The Cornerstone
A publication of Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church 2550 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 Rev. Scott Burmeister, Pastor Suzanne Watt, Director of Christian Education Myrthe Harkenrider, DCE Intern
Nikki Witt, ECC Director
Help us eliminate expensive postal fees by notifying us of your change of address.
Connie Phillips, Office Secretary Mary Jane Landin, Business Administrator
Mailing Address Goes Here
Norma Muller, Organist Craig Amendt, Choir Director Norm Zanter, Property Coordinator “Leading people into a living relationship with Jesus Christ” Sunday Worship: 8:15 & 10:45 am. Sunday School and Bible Classes for all ages at 9:30 am. Phone: 918/492-6451; Fax: 918/492-3524 Web: www.ctrtulsa.org You can view this newsletter online! Email: christredeemer @ctrtulsa.org Early Childhood Center - Phone: 918-492-1416
Having a Life Filled With Prayer See to Please
Shift your prayer life from “Please, God” to Please God.” Take the comma out of those two words when you pray, and transition your praying from asking God for things to asking God for the pleasure of God’s pleasure. --Homiletics
A Powerful Weapon
Satan dreads nothing but prayer. His one concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayer-less work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, he mocks our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray. --Samuel Chadwick
A Word From Matthew Henry
Seventeenth-century Bible scholar Matthew Henry had great insight into God’s will when he proclaimed, “When God intends great mercies for His people, He first of all sets them a’praying.” Did you ever consider that when you feel the urge to engage in deep meaningful prayer, it might be God’s preparation for “great mercies”?
Hard Faith
According to author Stephen King, “What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” Similarly, what separates the doubt-filled Christian from the Christian in good spiritual health is hard faith, working and praying diligently - and often - to build one’s faith.
Faith and Health
Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School made a study of the effect praying can have upon those who pray. He discovered those who pray 10 to 20 minutes daily can lower their blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and metabolic rates. Prayer can work wonders. --Proclaim, Nov. 1, 1998
Prayer Helps
A man was seen praying in a church and was approached by a fairly officious person in clerical garb. Said this person: “May I help you?” The response came clearly, “No thank you. I am being helped!” -- Anonymous
DCE APPRECIATION February 25 at 9:30 Please join us as we celebrate DCE Suzanne’s ministry at CTR.
A basket will be available for cards.
Please join us for games, bouncehouse, BINGO, a cake drawing give away, and great food! Best Chili Contest Who will be the 2018 winner??!! Bring toiletry items for the homeless veterans in our area.
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018 Fellow Redeemed, Happy ValenAshTineWeday? Ash Wednesday is on February 14th, Valentines Day. At first blush, it seems an odd occurrence for these two events to occur on the same day. But, when we think about it, these two days have so much in common. Valentines Day is a time when we remember those that we love very much. We send a card, maybe flowers, or maybe even candy. Ash Wednesday, on the other hand, is a day when we remember that we are dust and that we will return to dust one day, but ever in the hope of the resurrection of Christ. The title of Romans 13:8-14 is “Love, for the Day Is Near”.
suffers and dies for our sin. Why? Why did our Lord have to suffer and die this way? What compelled God to do such a thing to His Son, for us? Love. Love is the thing that moved God to send His Son to die for our sins. Jesus takes our shame. Jesus pays the price for our sins. Jesus takes our place and our sins are laid upon Him. That is Love.
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018
Calendar or registration form
So, as we approach the duality of the day that is February 14th, 2018, we do it with all confidence that these two days belong together. The love of God that caused Him to send His Son to atone for our sins compels us to love. Happy ValenAshTineWeday!
Verse 11 of Romans 13 makes the statement that we love, “understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” We love because God first loved us. We also love, because the end of days is drawing near. That changes my motivation for Valentines Day. It also puts Ash Wednesday into perspective. We do not have much more time on this earth. The last day is approaching. I remember hearing what Martin Luther said he would do if he knew that the world would end tomorrow. Luther said that he would plant a tree. What an expression of hope and love. Ash Wednesday reminds us that tomorrow is not automatic. Ash Wednesday also reminds us that Jesus is our only hope for resurrection and life. As Lent begins, we reflect on the pain and anguish that filled our Lord Jesus Christ. We walk the via dela rosa with Him, and we watch as He
Character Doesn’t Save A tombstone in an old London churchyard reveals the deceased knew that only Jesus saves: If friendship, kindness, truth, goodwill and love Could prove a passport to the realms above, The soul that tenanted this mouldering frame To God’s right hand might justly lay a claim. But her own works she scorned as worthless dust: Her Savior’s merits were her only trust.
CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATES Please add these individuals to your church directory or change the information that is currently printed. Scott, Tessa, Kaleb & Ethan Chesher 10336 S Braden Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 James Morgan cell: 918-606-3644 Eric & Kara Kaplinski, Beckett & Berkley 19822 E 38th Pl. S - Broken Arrow OK 74014 405-742-7495 Robert & Jocelyln (Hughes) Bentley 11934 S 73rd E Ave. - Bixby OK 74008 jocelynhughes@gmail.com
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Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018 Ash Wednesday Prayer
5:00-5:30 PM Children’s Chimes Choir Practice - Sanctuary Youth Band Practice– Pastor Burmeister 5:30-6:30 PM Faith Friends - Gym– DCE Intern Myrthe Confirmation Class - Library - DCE Suzanne Youth Ministry Bible Study– Youth Room– Pastor Burmeister Women’s Small Group– Conference Room Men’s Small Group - Bridal Room CTR-U Craft Class - February 7 6:00-7:00 PM - Come & Go Dinner Menu Feb. 7: Lasagna/Alfredo/salad/dessert Feb. 14: Ash Wednesday meal served by the youth Feb. 21 & 28: Lenten meal 7:00-8:00 PM (Normal classes on Feb. 7) Choir Practice with Craig Amendt Youth Group- (Jr/Sr High 6th-12th grade) DCE Suzanne Watt- Gym & Outside Pre-Confirmation Youth Group (4th & 5th Grade)- DCE Intern Myrthe– Youth Room Men’s Small Group- Bridal Room (Continues) Adult Bible Study- Hebrews-the Fulfillment of Faith - Pastor Burmeister- Fellowship Hall 7:00 - Lenten Service on Feb. 14 & 21 & 28 8:00 - Choir Practice on Feb. 14 & 21 & 28
Craft Class February 7 - 5:30 A valentine wall hanging. 12 participants Cost: $7.00
DON’T TRASH THOSE COUPONS! Military personnel and their families stationed at major overseas bases in Europe and Asia can use those manufacturer’s coupons up to six months after they have expired. A box marked “Coupons for the Troops” is located at the south entrance.
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Merciful God, you called us forth from the dust of the earth; you claimed us for Christ in the waters of baptism. Look upon us as we enter these Forty Days bearing the mark of ashes, and bless our journey through the desert of Lent to the font of rebirth. may our fasting be hunger for justice; our alms, a making of peace; our prayer, the chant of humble and grateful hearts. --Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
The Prayer Whisperer Annie Wiederstein So what do you expect to gain from prayer? To be called a prayer warrior? Will you get more jewels in your heavenly crown? To be seen of men to pray?
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.” Matt 6:5 The first part of Matthew 6 tells us not to flaunt our righteousness. It tells us what NOT to do but the remainder tells us how to pray. “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Don’t you love that? Go into your room and close the door! Followed by the Lord’s Prayer! What divine instruction! Heavenly Father, we praise your glorious name! Help us to receive your teaching to pray as Christ taught us. Help us, oh Lord. Amen
A Heavenly Focus…”Why are not our hearts continually set on heaven?” asks 17th century pastor Richard Baxter. Focusing on heaven stirs our faith, guards against temptation, eases suffering and makes us an encouragement to others, Baxter says. He urges: “Bend thy soul to study eternity, busy thyself about the life to come...and let not those thoughts be seldom and cursory, but bathe thyself in heaven’s delights.”
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018 ENDOWMENT FUND UPDATE As of the latest statements, the Morningstar account balance was $577,967.18, and the brokerage account balance was $21,088.43, for a total Endowment Fund balance of $601,306.94. The Dupuis Trust account balance was $239,938.41. The Endowment Fund provides a means for us, as Christian stewards, to express in a tangible way, our deep gratitude for God’s many gifts and blessings. A gift to the Endowment Fund is a reflection of our faith and Christian love over and above our normal regular support for the ongoing mission and ministry of our church. The trustees continue to encourage all members to consider charitable gifts to the Endowment Fund as part of their long term financial and estate planning. Also, consider memorial gifts to the Endowment Fund in memory of a friend or loved one, as well as gifts in honor of friends and loved ones on special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays and graduations. The Endowment Fund trustees truly appreciate the gifts the Endowment Fund has received in past years. Questions can be directed to any of the trustees: Scott Mabrey, Brad Young, Janet Jamison, or Rob Koch.
An LWR quilt is special! It brings warmth and shelter to families by becoming a bed, room divider, backpack to carry belongings, and at times even a home. HOW CAN YOU HELP?? We need help in purchasing the fabric to make the quilt tops. Each quilt costs approximately $25 to make. Donations marked “LWML quilts” can be dropped in the mite box or put in the offering plate. Filler material of new/used blankets as well as flat sheets in twin size or larger are also needed (no other filler fabric can be used). Prayers for our quilt program are needed plus prayers for the recipients of our quilts. The quilters meet every Tuesday at 10:00 in the fellowship hall. You can cut squares, sew squares, assemble the filler and tops, tie the quilts - anything you are interested in doing! Join us - we would appreciate your help!
Join CTR on Facebook & Twitter! Keep up with coming events, announcements, and updates about recent events including pictures. The public events page is at: http:// www.facebook.comChristTheRedeemerLutheranChurch The private group is at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ ctrtulsa/ For the Twitter account use: @PastorBe_CTR To join the private group, click Join Group in the top right hand corner of the page or contact James Morgan via e-mail: communications@ctrtulsa.org
Members are asked to bring cans of soup in support of South Tulsa Community House for Super Bowl Sunday, February 4! Show your support for those less fortunate!! SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE also has a need for clean styrofoam or paper egg cartoons. Please drop off any donations to the cart at the south entrance.
“Let love live long; let hate live short.” -- Burmese proverb “Love is a friendship set to music.” --Various sources “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” -- Franklin P. Jones
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Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018
Congratulations and God’s richest blessings to all of our couples as they celebrate their wedding anniversary! Phillip & Jessie Saner Dean & Shelley Butler Jim & Gayle Pumpelly Robert & Lanece Young
Feb. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. 9 Feb. 29
6 yrs 13 yrs 15 yrs 54 yrs
SENIOR FRIENDS will meet for lunch on February 11 at the Olive Garden on Memorial. BUNKO will be February 13 at 7:00 at the church with hostess, Cherry Volberding. Please sign up. LUTHERAN COMFORT DOG COMES TO CTR! Outreach Ministry is bringing Rufus, the Oklahoma Lutheran Comfort Dog to visit children’s and adult CTR Sunday school classes on February 11. He will also be in the narthex area before and after late service to meet members. His handler will tell us Rufus’ story and answer questions about how and when Rufus and other comfort dogs are bringing people love, mercy and compassion, visiting in times of need across the United States. Our current quarter Sunday school offering is going to support this “human care” ministry. FATHER-DAUGHTER DINNER will be February 17 at 6:00. Contact DCE Suzanne for more information. LENT SERVICES begin with Ash Wednesday on February 14. DCE APPRECIATION will be hosted by Parish Life on February 25 during the Sunday school hour. Please join us. A basket will be available for cards. CHILI COOK-OFF will be hosted by Parish Life on February 25 at 5:00. Check out those recipes and enter to win the Best Chili Trophy! Games and activities will be available for all ages. Bring your loose change and bills to vote for the best chili. Proceeds will go to purchase toiletry items for the veterans in our area.
Our New Home A preacher who had always feared death felt powerless to comfort others who were facing it. Toward the end of his life, he moved to another house. When all the furniture had been packed, he lingered in the home where he’d raised his children and prepared many sermons. An assistant interrupted those reflections by saying, “Everything’s gone, sir, but the new house is better than this one. Come away.” The preacher never forgot this lesson. God has prepared for his children a home infinitely better than earth - “an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands” (2 Corinthians 5:1 NIV).
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Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018
For the Month of December 2016 Total Worship Attendance …….. 790 Weekly Average……………….. 198 SS/Bible Class Attendance …….. 407 Weekly Average ……………….. 102 December Giving …………..$73,799 Monthly Budget …………..…$63,230 Year to Date Giving ……..….$808,487 Year to Date Budget ………...$822,000 YTD Expenses…………….....$786,051
2017 1194 239 493 97 $101,211 $79,735 $877,439 $845,191 $799,250
For the Years of 2016 Total Year Church Attendance ...12791 Weekly Average ………………. 246 Total SS/Bible Class Attendance.. 5349 Weekly Average ……………… 103
2017 12896 248 5573 107
“Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” -- C.S. Lewis
Love ever gives, forgives, outlives and ever stands with open hands. And while it lives, it gives. For this is love’s prerogative to give, and give, and give. --John Oxenham
Altar Flowers The sign-up chart is available at the information center. Write your name on the date and share the special reason for the flowers. Simply drop your $35 check (put ALTAR FLOWERS on the memo line) in the offering plate the week before or that Sunday! You may take the arrangement home following the late service.
Flowers for the Altar 4: by Bernie Zanter in celebration of Norm’s birthday 4: 11: 11: 18: 18: 25: 25:
“The Other Side” by Martha Snell Nicholson This isn’t death, it’s glory! It isn’t dark, it’s light; it isn’t stumbling, groping, or even faith it’s sight. This isn’t grief, it’s having my last tear wiped away. It’s sunrise, it’s the morning of my eternal day!
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Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018
Raise Money While You Shop & Browse the Web
To support Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, shop at Amazon Smile. The products, shopping experience, and even your login and password are the same as on amazon.com. They donate 0.5% of your purchase to your charity. You can also shop at hundreds of sites through GoodShop and Gumdrop. Use GoodSearch when you browse the web and support the LWML at the same time. The percentage donated depends on where you shop. $24,010 has been raised so far through these sources for LWML!
Oklahoma District LWML will be partnering with MOST ministries (Missionaries on Short Term) a recognized service organization with LCMS, to send 6 ladies from the Oklahoma District on an eyeglass clinic mission trip to Lake Amatitlan, Guatemala, March 16-24, 2018. Lori Steele, Ruth Kruse, Kathy Quinn, Dianna Just, Patti Ross and Sharon Schmidt will be going on this mission trip to check eyes and give out eyeglasses to people who cannot afford to buy eyeglasses. We will also be sharing the gospel message thru an interpreter who will be giving out mission bracelets. Many people are able to see with their new glasses and also to see that Christ died for everyone.
Recycling The Oklahoma District LWML has been recycling printer cartridges and other items since 2001. The funds collected are dispersed in three ways: 25% of the funds go to national LWML Mites, 10% go to our OK District Special Gifts Fund and the remaining 65% are used within our district to help with leader training efforts. To date, we have been blessed to collect over $61,000. It has also kept these many items out of the landfills, thus helping our environment. CTR LWML participates in this effort by collecting: • Ink-Jet Cartridges: Canon, HP and Lexmark • Laser-Jet Cartridges: Brother, Canon, Dell, HP, Lexmark, Panasonic, Samsung and Xerox. In addition, we also collect cell phones, PDAs, I-Pods, digital cameras, laptops, MP3, tablets, GPS Systems, and scientific calculators. Please include cords. We cannot use Epson cartridges, those marked “remanufactured” or toner tubes. Please leave your donation at the collection area in the back hall at CTR. This year we were also able to recycle cartridges at Staples that the District LWML couldn’t take. We received $60 in store credits we used for purchase of school supplies!
LWML WEBSITE UPDATES LWML has a new webpage on the CTR website! We will post upcoming events, pictures of LWML at work and play, and links to a variety of resources. You can check it out at ctrtulsa.org/lwml. The LWML Oklahoma District has updated their website at oklwml.org with all of the district happenings, regular updates on our mission goals, an archive of The Voice of Service newsletters, Young Women, Forms & Resources and more. As always, you can find up-to-date information on LWML at the national level at lwml.org.
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MOST Ministries tells us there are "goers" and "senders. "Goers" are people who go on mission trips and "senders" are people who help thru financial support and/or prayers for the mission team. Patti and Sharon have been on previous mission trips and know how important "senders" are to the success of these mission trips. We would appreciate lots of prayers before, during and after this trip. Thanking you in advance. Also, we have a couple spots open for anyone who would like to go on this mission trip with us. If you would be interested, please let Sharon Schmidt or Patti Ross know as soon as possible. Sharon Schmidt
South Tulsa Community House Awareness Sundays On the fourth Sunday of each month, the grocery cart will be placed at the north entrance. We encourage you to continue regular weekly donations at the collection center near the south entrance. Donations of food, toiletry, and household items are welcome. Let's keep filling the grocery cart, sharing God's blessings with those who are less fortunate.
Soon we will be in the penitential season of Lent. Since it begins early this year (February 14), Easter is also early (April 1). This is probably the easiest year for us to remember the actual dates long before they occur. I think you can figure it out. There are some changes which occur in the Divine Services regarding Lent. One obvious omission is the Hymn of Praise, so, for example in DS I, we won’t sing the “Gloria in Excelsis” nor “This Is the Feast” during Lent. In the “Service of the Sacrament” in the Divine Services, we sing the “Post-Communion Canticle” at the completion of the distribution. For example in DS I, we find on page 164 the notation near the middle of the page that we do not sing “Thank the Lord” during Lent. Why? Look at the words. There are “alleluias” in it, and to maintain this penitential season, we refrain from singing it from Ash Wednesday until Easter Day. Instead, we will sing the “Nunc Dimittis” which is the “Song of Simeon.” We sing about this omission of “alleluias” in verse 3 of hymn 417 in our hymnal. This hymn for transfiguration which falls on February 11, the Sunday before Lent, begins on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) and is about singing “alleluia”. And in verse 3, we are reminded that there is a time to refrain from songs of “alleluia.” Therefore, during Lent we won’t be singing hymns with “alleluia” in them and we won’t be singing the common “Alleluia” in the Divine Services, but we will use the verse for Lent. It is a time for us to prayerfully think about the road Jesus took to redeem us sinful people. For myself, “giving up” the alleluias helps me to rejoice all the more on Easter morning when we again take up
the singing of “Alleluia!” Now a few words about the lectionaries. On page xiv near the front of Lutheran Service Book, we find the scripture readings for every Sunday and season. We use the Three-Year Lectionary and beginning on the First Sunday of Advent in 2017, we began using Series B which begins on page xvi. A year ago we were using Series A and beginning the first Sunday of Advent in 2018 we will use Series C. Then it starts all over again. These are the readings on the back of our Sunday bulletins. Now flip to page 299 in your hymnal and you will find the “Daily Lectionary” which begins on Ash Wednesday and has two short readings for every day. There are section titles to help you find a season for the reading. These are for your personal devotions and study. On page 304 you will find the Table of Psalms for Daily Prayers which again is a wonderful resource for you in your daily reading. I hope you are finding that Lutheran Service Book is a treasure of resources which we can easily use in our Bible study and in our daily devotions.
Norma Muller
DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT ELECTRONICS: The LWML will recycle all the following items for you: empty inkjet and laser printer cartridges (NO Epson cartridges or remanufactured cartridges), cell phones, pagers, PDAs, I-Pods, DVD games/players, MP3 players, digital cameras, laptops, GPS systems, etc. (please include cords and accessories). Boxes are located at the collection center at the south entrance of the church. MOST Ministries collects eyeglasses and distributes them to people all over the world. A collection box is located at the collection center. For more information go to www.mostministries.org. PAPER & OTHER RECYCLING: You can recycle all your mail/newspapers, etc. as well as cardboard, metal cans and plastic containers (no glass items) in the collection bin in the southeast corner of the parking lot.
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Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018
To friends dearly loved by the Brakhages and by our Lord Jesus Christ: This letter is an insurance policy. Suzy, Graham and I plan to be back in Tulsa for the last Sunday in January. We’re truly looking forward to being back with you, catching up on everything that has been going on in your lives. Barring terrible sickness or treacherous travel, we hope that by the time you’re reading this, all of this is old news. But in case illness or winter weather changes our plans, here’s what we’ve been up to. Suzy is busy, offering therapy at a new after-school location. She is now seeing students at schools three days a week and seeing kids in our home two days a week. Suzy has a passion for helping treat children which speech and language needs and the Lord has blessed her with considerable skills in her vocation. Suzy’s schedule is more flexible than a traditional school schedule which gives her the freedom to often be home with Graham. Seeing the bond they have developed has been one of the greatest blessings of fatherhood. Graham has started babbling more consistently. (If we made it to Tulsa as planned, maybe you heard him speaking [squawking] in church!) He says “ma ma ma ma ma” and likes making sputtering sounds. He’ll also sing along to music. He’s a big fan of the radio, the piano and the music in chapel at the Seminary. Suzy likes to bring him along, and he does a great job in the 30-minute services. Intensive January classes just wrapped up. I had a 4-day intensive course on the history of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We met Monday-Thursday and had an incredible amount of reading to do each night. Now the traditional spring semester begins. I have 8 courses, including two preaching courses, two New Testament courses, and a hodgepodge of other required classes. Elective courses won’t be an option for me until we return from vicarage in our fourth year. This month, Suzy and I also completed our vicarage interview. We meet with the Seminary’s placement director – Dr. Glenn Nielsen – and he asks us about the kind of place that we think would suit our family best. He asks about what part of the country and what size of town we prefer, but he also wants to know what kind of church situation we feel I might best learn from. I’d really like to be placed in a congregation that does team ministry (either with multiple pastors, or with a pastor/DCE combo similar to CTR.) I have spent the past year-and-a-half observing and participating at our fieldwork congregation in St. Louis which is served by just a pastor. He has a remarkable amount of responsibility on his shoulders and it has given me a good glimpse at what a situation like that might look like for me. Having seen that, I’m curious about the dynamics of doing ministry with a larger staff and hope our vicarage year provides some insight. I want to approach our vicarage as an
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educational opportunity. I feel like the courses I’ve had so far have been effective at equipping me with needed skills for pastoral ministry. I hope to continue to learn and grow over vicarage. Please pray that God would lead our hearts to a place of contentment no matter where we end up this summer. The past semester was a flood of fun memories and valuable learning experiences. I had my first chance to do preaching and teaching in class. I had to present three times in my preaching class. One of those times, I had to deliver an entire sermon without any notes – not even an outline! In my education class, the professor has attempted to evaluate our teaching skills by having us simulate real-life situations. One student is the teacher and the rest pretend to be his class. I’ve had to pretend to be a 3rd grader, a widower, and twice I’ve had to play a 14-year-old girl. It’s a fun experience because you get to see your fellow students teach and preach; you get the chance to imagine what it would be like to be a member of their congregation when they’ve left the Seminary. We had interesting courses in Greek and Hebrew; some local pastors came in to convince us to maintain our language skills and illustrate how they utilize the Biblical languages in their daily ministry. Other courses showed how some churches today are flourishing by bringing back 45-minute sermons, in the style of C.F.W. Walther and other early LCMS preachers. We also learned how little-known and lesser-appreciated Bible books like Zephaniah, Habakkuk and Malachi inform our Christian perspective on Jesus’ work, faithful living and the end of time. In our systematic theology class, I wrote essays on a Christian response to Hindus, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the contemporary culture that seems to avoid religion more and more. I look forward to reporting back on all I am learning this semester. We also love hearing from you. Your cards, emails, texts and Facebook messages help us feel connected to our family of faith at CTR. One of the most heartwarming moments of our Christmas season came long after New Year’s when we received a Christmas card from Marvin & Rose Carbiener. Inside, Rose had written a note about her daughter’s special Christmas gift to Marvin: renting a van that could get him to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Reading that our dear friends were able to be together in worship with all their CTR family brought us to tears. We feel that same longing to be with you and treasure every opportunity we have to be back home. Thank you for your unfailing care and support and your ceaseless prayers. With the warmth of Christ, Joshua joshua411@gmail.com (918) 706-1632 (Joshua’s mobile) (785) 393-3117 (Suzy’s mobile) 2 Founders Way, Unit A St. Louis, MO 63105
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018 Daily Bible Reading
Did you hear about the dentist who went into the Army? They made him a drill sergeant. The trouble with being a good sport is you have to lose to prove it.
CTR Outreach “GivingTree” report Many, many thanks to all the CTR family and friends who contributed to the “Giving Tree” project this past December. All of your donations have now been delivered to Mend Medical Clinic and Pregnancy Resource Center (www.mendpregnancy.org) which is the organization selected by the Outreach Board as our “Giving Tree” recipient. Your donations of both new and gently used items included: New: Car seat, stroller, convertible baby carrier, bouncy chair (1 of each), 3 potty chairs, 5 diaper bags, 2 pkgs diapers, 7 pkgs baby wipes, 15 crib sheets, 2 baby bath sets, 2 pkgs baby bath towels, 2 baby wash cloths, 1 head support pillow, 3 boppy pillow covers, 6 adult towel/washcloth sets, 2 nursing shawls, 17 pkg sippy cups, 31 pkgs pacifiers, 21 pkgs baby bottles, 8 pkgs baby wash/lotion, 17 pkgs adult body wash/lotion/shampoo, 38 pair baby/toddler socks, 5 pair baby/toddler shoes, 41 baby/toddler outfits, and 14 maternity outfits/tops/pants. Gently used: 1 baby bath tub, 1 play mat, 1 blanket, 1 stocking hat, 22 baby/toddler outfits, 27 maternity outfits/ top/pants. We also received $145 in cash donations.
Your outpouring of love is greatly appreciated by our friends at Mend. Thank you for your generosity. Outreach Board
Week 5 Monday - Genesis 45:1-46:34 Tuesday - Genesis 47:1-48:22 Wednesday - Genesis 49:1-50:26 Thursday - Exodus 1:1-22 Friday -Exodus 2:1-25 Saturday - Exodus 3:1-4:31 Week 6 Monday - Exodus 5:1-6:30 Tuesday - Exodus 7:1-25 Wednesday - Exodus 8:1-9:35 Thursday -Exodus 10:1-29 Friday -Exodus 11:1-12:51 Saturday -Exodus 13:1-22 Week 7 Monday - Exodus 14:1-31 Tuesday - Exodus 15:1-27 Wednesday - Exodus 16:1-17:16 Thursday -Exodus 18:1-27 Friday -Exodus 19:1-20:26 Saturday -Exodus 21:1-22:31 Week 8 Monday - Exodus 23:1-24:18 Tuesday - Exodus 25:1-27:21 Wednesday - Exodus 28:1-29:46 Thursday -Exodus 30:1-31:18 Friday -Exodus 32:1-35 Saturday -Exodus 33:1-23
Comfort Dog Project The offering for this quarter will go to St. Mark’s Comfort Dog Program. The mission of the Comfort Dog Program is to provide a ministry for sharing God’s presence with those in need due to tragedy or stress while providing a bridge of compassion connecting with people throughout our community. Locally they help with school programs and classrooms, special needs classrooms, children’s hospitals, nursing homes, police and fire department crisis response, funerals, etc. The Comfort Dog Program is affiliated with Lutheran Church Charities. Please give generously to this quarter’s recipient of our Sunday school offering.
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Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church - Cornerstone, February 2018
A Message From Take Heart: Have a Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day Take this opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a heart healthy way! Grab several copies of this handout at the table in the Narthex to give you fun and healthy ideas to celebrate. Or, you can simply put copies in your Valentines’ cards. These handouts have healthy ideas for both the young and young at heart.
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” -- John Holmes
Bernadine “Bernie” Zanter
“Patience with others is love, patience with self is hope, patience with God is faith.” --Adel Bestavros
Bernie is a native of North Dakota. She was born in Bottineau and was raised in Minot, North Dakota. After high school, she worked as a dental assistant for two years. During that time, Bernie met the love of her life, Norm, who was stationed in North Dakota while in the Air Force. She married Norm in July, 1965. She has lived in Puerto Rico, North Dakota and now Tulsa.
“They who love are but one step from heaven.” --James Russell Lowell
Bernie is retired from AT&T after many years. She has two grown daughters and four grandchildren whom she loves very much.
Parish Life Parish Life attended an Oiler’s hockey game as a team building opportunity! We had a great time and the Oiler’s won the game!!! We’re thinking of taking up ice skating so we can join the Oiler’s cheerleading squad! What do ya think?? We’re a fun group - come and join us as we continue to plan fellowship activities for CTR!!
Cornerstone 10
She loves to read, sew, work in the yard and go shopping with her daughters and granddaughters. She is active at CTR with the altar guild and worship committee. She enjoys working at ECC very much! It makes her day to be greeted with hugs and smiles from the toddlers, preschool children and babies. She feels very blessed.
Help support ECC by shopping on Amazon Smile. Simply select Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church and .5% of your purchase will be given back to the ECC.
CHRIST THE REDEEMER YOUTH MINISTRY Jr. High (6-8th graders) Sr. High (9-12th graders)
“8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
For more information about any upcoming activities, please contact families@ctrtulsa.org
Save the Date!
February 2-4, 2018: Camp Out Winter VBS* February 3, 2018: Club 345 Camp Out Movie Afternoon March 3, 2018: Connect Night March 4, 2018: Jr. Roustabouts* April 6-8, 2018: Club 345 Retreat to Camp Lutherhoma* April 14, 2018: Reconnect Night May 12, 2018: Club 345 Silly String and Water War *Make sure to check out the library window and church bulletin to find out how you can serve at these events!
Still want to sign up for VBS? Sign up at
vbspro.events/p/ events/ctrcampout
DCE Intern Myrthe Harkenrider
Sunday School Teacher Profile: Lisa Bellmard, 5th Grade SS Larry and I truly love teaching 5th grade Sunday School. We get to witness their knowledge of the Bible from previous years of Sunday School, and be a part of nurturing their relationship with God. These kids will soon be heading in to middle school and my prayer is that they know who they are in Christ, so that they don’t believe the cruelness of society, as we live in a very broken world, but God’s Word is NEVER broken. We want them to know that their Creator deems them valuable, so valuable, He knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7), so valuable the He knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Who wouldn’t want to share this important information with these kids? We feel so honored that God created this path for us.
19 youth from 3 to 15 years old, 15 parents, and 8 Roustabouts partnered together for an afternoon of service! The little ones worked hard disinfecting toys, tables, and playground equipment at the ECC. The third, fourth and fifth graders shined the pews, cleaned windows, gardened, and vacuumed. The middle and high schoolers cleaned the youth room, removed stains from our folding tables, and scrubbed the baseboards. A huge thank you to all the Roustabouts for modeling service for these youth!
Registration for Club 345’s Weekend Retreat to Camp Lutherhoma begins February 11th. All Third Fourth and Fifth Graders are welcome!
DCE Suzanne Watt
Save the Date! Jr Roustabouts Servant Project @ CTR is March 4 Ok’d in Christ High School District Gathering in Norman, OK is March 9-11, 2018 Lutheran Youth Fellowship Leadership Training in St. Louis, MO is March 15-18, 2018 Tulsa LCMS Youth Servant Event is April 22, 2018 VBS is June 11-15, 2018
Wednesday Night Confirmation 5:30-6:30 in the Library as part of the CTR-U schedule and are open to students in 6th grade and up. Jan 3-Feb 7 we will be studying Lutheran History. Please speak to DCE Suzanne if you have any questions regarding Confirmation requirements or remaining classes needed to complete.
C TR Sunday Night Schedule! Fall 2017-Spring 2018 we will have youth events 2 Sundays a month from 3:00-5:00 PM! You will have the option of particiY O UT H M I NI S T R Y pating in a Confirmation class or a Small Group Bible Study followed by a light snack and games. Other weeks we will have weekend retreats or special events. February 11 Small Group w/Snack & Games February 25 Small Group w/Snack & Games
March 11 March 25
Ok’d in Christ High School Gathering Small Group w/Snack & Games
OK’D IN CHRIST OK DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL GATHERING March 9-11, 2018 Embassy Suites– Norman, OK Registration is $100 due by 2/4/18 $135 between 2/4 and 2/25 Includes event, night life activities, t-shirt, all meals, hotel room and transportation. This year’s speaker is Gabe Kasper and the band is The Homesteaders. High School Youth and Friends invited to attend! Complete a registration form and 2018 medical/permission form to attend.