The Ooze Labs series is designed to introduce kids to chemistry in a fun and playful way. From singleexperiment test tubes to the huge chemistry station, kids can safely explore chemistry with non-toxic chemicals and fun lab equipment.
OOZE LABS ALIEN SLIME LAB 642107 AGES 6+ RRP: £28.00 CASE PACK QTY: 4 EXPERIMENTS: 10 PIECE COUNT: 28 MANUAL PAGES: 24 As lead chemist in your very own out-of-thisworld laboratory, it’s your job to identify UFOs — Unidentified Funky Oozes! Set up and use your lab station — separately or as an extension of the Ooze Labs Chemistry Station — to mix up batches of unidentified “alien” slime and conduct tests on them to analyse and investigate their special properties.
OOZE LABS CHEMISTRY STATION 642100 AGES 8+ RRP: £39.00 CASE PACK QTY: 3 EXPERIMENTS: 20 PIECE COUNT: 57 MANUAL PAGES: 16 Grab your beakers and test tubes and step up to your special laboratory station for some exciting chemistry experiments. See how much fun chemistry can be as you do slimy, fizzy, colourful, and bubbly experiments. This cool laboratory setup has lots of different vessels and pieces of lab equipment so kids can play the role of chemist while doing real, safe experiments.
• “Sneaky” science: introduces scientific concepts in a fun and playful way • Non-hazardous (does not contain borax) • Printed experiment cards clip onto lab station • Includes a variety of lab tools and equipment • Compatible with other Ooze Labs kits