Diasopra Smile Portraits of Tibetan in Exile

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“Diaspora Smile� is a part of an ongoing photographic project that captures the joy of elderly Tibetan refugees who lived in exile for more than fifty years. I regularly took their portraits on the night after they have received private blessing from His Holiness Dalai Lama. In January 2009, I first began my journey with a group of 45 elderly Tibetan refugee. They are about 60-80 years old, coming from Tibetan Settlement in Main Pat to receive private audience from His Holiness Dalai Lama in Saranarth, India. The following year in January 2010 another 32 elderly Tibetan’s refugee from Bumtang Bhutan had cross Bhutan border for the first time since they took refuge there almost 50 year ago, in order to travel to Bodhigaya. Again in 2011 I again travel with 35 elderly Tibetan refugee from Choephelling Tibetan settlement in Miao, Arunachal Pradesh to Saranarth. This project was actually initialed from idea of Mr. Tenzin Losel, a Tibetan social worker, who have strong belief that a spiritual support is far more important than that material need, for the Tibetan community in exile. With a support and funding by SathirakosesNagapradipa Foundation, The organization that have strong emphasis on the spiritual well being of humanity from Thailand. I always believe that photography at its best has the capacity to transform the way people think and create social change, It can bring advocacy by perform its role as an evidence of injustice or inequity and be alternative voice. I also believe that a simple but powerful image can empower native community and strengthen their identity. which I regard crucial for the survival of various cultures in globalize world. my intention from beginning is to capture the sprit of Tibetan community in exile, which has collectively have tried to preserve the practice of Buddhism and Tibetan culture.

Most photographers often portray the image of Tibetan as an exotic culture on the verge of extinction, being destroyed by the Chinese in the process of modernization. To view Tibetans as victims, or unfortunates without the compassionate purpose is a project that is expected to serve as a dissociated point of view with an unsentimental empathy in the photograph's subjects. In such pessimistic scenarios, what is ignored is the spiritual potential of Tibetans who are able to adjust and survive in a changing world. So I try to avoid any kind of sentimental voyeurism of the western practice. In fact from the beginning I never had the

idea that these people are miserable. In contrast, I feel that they have such a rich experience in their lives that I should learn from. I want to show Tibetan dignity in their willingness to leave their homeland into another country, to show their courage their spirit and demonstrate how that can enrich our life. So we live together as friend who collaborative with a simple smile to one another as it seems to be impossible to use verbal communication, as I cannot speak Tibetan. However with their expression I try listen to their story and try to understand their life, which consisted of meaning that one should not to forget. I wait until I feel that they have trusted me, then I ask for permission to photograph them. Surprisingly many of them are so excited and just stood before my camera and smile as they always do when they meet me. Back in Bangkok while I was editing the work, I realized that I had a group of powerful portraits, in front of my camera. I had very old people who had gone through many experiences of great intensity already. These seemingly simple and straightforward portraits depict forcefully their pain and their dignity. However, with faith, they are able to show us that the people who have less materialize can be blissful in their belief and their life. Receiving private blessing from His Holiness Dalai Lama is their last quest in life, now many of them have already renounced the world and prepared themselves for hereafter. I wish those who have viewed these photograph will look at the Tibetan refugee in a new way, not as miserable political victim nor as an alien exotic being, but with a new respect. As friends who teach us that self-abnegation, is the secret of our survival in a harsh world today. Here, I have a true sample of the men and women of Tibet,whom humankind must learn from their attitude of life. So I hope this work is an invitation to discover the potential of simple image that have a power to fill our lives with compassion.

Bhanuwat Jittivuthikarn

...We are, after all, social animals. Without human the

friendship, without

human smile, our lives become miserable. The loneliness becomes

unbearable. Such human interdependence is a natural law--that is to say, according to natural law,

we depend on others to live. If, under

certain circumstances, because something is wrong inside us, our attitude toward our fellow human beings on whom we depend becomes hostile,

how can we hope to attain peace of mind or a happy life? According to basic human nature or natural law, interdependence--giving and receiving affection--is the key to happiness.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I felt unequivocally joy and truth in my heart when I saw His Holiness yesterday. I also felt huge virtuous to see the real Buddha in his form and an immense devotion was generated. He is the Buddha who always helps the sentient beings.” Urti m 84 years old



of our lives is to be


H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I felt very happy and relieved. My time left in this life is short, so I follow his advise to pray a l lot . It is the support of the sponsors that had given us the opportunity to accumulate merits by seeing His Holiness. This is very gracious of them. It is the support of the sponsors that had given us the opportunity to accumulate merits by seeing His Holiness. This is very gracious of them.”

Tsultrim 72 years old

love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.

When we feel

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“My late husband was ill but was tightly kept under watch by the Chinese till his death. I stayed there for 10 or 11 days before my escape with a help from a person who knows Nepalese language. When I arrived here. I did woolen weaving and washings. My daughter also died after giving birth to three children. Those were the very hard time to me Yes. It’s inevitable to death. I pray to His Holiness when I woke up and get to the bed every day that may the happiness fall on this world and on Tibet, and the Tibetans in Tibet and diaspora get united.”

Woeser 85 years old

I love friends, I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-­diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile

gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“After so many years in exile, I still miss my village. I think of it a lot, I imagine myself sat on the hilltops, where we, the nomads went to herd animals. There were not much trees. It was grassland and there were many flowers in summer. That was the happy part of in my life in Tibet. In 1959 I decide to leave Tibet and when I arrived in Sikkim, I had nothing with me. All my belonging in Tibet was confiscated. The officer asked where I wanted to go. I tell them to send me wherever His Holiness the Dalai Lama was, so we were sent to Dharamsala. When the first time I saw him I was so happy that I shed tears with full happiness. I was praying to see him again and again, now I feel very lucky to have seen His Holiness again on my verge to death. This has happened because of the grace of His Holiness and support from the sponsors. I pray for the good health and happiness to them.”

Dolma Yangzom 77 years old

We cannot be useful to ourselves unless we are also useful

to others.

Whether we like it or not, we are all connected, and it is

unthinkable to be happy all by oneself. Anyone who is only concerned by his own well-being will suffer eventually. Anyone who is only concerned with the well-being of others take care of himself without even thinking about it. Even if we decide to remain selfish, let us be intelligently selfish- let

us help other!

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I am very thankful to the sponsors who helped us selflessly. I am very happy and pray to almighty for their wellbeing, long healthy life and good fortune. I am also hopeful that they may carry their humanitarian jobs like this in the coming future. I felt very virtuous to meet His Holiness due to the sponsors’ kindness. It was also my good fortune to see and hear from His Holiness. I prayed in front of His Holiness to get the ultimate enlightenment to the sponsors who selflessly helped us.”

Lhakyi 72 years old

If you want others to be happy, practice If you want to be happy,


practice compassion.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I have never received any opportunity to audience with His Holiness Dalai Lama like this before. His Holiness is kind enough to see poor old women like me, who don’t have non-­‐‑to depend on. What little I have; spends onto the eating and surviving. Hence, this kind of pilgrimage opportunity makes me felt very auspicious and fortunate.”

Jigme Wangchuke 81 years old

If you have a religious faith, then pray or meditate according to your religious. If your mind is still clear,

reflection the fact that birth,

sickness old age and death are part of every human life and are inescapable. Recognizing this and accepting it fully will help you grow old more peacefully

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“All human beings need happiness but there are different approaches to seek it, as a Buddhists we seek happiness through one’s own mind and not from physical things. The happiness sought through external means brings suffering in the end. Hid Holiness the Dalai Lama also teaches us to be a good human being and help others. You can’t harm if you can’t help others. This is the main teaching of that I had learn by heart.”

Kelsang Tenzin 72 years old

Inner happiness is not determined by material circumstances or sensual gratification.

It depends on our mind.

The most vital thing is to

recognize how important this kind of happiness really is.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“When I came from Tibet, one has to come across big mountains, face huge snow laden paths, and had to walk in icy muddy trenches. Sometime, a large number of people find themselves stranded and standing on their feet in icy muddy places. Humans and horses used to fall in the ditches and lots of other problems were there. This settlement was not here when I came. Initially it was a small place with nothing. Gradually we built houses and others with the aid from western countries. No buildings were there and not even this monastery. There was a carpet centre only. We all worked very hard by knitting carpets, weaving wools and even doing manual labors. This was how we survived. My last and foremost hope is to have a Kalachakra initiation in the grounds of Potala in Lhasa by the present His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the Tibetans in diaspora and Tibet together, in the same way as we are receiving the 32nd Kalachakra initiation in here in Bodh Gaya.”

Karma 86 years old

NEVER GIVE UP No matter what is going on Never give up Develop the heart Too much energy in your country Is spent developing the mind Instead of the heart Be compassionate Not just to your friends But to everyone Be compassionate Work for peace In your heart and in the world Work for peace And I say again Never give up No matter what is going on around you Never give up

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“May His Holiness’ life not marred by any obstacles. May Dhramma prevail on earth. May my country regain its freedom. . May I return to my country . May the sufferings of all sentient beings come to an end.”

Gyaltsen 82 years old

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“According to Buddhism, we believe in next birth which is countless. When we die our body ceases to live but our soul travels to another life. Hence, the purpose of doing well in this life is to have a decent next birth and do service to others……I was once young and capable of doing anything but now I have grown old and most of my times were spend on religious activities I woke up around 3 AM in the morning and start circumambulating the temples and hence accumulating merit. By circumambulating the temples, I am not only accumulating merits but also having physical exercises. I also doing full-­‐‑length prostration.”

Yeshi Chodon 76 years old

Death is a critical time, so it is very helpful to prepare oneself for it. We should reflect on the fact it is unavoidable. We should acknowledge that it is an integral part of life, since life necessarily has beginning

and an end. It is futile to try to escape it.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama had worked very hard from very young age to this day to resolve the Tibetan and Chinese crisis through peaceful means for the benefit of both the countries. The Tibetans not only pray to His Holiness the Dalai Lama but world as whole has been doing this. He is a religious teacher to all of us. I want to show my respect for His kindness. Today in Bodhi Gaya the Tibetans from all over the world are coming here by overlooking all of their hardship just to see and hear from Him. He is the savior of this life as well as our next lives.”

Lobsang Chodak 81 years old





satisfying the sense alone.

of human being does not depend on

Above all they depend on mental


H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the Buddha in real form and always in service of all the sentient beings. I take refuge of my present and next lives in him. With the help from the outside world, I wish the sun of happiness will shine over the Tibet and will benefit all the sentient beings. It is my deep hope that this will definitely happen. For me I am very happy to come to this pilgrimage in Bodhi Gaya, I also pray for the benefit of people who assist me to this pilgrimage. “

Namgyel 86 years old

Every one of us is getting older,

which is a natural

process. Time is constantly moving on, second by second. Nothing can stop it,

but what we can do is use our time

properly; that is in our hands. Whether we believe in a spiritual tradition or not, we need to use our time meaningfully. If over days, weeks, months and years, we have used our time in a meaningful way, when our last day comes, we'ʹll

be happy,

we'ʹll have no regrets.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been working very hard towards the benefit of not only for the Tibetans but also the world as a whole. I was thinking of repaying His kindness and trying to do my best. Under His Holiness directions I have been living healthy to this day and I will pray to His Holiness to remain in good health in future.” Ngawang Dorji 79 year old

Material poverty thought. is why,

should not prevent you from having


And in fact, these are far more important than wealth. That

as long as one has a human brain and body, even if

one is poor, one has the main thing, so there is no reason to feel discouraged or retreat inside oneself.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I was very fortunate to see Him before my death. I am very thankful to the sponsors and praying for their welfare. I am also praying to His Holiness that I want to see my country again before my death. “

Lobsang Tsering 78 years old




are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“My dream is to return back to Tibet and greet His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet. To happen this, all the Tibetans in diaspora need to work really hard as per the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The biggest hope of the Tibetans in Tibet is also to greet His Holiness to Tibet and many of them have already been sacrificing their lives for this."ʺ

Samgay Norbu 73 years old

Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to

expand my heart out to others;

to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

I am going to

have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I

am going to benefit others as much as

I can.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I was the very first group of refugee to be settle in maintpat settlement , here I make living by become a farmer, I can recall when His Holiness visit us at the camp in 1963 , Because his Holiness grace that I survive here with out any difficult , we the Tibetan are like his children, I try to follow everything His holiness teach us , but I can tell you the most difficult thing to follow is compassion to be true compassion and totally forgive an enemy like what His holiness did is something I still can not do. The last thing I wish in my life is go back to Tibet which is impossible because now I am an old man, I move to old people home”

Gyaltsen Dudup 84 years old

I have found that the greatest degree of

inner tranquility comes from

the development of love and compassion.

The more we care for the

happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of wellbeing. Cultivating a close, warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It

is the ultimate source of success in life.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been working very hard towards the benefit of not only for the Tibetans but also the world as a whole. I was thinking of repaying His kindness and trying to do my best. Under His Holiness directions I have been living healthy to this day and I will pray to His Holiness to remain in good health in future.”

Sonam Yonden 86 years old

I will soon be 77 years old, If from time to time I did not accept deep down that my physical body has grown older over the years, I would find it difficult to come to term with my condition.

When you are old, be

aware of what that really means, without deceiving yourself, and try to make the most of it.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“When I was in Tibet, I had a long life religious service performed to His Holiness, then I joined Chu-­‐‑Shi-­‐‑Gang-­‐‑Druk organization and came to Gangtok, and years later on joined Lo organization voluntarily. Until this age, I have been working to the cause of Tibet without thinking of the monetary benefits and without creating any rift among the Tibetans. I learn that the sponsors have helped the old people in many occasions including this Hence, I request you to continue the project by helping the poor needy old people like us who are scattered in many other Tibetan settlements. I pray this to happen from the core of my heart and also pray that the success befall on the sponsors’ deeds in the coming futures.”

Dorjee 86 years old

Commonsense shows that human life is short-lived and that it is best to make of our brief sojourn on this Earth something that is useful


oneself and others.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“When I reached the top of the pass between the border of Tibet and Bhutan, I turned towards the direction of Tibet and I prayed that I should have the chance to return to Tibet soon. Though my life was difficult in Tibet, still my heart did not wish to leave. But I was compelled to and so I walked towards the Bhutanese army camp. That was the last time I see Tibet. …..With the support from the sponsors, today I got not only to see His Holiness but also to hear teachings from Him. I feel very virtuous. I always pray for this opportunity.”

Lhamo 81 years old

Ask your self what

can you still contribute to the society which

you depend. With knowledge you have gained, you can certainly be more useful to other than people who not live so long . Talk

about life

with your family and your love ones, and share experience with them. If you enjoy being with your grandchildren communicate some of your understanding as you are looking after them and help to educate them.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“We are here in Bodh Gaya for the pilgrimage and saw His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He is the only protector of ours this life and the next lives. What I feel about His Holiness is that His Holiness is omniscient. He leads dead to the heaven and protects the livings. I am very happy. I thank to you three people with Losel for this.”

Dolkar 70 years old

According to Buddhism, it is important to train ourselves right now so that we can die well. When our vital functions cease, the gross level of consciousness dissolve and the subtle consciousness, which does not depend on a physical support, manifest and offer unique opportunity to seasoned practitioner to progress toward

enlightenment, that is why particularly

in the tantras, one finds many meditation methods aimed at preparing the practitioner for the

moment of death.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“After seeing His Holiness the Dalai Lama, I felt that now I don’t regret even death falls on me. This is very happy moment for me. This all happened due to the help from the sponsors. My husband passed away years ago and to depend on I had a son, which too passed away. I have a daughter but she has been married to other family. So I am now living in Old people home.”

Kungsang Tsomo 80 years old

Above all ,

Do not end up like those old people who

complaint and quarrel all day long. Do not waste your energy in that way. Nobody will ever like you and

old age

will become a real


H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“When the Chinese invaded our country. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has safely refuge in India, so I follow him here, I feel that our main institution is still survive. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the most precious wealth & the soul of Tibet. He is like my heart and When I have this kind of audience it is my biggest accomplishment. This kind of opportunity is very rare. Because of His Holiness, I think wherever the Tibetans will be there is still hope. I will not lose courage.”

Tashi Norbu 82 years old

If you


life becomes sweeter. After all,

if I smile at you, you will smile back!

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I had a splendid audience with His Holiness and I am very happy. The credit goes to the generous sponsors. I still feel delighted in my heart. After an audience with His Holiness I do not wish anything more in this life but if possible please help us get Tibet independent, if we don’t get Tibet independence in His Holiness lifetime our Buddhist heritage will be lost. Our religious is the last thing we got along with his Holiness Dalai lama.”

Lhami Bhuli 77 years old


modern society,




we tend to overlook what I call natural human




In childhood it is easy to make friends, you only have to

laugh with someone once and immediately you are friends. Children do not ask about each other’s race or profession. The main thing is that the other person is a human

being like us and that we relate to him or her.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I reached here without difficulty on my way. I have a good place to live comfortably in here and my all needs taken care of. I am happy and am very thankful to the sponsors. I will request His Holiness to live very long. May He set happiness to all the sentient beings and peace on earth? I felt very happy and enjoyed. His Holiness tell me to do more prayer, thoughtfulness and to help others including animals.”

Pema Lhamo 66 years old


inner resilience

it is possible, even in extremely

aggravating circumstances, to maintain a degree of happiness, And yet without this inner strength, no amount of sensual gratification can ever make us happy.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“My first escape from Tibet were unsuccessful we got lost along the way to border. Then later on when we know another direction we tried again we reach Pokara in Nepal before being transfer to Shimla to build road. During that hardwork I come to understand about suffer of Tibet as a nation as all people who work there is a Tibetan who have lost our home. When was a young man I was angry with Chinese a lot, I join Regiment 22 of Indian Army where I hope to get a chance to fight back for Tibet. However this never happen. Today in the presence of His Holiness I have a sense that he is my Guru I can feel inner link with His Holiness for many past of my life. I wish I can follow him where ever he may go. “ Lhundup Choeden 74 years old

If you are religious person, then

at the moment of death you

should reconnect with your faith and pray.

If you believe in

God , tell yourself that even if it is sad to come to the end of one’s life, God must have his reason and death is something profound that you are unable to fathom, this

thought will definitely help you.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I felt, I was woken from death after seeing His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It was a big blessing. I can’t say anything but pray for His Holiness long life. I also pray to Him to not let me fall in the Hell realms after my death, and to see Him again and again.”

Pasang 82 years old

As for me, I always want more see more smiles, or diplomatic.

real smiles,

Some smiles

engender suspicion or fear. authentic feeling of freshness,

to human beings.


I love


and my wish is to

for there are many kinds—sarcastic, artificial, don’t arouse any satisfaction, and some even

An authentic smile,

though, arouses an

and I think the smile belongs only

If we want those smiles, we must create the reasons

that make them appear.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“To have a special audience with His Holiness definitely has given me a big happiness. Seeing His face even made me calm. I felt I have accumulated big merits. This was happened due to the support of the sponsors. I can’t visit like this by myself due to age and money problems. I am thankful to them. I am very happy now. The sponsors have taken care of everything without any worry. I feel very grateful of them.”

Molam 74 years old

It is true to say that most of us dislike thinking about our own death. We spend most of our live amassing possessions or embarking on endless number of projects, as though we were going to live for ever, as though it was not absolutely certain that one day- tomorrow perhaps, or even in the next moment- we

will leave everything behind.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I felt very good. I am in eighties plus of age and thought of not going to see His Holiness. However, the sponsors have done a good job by bringing me here this time. I wanted to see Him before my death and I got this. Now I feel good. kind enough to bring us for the pilgrimage. Without them, I may not have seen His Holiness.”

Gyaltsen 82 years old

Let us Cultivate

love and compassion, both of which give true meaning

to life. This is the religious I preach, more so than Buddhism itself. It is simple. Its moral values are


and respecting others, whoever they

may be. Whether one is layperson or a monastic,

we have no other

option if we wish to survive in this world.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the most precious wealth & the soul of Tibet. He is like my heart and hence to have this kind of audience is my biggest accomplishment. This kind of opportunity is very rare. On the day, when I met His Holiness, I thought I got whatever I need and felt very happy. I will request Him to live thousands of years and return back to Tibet – the land of Buddhism at the earliest. I always pray to see Him return to Tibet and live very long.”

Tsering 69 years old

There is a saying in Tibetan,

source of strength. experience is, if

Tragedy should be utilized as a

No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful

we lose our hope, that’ʹs our real disaster.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“From many generation from my great grand father have been told a story about grace of Dalai Lama , But no one in my family ever have enough merit to see Dalai Lama , Now I have meet His Holiness Dalai lama with my own eye I feel that I have seen the most important person in my life. Because of His Holiness, we the Tibetan are getting many help from international so we have survived. Physically I am well being but inside I still hurt by the lost of Tibet, I have no choice but think it as karma from past life.”

Tashi Tsering 66 years old

Laughing is a characteristic of the Tibetans, who are different in this from the Japanese or the Indians. They are very


like the Italians, rather

than a little reserved, like the Germans or the English.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I can’t walk properly due to age and health problem but I am very happy. I will not regret even if death comes tomorrow. After seeing His Holiness even if death comes to me, I don’t regret.”

Kungsang Norbu 69 years old

The life of exile is an unfortunate life,

but I have always tried to

cultivate a happy state of mind,

appreciating the opportunities this

existence without a settled home, far from all protocol, has offered me. This way I have been able to preserve my inner


H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I became a monk at the from age of 7-­‐‑25 , my life as a monk in the Gaden Monastery is very simple and happy I was a staff monk whose duty is make preparation of food for 5,600 monks in Gaden Monastery . I was allowed to watch His Holiness Dalai lama debate during his examination. His Holiness was very young at that time. One month after Lasha fall I decide to escape by foot with other monk it took me 26 days to walk to Tawang border, I have return to Tibet once in 1985 and I saw Gaden Monastery been much destroy. In India I denounce my monkhood, and voluntary work as a cook for the community for 27 years , Nothing now I want more in this life. My life will go on at whatever depend on my karma. I am now give away my wealth and now living in an old people home. “

Dawa Tsering 84 years old

We must recognise that the suffering of one person or one nation is the suffering of humanity.

The happiness of one person or nation is

the happiness of humanity.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“Living under Tibetan government in exile I have nothing to complain even we lost our country, we lost our family and friend but what we still have here is the three Ratana( Three Jewel of Buddhism) , with the bless from his holiness Dalai lama I pray that I will not getting sick that is my happiness.”

Jampa Phuntchok 73 years old

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot


H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I am very fortunate enough to hear the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I feel calm in front of him. I am old and this type of opportunity will be hard to find in future. It was a good happening. The sponsors are really grateful. I will say prayer as far as possible for their well-­‐‑being. How small it may be, I will light lamps to their good fortune.”

Namgyel Dolma 74 years old

It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this,


in both the

short term

and the


term for both yourself and others will come.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“Only to see His Holiness is good enough for me, but His Holiness had talk to me , old men with the white hair how old are you ? I was speechless ‘How many children do you have ? ’ I say I have non and now stay in old people home. He then say ‘human life is short so you should pray a lot and don’t quarrel to other people, then you will be fine.’ I did not expect His Holiness to talk to me, this is more than enough for poor person like me to be happy for the rest of his life.”

Sonam 80 years old

Smile if you want a smile from another face.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“When I was in Tibet I don’t know much about anything I just continue everyday with out thinking much, now I am in foreign land for more than fifty years, in an early year I would hear people talking that we will going back to Tibet soon. It is this hope that keeps me going. For many years had pass and I know that I cannot go back. I try to think it as our Karma and I lost my hope for myself to return to Tibet but I still pray everyday for young people that they still can make Tibet be independent and go home.”

Karma Dondup 78 years old

When we are young and again when we are old, we depend heavily on the affection

of others. Between these stages we usually feel

that we can do everything without help from others and that other people´s affection is simply not important.

But at this stage I think it is very

important to keep deep human affection.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I felt very happy. Usually it is difficult to get His audience. This time I have seen Him very closely. It was my happiest and most enjoyable moment of life to see the real Buddha in the form of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. A pathetic old woman like me, reached here in India due to His Holiness Grace. I am very happy. I pray for the good health for him.”

Kyizom 82 years old

Medical science increasingly suggests that a person, who is

happy and peaceful, free from fear and anxiety, will enjoy tangible health benefits. So I consider it a simple truth that this body of ours is meant for a happy life. A happy mind is a

healthy mind, and a healthy mind is a good for the body.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I wish His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his long life of thousands of years and may Tibet regain its freedom as soon as possible. Whatever I may say, my only aim is to go back to Tibet. I go for the refuge to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and it is His generosity that I live to this day. “

Kunga Chime 79 year old

When we grow old if we have no religious faith the most important thing to recognize is that our fundamental sufferings-birth, sickness, old age, and death-are an inherent part of life.

As soon as we have taken birth,

we cannot avoid growing old and dying. That is how it is pointless to say this is unfair or that it should be different.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I am very old. Due to my karmic actions, I got a good sponsors like them and was able to see His Holiness without any obstacles. This was very fortunate to me. My parents used to tell me in Tibet that His holiness Dalai Lama is our king and he is the Avalokitesvara, the patron saint of Tibet'ʹ in flesh to whom we can seek refuge. I remember my parents telling me that everything is in his hands and that he is our root guru Today, for me I have no one but His Holiness to pray to. He is the manifestation of the Chenrezig.”

Sonam Choephel 81 years old

By inner values I mean the qualities that we all appreciate in others, toward which we all have a natural instinct or in single word, compassion.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“Due to my paralysis disease. I am in very bad shape and even can’t hold anything with my hands and walk either. I am very glad to have an audience with His Holiness . Now I have seen Him and heard Him, and don’t need anything further.”

Lhundup Khechok 74 years old

You might consider things like old age and death as negative, unwanted, and simply try to forget about them.

But eventually those things

will come anyway.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“When I arrive in the settlement I think I would only be here for a few years and then I could return to Tibet, but then a few years passed and then follow by a few more years. I pray that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will live long and that we will get a chance to go back. So many years have passed and the only thing left that I can do is to pray that we will get the chance to go back during His Holiness'ʹ lifetime. I thank to the sponsor once again. You have given us this golden opportunity that is hard to find. I am thankful to you again.”

Tsowo 81years old

It is clearly the case that genuine friendship can only be based on trust and affection, which can only arise when there is a mutual sense of concern and respect. So feelings of isolation or

loneliness, do not come from there mere external presence of other, or from outer appearance of friendship, but from one’s

own attitude of concern and respect toward others, their ultimate source is within us.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“Me and My Brother were both were monk during the childhood in Tibet. After the annexation of our country by the Chinese in 1959 we fled our country with no special working skills for our survival. So, when we reached here we did woolen weaving, manual labor and all the other kinds of job just to survive. Now, he is 80 and I am 75 years of age, we have become very old to do any hard work. We are just living here with a prayer all the time to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama return to Tibet, and Tibetans in diaspora and in Tibet, live together, and enjoy the human freedom without any hindrance. The death is inevitable and doesn’t matter where I die. But it is my deep wish and always praying to almighty to see my country once before my death.”

Karma Gyalsten 74 years old





is but an

bad, acceptance

apparition, or


having nothing to do with one may well burst out in


H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“Around 1960 When I was 12 years old I leave Tibet with my parent and other people from my village. I end up in mainpat settlement and now work in farming . Losing our country I have learn that both happy and suffer is normal to human life. Now I only wish to go back to Tibet when it free , to return to my Nomad lifestyle even I no longer have any relative there I still want to go back , Tibet is my home that why I want to go back. To see His Holiness The Dalai lama have give me an inner happiness , I don’t know why and how but I do believe since everything around me is bless by His Holiness so I will be fine , whatever His Holiness say I try to follow his path.”

Tashi Chozom 65 years old

There is an old Tibetan saying:

wherever you feel at home, you

are at home. If your surroundings are pleasant, you are at home.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the most accomplished and successful among the lineage of the Dalai Lamas. He has received Nobel Peace Prize and is one of the great spiritual leaders of the world. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is an unmatched spiritual teacher and a great person. I pray to him for the freedom of Tibet and also pray to the world community to support Him.”

Palden 80 years old

When talking about the nature of impermanence we must bear in mind that there are two levels. One is the coarse level, which is quite obvious and is the cessation of a life or an event, But the impermanent nature which is being taught in the four noble truth refer to the more subtle aspect of impermanence

which is transitory nature of existence.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“Having been born into this samsara, Our present Life happy or not it is depending on our past karma, everybody has some amount of suffering in life. Some are suffer more than other there is nothing for me to complain, to see His Holiness today there is nothing happier than this for me. When I look back on those hard days in Tibet, I feel so happy now. We had freedom to practice religion and see His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This was happened due to the generosity of the sponsors. I request to the sponsors to keep this project alive and continue to help a helpless people like me.”

Prakyap 79 years old

Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I prayed to His Holiness the Dalai Lama during my escape to Bhutan. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to walk that far in the cold

with out any danger. My escape have been secure was only possible by the blessings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His Holiness was not allow to come to Bhutan so I never get opportunity to see him. With kindness of sponsor I have reached Bodh Gaya from my settlement in Bumthang without any difficulties in food and everything. When I got this opportunity to see His Holiness, I pray to Him to

live thousands of years more, and immediate regain of Tibet’s freedom, I pray fro all the sentient beings including to be liberated from sufferings and gain happiness, and may Buddhism last forever.”

Tashi Dorjee 84 years old

If you are Buddhist and believe in rebirth, change of physical body, rather

then death is just

like the way one swap old cloths

for new once they are worn out. When our physical support is no longer capable of keeping us alive due to internal and external causes, the time has come to give it up and take a new one, In these conditions, dying

does not mean that we cease to exist.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I am very fortunate enough to hear the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I feel calm in front of him. I am old and this type of opportunity will be hard to find in future. It was a good happening. The sponsors are really grateful. I will say prayer as far as possible for their well-­‐‑being. How small it may be, I will light lamps to their good fortune.”

Tsering Lhamo 76 years old

If the first part of you life was lived in the full, remember that at that time you contributed to society and your work was useful and carries out with sincere intentions. So

now you have nothing to regret.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

I don’t have money and poor enough to go to pilgrimage. Now, I am having a very meaningful pilgrimage and am thankful to the sponsors. I am praying to god for the sponsor’s healthy and prosperous life, may all the good things come to them.

Sherap Gyasto 76 years old

As we grow up we attach less and less importance to

friendship, and mutual support.


Instead we emphasize race

religion, or nationality. We forget the main thing and concentrate on the most trivial.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I am very old now nearing 80 years. Now my death makes no difference after seeing His Holiness, my guru. By the grace of His Holiness, we may get our freedom and return back to Tibet. I have hope and trust in Him to happen this. It may be hard for the old people like me to return to Tibet but the younger generations will do.”

Tsowo 81 years old

According to Buddhism, the opportunity of a long life is due to the merit we have gained in the past. Even if you are not Buddhist, think of people who die young and be joyful that your life has been a long one.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“When I just came from Tibet, the first time I heard His Holiness speech for the first time it was in Gangtok. I was all in tears and crying. I just come across the border, His Holiness Dalai Lama were tell us to forgive the Chinese who harm us. At that time unwise man like me, I cannot understand what His Holiness said about forgiving the enemy. But I can feel that His Holiness is the one I can trust. Religiously speaking, I believe His Holiness Dalai Lama can bring to an end to the sufferings generated on our souls by knowing the seeds of it. With this pilgrimage it is an opportunity for me to pray, I am old now and will try to work towards my next lives by saying prayers and doing pious activities.”

Kungsang 74 years old

Each of us in our own way can try to spread compassion into peoples


Western civilizations these days place great

importance on filling the human 'ʹbrain'ʹ with


but no one seems to care about filling the human 'ʹheart'ʹ with

compassion. This is what the real role of religion is.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness is the guardian of all the sentient beings. I pray for His long healthy life. I pray to the real Buddha in the form of His Holiness all the times. We are here for this pilgrimage is the grace of His Holiness and the support from the sponsors. The sponsors helped us with traveling, food and shelter, and everything. They are very kind. I pray to His Holiness for their well being and good fortune”

Norchung 75 years old

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I have seen His Holiness today. I am very happy. I don’t have any other means of support rather to work hard by myself. I am financially very weak and my husband has a broken leg. So, without the assistance from the sponsors I would not have come here. I don’t have children and any other relatives to look after me. I am old now and so, blessing from His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the last wish of my life.”

Kuku Dolma 78 years old

Warm-­‐‑heartedness reinforces our self-­‐‑confidence – giving us not a blind confidence, but a sense of confidence based on reason. When you have that you can act transparently, with nothing to hide! Likewise, if you are honest, the community will trust you. Trust brings friendship, as a result of which you can always feel happy. Whether you look to the right or the left, you will always be able to smile.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I am very old and got this opportunity to hear and blessing from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I am not in a position to come His Holiness teaching due to my poor condition but got here with the grace of His Holiness and the support from the sponsors. I am very happy. I pray to His Holiness that my death may occur in Tibet. His Holiness may find his seat of Potala at the earliest.” Karma Choedak 72 years old

It is clear that feelings of love, affection, closeness and compassion bring happiness. I believe that every one of us has the

means to be happy, to access the warm and compassionate states of mind that bring happiness. In fact, it is one of my fundamental beliefs that not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion, but I believe that the basic or

underlying nature of human beings is gentleness.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I think of Tibet in my mind. I think if only I could go back to Tibet. If only Tibet could become free. I hope for His Holiness'ʹ long life. I have only that thought in my mind. I have nothing more to say other than seeking His Holiness’ protection, to take a refuge under his Protection. “ Lhundup Kalden 75 year old

Much more important than money, processions or status therefore, is our inner or mental state of being. Member of a poor family will be happy if there is affection, kindness and

trust between them.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“On these occasions, I may become a very difficult man due to brain illness. I had an eye surgery before two months back and couldn’t hear properly also. My memory has also become very weak. Long ago I faced lots of problem due to the Chinese. The Chinese can’t differentiate between merits and non-­‐‑merits. His Holiness Dalai lama always be positive about China. His consideration is highly praise. It was sad to see the annexation of our land by the Chinese but it was the luck of the world community that have benefitted. If the invasion has not occurred, the world people at large will not get the opportunity to see and hear from His Holiness. This is the good fortune of all those people. Today in Bodh Gaya I have tolerating many hardships only to seek religious blessing from Him. This is happening with deep gratitude.” Lobsang Palden 80 year old

Does the

physical frailty

of, say,

necessarily entail unhappiness?

very old people Certainly not! So,

although physical health certainly contributes to human

happiness once again involves our state of mind, out look and motivation and our level of warmheartness toward others.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I believed that to be born in human realm, one has to accumulate lots of merits. Hence, I feel very lucky to be born as human, among Tibetans and above all in the form of woman. My last wish in this life is the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to an independent Tibet and the shining of happiness over the Tibet.” Kelsang Yigyen 73 year old


human being

survives only with

hope, and hope by

definition implies the thought of something better. As I see it, our very survival depends on some idea of future happiness.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I was helpless regarding the sufferings of my parents, relatives and all of the Tibetans that have been going through due to the Chinese invasion. I am sad and can only say prayers to them. Being old, I want to see and seek blessings from my Guru His Holiness the Dalai Lama during this Kalachakra initiation. Now I have received His Holiness blessing and I also able visit few pilgrim places that are near to Bodhi Gaya. It may not be possible in near future for me to have this kind of opportunities.” Dedon 72 year old

Be a good human being, a warm-­‐‑hearted affectionate person. That is my fundamental belief. Having a sense of caring, a feeling of compassion will bring happiness of peace of mind to oneself and automatically create a positive atmosphere.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“His Holiness has never been in favor of hostility against anybody and also we don’t have the required support to fight the Chinese. Hence I am left with my prayers that one day I may be able to see my relatives left in Tibet. What ever we are in here is by the grace of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Our only hope and aspiration is His Holiness. So, our only obligation towards Him and our country is to follow whatever He says. I pray for His long and healthy life and all of His wishes come true. That’s the only thing I want now.”

Chime Wangyal 83 years old

We depend greatly on the warmth and kindness of others when we reach the end of our lives. How much better it is to depart from his world surrounded by love and affection, in an environment of peace and happiness.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“I have become very forgetful and even the happenings of this very time, are not remembered. This day I will remember for the rest of my life. I will never forget this moment. I pray to His Holiness to live thousands of years and all the sentient beings may not suffer any sickness. I am very fortunate to see Him and got his blessings. I will pray Him to live thousands of years and was very happy to see him.”

Dolma Tsedup 84 year old

I feel that an individual whose actions are motivated by

the wish to bring others happiness necessarily meets with less misfortune that one who does not. Sickness, old age, mishaps of one sort or another are the same for us all.

But the sufferings which undermine our

internal peace -­‐‑ anxiety, doubt, disappointment -­‐‑ these are definitely less.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

“We may have lost Tibet, as a nation, but not as a people. We may have lost the purity of the land, the sacredness of what Tibet was. But we must not lose the teaching of Buddha. In order to protect the Teaching of Buddha, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is teaching it to the world. Without this, we may lose the most important thing about Tibet…. It is the kindness of the sponsors that I got the opportunity to seek Kalachakra initiation and see His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I am very thankful to you. “ Sonam Tashi 77 years old

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