The Different Phases of Creating My Vlog

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The Different Phases of Creating My Vlog

Jodi-Kaye Stewart 1901562 Mr. Jerome Shepherd University of Technology Jamaica Introduction to Communication Arts and Technology 2-CAT1005 2020 Page 1


Hello, my name is Jodi-Kaye Stewart and I am a first year Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts and Technology student at the University Of Technology Jamaica. I am a graduate of the Titchfield High School in Portland where I was widely involved in a number of co-curricular activities such as the drama club, the school’s dance society, key club, the school’s newspaper team and the tourism action club. While pursuing my studies at the Titchfield High School I got a number of opportunities such as being the treasurer of the tourism action club, being a part of the student’s Mentorship Program and also was honored sub-prefect and prefect at the upper school level. I have aspirations in being a Journalist and TV Presenter while using these mediums to portray my culture. I have a great passion for the Arts, culture and performing and I am a

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current member of The Manchioneal Cultural Group in Portland. I love performing because it is a form of self-expression and also a way of preserving culture. I am very compassionate about my love for my country Jamaica and society itself. I hope to use my knowledge in the future to educate persons about their culture while urging them to appreciate it and gladly showcase their love for it through the Arts and also through other mediums.

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Description of Project In completion of my multimedia project, I choose to do a mini vlog in relation to my area of concern. This vlog is based mainly upon culture, society and their views in regards to this. I chose to assess this specific topic as it has been evidently seen where most persons are not fully aware about aspects of their culture; and as such this was carried out in an effort of seeing exactly where their stances are in relation to this. I also have a passion for “The Arts and Culture” and I thought that my zooming in on this topic would allow me to not only listen to the public’s views but to also share some of my knowledge on this. This booklet entails all the necessary steps, phases and procedures which were carried out upon achieving full and proper completion of this vlog/multimedia project. Additionally, it also gives a brief review of some challenges faced and exactly how I overcame or went about addressing these issues. A number of steps were taken to carry out these tasks and such are as follow in the document below.

Necessary Steps Carried Out

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Step 1- Brainstorming relevant ideas and selecting an area of interest Step 2- Jotting down and eliminating unnecessary ideas Step 3- Selecting an area of focus Step 4- Gathering a technical team and persons to participate in the vlog Step 5- Attempting to start filming interviews and finding a specific area of study Step 6- Editing the vlog

Step 7- Execution of the vlog

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Phase 1 In this phase as mentioned and listed above, I went about thinking what is it exactly that I wanted to do and how I would go about doing this. Firstly, I thought about what I loved to do the most and issues which I find in relation to this area of interest. I further went on to think about how I can get a portion of the society involved in being aware about this and as such I came up with the idea of a public interview. It wasn’t easy in thinking of a way or medium through which this message could be sent through; however I later thought about how I can best get the message across to most persons especially the intended age group. Additionally, compiling this interview in a vlog came to mind as it was evidently seen where this is something most young persons are engaged in these days and as such I thought this would be a great idea.

Phase 2

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After taking time to brainstorm all those brilliant ideas as mentioned above, I further went on to jotting down these to ensure I was on the right track. Each time I took to conceptualize a specific idea I made sure to make a note of this so I would not forget what exactly it is which I wanted to do, this was done without ease and assisted in a smooth flow of generating and executing great ideas which could be used in the vlog. Not only did I just write down these ideas, but I gave everything a place or classification as to what exactly they would fall under. For e.g. technical aspects or ideas which were generated in relation to this were grouped under the heading “equipment’. This was done in a sense of knowing when I should focus on gathering or getting these rather than trying to get more than one thing done at the same time. This helped in also hindering confusion which wasn’t really a problem which arose when completing this vlog.

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Phase 3

In every project which is to be carried out, there ought to be and is mandatory that you have a specific area of focus or interest. This will not only help in guiding you throughout the entire project but also in giving it a theme and allowing persons to easily understand what exactly it is that you are doing. I chose to zoom in our culture and the role this plays in our society, this area of interest was chosen because it is what I love and what I find the greatest of interest in; so it was quite easy in coming up with this.

Phase 4

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As each step was carried out and done with, the others which were to come became even more exciting and amusing. In step 4 of completing this project, I went about seeking help and a technical team to assist in the filming of this vlog. Persons to participate in the interview were also reached out to and informed what it is exactly that I needed their help and participation in. However, it was a bit difficult in getting persons to participate in the interview as some were to shy and the other had no interest in what it is that I was doing. I didn’t allow this to hinder my determination even though it was hard in finding other persons; I overcame this by giving them more information as to why I am doing this and this resulted in capturing the interest of some. In regards to the technical aspect, these persons agreed to be a part of the team as they were close friends who were more than happy to give a helping hand.

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Phase 5 At this point in the project, I decided to conduct public interviews in my home community. This location was selected as it was evidently seen to have a number of individuals present from the intended age group for the interviews. Some days it was just I, the camera, and the microphone and the persons being interviewed; on the other hand, I got assistance from the individuals on my technical team. A number of interruptions allowed for time consumption in filming; these interruptions included excessive background noise and camera failure. I overcame these issues by taking time out to check the equipment and by also finding areas where there weren’t too much noise.

Phase 6 Page 11

In the 6th phase of my project, after filming all the necessary information for the vlog, I then went about editing and compiling the raw video in video editing software. The name of this software is Video Pad by NCH Software; edits were also done on my IOS by using Viva Video and the Pics Art Applications Bloopers were cut and omitted and all necessary clips were saved and ready to be compiled in the form of a vlog. I tried by very best to also get the audio right and as such I used my air pods while filming, in regards to the visual I ensured that the quality was in full HD; all these were vital to me as I wanted the target audience to enjoy and fully understand the message which was being sent across too them. Although editing was very much time consuming, I still managed to gather, compile and edit all necessary clips without any disturbances in regards to technical difficulties.

Phase 7 Finally, after a number of weeks, my vlog was finally completed and ready to be executed through the selected medium which was via YouTube. Proper execution was done without much ease and the video was uploaded with a good quality and a great audio level.

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