgrade and several desktop computer replacements for implementation early 2022, and completion of AV portion of chapel enhancements.

Residential Property: R e si d e n t i a l pr op e r t y i m pr ov e m e n t s a l l ow e d oc c u pa n c y a n d use in accordance with the Master Site Plan. The renovated 213 W. Maple Ave. property was rented in June. Through the generous gifts of several members, the property at 120 N. Douglas Ave. is being upgraded and prepared for occupancy by late spring of 2022. Roof replacement and air conditioning installation were completed at this property in 2021.

GOD’S GIFTS AT WORK Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Phil 4:6 The 2021 General Fund was positively impacted by carryover of a 2020 cash surplus resulting from a large one-time gift, forgiveness of a PPP loan and lower spending in both 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. In 2021, First Pres distributed $1,453,186 from the General Operating Fund, $100,301 from designated gifts and fundraisers, and $46,000 from the Endowment Fund.

GOD’S GIFTS AT WORK Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Phil 4:6 The 2021 General Fund was positively impacted by carryover of a 2020 cash surplus resulting from a large one-time gift, forgiveness of a PPP loan and lower spending in both 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. In 2021, First Pres distributed $1,453,186 from the General Operating Fund, $100,301 from designated gifts and fundraisers, and $46,000 from the Endowment Fund.

2021General Fund Disbursements $1,453,186

Funds and Activity outside the General Fund 

Endowment: Di st r i bu t i o n s f r om t h e En dow m e n t F u n d t o t a l e d $46, 000 i n J a n u a r y 2021, with 50 percent going to mission agencies for projects and the balance to be directed by Session. At the end of the year, the Fund Balance reached $1,335,161 and an additional $55,400 was distributed in January 2022.

Mission: F u n dr a i se r s a n d ot h e r d e si gn a t e d gi f t s a l l ow e d di st r i bu t i o n of $100, 301 for Missions, Deacons, Mobile Food Pantry, and PADS.

Buildings & Grounds: P r ogr e ss c on t i n u e d on c a pi t a l pr oj e c t s, i n c l u di n g i n i t i a t i on of Phase 2 of water remediation efforts and completion of Phase 1, replacement of two aging roof top HVAC units, implementation of livestreaming technology in the Sanctuary and Chapel, upgrade of church security system including installation of key fob access with cameras at the office and Sanctuary entrances, initiation of computer server upgrade and several desktop computer replacements for implementation early 2022, and completion of AV portion of chapel enhancements.

Residential Property: R e si d e n t i a l pr op e r t y i m pr ov e m e n t s a l l ow e d oc c u pa n c y a n d use in accordance with the Master Site Plan. The renovated 213 W. Maple Ave. property was rented in June. Through the generous gifts of several members, the property at 120 N. Douglas Ave. is being upgraded and prepared for occupancy by late spring of 2022. Roof replacement and air conditioning installation were completed at this property in 2021.

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