Holy Week Basket
© Jody Capehart 1988 www.capehartconnection.com
Dear Parents, This is a basket made up of items which tell about some of the important events that happened during Holy Week. Please take some time to sit with your child and share what he or she knows. You may want to add additional items as your child grows and matures in understanding. For many children, Easter brings thoughts of bunnies, baskets, and brilliantly hued eggs. After all, springtime is a joyous celebration of new life and hope. As believers, we want to bring light to a lost world. Therefore, we do not want these symbols to eclipse what is most sacred and significant about this holiday – the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ as promised in the Old Testament. Without this tremendous sacrifice on our behalf, there would be no life and no hope to celebrate. Please examine carefully, with your family, the contents of this special Easter Holy Week Basket. Every object you find will represent some intrinsic part the events of Holy Week. They, in turn, represent the more profound message of the life, death, burial or resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps, by concentrating on the basic truths of Easter, we will be better able to appreciate and communicate this wonderful blessing of life…not only new life this spring, but new life eternally and abundantly. May you and your child share the joy of our Risen Savior this Easter. It is our prayer that this basket will grow in significance as your child grows in Christ.
Palm Leaf – Symbol of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Matthew 21:8-9 Towel – Washing feet; symbol of service. John 13:4-5 Communion Cup – Reminder of the Last Supper, and of the blood He shed on our behalf. Luke 22:17-18, 20-22 Unleavened Bread – Passover feast and Last Supper. Luke 22:19 Scroll – Scripture noting His sacrifice and payment for our sin. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Coins – Symbol of the money Judas accepted to betray Christ. Luke 22:1-6 Praying Hands– Remind us of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane Mark 14:32-42 Crown of Thorns Reminds of of the crown the solders placed on Jesus’ head while mocking him, saying “Hail, King of the Jews!” Cross – Crucifixion Matthew 27:32-34 Black Cloth – Darkness that covered earth from the 6th to the 9th hour. Luke 23:44 Nail (for older children) – John 20:25 Sponge – Given to Jesus on the cross. John 19:29, Matthew 27:48 Purple Cloth- Temple curtain which tore in half when Jesus died. Matthew 27:50-51 Rock – Door to the tomb. John 19:38-42 Cloth With Perfume – Shroud in which Christ was entombed John 19:40 Grass – New life in Jesus John 3:16
Mrs. Jody Capehart
Cotton Ball – Cloud into which Christ ascended after 40 days to go and prepare a place for all who believe Luke 24:51