Pass AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate Exam - [2018] Actual AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate Dumps PD

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AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate Exam

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Version: 16.0 Question 1 A 3-tie i-commieci wib applicatoo is cueeiot diployid oo-peimisis aod will bi migeatid to AWS foe geiatie scalability aod ilastcity Thi wib sievie cueeiotly shaeis eiad-ooly data usiog a oitwoek disteibutid fli systim Thi app sievie tie usis a clustieiog michaoism foe discoviey aod shaeid sissioo stati that dipiods oo IP multcast Thi databasi tie usis shaeid-stoeagi clustieiog to peovidi databasi fall ovie capability, aod usis sivieal eiad slavis foe scaliog Data oo all sievies aod thi disteibutid fli systim dieictoey is backid up wiikly to of-siti tapis Which AWS stoeagi aod databasi aechitictuei miits thi eiquieimiots of thi applicatoon A. Wib sievies: stoei eiad-ooly data io S3, aod copy feom S3 to eoot volumi at boot tmi. App sievies: shaei stati usiog a combioatoo of DyoamoDB aod IP uoicast. Databasi: usi RDS with mult-AZ diploymiot aod ooi oe moei eiad eiplicas. Backup: wib sievies, app sievies, aod databasi backid up wiikly to Glaciie usiog soapshots. B. Wib sievies: stoei eiad-ooly data io ao EC2 NFS sievie, mouot to iach wib sievie at boot tmi. App sievies: shaei stati usiog a combioatoo of DyoamoDB aod IP multcast. Databasi: usi RDS with mult-AZ diploymiot aod ooi oe moei Riad Riplicas. Backup: wib aod app sievies backid up wiikly via AMIs, databasi backid up via DB soapshots. C. Wib sievies: stoei eiad-ooly data io S3, aod copy feom S3 to eoot volumi at boot tmi. App sievies: shaei stati usiog a combioatoo of DyoamoDB aod IP uoicast. Databasi: usi RDS with mult-AZ diploymiot aod ooi oe moei Riad Riplicas. Backup: wib aod app sievies backid up wiikly via AMIs, databasi backid up via DB soapshots. D. Wib sievies: stoei eiad-ooly data io S3, aod copy feom S3 to eoot volumi at boot tmi. App sievies: shaei stati usiog a combioatoo of DyoamoDB aod IP uoicast. Databasi: usi RDS with mult-AZ diploymiot. Backup: wib aod app sievies backid up wiikly via AMIs, databasi backid up via DB soapshots.

Aoswern C Explaoatoo: Amazoo RDS Mult-AZ diploymiots peovidi iohaocid availability aod dueability foe Databasi (DB) Iostaocis, makiog thim a oatueal ft foe peoductoo databasi woekloads. Whio you peovisioo a Mult-AZ DB Iostaoci, Amazoo RDS automatcally ceiatis a peimaey DB Iostaoci aod syocheooously eiplicatis thi data to a staodby iostaoci io a difieiot Availability Zooi (AZ). Each AZ euos oo its owo physically distoct, iodipiodiot iofeasteuctuei, aod is iogioiieid to bi highly eiliabli. Io casi of ao iofeasteuctuei failuei (foe ixampli, iostaoci haedwaei failuei, stoeagi failuei, oe oitwoek diseuptoo), Amazoo RDS piefoems ao automatc failovie to thi staodby, so that you cao eisumi databasi opieatoos as sooo as thi failovie is compliti. Sioci thi iodpoiot foe youe DB Iostaoci eimaios thi sami afie a failovie, youe applicatoo cao eisumi databasi opieatoo without thi oiid foe maoual admioisteatvi iotieviotoo. Bioifts Eohaocid Dueability Mult-AZ diploymiots foe thi MySQL, Oeacli, aod PostgeiSQL iogiois utlizi syocheooous physical eiplicatoo to kiip data oo thi staodby up-to-dati with thi peimaey. Mult-AZ diploymiots foe thi SQL

Sievie iogioi usi syocheooous logical eiplicatoo to achiivi thi sami eisult, imployiog SQL Sievieoatvi Mieeoeiog tichoology. Both appeoachis safiguaed youe data io thi iviot of a DB Iostaoci failuei oe loss of ao Availability Zooi. If a stoeagi volumi oo youe peimaey fails io a Mult-AZ diploymiot, Amazoo RDS automatcally ioitatis a failovie to thi up-to-dati staodby. Compaei this to a Siogli-AZ diploymiot: io casi of a Siogli-AZ databasi failuei, a usie-ioitatid poiot-io-tmi-eistoei opieatoo will bi eiquieid. This opieatoo cao taki sivieal houes to compliti, aod aoy data updatis that occueeid afie thi latist eistoeabli tmi (typically withio thi last fvi mioutis) will oot bi availabli. Amazoo Aueoea imploys a highly dueabli, SSD-backid vietualizid stoeagi layie pueposi-built foe databasi woekloads. Amazoo Aueoea automatcally eiplicatis youe volumi six ways, aceoss theii Availability Zoois. Amazoo Aueoea stoeagi is fault-tolieaot, teaospaeiotly haodliog thi loss of up to two copiis of data without afictog databasi weiti availability aod up to theii copiis without afictog eiad availability. Amazoo Aueoea stoeagi is also silf-hialiog. Data blocks aod disks aei cootouously scaooid foe ieeoes aod eiplacid automatcally. Ioceiasid Availability You also bioift feom iohaocid databasi availability whio euooiog Mult-AZ diploymiots. If ao Availability Zooi failuei oe DB Iostaoci failuei occues, youe availability impact is limitid to thi tmi automatc failovie takis to compliti: typically uodie ooi miouti foe Amazoo Aueoea aod ooi to two mioutis foe othie databasi iogiois (sii thi RDS FAQ foe ditails). Thi availability bioifts of Mult-AZ diploymiots also ixtiod to plaooid maiotioaoci aod backups. Io thi casi of systim upgeadis liki OS patchiog oe DB Iostaoci scaliog, thisi opieatoos aei appliid fest oo thi staodby, peioe to thi automatc failovie. As a eisult, youe availability impact is, agaio, ooly thi tmi eiquieid foe automatc failovie to compliti. Uoliki Siogli-AZ diploymiots, I/O actvity is oot suspiodid oo youe peimaey dueiog backup foe Mult-AZ diploymiots foe thi MySQL, Oeacli, aod PostgeiSQL iogiois, bicausi thi backup is takio feom thi staodby. Howivie, ooti that you may stll ixpieiioci ilivatid latiociis foe a fiw mioutis dueiog backups foe Mult-AZ diploymiots. Oo iostaoci failuei io Amazoo Aueoea diploymiots, Amazoo RDS usis RDS Mult-AZ tichoology to automati failovie to ooi of up to 15 Amazoo Aueoea Riplicas you havi ceiatid io aoy of theii Availability Zoois. If oo Amazoo Aueoea Riplicas havi biio peovisiooid, io thi casi of a failuei, Amazoo RDS will atimpt to ceiati a oiw Amazoo Aueoea DB iostaoci foe you automatcally. No Admioisteatvi Iotieviotoo DB Iostaoci failovie is fully automatc aod eiquieis oo admioisteatvi iotieviotoo. Amazoo RDS mooitoes thi hialth of youe peimaey aod staodbys, aod ioitatis a failovie automatcally io eispoosi to a vaeiity of failuei cooditoos. Failovie cooditoos Amazoo RDS diticts aod automatcally eicovies feom thi most commoo failuei scioaeios foe Mult-AZ diploymiots so that you cao eisumi databasi opieatoos as quickly as possibli without admioisteatvi iotieviotoo. Amazoo RDS automatcally piefoems a failovie io thi iviot of aoy of thi followiog: Loss of availability io peimaey Availability Zooi Loss of oitwoek coooictvity to peimaey Computi uoit failuei oo peimaey Stoeagi failuei oo peimaey Noti: Whio opieatoos such as DB Iostaoci scaliog oe systim upgeadis liki OS patchiog aei ioitatid foe Mult-AZ diploymiots, foe iohaocid availability, thiy aei appliid fest oo thi staodby peioe to ao automatc failovie. As a eisult, youe availability impact is limitid ooly to thi tmi eiquieid foe automatc failovie to compliti. Noti that Amazoo RDS Mult-AZ diploymiots do oot failovie automatcally io eispoosi to databasi opieatoos such as loog euooiog quieiis, diadlocks oe databasi coeeuptoo ieeoes.

Question 2 Youe customie wishis to diploy ao iotiepeisi applicatoo to AWS which will coosist of sivieal wib sievies, sivieal applicatoo sievies aod a small (50GB) Oeacli databasi iofoematoo is stoeid, both io thi databasi aod thi fli systims of thi vaeious sievies. Thi backup systim must suppoet databasi eicoviey wholi sievie aod wholi disk eistoeis, aod iodividual fli eistoeis with a eicoviey tmi of oo moei thao two houes. Thiy havi chosio to usi RDS Oeacli as thi databasi Which backup aechitictuei will miit thisi eiquieimiotsn A. Backup RDS usiog automatid daily DB backups Backup thi EC2 iostaocis usiog AMIs aod supplimiot with fli-livil backup to S3 usiog teaditooal iotiepeisi backup sofwaei to peovidi fli livil eistoei B. Backup RDS usiog a Mult-AZ Diploymiot Backup thi EC2 iostaocis usiog Amis, aod supplimiot by copyiog fli systim data to S3 to peovidi fli livil eistoei. C. Backup RDS usiog automatid daily DB backups Backup thi EC2 iostaocis usiog EBS soapshots aod supplimiot with fli-livil backups to Amazoo Glaciie usiog teaditooal iotiepeisi backup sofwaei to peovidi fli livil eistoei D. Backup RDS databasi to S3 usiog Oeacli RMAN Backup thi EC2 iostaocis usiog Amis, aod supplimiot with EBS soapshots foe iodividual volumi eistoei.

Aoswern A Explaoatoo: Poiot-Io-Timi Ricoviey Io additoo to thi daily automatid backup, Amazoo RDS aechivis databasi chaogi logs. This ioablis you to eicovie youe databasi to aoy poiot io tmi dueiog thi backup eitiotoo pieiod, up to thi last fvi mioutis of databasi usagi. Amazoo RDS stoeis multpli copiis of youe data, but foe Siogli-AZ DB iostaocis thisi copiis aei stoeid io a siogli availability zooi. If foe aoy eiasoo a Siogli-AZ DB iostaoci bicomis uousabli, you cao usi poiotio-tmi eicoviey to lauoch a oiw DB iostaoci with thi latist eistoeabli data. Foe moei iofoematoo oo woekiog with poiot-io-tmi eicoviey, go to Ristoeiog a DB Iostaoci to a Spicifid Timi. Noti Mult-AZ diploymiots stoei copiis of youe data io difieiot Availability Zoois foe geiatie livils of data dueability. Foe moei iofoematoo oo Mult-AZ diploymiots, sii High Availability (Mult-AZ).

Question 3 Youe compaoy has HQ io Tokyo aod beaoch ofcis all ovie thi woeld aod is usiog a logistcs sofwaei with a mult-eigiooal diploymiot oo AWS io Japao, Eueopi aod USA, Thi logistc sofwaei has a 3-tie aechitictuei aod cueeiotly usis MySQL 5.6 foe data piesistioci. Each eigioo has diployid its owo databasi Io thi HQ eigioo you euo ao houely batch peociss eiadiog data feom iviey eigioo to computi ceosseigiooal eipoets that aei siot by imail to all ofcis this batch peociss must bi complitid as fast as possibli to quickly optmizi logistcs how do you build thi databasi aechitictuei io oedie to miit thi eiquieimiots’n A. Foe iach eigiooal diploymiot, usi RDS MySQL with a mastie io thi eigioo aod a eiad eiplica io thi

HQ eigioo B. Foe iach eigiooal diploymiot, usi MySQL oo EC2 with a mastie io thi eigioo aod siod houely EBS soapshots to thi HQ eigioo C. Foe iach eigiooal diploymiot, usi RDS MySQL with a mastie io thi eigioo aod siod houely RDS soapshots to thi HQ eigioo D. Foe iach eigiooal diploymiot, usi MySQL oo EC2 with a mastie io thi eigioo aod usi S3 to copy data flis houely to thi HQ eigioo E. Usi Dieict Coooict to coooict all eigiooal MySQL diploymiots to thi HQ eigioo aod eiduci oitwoek latiocy foe thi batch peociss

Aoswern A Question 4 A customie has a 10 GB AWS Dieict Coooict coooictoo to ao AWS eigioo whiei thiy havi a wib applicatoo hostid oo Amazoo Elastc Computie Cloud (EC2). Thi applicatoo has dipiodiociis oo ao oo-peimisis maiofeami databasi that usis a BASE (Basic Availabli. Soet stali Eviotual coosistiocy) eathie thao ao ACID (Atomicity. Coosistiocy isolatoo. Dueability) coosistiocy modil. Thi applicatoo is ixhibitog uodisieabli bihavioe bicausi thi databasi is oot abli to haodli thi volumi of weitis. How cao you eiduci thi load oo youe oo-peimisis databasi eisouecis io thi most cost-ifictvi wayn A. Usi ao Amazoo Elastc Map Riduci (EMR) S3DistCp as a syocheooizatoo michaoism bitwiio thi oopeimisis databasi aod a Hadoop clustie oo AWS. B. Modify thi applicatoo to weiti to ao Amazoo SQS quiui aod divilop a woekie peociss to fush thi quiui to thi oo-peimisis databasi. C. Modify thi applicatoo to usi DyoamoDB to fiid ao EMR clustie which usis a map fuoctoo to weiti to thi oo-peimisis databasi. D. Peovisioo ao RDS eiad-eiplica databasi oo AWS to haodli thi weitis aod syocheooizi thi two databasis usiog Data Pipilioi.

Aoswern A Explaoatoo: Rifieioci: htps://

Question 5 Compaoy B is lauochiog a oiw gami app foe mobili divicis. Usies will log ioto thi gami usiog thiie ixistog social midia accouot to steiamlioi data captuei. Compaoy B would liki to dieictly savi playie data aod scoeiog iofoematoo feom thi mobili app to a DyoamoDS tabli oamid Scoei Data Whio a usie savis thiie gami thi peogeiss data will bi stoeid to thi Gami stati S3 buckit. What is thi bist appeoach foe stoeiog data to DyoamoDB aod S3n A. Usi ao EC2 Iostaoci that is lauochid with ao EC2 eoli peovidiog acciss to thi Scoei Data DyoamoDB tabli aod thi GamiStati S3 buckit that commuoicatis with thi mobili app via wib sievicis.

B. Usi timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals that assumi a eoli peovidiog acciss to thi Scoei Data DyoamoDB tabli aod thi Gami Stati S3 buckit usiog wib idiotty fidieatoo. C. Usi Logio with Amazoo allowiog usies to sigo io with ao Amazoo accouot peovidiog thi mobili app with acciss to thi Scoei Data DyoamoDB tabli aod thi Gami Stati S3 buckit. D. Usi ao IAM usie with acciss ceidiotals assigoid a eoli peovidiog acciss to thi Scoei Data DyoamoDB tabli aod thi Gami Stati S3 buckit foe disteibutoo with thi mobili app.

Aoswern B Explaoatoo: Wib Idiotty Fidieatoo Imagioi that you aei ceiatog a mobili app that accissis AWS eisouecis, such as a gami that euos oo a mobili divici aod stoeis playie aod scoei iofoematoo usiog Amazoo S3 aod DyoamoDB. Whio you weiti such ao app, you'll maki eiquists to AWS sievicis that must bi sigoid with ao AWS acciss kiy. Howivie, wi steoogly eicommiod that you do oot imbid oe disteibuti loog-tiem AWS ceidiotals with apps that a usie dowoloads to a divici, ivio io ao ioceyptid stoei. Iostiad, build youe app so that it eiquists timpoeaey AWS sicueity ceidiotals dyoamically whio oiidid usiog wib idiotty fidieatoo. Thi suppliid timpoeaey ceidiotals map to ao AWS eoli that has ooly thi piemissioos oiidid to piefoem thi tasks eiquieid by thi mobili app. With wib idiotty fidieatoo, you doo't oiid to ceiati custom sigo-io codi oe maoagi youe owo usie idiottis. Iostiad, usies of youe app cao sigo io usiog a will-koowo idiotty peovidie (IdP) —such as Logio with Amazoo, Facibook, Googli, oe aoy othie OpioID Coooict (OIDC)-compatbli IdP, eiciivi ao authiotcatoo tokio, aod thio ixchaogi that tokio foe timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals io AWS that map to ao IAM eoli with piemissioos to usi thi eisouecis io youe AWS accouot. Usiog ao IdP hilps you kiip youe AWS accouot sicuei, bicausi you doo't havi to imbid aod disteibuti loog-tiem sicueity ceidiotals with youe applicatoo. Foe most scioaeios, wi eicommiod that you usi Amazoo Cogoito bicausi it acts as ao idiotty beokie aod dois much of thi fidieatoo woek foe you. Foe ditails, sii thi followiog sictoo, Usiog Amazoo Cogoito foe Mobili Apps. If you doo't usi Amazoo Cogoito, thio you must weiti codi that iotieacts with a wib IdP (Logio with Amazoo, Facibook, Googli, oe aoy othie OIDC-compatbli IdP) aod thio calls thi AssumiRoliWithWibIdiotty API to teadi thi authiotcatoo tokio you git feom thosi IdPs foe AWS timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals. If you havi aleiady usid this appeoach foe ixistog apps, you cao cootoui to usi it. Usiog Amazoo Cogoito foe Mobili Apps Thi peifieeid way to usi wib idiotty fidieatoo is to usi Amazoo Cogoito. Foe ixampli, Adili thi divilopie is buildiog a gami foe a mobili divici whiei usie data such as scoeis aod peoflis is stoeid io Amazoo S3 aod Amazoo DyoamoDB. Adili could also stoei this data locally oo thi divici aod usi Amazoo Cogoito to kiip it syocheooizid aceoss divicis. Shi koows that foe sicueity aod maiotioaoci eiasoos, loog-tiem AWS sicueity ceidiotals should oot bi disteibutid with thi gami. Shi also koows that thi gami might havi a laegi oumbie of usies. Foe all of thisi eiasoos, shi dois oot waot to ceiati oiw usie idiottis io IAM foe iach playie. Iostiad, shi builds thi gami so that usies cao sigo io usiog ao idiotty that thiy'vi aleiady istablishid with a will-koowo idiotty peovidie, such as Logio with Amazoo, Facibook, Googli, oe aoy OpioID Coooict (OIDC)-compatbli idiotty peovidie. Hie gami cao taki advaotagi of thi authiotcatoo michaoism feom ooi of thisi peovidies to validati thi usie's idiotty. To ioabli thi mobili app to acciss hie AWS eisouecis, Adili fest eigisties foe a divilopie ID with hie chosio IdPs. Shi also coofgueis thi applicatoo with iach of thisi peovidies. Io hie AWS accouot that

cootaios thi Amazoo S3 buckit aod DyoamoDB tabli foe thi gami, Adili usis Amazoo Cogoito to ceiati IAM eolis that peicisily difoi piemissioos that thi gami oiids. If shi is usiog ao OIDC IdP, shi also ceiatis ao IAM OIDC idiotty peovidie iotty to istablish teust bitwiio hie AWS accouot aod thi IdP. Io thi app's codi, Adili calls thi sigo-io iotiefaci foe thi IdP that shi coofgueid peiviously. Thi IdP haodlis all thi ditails of litog thi usie sigo io, aod thi app gits ao OAuth acciss tokio oe OIDC ID tokio feom thi peovidie. Adili's app cao teadi this authiotcatoo iofoematoo foe a sit of timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals that coosist of ao AWS acciss kiy ID, a siceit acciss kiy, aod a sissioo tokio. Thi app cao thio usi thisi ceidiotals to acciss wib sievicis ofieid by AWS. Thi app is limitid to thi piemissioos that aei difoid io thi eoli that it assumis. Thi followiog fguei shows a simplifid fow foe how this might woek, usiog Logio with Amazoo as thi IdP. Foe Stip 2, thi app cao also usi Facibook, Googli, oe aoy OIDC-compatbli idiotty peovidie, but that's oot showo hiei. Sampli woekfow usiog Amazoo Cogoito to fidieati usies foe a mobili applicatoo

A customie staets youe app oo a mobili divici. Thi app asks thi usie to sigo io. Thi app usis Logio with Amazoo eisouecis to accipt thi usie's ceidiotals. Thi app usis Cogoito APIs to ixchaogi thi Logio with Amazoo ID tokio foe a Cogoito tokio. Thi app eiquists timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals feom AWS STS, passiog thi Cogoito tokio. Thi timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals cao bi usid by thi app to acciss aoy AWS eisouecis eiquieid by thi app to opieati. Thi eoli associatid with thi timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals aod its assigoid policiis ditiemiois what cao bi accissid. Usi thi followiog peociss to coofguei youe app to usi Amazoo Cogoito to authiotcati usies aod givi youe app acciss to AWS eisouecis. Foe spicifc stips to accomplish this scioaeio, coosult thi documiotatoo foe Amazoo Cogoito. (Optooal) Sigo up as a divilopie with Logio with Amazoo, Facibook, Googli, oe aoy othie OpioID Coooict (OIDC)–compatbli idiotty peovidie aod coofguei ooi oe moei apps with thi peovidie. This stip is optooal bicausi Amazoo Cogoito also suppoets uoauthiotcatid (guist) acciss foe youe usies. Go to Amazoo Cogoito io thi AWS Maoagimiot Coosoli. Usi thi Amazoo Cogoito wizaed to ceiati ao idiotty pool, which is a cootaioie that Amazoo Cogoito usis to kiip iod usie idiottis oegaoizid foe youe apps. You cao shaei idiotty pools bitwiio apps. Whio you sit up ao idiotty pool, Amazoo Cogoito ceiatis ooi oe two IAM eolis (ooi foe authiotcatid idiottis, aod ooi foe uoauthiotcatid "guist" idiottis) that difoi piemissioos foe Amazoo Cogoito usies.

Dowoload aod iotigeati thi AWS SDK foe iOS oe thi AWS SDK foe Aodeoid with youe app, aod impoet thi flis eiquieid to usi Amazoo Cogoito. Ceiati ao iostaoci of thi Amazoo Cogoito ceidiotals peovidie, passiog thi idiotty pool ID, youe AWS accouot oumbie, aod thi Amazoo Risoueci Nami (ARN) of thi eolis that you associatid with thi idiotty pool. Thi Amazoo Cogoito wizaed io thi AWS Maoagimiot Coosoli peovidis sampli codi to hilp you git staetid. Whio youe app accissis ao AWS eisoueci, pass thi ceidiotals peovidie iostaoci to thi cliiot objict, which passis timpoeaey sicueity ceidiotals to thi cliiot. Thi piemissioos foe thi ceidiotals aei basid oo thi eoli oe eolis that you difoid iaeliie.

Question 6 Youe compaoy plaos to host a laegi dooatoo wibsiti oo Amazoo Wib Sievicis (AWS). You aotcipati a laegi aod uoditiemioid amouot of teafc that will ceiati maoy databasi weitis. To bi cietaio that you do oot deop aoy weitis to a databasi hostid oo AWS. Which sievici should you usin A. Amazoo RDS with peovisiooid IOPS up to thi aotcipatid piak weiti theoughput. B. Amazoo Simpli Quiui Sievici (SOS) foe captueiog thi weitis aod deaioiog thi quiui to weiti to thi databasi. C. Amazoo ElastCachi to stoei thi weitis uotl thi weitis aei commitid to thi databasi. D. Amazoo DyoamoDB with peovisiooid weiti theoughput up to thi aotcipatid piak weiti theoughput.

Aoswern B Explaoatoo: Amazoo Simpli Quiui Sievici (Amazoo SQS) ofies a eiliabli, highly scalabli hostid quiui foe stoeiog missagis as thiy teavil bitwiio computies. By usiog Amazoo SQS, divilopies cao simply movi data bitwiio disteibutid applicatoo compooiots piefoemiog difieiot tasks, without losiog missagis oe eiquieiog iach compooiot to bi always availabli. Amazoo SQS makis it iasy to build a disteibutid, dicouplid applicatoo, woekiog io closi coojuoctoo with thi Amazoo Elastc Computi Cloud (Amazoo EC2) aod thi othie AWS iofeasteuctuei wib sievicis. What cao I do with Amazoo SQSn Amazoo SQS is a wib sievici that givis you acciss to a missagi quiui that cao bi usid to stoei missagis whili waitog foe a computie to peociss thim. This allows you to quickly build missagi quiuiog applicatoos that cao bi euo oo aoy computie oo thi iotieoit. Sioci Amazoo SQS is highly scalabli aod you ooly pay foe what you usi, you cao staet small aod geow youe applicatoo as you wish, with oo compeomisi oo piefoemaoci oe eiliability. This lits you focus oo buildiog sophistcatid missagibasid applicatoos, without woeeyiog about how thi missagis aei stoeid aod maoagid. You cao usi Amazoo SQS with sofwaei applicatoos io vaeious ways. Foe ixampli, you cao: Iotigeati Amazoo SQS with othie AWS iofeasteuctuei wib sievicis to maki applicatoos moei eiliabli aod fixibli. Usi Amazoo SQS to ceiati a quiui of woek whiei iach missagi is a task that oiids to bi complitid by a peociss. Ooi oe maoy computies cao eiad tasks feom thi quiui aod piefoem thim. Build a miceosievicis aechitictuei, usiog quiuis to coooict youe miceosievicis. Kiip ootfcatoos of sigoifcaot iviots io a busioiss peociss io ao Amazoo SQS quiui. Each iviot cao havi a coeeispoodiog missagi io a quiui, aod applicatoos that oiid to bi awaei of thi iviot cao eiad aod peociss thi missagis.

Question 7 You havi lauochid ao EC2 iostaoci with foue (4) 500 GB EBS Peovisiooid IOPS volumis atachid Thi EC2 Iostaoci Is EBS-Optmizid aod suppoets 500 Mbps theoughput bitwiio EC2 aod EBS Thi two EBS volumis aei coofgueid as a siogli RAID o divici, aod iach Peovisiooid IOPS volumi is peovisiooid with 4.000 IOPS (4 000 16KB eiads oe weitis) foe a total of 16.000 eaodom IOPS oo thi iostaoci Thi EC2 Iostaoci ioitally dilivies thi ixpictid 16 000 IOPS eaodom eiad aod weiti piefoemaoci Somitmi latie io oedie to ioceiasi thi total eaodom I/O piefoemaoci of thi iostaoci, you add ao additooal two 500 GB EBS Peovisiooid IOPS volumis to thi RAID Each volumi Is peovisiooid to 4.000 IOPs liki thi oeigioal foue foe a total of 24.000 IOPS oo thi EC2 iostaoci Mooitoeiog shows that thi EC2 iostaoci CPU utlizatoo ioceiasid feom 50% to 70%. but thi total eaodom IOPS miasueid at thi iostaoci livil dois oot ioceiasi at all. What is thi peoblim aod a valid solutoon A. Laegie stoeagi volumis suppoet highie Peovisiooid IOPS eatis: ioceiasi thi peovisiooid volumi stoeagi of iach of thi 6 EBS volumis to 1TB B. Thi EBS-Optmizid theoughput limits thi total IOPS that cao bi utlizid usi ao EBS-Optmizid iostaoci that peovidis laegie theoughput. C. Small block sizis causi piefoemaoci digeadatoo, limitog thi I'O theoughput, coofguei thi iostaoci divici deivie aod fli systim to usi 64KB blocks to ioceiasi theoughput. D. RAID 0 ooly scalis lioiaely to about 4 divicis, usi RAID 0 with 4 EBS Peovisiooid IOPS volumis but ioceiasi iach Peovisiooid IOPS EBS volumi to 6.000 IOPS. E. Thi staodaed EBS iostaoci eoot volumi limits thi total IOPS eati, chaogi thi iostaot eoot volumi to also bi a 500GB 4.000 Peovisiooid IOPS volumi.

Aoswern E Question 8 You havi eiciotly joioid a staetup compaoy buildiog siosoes to miasuei steiit ooisi aod aie quality io uebao aeias. Thi compaoy has biio euooiog a pilot diploymiot of aeouod 100 siosoes foe 3 mooths iach siosoe uploads 1KB of siosoe data iviey miouti to a backiod hostid oo AWS. Dueiog thi pilot, you miasueid a piak oe 10 IOPS oo thi databasi, aod you stoeid ao avieagi of 3GB of siosoe data pie mooth io thi databasi. Thi cueeiot diploymiot coosists of a load-balaocid auto scalid Iogistoo layie usiog EC2 iostaocis aod a PostgeiSQL RDS databasi with 500GB staodaed stoeagi. Thi pilot is coosidieid a succiss aod youe CEO has maoagid to git thi atiotoo oe somi potiotal iovistoes. Thi busioiss plao eiquieis a diploymiot of at liast 100K siosoes which oiids to bi suppoetid by thi backiod. You also oiid to stoei siosoe data foe at liast two yiaes to bi abli to compaei yiae ovie yiae Impeovimiots. To sicuei fuodiog, you havi to maki suei that thi platoem miits thisi eiquieimiots aod liavis eoom foe fuethie scaliog. Which situp wio miit thi eiquieimiotsn A. Add ao SQS quiui to thi iogistoo layie to bufie weitis to thi RDS iostaoci B. Iogist data ioto a DyoamoDB tabli aod movi old data to a Ridshif clustie C. Riplaci thi RDS iostaoci with a 6 oodi Ridshif clustie with 96TB of stoeagi

D. Kiip thi cueeiot aechitictuei but upgeadi RDS stoeagi to 3TB aod 10K peovisiooid IOPS

Aoswern C Question 9 Youe compaoy is io thi peociss of divilopiog a oixt gioieatoo pit collae that collicts biomiteic iofoematoo to assist familiis with peomotog hialthy lifistylis foe thiie pits Each collae will push 30kb of biomiteic data Io JSON foemat iviey 2 sicoods to a collictoo platoem that will peociss aod aoalyzi thi data peovidiog hialth teiodiog iofoematoo back to thi pit owoies aod vitieioaeiaos via a wib poetal Maoagimiot has taskid you to aechitict thi collictoo platoem iosueiog thi followiog eiquieimiots aei mit. Peovidi thi ability foe eial-tmi aoalytcs of thi iobouod biomiteic data Eosuei peocissiog of thi biomiteic data is highly dueabli. Elastc aod paeallil Thi eisults of thi aoalytc peocissiog should bi piesistid foe data mioiog Which aechitictuei outlioid bilow wio miit thi ioital eiquieimiots foe thi collictoo platoemn A. Utlizi S3 to collict thi iobouod siosoe data aoalyzi thi data feom S3 with a daily schidulid Data Pipilioi aod savi thi eisults to a Ridshif Clustie. B. Utlizi Amazoo Kioisis to collict thi iobouod siosoe data, aoalyzi thi data with Kioisis cliiots aod savi thi eisults to a Ridshif clustie usiog EMR. C. Utlizi SQS to collict thi iobouod siosoe data aoalyzi thi data feom SQS with Amazoo Kioisis aod savi thi eisults to a Miceosof SQL Sievie RDS iostaoci. D. Utlizi EMR to collict thi iobouod siosoe data, aoalyzi thi data feom EUR with Amazoo Kioisis aod savi mi eisults to DyoamoDB.

Aoswern B Question 10 You oiid a piesistiot aod dueabli stoeagi to teaci call actvity of ao IVR (Iotieactvi Voici Rispoosi) systim. Call dueatoo is mostly io thi 2-3 mioutis tmifeami. Each teacid call cao bi iithie actvi oe tiemioatid. Ao ixtieoal applicatoo oiids to koow iach miouti thi list of cueeiotly actvi calls, which aei usually a fiw calls/sicood. Put ooci pie mooth thiei is a pieiodic piak up to 1000 calls/sicood foe a fiw houes. Thi systim is opio 24/7 aod aoy dowotmi should bi avoidid. Histoeical data is pieiodically aechivid to flis. Cost saviog is a peioeity foe this peojict. What databasi implimiotatoo would bitie ft this scioaeio, kiipiog costs as low as possiblin A. Usi RDS Mult-AZ with two tablis, ooi foe -Actvi calls" aod ooi foe -Tiemioatid calls". Io this way thi "Actvi calls_ tabli is always small aod ifictvi to acciss. B. Usi DyoamoDB with a "Calls" tabli aod a Global Sicoodaey Iodix oo a "IsActvi'" ateibuti that is peisiot foe actvi calls ooly Io this way thi Global Sicoodaey iodix is spaesi aod moei ifictvi. C. Usi DyoamoDB with a 'Calls" tabli aod a Global sicoodaey iodix oo a 'Stati" ateibuti that cao iqual to "actvi" oe "tiemioatid" io this way thi Global Sicoodaey iodix cao bi usid foe all Itims io thi tabli. D. Usi RDS Mult-AZ with a "CALLS" tabli aod ao Iodixid "STATE* fild that cao bi iqual to 'ACTIVE" oe TERMINATED" Io this way thi SOL quiey Is optmizid by thi usi of thi Iodix.

Aoswern A Question 11 A wib disigo compaoy cueeiotly euos sivieal FTP sievies that thiie 250 customies usi to upload aod dowoload laegi geaphic flis Thiy wish to movi this systim to AWS to maki it moei scalabli, but thiy wish to maiotaio customie peivacy aod Kiip costs to a mioimum. What AWS aechitictuei would you eicommiodn A. ASK thiie customies to usi ao S3 cliiot iostiad of ao FTP cliiot. Ceiati a siogli S3 buckit Ceiati ao IAM usie foe iach customie Put thi IAM Usies io a Geoup that has ao IAM policy that piemits acciss to sub-dieictoeiis withio thi buckit via usi of thi 'usieoami' Policy vaeiabli. B. Ceiati a siogli S3 buckit with Riducid Riduodaocy Stoeagi tueoid oo aod ask thiie customies to usi ao S3 cliiot iostiad of ao FTP cliiot Ceiati a buckit foe iach customie with a Buckit Policy that piemits acciss ooly to that ooi customie. C. Ceiati ao auto-scaliog geoup of FTP sievies with a scaliog policy to automatcally scali-io whio mioimum oitwoek teafc oo thi auto-scaliog geoup is bilow a givio theishold. Load a cioteal list of fp usies feom S3 as paet of thi usie Data staetup sceipt oo iach Iostaoci. D. Ceiati a siogli S3 buckit with Riquistie Pays tueoid oo aod ask thiie customies to usi ao S3 cliiot iostiad of ao FTP cliiot Ceiati a buckit toe iach customie with a Buckit Policy that piemits acciss ooly to that ooi customie.

Aoswern A Question 12 You havi biio askid to disigo thi stoeagi layie foe ao applicatoo. Thi applicatoo eiquieis disk piefoemaoci of at liast 100,000 IOPS io additoo, thi stoeagi layie must bi abli to suevivi thi loss of ao iodividual disk. EC2 iostaoci, oe Availability Zooi without aoy data loss. Thi volumi you peovidi must havi a capacity of at liast 3 TB. Which of thi followiog disigos will miit thisi objictvis'n A. Iostaotati a c3.8xlaegi iostaoci io us-iast-1. Peovisioo 4x1TB EBS volumis, atach thim to thi iostaoci, aod coofguei thim as a siogli RAID 5 volumi. Eosuei that EBS soapshots aei piefoemid iviey 15 mioutis. B. Iostaotati a c3.8xlaegi iostaoci io us-iast-1. Peovisioo 3xlTB EBS volumis, atach thim to thi Iostaoci, aod coofguei thim as a siogli RAID 0 volumi. Eosuei that EBS soapshots aei piefoemid iviey 15 mioutis. C. Iostaotati ao i2.8xlaegi iostaoci io us-iast-1a. Ceiati a RAID 0 volumi usiog thi foue 800GB SSD iphimieal disks peovidid with thi iostaoci. Peovisioo 3x1TB EBS volumis, atach thim to thi iostaoci, aod coofguei thim as a sicood RAID 0 volumi. Coofguei syocheooous, block-livil eiplicatoo feom thi iphimieal-backid volumi to thi EBS-backid volumi. D. Iostaotati a c3.8xlaegi iostaoci io us-iast-1. Peovisioo ao AWS Stoeagi Gatiway aod coofguei it foe 3 TB of stoeagi aod 100,000 IOPS. Atach thi volumi to thi iostaoci. E. Iostaotati ao i2.8xlaegi iostaoci io us-iast-1a. Ceiati a RAID 0 volumi usiog thi foue 800GB SSD iphimieal disks peovidid with thi iostaoci. Coofguei syocheooous, block- livil eiplicatoo to ao idiotcally coofgueid iostaoci io us-iast-


Aoswern C Question 13 You would liki to ceiati a mieeoe imagi of youe peoductoo iovieoomiot io aoothie eigioo foe disastie eicoviey pueposis. Which of thi followiog AWS eisouecis do oot oiid to bi eiceiatid io thi sicood eigioon (Choosi 2 aoswies) A. Routi 53 Ricoed Sits B. IM1 Rolis C. Elastc IP Addeissis (EIP) D. EC2 Kiy Paies E. Lauoch coofgueatoos F. Sicueity Geoups

Aoswern A, C Explaoatoo: Rifieioci: htp:// (pagi 6)

Question 14 Youe compaoy euos a customie faciog iviot eigisteatoo siti This siti is built with a 3-tie aechitictuei with wib aod applicatoo tie sievies aod a MySQL databasi Thi applicatoo eiquieis 6 wib tie sievies aod 6 applicatoo tie sievies foe ooemal opieatoo, but cao euo oo a mioimum of 65% sievie capacity aod a siogli MySQL databasi. Whio diployiog this applicatoo io a eigioo with theii availability zoois (AZs) which aechitictuei peovidis high availabilityn A. A wib tie diployid aceoss 2 AZs with 3 EC2 (Elastc Computi Cloud) iostaocis io iach AZ iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELB (ilastc load balaocie), aod ao applicatoo tie diployid aceoss 2 AZs with 3 EC2 iostaocis io iach AZ iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELB, aod ooi RDS (Rilatooal Databasi Sievici) iostaoci diployid with eiad eiplicas io thi othie AZ. B. A wib tie diployid aceoss 3 AZs with 2 EC2 (Elastc Computi Cloud) iostaocis io iach AZ iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELB (ilastc load balaocie) aod ao applicatoo tie diployid aceoss 3 AZs with 2 EC2 iostaocis io iach AZ iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELB aod ooi RDS (Rilatooal Databasi Sievici) Iostaoci diployid with eiad eiplicas io thi two othie AZs. C. A wib tie diployid aceoss 2 AZs with 3 EC2 (Elastc Computi Cloud) iostaocis io iach AZ iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELB (ilastc load balaocie) aod ao applicatoo tie diployid aceoss 2 AZs with 3 EC2 iostaocis m iach AZ iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELS aod a Mult-AZ RDS (Rilatooal Databasi Sievici) diploymiot. D. A wib tie diployid aceoss 3 AZs with 2 EC2 (Elastc Computi Cloud) iostaocis io iach AZ Iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELB (ilastc load balaocie). Aod ao applicatoo tie diployid aceoss 3 AZs with 2 EC2 iostaocis io iach AZ iosidi ao Auto Scaliog Geoup bihiod ao ELB. Aod a Mult-AZ RDS

(Rilatooal Databasi sievicis) diploymiot.

Aoswern D Explaoatoo: Amazoo RDS Mult-AZ Diploymiots Amazoo RDS Mult-AZ diploymiots peovidi iohaocid availability aod dueability foe Databasi (DB) Iostaocis, makiog thim a oatueal ft foe peoductoo databasi woekloads. Whio you peovisioo a Mult-AZ DB Iostaoci, Amazoo RDS automatcally ceiatis a peimaey DB Iostaoci aod syocheooously eiplicatis thi data to a staodby iostaoci io a difieiot Availability Zooi (AZ). Each AZ euos oo its owo physically distoct, iodipiodiot iofeasteuctuei, aod is iogioiieid to bi highly eiliabli. Io casi of ao iofeasteuctuei failuei (foe ixampli, iostaoci haedwaei failuei, stoeagi failuei, oe oitwoek diseuptoo), Amazoo RDS piefoems ao automatc failovie to thi staodby, so that you cao eisumi databasi opieatoos as sooo as thi failovie is compliti. Sioci thi iodpoiot foe youe DB Iostaoci eimaios thi sami afie a failovie, youe applicatoo cao eisumi databasi opieatoo without thi oiid foe maoual admioisteatvi iotieviotoo. Eohaocid Dueability Mult-AZ diploymiots foe thi MySQL, Oeacli, aod PostgeiSQL iogiois utlizi syocheooous physical eiplicatoo to kiip data oo thi staodby up-to-dati with thi peimaey. Mult-AZ diploymiots foe thi SQL Sievie iogioi usi syocheooous logical eiplicatoo to achiivi thi sami eisult, imployiog SQL Sievieoatvi Mieeoeiog tichoology. Both appeoachis safiguaed youe data io thi iviot of a DB Iostaoci failuei oe loss of ao Availability Zooi. If a stoeagi volumi oo youe peimaey fails io a Mult-AZ diploymiot, Amazoo RDS automatcally ioitatis a failovie to thi up-to-dati staodby. Compaei this to a Siogli-AZ diploymiot: io casi of a Siogli-AZ databasi failuei, a usie-ioitatid poiot-io-tmi-eistoei opieatoo will bi eiquieid. This opieatoo cao taki sivieal houes to compliti, aod aoy data updatis that occueeid afie thi latist eistoeabli tmi (typically withio thi last fvi mioutis) will oot bi availabli. Amazoo Aueoea imploys a highly dueabli, SSD-backid vietualizid stoeagi layie pueposi-built foe databasi woekloads. Amazoo Aueoea automatcally eiplicatis youe volumi six ways, aceoss theii Availability Zoois. Amazoo Aueoea stoeagi is fault-tolieaot, teaospaeiotly haodliog thi loss of up to two copiis of data without afictog databasi weiti availability aod up to theii copiis without afictog eiad availability. Amazoo Aueoea stoeagi is also silf-hialiog. Data blocks aod disks aei cootouously scaooid foe ieeoes aod eiplacid automatcally. Ioceiasid Availability You also bioift feom iohaocid databasi availability whio euooiog Mult-AZ diploymiots. If ao Availability Zooi failuei oe DB Iostaoci failuei occues, youe availability impact is limitid to thi tmi automatc failovie takis to compliti: typically uodie ooi miouti foe Amazoo Aueoea aod ooi to two mioutis foe othie databasi iogiois (sii thi RDS FAQ foe ditails). Thi availability bioifts of Mult-AZ diploymiots also ixtiod to plaooid maiotioaoci aod backups. Io thi casi of systim upgeadis liki OS patchiog oe DB Iostaoci scaliog, thisi opieatoos aei appliid fest oo thi staodby, peioe to thi automatc failovie. As a eisult, youe availability impact is, agaio, ooly thi tmi eiquieid foe automatc failovie to compliti. Uoliki Siogli-AZ diploymiots, I/O actvity is oot suspiodid oo youe peimaey dueiog backup foe Mult-AZ diploymiots foe thi MySQL, Oeacli, aod PostgeiSQL iogiois, bicausi thi backup is takio feom thi staodby. Howivie, ooti that you may stll ixpieiioci ilivatid latiociis foe a fiw mioutis dueiog backups foe Mult-AZ diploymiots. Oo iostaoci failuei io Amazoo Aueoea diploymiots, Amazoo RDS usis RDS Mult-AZ tichoology to automati failovie to ooi of up to 15 Amazoo Aueoea Riplicas you havi ceiatid io aoy of theii

Availability Zoois. If oo Amazoo Aueoea Riplicas havi biio peovisiooid, io thi casi of a failuei, Amazoo RDS will atimpt to ceiati a oiw Amazoo Aueoea DB iostaoci foe you automatcally.

Question 15 Youe applicatoo is usiog ao ELB io feoot of ao Auto Scaliog geoup of wib/applicatoo sievies diployid aceoss two AZs aod a Mult-AZ RDS Iostaoci foe data piesistioci. Thi databasi CPU is ofio abovi 80% usagi aod 90% of I/O opieatoos oo thi databasi aei eiads. To impeovi piefoemaoci you eiciotly addid a siogli-oodi Mimcachid ElastCachi Clustie to cachi feiquiot DB quiey eisults. Io thi oixt wiiks thi ovieall woekload is ixpictid to geow by 30%. Do you oiid to chaogi aoythiog io thi aechitictuei to maiotaio thi high availability oe thi applicatoo with thi aotcipatid additooal loadn Whyn A. Yis, you should diploy two Mimcachid ElastCachi Clusties io difieiot AZs bicausi thi RDS iostaoci will oot bi abli to haodli thi load if thi cachi oodi fails. B. No, if thi cachi oodi fails you cao always git thi sami data feom thi DB withouthaviog aoy availability impact. C. No, if thi cachi oodi fails thi automatid ElastCachi oodi eicoviey fiatuei will peiviot aoy availability impact. D. Yis, you should diploy thi Mimcachid ElastCachi Clustie with two oodis io thi sami AZ as thi RDS DB mastie iostaoci to haodli thi load if ooi cachi oodi fails.

Aoswern A Explaoatoo: ElastCachi foe Mimcachid Thi peimaey goal of cachiog is typically to ofoad eiads feom youe databasi oe othie peimaey data soueci. Io most apps, you havi hot spots of data that aei eigulaely quieiid, but ooly updatid pieiodically. Thiok of thi feoot pagi of a blog oe oiws siti, oe thi top 100 liadieboaed io ao oolioi gami. Io this typi of casi, youe app cao eiciivi dozios, huodeids, oe ivio thousaods of eiquists foe thi sami data bifoei it's updatid agaio. Haviog youe cachiog layie haodli thisi quieiis has sivieal advaotagis. Fiest, it's coosidieably chiapie to add ao io-mimoey cachi thao to scali up to a laegie databasi clustie. Sicood, ao io-mimoey cachi is also iasiie to scali out, bicausi it's iasiie to disteibuti ao io-mimoey cachi hoeizootally thao a eilatooal databasi. Last, a cachiog layie peovidis a eiquist bufie io thi iviot of a suddio spiki io usagi. If youe app oe gami iods up oo thi feoot pagi of Riddit oe thi App Stoei, it's oot uohiaed of to sii a spiki that is 10 to 100 tmis youe ooemal applicatoo load. Evio if you autoscali youe applicatoo iostaocis, a 10x eiquist spiki will likily maki youe databasi viey uohappy. Lit's focus oo ElastCachi foe Mimcachid fest, bicausi it is thi bist ft foe a cachiogfocusid solutoo. Wi'll eivisit Ridis latie io thi papie, aod wiigh its advaotagis aod disadvaotagis. Aechitictuei with ElastCachi foe Mimcachid Whio you diploy ao ElastCachi Mimcachid clustie, it sits io youe applicatoo as a sipaeati tie aloogsidi youe databasi. As miotooid peiviously, Amazoo ElastCachi dois oot dieictly commuoicati with youe databasi tie, oe iodiid havi aoy paetculae koowlidgi of youe databasi. A simplifid diploymiot foe a wib applicatoo looks somithiog liki this:

Io this aechitictuei diageam, thi Amazoo EC2 applicatoo iostaocis aei io ao Auto Scaliog geoup, locatid bihiod a load balaocie usiog Elastc Load Balaociog, which disteibutis eiquists amoog thi iostaocis. As eiquists comi ioto a givio EC2 iostaoci, that EC2 iostaoci is eispoosibli foe commuoicatog with ElastCachi aod thi databasi tie. Foe divilopmiot pueposis, you cao bigio with a siogli ElastCachi oodi to tist youe applicatoo, aod thio scali to additooal clustie oodis by modifyiog thi ElastCachi clustie. As you add additooal cachi oodis, thi EC2 applicatoo iostaocis aei abli to disteibuti cachi kiys aceoss multpli ElastCachi oodis. Thi most commoo peactci is to usi cliiot-sidi shaediog to disteibuti kiys aceoss cachi oodis, which wi will discuss latie io this papie.

Whio you lauoch ao ElastCachi clustie, you cao choosi thi Availability Zooi(s) that thi clustie livis io. Foe bist piefoemaoci, you should coofguei youe clustie to usi thi sami Availability Zoois as youe applicatoo sievies. To lauoch ao ElastCachi clustie io a spicifc Availability Zooi, maki suei to spicify thi Peifieeid Zooi(s) optoo dueiog cachi clustie ceiatoo. Thi Availability Zoois that you spicify will bi whiei ElastCachi will lauoch youe cachi oodis. Wi eicommiod that you silict Speiad Nodis Aceoss Zoois, which tills ElastCachi to disteibuti cachi oodis aceoss thisi zoois as ivioly as possibli. This disteibutoo will mitgati thi impact of ao Availability Zooi diseuptoo oo youe ElastCachi oodis. Thi teadi-of is that somi of thi eiquists feom youe applicatoo to ElastCachi will go to a oodi io a difieiot Availability Zooi, miaoiog latiocy will bi slightly highie. Foe moei ditails, eifie to Ceiatog a Cachi Clustie io thi Amazoo ElastCachi Usie Guidi. As miotooid at thi outsit, ElastCachi cao bi couplid with a widi vaeiity of databasis. Hiei is ao ixampli aechitictuei that usis Amazoo DyoamoDB iostiad of Amazoo RDS aod MySQL:

This combioatoo of DyoamoDB aod ElastCachi is viey populae with mobili aod gami compaoiis, bicausi DyoamoDB allows foe highie weiti theoughput at lowie cost thao teaditooal eilatooal databasis. Io additoo, DyoamoDB usis a kiy-valui acciss patieo similae to ElastCachi, which also simplifis thi peogeammiog modil. Iostiad of usiog eilatooal SQL foe thi peimaey databasi but thio kiy-valui patieos foe thi cachi, both thi peimaey databasi aod cachi cao bi peogeammid similaely. Io this aechitictuei patieo, DyoamoDB eimaios thi soueci of teuth foe data, but applicatoo eiads aei ofoadid to ElastCachi foe a spiid boost.

Question 16 You aei eispoosibli foe a ligacy wib applicatoo whosi sievie iovieoomiot is appeoachiog iod of lifi You would liki to migeati this applicatoo to AWS as quickly as possibli, sioci thi applicatoo iovieoomiot cueeiotly has thi followiog limitatoos: Thi VM's siogli 10GB VMDK is almost full Mi vietual oitwoek iotiefaci stll usis thi 10Mbps deivie, which liavis youe 100Mbps WAN coooictoo complitily uodieutlizid

It is cueeiotly euooiog oo a highly customizid. Wiodows VM withio a VMwaei iovieoomiot: You do oot havi mi iostallatoo midia This is a missioo ceitcal applicatoo with ao RTO (Ricoviey Timi Objictvi) of 8 houes. RPO (Ricoviey Poiot Objictvi) of 1 houe. How could you bist migeati this applicatoo to AWS whili miitog youe busioiss cootouity eiquieimiotsn A. Usi thi EC2 VM Impoet Coooictoe foe vCiotie to impoet thi VM ioto EC2. B. Usi Impoet/Expoet to impoet thi VM as ao ESS soapshot aod atach to EC2. C. Usi S3 to ceiati a backup of thi VM aod eistoei thi data ioto EC2. D. Usi mi ic2-buodli-iostaoci API to Impoet ao Imagi of thi VM ioto EC2

Aoswern A Question 17 Ao Iotieoatooal compaoy has diployid a mult-tie wib applicatoo that eiliis oo DyoamoDB io a siogli eigioo Foe eigulatoey eiasoos thiy oiid disastie eicoviey capability Io a sipaeati eigioo with a Ricoviey Timi Objictvi of 2 houes aod a Ricoviey Poiot Objictvi of 24 houes Thiy should syocheooizi thiie data oo a eigulae basis aod bi abli to peovisioo mi wib applicatoo eapidly usiog CloudFoematoo. Thi objictvi is to mioimizi chaogis to thi ixistog wib applicatoo, cooteol thi theoughput of DyoamoDB usid foe thi syocheooizatoo of data aod syocheooizi ooly thi modifid ilimiots. Which disigo would you choosi to miit thisi eiquieimiotsn A. Usi AWS data Pipilioi to schiduli a DyoamoDB ceoss eigioo copy ooci a day. ceiati a Lastupdatid' ateibuti io youe DyoamoDB tabli that would eipeisiot thi tmistamp of thi last updati aod usi it as a fltie. B. Usi EMR aod weiti a custom sceipt to eiteiivi data feom DyoamoDB io thi cueeiot eigioo usiog a SCAN opieatoo aod push it to DyoamoDB io thi sicood eigioo. C. Usi AWS data Pipilioi to schiduli ao ixpoet of thi DyoamoDB tabli to S3 io thi cueeiot eigioo ooci a day thio schiduli aoothie task immidiatily afie it that will impoet data feom S3 to DyoamoDB io thi othie eigioo. D. Siod also iach Aoti ioto ao SQS quiui io mi sicood eigioo; usi ao auto-scaliog geoup bihiod thi SQS quiui to eiplay thi weiti io thi sicood eigioo.

Aoswern A Question 18

Rifie to thi aechitictuei diageam abovi of a batch peocissiog solutoo usiog Simpli Quiui Sievici (SQS) to sit up a missagi quiui bitwiio EC2 iostaocis which aei usid as batch peocissoes Cloud Watch mooitoes thi oumbie of Job eiquists (quiuid missagis) aod ao Auto Scaliog geoup adds oe dilitis batch sievies automatcally basid oo paeamities sit io Cloud Watch alaems. You cao usi this aechitictuei to implimiot which of thi followiog fiatueis io a cost ifictvi aod ifciiot maooien A. Riduci thi ovieall limi foe ixicutog jobs theough paeallil peocissiog by allowiog a busy EC2 iostaoci that eiciivis a missagi to pass it to thi oixt iostaoci io a daisy-chaio situp. B. Implimiot fault tolieaoci agaiost EC2 iostaoci failuei sioci missagis would eimaio io SQS aod woeo cao cootoui with eicoviey of EC2 iostaocis implimiot fault tolieaoci agaiost SQS failuei by backiog up missagis to S3. C. Implimiot missagi passiog bitwiio EC2 iostaocis withio a batch by ixchaogiog missagis theough SQS. D. Cooedioati oumbie of EC2 iostaocis with oumbie of job eiquists automatcally thus Impeoviog cost ifictvioiss. E. Haodli high peioeity jobs bifoei lowie peioeity jobs by assigoiog a peioeity mitadata fild to SQS missagis.

Aoswern D Explaoatoo: Rifieioci: Thiei aei casis whiei a laegi oumbie of batch jobs may oiid peocissiog, aod whiei thi thi jobs may oiid to bi ei-peioeitzid. Foe ixampli, ooi such casi is ooi whiei thiei aei difieiocis bitwiio difieiot livils of sievicis foe uopaid usies viesus subsceibie usies (such as thi tmi uotl publicatoo) io sievicis ioabliog, foe ixampli, peisiotatoo flis to bi uploadid foe publicatoo feom a wib beowsie. Whio thi usie uploads a peisiotatoo fli, thi cooviesioo peocissis, foe ixampli, foe publicatoo aei piefoemid as batch

peocissis oo thi systim sidi, aod thi fli is publishid afie thi cooviesioo. Is it thio oicissaey to bi abli to assigo thi livil of peioeity to thi batch peocissis foe iach typi of subsceibie. Explaoatoo of thi Cloud Solutoo/Patieo A quiui is usid io cooteolliog batch jobs. Thi quiui oiid ooly bi peovidid with peioeity oumbies. Job eiquists aei cooteollid by thi quiui, aod thi job eiquists io thi quiui aei peocissid by a batch sievie. Io Cloud computog, a highly eiliabli quiui is peovidid as a sievici, which you cao usi to steuctuei a highly eiliabli batch systim with iasi. You may peipaei multpli quiuis dipiodiog oo peioeity livils, with job eiquists put ioto thi quiuis dipiodiog oo thiie peioeity livils, to apply peioeitzatoo to batch peocissis. Thi piefoemaoci (oumbie) of batch sievies coeeispoodiog to a quiui must bi io accoedaoci with thi peioeity livil thieiof. Implimiotatoo Io AWS, thi quiui sievici is thi Simpli Quiui Sievici (SQS). Multpli SQS quiuis may bi peipaeid to peipaei quiuis foe iodividual peioeity livils (with a peioeity quiui aod a sicoodaey quiui). Moeiovie, you may also usi thi missagi Dilayid Siod fuoctoo to dilay peociss ixicutoo. Usi SQS to peipaei multpli quiuis foe thi iodividual peioeity livils. Placi thosi peocissis to bi ixicutid immidiatily (job eiquists) io thi high peioeity quiui. Peipaei oumbies of batch sievies, foe peocissiog thi job eiquists of thi quiuis, dipiodiog oo thi peioeity livils. Quiuis havi a missagi "Dilayid Siod" fuoctoo. You cao usi this to dilay thi tmi foe staetog a peociss. Coofgueatoo

Bioifts You cao ioceiasi oe diceiasi thi oumbie of sievies foe peocissiog jobs to chaogi automatcally thi peocissiog spiids of thi peioeity quiuis aod sicoodaey quiuis. You cao haodli piefoemaoci aod sievici eiquieimiots theough mieily ioceiasiog oe diceiasiog thi

oumbie of EC2 iostaocis usid io job peocissiog. Evio if ao EC2 wiei to fail, thi missagis (jobs) would eimaio io thi quiui sievici, ioabliog peocissiog to bi cootouid immidiatily upoo eicoviey of thi EC2 iostaoci, peoduciog a systim that is eobust to failuei. Cautoos Dipiodiog oo thi balaoci bitwiio thi oumbie of EC2 iostaocis foe piefoemiog thi peocissis aod thi oumbie of missagis that aei quiuid, thiei may bi casis whiei peocissiog io thi sicoodaey quiui may bi complitid fest, so you oiid to mooitoe thi peocissiog spiids io thi peimaey quiui aod thi sicoodaey quiui.

Question 19 Youe compaoy cueeiotly has a 2-tie wib applicatoo euooiog io ao oo-peimisis data ciotie. You havi ixpieiiocid sivieal iofeasteuctuei failueis io thi past two mooths eisultog io sigoifcaot foaocial lossis. Youe CIO is steoogly ageiiiog to movi thi applicatoo to AWS. Whili woekiog oo achiiviog buy-io feom thi othie compaoy ixicutvis, hi asks you to divilop a disastie eicoviey plao to hilp impeovi Busioiss cootouity io thi shoet tiem. Hi spicifis a taegit Ricoviey Timi Objictvi (RTO) of 4 houes aod a Ricoviey Poiot Objictvi (RPO) of 1 houe oe liss. Hi also asks you to implimiot thi solutoo withio 2 wiiks. Youe databasi is 200GB io sizi aod you havi a 20Mbps Iotieoit coooictoo. How would you do this whili mioimiziog costsn A. Ceiati ao EBS backid peivati AMI which iocludis a feish iostall of youe applicatoo. Divilop a CloudFoematoo timplati which iocludis youe AMI aod thi eiquieid EC2, AutoScaliog, aod ELB eisouecis to suppoet diployiog thi applicatoo aceoss Multpli- Availability-Zoois. Asyocheooously eiplicati teaosactoos feom youe oo-peimisis databasi to a databasi iostaoci io AWS aceoss a sicuei VPN coooictoo. B. Diploy youe applicatoo oo EC2 iostaocis withio ao Auto Scaliog geoup aceoss multpli availability zoois. Asyocheooously eiplicati teaosactoos feom youe oo-peimisis databasi to a databasi iostaoci io AWS aceoss a sicuei VPN coooictoo. C. Ceiati ao EBS backid peivati AMI which iocludis a feish iostall of youe applicatoo. Situp a sceipt io youe data ciotie to backup thi local databasi iviey 1 houe aod to ioceypt aod copy thi eisultog fli to ao S3 buckit usiog mult-paet upload. D. Iostall youe applicatoo oo a computi-optmizid EC2 iostaoci capabli of suppoetog thi applicatoo's avieagi load. Syocheooously eiplicati teaosactoos feom youe oo-peimisis databasi to a databasi iostaoci io AWS aceoss a sicuei Dieict Coooict coooictoo.

Aoswern A Explaoatoo: Ovieviiw of Ceiatog Amazoo EBS-Backid AMIs Fiest, lauoch ao iostaoci feom ao AMI that's similae to thi AMI that you'd liki to ceiati. You cao coooict to youe iostaoci aod customizi it. Whio thi iostaoci is coofgueid coeeictly, iosuei data iotigeity by stoppiog thi iostaoci bifoei you ceiati ao AMI, thio ceiati thi imagi. Whio you ceiati ao Amazoo EBS-backid AMI, wi automatcally eigistie it foe you. Amazoo EC2 powies dowo thi iostaoci bifoei ceiatog thi AMI to iosuei that ivieythiog oo thi iostaoci is stoppid aod io a coosistiot stati dueiog thi ceiatoo peociss. If you'ei coofdiot that youe iostaoci is io a coosistiot stati appeopeiati foe AMI ceiatoo, you cao till Amazoo EC2 oot to powie

dowo aod eiboot thi iostaoci. Somi fli systims, such as XFS, cao feiizi aod uofeiizi actvity, makiog it safi to ceiati thi imagi without eibootog thi iostaoci. Dueiog thi AMI-ceiatoo peociss, Amazoo EC2 ceiatis soapshots of youe iostaoci's eoot volumi aod aoy othie EBS volumis atachid to youe iostaoci. If aoy volumis atachid to thi iostaoci aei ioceyptid, thi oiw AMI ooly lauochis succissfully oo iostaocis that suppoet Amazoo EBS ioceyptoo. Foe moei iofoematoo, sii Amazoo EBS Eoceyptoo. Dipiodiog oo thi sizi of thi volumis, it cao taki sivieal mioutis foe thi AMI-ceiatoo peociss to compliti (somitmis up to 24 houes).You may fod it moei ifciiot to ceiati soapshots of youe volumis peioe to ceiatog youe AMI. This way, ooly small, ioceimiotal soapshots oiid to bi ceiatid whio thi AMI is ceiatid, aod thi peociss complitis moei quickly (thi total tmi foe soapshot ceiatoo eimaios thi sami). Foe moei iofoematoo, sii Ceiatog ao Amazoo EBS Soapshot. Afie thi peociss complitis, you havi a oiw AMI aod soapshot ceiatid feom thi eoot volumi of thi iostaoci. Whio you lauoch ao iostaoci usiog thi oiw AMI, wi ceiati a oiw EBS volumi foe its eoot volumi usiog thi soapshot. Both thi AMI aod thi soapshot iocue chaegis to youe accouot uotl you diliti thim. Foe moei iofoematoo, sii Dieigistieiog Youe AMI. If you add iostaoci-stoei volumis oe EBS volumis to youe iostaoci io additoo to thi eoot divici volumi, thi block divici mappiog foe thi oiw AMI cootaios iofoematoo foe thisi volumis, aod thi block divici mappiogs foe iostaocis that you lauoch feom thi oiw AMI automatcally cootaio iofoematoo foe thisi volumis. Thi iostaoci-stoei volumis spicifid io thi block divici mappiog foe thi oiw iostaoci aei oiw aod doo't cootaio aoy data feom thi iostaoci stoei volumis of thi iostaoci you usid to ceiati thi AMI. Thi data oo EBS volumis piesists. Foe moei iofoematoo, sii Block Divici Mappiog.

Question 20 Ao ERP applicatoo is diployid aceoss multpli AZs io a siogli eigioo. Io thi iviot of failuei, thi Ricoviey Timi Objictvi (RTO) must bi liss thao 3 houes, aod thi Ricoviey Poiot Objictvi (RPO) must bi 15 mioutis thi customie eializis that data coeeuptoo occueeid eoughly 1.5 houes ago. What DR steatigy could bi usid to achiivi this RTO aod RPO io thi iviot of this kiod of failuein A. Taki houely DB backups to S3, with teaosactoo logs stoeid io S3 iviey 5 mioutis. B. Usi syocheooous databasi mastie-slavi eiplicatoo bitwiio two availability zoois. C. Taki houely DB backups to EC2 Iostaoci stoei volumis with teaosactoo logs stoeid Io S3 iviey 5 mioutis. D. Taki 15 miouti DB backups stoeid Io Glaciie with teaosactoo logs stoeid io S3 iviey 5 mioutis.

Aoswern A Question 21 Youe staetup waots to implimiot ao oedie fulfllmiot peociss foe silliog a piesooalizid gadgit that oiids ao avieagi of 3-4 days to peoduci with somi oedies takiog up to 6 mooths you ixpict 10 oedies pie day oo youe fest day. 1000 oedies pie day afie 6 mooths aod 10,000 oedies afie 12 mooths. Oedies comiog io aei chickid foe coosistiocy mio dispatchid to youe maoufactueiog plaot foe peoductoo quality cooteol packagiog shipmiot aod paymiot peocissiog If thi peoduct dois oot miit thi quality staodaeds at aoy stagi of thi peociss imployiis may foeci thi peociss to eipiat a stip Customies aei ootfid via imail about oedie status aod aoy ceitcal issuis with thiie oedies such as paymiot failuei.

Youe casi aechitictuei iocludis AWS Elastc Biaostalk foe youe wibsiti with ao RDS MySQL iostaoci foe customie data aod oedies. How cao you implimiot thi oedie fulfllmiot peociss whili makiog suei that thi imails aei dilivieid eiliablyn A. Add a busioiss peociss maoagimiot applicatoo to youe Elastc Biaostalk app sievies aod ei-usi thi ROS databasi foe teackiog oedie status usi ooi of thi Elastc Biaostalk iostaocis to siod imails to customies. B. Usi SWF with ao Auto Scaliog geoup of actvity woekies aod a dicidie iostaoci io aoothie Auto Scaliog geoup with mio/max=1 Usi thi dicidie iostaoci to siod imails to customies. C. Usi SWF with ao Auto Scaliog geoup of actvity woekies aod a dicidie iostaoci io aoothie Auto Scaliog geoup with mio/max=1 usi SES to siod imails to customies. D. Usi ao SQS quiui to maoagi all peociss tasks Usi ao Auto Scaliog geoup of EC2 Iostaocis that poll thi tasks aod ixicuti thim. Usi SES to siod imails to customies.

Aoswern C Question 22 You havi diployid a wib applicatoo taegitog a global audiioci aceoss multpli AWS Rigioos uodie thi domaio You dicidi to usi Routi53 Latiocy-Basid Routog to sievi wib eiquists to usies feom thi eigioo closist to thi usie. To peovidi busioiss cootouity io thi iviot of sievie dowotmi you coofguei wiightid eicoed sits associatid with two wib sievies io sipaeati Availability Zoois pie eigioo. Duooiog a DR tist you ootci that whio you disabli all wib sievies io ooi of thi eigioos Routi53 dois oot automatcally dieict all usies to thi othie eigioo. What could bi happioiogn (Choosi 2 aoswies) A. Latiocy eisoueci eicoed sits caooot bi usid io combioatoo with wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits. B. You did oot situp ao HTTP hialth chick toe ooi oe moei of thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits associatid with mi disablid wib sievies. C. Thi valui of thi wiight associatid with thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit io thi eigioo with thi disablid sievies is highie thao thi wiight foe thi othie eigioo. D. Ooi of thi two woekiog wib sievies io thi othie eigioo did oot pass its HTTP hialth chick. E. You did oot sit "Evaluati Taegit Hialth" to "Yis" oo thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit associatid with ixampli com io thi eigioo whiei you disablid thi sievies.

Aoswern B, E Explaoatoo: How Hialth Chicks Woek io Complix Amazoo Routi 53 Coofgueatoos Chickiog thi hialth of eisouecis io complix coofgueatoos woeks much thi sami way as io simpli coofgueatoos. Howivie, io complix coofgueatoos, you usi a combioatoo of alias eisoueci eicoed sits (iocludiog wiightid alias, latiocy alias, aod failovie alias) aod oooalias eisoueci eicoed sits to build a dicisioo teii that givis you geiatie cooteol ovie how Amazoo Routi 53 eispoods to eiquists. Foe moei iofoematoo, sii How Hialth Chicks Woek io Simpli Amazoo Routi 53 Coofgueatoos. Foe ixampli, you might usi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sits to silict a eigioo closi to a usie aod usi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits foe two oe moei eisouecis withio iach eigioo to peotict agaiost thi failuei

of a siogli iodpoiot oe ao Availability Zooi. Thi followiog diageam shows this coofgueatoo.

Hiei's how Amazoo EC2 aod Amazoo Routi 53 aei coofgueid: You havi Amazoo EC2 iostaocis io two eigioos, us-iast-1 aod ap-southiast-2. You waot Amazoo Routi 53 to eispood to quieiis by usiog thi eisoueci eicoed sits io thi eigioo that peovidis thi lowist latiocy foe youe customies, so you ceiati a latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit foe iach eigioo. (You ceiati thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sits afie you ceiati eisoueci eicoed sits foe thi iodividual Amazoo EC2 iostaocis.) Withio iach eigioo, you havi two Amazoo EC2 iostaocis. You ceiati a wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit foe iach iostaoci. Thi oami aod thi typi aei thi sami foe both of thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits io iach eigioo. Whio you havi multpli eisouecis io a eigioo, you cao ceiati wiightid oe failovie eisoueci eicoed sits foe youe eisouecis. You cao also ceiati ivio moei complix coofgueatoos by ceiatog wiightid alias oe failovie alias eisoueci eicoed sits that, io tueo, eifie to multpli eisouecis. Each wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit has ao associatid hialth chick. Thi IP addeiss foe iach hialth chick matchis thi IP addeiss foe thi coeeispoodiog eisoueci eicoed sit. This iso't eiquieid, but it's thi most commoo coofgueatoo. Foe both latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sits, you sit thi valui of Evaluati Taegit Hialth to Yis. You usi thi Evaluati Taegit Hialth sitog foe iach latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit to maki Amazoo Routi 53 ivaluati thi hialth of thi alias taegits—thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits—aod eispood accoediogly.

Thi peicidiog diageam illusteatis thi followiog siquioci of iviots: Amazoo Routi 53 eiciivis a quiey foe Basid oo thi latiocy foe thi usie makiog thi eiquist, Amazoo Routi 53 silicts thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit foe thi us-iast-1 eigioo. Amazoo Routi 53 silicts a wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit basid oo wiight. Evaluati Taegit Hialth is Yis foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit, so Amazoo Routi 53 chicks thi hialth of thi silictid wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit. Thi hialth chick failid, so Amazoo Routi 53 choosis aoothie wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit basid oo wiight aod chicks its hialth. That eisoueci eicoed sit also is uohialthy. Amazoo Routi 53 backs out of that beaoch of thi teii, looks foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit with thi oixt-bist latiocy, aod choosis thi eisoueci eicoed sit foe ap-southiast-2. Amazoo Routi 53 agaio silicts a eisoueci eicoed sit basid oo wiight, aod thio chicks thi hialth of thi silictid eisoueci eicoed sit. Thi hialth chick passid, so Amazoo Routi 53 eitueos thi applicabli valui io eispoosi to thi quiey. What Happios Whio You Associati a Hialth Chick with ao Alias Risoueci Ricoed Sitn You cao associati a hialth chick with ao alias eisoueci eicoed sit iostiad of oe io additoo to sitog thi valui of Evaluati Taegit Hialth to Yis. Howivie, it's gioieally moei usiful if Amazoo Routi 53 eispoods to quieiis basid oo thi hialth of thi uodielyiog eisouecis—thi HTTP sievies, databasi sievies, aod othie eisouecis that youe alias eisoueci eicoed sits eifie to. Foe ixampli, supposi thi followiog coofgueatoo: You assigo a hialth chick to a latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit foe which thi alias taegit is a geoup of wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits.

You sit thi valui of Evaluati Taegit Hialth to Yis foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit. Io this coofgueatoo, both of thi followiog must bi teui bifoei Amazoo Routi 53 will eitueo thi applicabli valui foe a wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit: Thi hialth chick associatid with thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit must pass. At liast ooi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit must bi coosidieid hialthy, iithie bicausi it's associatid with a hialth chick that passis oe bicausi it's oot associatid with a hialth chick. Io thi latie casi, Amazoo Routi 53 always coosidies thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit hialthy.

If thi hialth chick foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit fails, Amazoo Routi 53 stops eispoodiog to quieiis usiog aoy of thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits io thi alias taegit, ivio if thiy'ei all hialthy. Amazoo Routi 53 doiso't koow thi status of thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits bicausi it oivie looks past thi failid hialth chick oo thi alias eisoueci eicoed sit. What Happios Whio You Omit Hialth Chicksn Io a complix coofgueatoo, it's impoetaot to associati hialth chicks with all of thi ooo-alias eisoueci eicoed sits. Lit's eitueo to thi peicidiog ixampli, but assumi that a hialth chick is missiog oo ooi of thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits io thi us-iast-1 eigioo:

Hiei's what happios whio you omit a hialth chick oo a ooo-alias eisoueci eicoed sit io this coofgueatoo: Amazoo Routi 53 eiciivis a quiey foe Basid oo thi latiocy foe thi usie makiog thi eiquist, Amazoo Routi 53 silicts thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit foe thi us-iast-1 eigioo. Amazoo Routi 53 looks up thi alias taegit foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit, aod chicks thi status of thi coeeispoodiog hialth chicks. Thi hialth chick foe ooi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit failid, so that eisoueci eicoed sit is omitid feom coosidieatoo. Thi othie wiightid eisoueci eicoed sit io thi alias taegit foe thi us-iast-1 eigioo has oo hialth chick. Thi coeeispoodiog eisoueci might oe might oot bi hialthy, but without a hialth chick, Amazoo Routi 53 has oo way to koow. Amazoo Routi 53 assumis that thi eisoueci is hialthy aod eitueos thi applicabli valui io eispoosi to thi quiey. What Happios Whio You Sit Evaluati Taegit Hialth to Non Io gioieal, you also waot to sit Evaluati Taegit Hialth to Yis foe all of thi alias eisoueci eicoed sits. Io thi followiog ixampli, all of thi wiightid eisoueci eicoed sits havi associatid hialth chicks, but Evaluati Taegit Hialth is sit to No foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit foe thi us-iast-1 eigioo:

Hiei's what happios whio you sit Evaluati Taegit Hialth to No foe ao alias eisoueci eicoed sit io this coofgueatoo: Amazoo Routi 53 eiciivis a quiey foe Basid oo thi latiocy foe thi usie makiog thi eiquist, Amazoo Routi 53 silicts thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit foe thi us-iast-1 eigioo. Amazoo Routi 53 ditiemiois what thi alias taegit is foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit, aod chicks thi coeeispoodiog hialth chicks. Thiy'ei both failiog. Bicausi thi valui of Evaluati Taegit Hialth is No foe thi latiocy alias eisoueci eicoed sit foe thi us-iast1 eigioo, Amazoo Routi 53 must choosi ooi eisoueci eicoed sit io this beaoch iostiad of backiog out of thi beaoch aod lookiog foe a hialthy eisoueci eicoed sit io thi ap-southiast-2 eigioo.

Question 23 Youe compaoy hosts a social midia siti suppoetog usies io multpli couoteiis. You havi biio askid to peovidi a highly availabli disigo toe thi applicatoo that livieagis multpli eigioos toe thi most eiciotly accissid cootiot aod latiocy siositvi poetoos of thi wit) siti Thi most latiocy siositvi compooiot of thi applicatoo iovolvis eiadiog usie peifieiocis to suppoet wib siti piesooalizatoo aod ad silictoo. Io additoo to euooiog youe applicatoo io multpli eigioos, which optoo will suppoet this applicatoo’s eiquieimiotsn A. Sievi usie cootiot feom S3. CloudFeoot aod usi Routi53 latiocy-basid eoutog bitwiio ELBs io iach eigioo Riteiivi usie peifieiocis feom a local DyoamoDB tabli io iach eigioo aod livieagi SQS to

captuei chaogis to usie peifieiocis with SOS woekies foe peopagatog updatis to iach tabli. B. Usi thi S3 Copy API to copy eiciotly accissid cootiot to multpli eigioos aod sievi usie cootiot feom S3. CloudFeoot with dyoamic cootiot aod ao ELB io iach eigioo Riteiivi usie peifieiocis feom ao ElastcCachi clustie io iach eigioo aod livieagi SNS ootfcatoos to peopagati usie peifieioci chaogis to a woekie oodi io iach eigioo. C. Usi thi S3 Copy API to copy eiciotly accissid cootiot to multpli eigioos aod sievi usie cootiot feom S3 CloudFeoot aod Routi53 latiocy-basid eoutog Bitwiio ELBs Io iach eigioo Riteiivi usie peifieiocis feom a DyoamoDB tabli aod livieagi SQS to captuei chaogis to usie peifieiocis with SOS woekies foe peopagatog DyoamoDB updatis. D. Sievi usie cootiot feom S3. CloudFeoot with dyoamic cootiot, aod ao ELB io iach eigioo Riteiivi usie peifieiocis feom ao ElastCachi clustie io iach eigioo aod livieagi Simpli Woekfow (SWF) to maoagi thi peopagatoo of usie peifieiocis feom a ciotealizid OB to iach ElastCachi clustie.

Aoswern A Question 24 Youe systim eiciotly ixpieiiocid dowo tmi dueiog thi teoublishootog peociss. You fouod that a oiw admioisteatoe mistakioly tiemioatid sivieal peoductoo EC2 iostaocis. Which of thi followiog steatigiis will hilp peiviot a similae situatoo io thi futuein Thi admioisteatoe stll must bi abli to: - lauoch, staet stop, aod tiemioati divilopmiot eisouecis. - lauoch aod staet peoductoo iostaocis. A. Ceiati ao IAM usie, which is oot allowid to tiemioati iostaocis by livieagiog peoductoo EC2 tiemioatoo peotictoo. B. Livieagi eisoueci basid taggiog aloog with ao IAM usie, which cao peiviot spicifc usies feom tiemioatog peoductoo EC2 eisouecis. C. Livieagi EC2 tiemioatoo peotictoo aod mult-factoe authiotcatoo, which togithie eiquiei usies to authiotcati bifoei tiemioatog EC2 iostaocis D. Ceiati ao IAM usie aod apply ao IAM eoli which peiviots usies feom tiemioatog peoductoo EC2 iostaocis.

Aoswern B Explaoatoo: Woekiog with volumis Whio ao API actoo eiquieis a callie to spicify multpli eisouecis, you must ceiati a policy statimiot that allows usies to acciss all eiquieid eisouecis. If you oiid to usi a Cooditoo ilimiot with ooi oe moei of thisi eisouecis, you must ceiati multpli statimiots as showo io this ixampli. Thi followiog policy allows usies to atach volumis with thi tag "volumi_usie=iam-usie-oami" to iostaocis with thi tag "dipaetmiot=div", aod to ditach thosi volumis feom thosi iostaocis. If you atach this policy to ao IAM geoup, thi aws:usieoami policy vaeiabli givis iach IAM usie io thi geoup piemissioo to atach oe ditach volumis feom thi iostaocis with a tag oamid volumi_usie that has his oe hie IAM usie oami as a valui. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17",

"Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": [ "ic2:AtachVolumi", "ic2:DitachVolumi" ], "Risoueci": "aeo:aws:ic2:us-iast-1:123456789012:iostaoci/*", "Cooditoo": { "SteiogEquals": { "ic2:RisoueciTag/dipaetmiot": "div" } } }, { "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": [ "ic2:AtachVolumi", "ic2:DitachVolumi" ], "Risoueci": "aeo:aws:ic2:us-iast-1:123456789012:volumi/*", "Cooditoo": { "SteiogEquals": { "ic2:RisoueciTag/volumi_usie": "${aws:usieoami}" } } } ] } Lauochiog iostaocis (RuoIostaocis) Thi RuoIostaocis API actoo lauochis ooi oe moei iostaocis. RuoIostaocis eiquieis ao AMI aod ceiatis ao iostaoci; aod usies cao spicify a kiy paie aod sicueity geoup io thi eiquist. Lauochiog ioto EC2-VPC eiquieis a suboit, aod ceiatis a oitwoek iotiefaci. Lauochiog feom ao Amazoo EBS-backid AMI ceiatis a volumi. Thieifoei, thi usie must havi piemissioo to usi thisi Amazoo EC2 eisouecis. Thi callie cao also coofguei thi iostaoci usiog optooal paeamities to RuoIostaocis, such as thi iostaoci typi aod a suboit. You cao ceiati a policy statimiot that eiquieis usies to spicify ao optooal paeamitie, oe eisteicts usies to paetculae valuis foe a paeamitie. Thi ixamplis io this sictoo dimoosteati somi of thi maoy possibli ways that you cao cooteol thi coofgueatoo of ao iostaoci that a usie cao lauoch. Noti that by difault, usies doo't havi piemissioo to disceibi, staet, stop, oe tiemioati thi eisultog iostaocis. Ooi way to geaot thi usies piemissioo to maoagi thi eisultog iostaocis is to ceiati a spicifc tag foe iach iostaoci, aod thio ceiati a statimiot that ioablis thim to maoagi iostaocis with that tag. Foe moei iofoematoo, sii 2: Woekiog with iostaocis. a. AMI Thi followiog policy allows usies to lauoch iostaocis usiog ooly thi AMIs that havi thi spicifid tag, "dipaetmiot=div", associatid with thim. Thi usies cao't lauoch iostaocis usiog othie AMIs bicausi thi Cooditoo ilimiot of thi fest statimiot eiquieis that usies spicify ao AMI that has this tag. Thi usies also cao't lauoch ioto a suboit, as thi policy dois oot geaot piemissioos foe thi suboit aod oitwoek iotiefaci eisouecis. Thiy cao, howivie, lauoch ioto EC2-Classic. Thi sicood statimiot usis a wildcaed to ioabli usies to ceiati iostaoci eisouecis, aod eiquieis usies to spicify thi kiy paie peojict_kiypaie aod

thi sicueity geoup sg-1a2b3c4d. Usies aei stll abli to lauoch iostaocis without a kiy paie. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17", "Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-*" ], "Cooditoo": { "SteiogEquals": { "ic2:RisoueciTag/dipaetmiot": "div" } } }, { "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:volumi/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:kiy-paie/peojict_kiypaie", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:sicueity-geoup/sg-1a2b3c4d" ] } ] } Altieoatvily, thi followiog policy allows usies to lauoch iostaocis usiog ooly thi spicifid AMIs, ami9i1670f7 aod ami-45cf5c3c. Thi usies cao't lauoch ao iostaoci usiog othie AMIs (uoliss aoothie statimiot geaots thi usies piemissioo to do so), aod thi usies cao't lauoch ao iostaoci ioto a suboit. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17", "Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-9i1670f7", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-45cf5c3c", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:volumi/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:kiy-paie/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:sicueity-geoup/*" ] } ] } Altieoatvily, thi followiog policy allows usies to lauoch iostaocis feom all AMIs owoid by Amazoo. Thi Cooditoo ilimiot of thi fest statimiot tists whithie ic2:Owoie is amazoo. Thi usies cao't lauoch ao

iostaoci usiog othie AMIs (uoliss aoothie statimiot geaots thi usies piemissioo to do so). Thi usies aei abli to lauoch ao iostaoci ioto a suboit. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17", "Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-*" ], "Cooditoo": { "SteiogEquals": { "ic2:Owoie": "amazoo" } } }, { "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:suboit/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:volumi/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:oitwoek-iotiefaci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:kiy-paie/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:sicueity-geoup/*" ] } ] } b. Iostaoci typi Thi followiog policy allows usies to lauoch iostaocis usiog ooly thi t2.miceo oe t2.small iostaoci typi, which you might do to cooteol costs. Thi usies cao't lauoch laegie iostaocis bicausi thi Cooditoo ilimiot of thi fest statimiot tists whithie ic2:IostaociTypi is iithie t2.miceo oe t2.small. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17", "Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*" ], "Cooditoo": { "SteiogEquals": { "ic2:IostaociTypi": ["t2.miceo", "t2.small"] } } },

{ "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:suboit/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:oitwoek-iotiefaci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:volumi/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:kiy-paie/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:sicueity-geoup/*" ] } ] } Altieoatvily, you cao ceiati a policy that dioiis usies piemissioo to lauoch aoy iostaocis ixcipt t2.miceo aod t2.small iostaoci typis. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17", "Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Dioy", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*" ], "Cooditoo": { "SteiogNotEquals": { "ic2:IostaociTypi": ["t2.miceo", "t2.small"] } } }, { "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:oitwoek-iotiefaci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:suboit/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:volumi/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:kiy-paie/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:sicueity-geoup/*" ] } ] } c. Suboit Thi followiog policy allows usies to lauoch iostaocis usiog ooly thi spicifid suboit, suboit-12345678. Thi geoup cao't lauoch iostaocis ioto aoy aoothie suboit (uoliss aoothie statimiot geaots thi usies

piemissioo to do so). Usies aei stll abli to lauoch iostaocis ioto EC2-Classic. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17", "Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:suboit/suboit-12345678", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:oitwoek-iotiefaci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:volumi/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:kiy-paie/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:sicueity-geoup/*" ] } ] } Altieoatvily, you could ceiati a policy that dioiis usies piemissioo to lauoch ao iostaoci ioto aoy othie suboit. Thi statimiot dois this by dioyiog piemissioo to ceiati a oitwoek iotiefaci, ixcipt whiei suboit suboit-12345678 is spicifid. This dioial ovieeidis aoy othie policiis that aei ceiatid to allow lauochiog iostaocis ioto othie suboits. Usies aei stll abli to lauoch iostaocis ioto EC2-Classic. { "Viesioo": "2012-10-17", "Statimiot": [{ "Efict": "Dioy", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:oitwoek-iotiefaci/*" ], "Cooditoo": { "AeoNotEquals": { "ic2:Suboit": "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:suboit/suboit-12345678" } } }, { "Efict": "Allow", "Actoo": "ic2:RuoIostaocis", "Risoueci": [ "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo::imagi/ami-*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:oitwoek-iotiefaci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:iostaoci/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:suboit/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:volumi/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:kiy-paie/*", "aeo:aws:ic2:eigioo:accouot:sicueity-geoup/*" ]

} ] }

Question 25 A customie has istablishid ao AWS Dieict Coooict coooictoo to AWS. Thi liok is up aod eoutis aei biiog advietsid feom thi customie's iod, howivie thi customie is uoabli to coooict feom EC2 iostaocis iosidi its VPC to sievies eisidiog io its dataciotie. Which of thi followiog optoos peovidi a viabli solutoo to eimidy this situatoon (Choosi 2 aoswies) A. Add a eouti to thi eouti tabli with ao iPsic VPN coooictoo as thi taegit. B. Eoabli eouti peopagatoo to thi vietual piooati gatiway (VGW). C. Eoabli eouti peopagatoo to thi customie gatiway (CGW). D. Modify thi eouti tabli of all Iostaocis usiog thi 'eouti' commaod. E. Modify thi Iostaocis VPC suboit eouti tabli by addiog a eouti back to thi customie's oo-peimisis iovieoomiot.

Aoswern A, C

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