Happiness Beyond Measure

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This edition of HAPPINESS BEYOND MEASURE by Bhanuwat Jittivuthikarn is limited to 100 individually numbered copies and hand signed by the Photographer.

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Foreword by Sulak Sivaraksa Bhanuwat Jittivuthikarn is a dedicated artist, especially in painting and photography. He captures beauty uniquely and explores the wonder of nature as well as architecture and sculptures. As for human beings, he shows each with his or her uniqueness skillfully. He devotes much of his time to photography with a number of Tibetan and Thai friends, and has helped arrange for the elder Tibetans in exile to travel from remote areas of India, Bhutan and Nepal to see H.H. the Dalai Lama at Bodhgaya where His Holiness leads the annual Kalachakra ceremony. He has done this four years already, with financial support from a number of people with good will.

arrange for the elder Tibetans in exile to travel from remote areas of India, Bhutan and Nepal to see H.H. the Dalai Lama at Bodhgaya where His Holiness leads the annual Kalachakra ceremony. He has done this four years already, with financial support from a number of people with good will. Bhanuwat’s photographs in Burma also show the beauty and culture of that country and her people, as well as their suffering under dictatorship and natural calamities. His photographs also cover people and places in other countries in South and South East Asia too. The artist is inspired by the teachings of the Buddha, which help him tremendously to seek Happiness beyond Measure, hence the title of this little book, a collection of his photographs with sayings from leading Buddhists.

Sulak Sivaraksa

Happiness Beyond Measure This pictorial is about Buddhist pilgrims I have encountered in the last six years. Inspired by the stories of the Buddha, I have travel along Buddhist pilgrimage route in South & Southeast Asia including Himalaya region. For more than two millennia since Buddha’s time followers of the Buddha have found that the key to our happiness does not rely in material processions rather true happiness can be found in the mind of those who seek the well-­‐‑ being of all beings. Today the legacy of this noble truth is not evidenced in thousand year old temples and sacred Buddhist texts. Rather the real witness of true happiness lives on with the people who practice the Buddhist teachings. The images in this book show joy and peaceful moment in different practitioners. From an image of old Tibetan pilgrim in Bodhgaya, a portrait of a young novice in Temple of Mandalay, a gazing smile of newborn girl hold with adoration by her mother at Kelaniya Temple in Sri Lanka, The devote Thai monks who travel by boat to collecting morning alms.

with adoration by her mother at Kelaniya Temple in Sri Lanka, The devote Thai monks who travel by boat to collecting morning alms. As a collective of Buddhists life in all facets, their smiling faces are the best indication in sharing their sense of joy with me, a stranger they have just met, some have become an old friend who teach me that compassion is the secret of our survival in a harsh world today. They are a true sample of the men and women of Buddha, on whom humankind must learn from their attitude to life. I offer this book as an invitation to discover the potential of simple pictures that have a power to inspire life with full of happiness and compassion. Bhanuwat Jittivuthikarn

Happy is the birth of the Buddha, Happy is the preaching of the Sublime Dharma, Happy is the unity of the Sangha, Happy is the striving of the united ones.


Just as space reaches everywhere, without discrimination. Must so this immaculate element, which in it essential nature is mind, is present in all.

Vishuddhi Magga

Happy is it to honour mother. Happy is it to honour father. Happy is it to honour ascetics. Happy is it to honour the Noble Ones.


Irrigators lead water; Fletchers fashion shafts; Carpenters bend wood; The good tame themselves.


“Those who read books cannot understand the teachings and, what'ʹs more, may even go astray. But those who try to observe the things going on in the mind, and always take that which is true in their own minds as their standard, never get muddled. They are able to comprehend suffering, and ultimately will understand Dharma. Then, they will understand the books they read.”

Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Conquer anger by love, Conquer evil by good, Conquer the miser by liberality, Conquer the liar by truth. Dhammapada

As for me, I always want more friends. I love smiles, and my wish is to see more smiles, real smiles, for there are many kinds—sarcastic, artificial, or diplomatic. Some smiles don’t arouse any satisfaction, and some even engender suspicion or fear. An authentic smile, though, arouses an authentic feeling of freshness, and I think the smile belongs only to human beings. If we want those smiles, we must create the reasons that make them appear.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

The good shine from far away Just as the Himalayan peaks. The wicked are not seen, though near, Just as an arrow shot at night. Dhammapada

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Here he is happy, hereafter he is happy, In both worlds the well doer is happy; Thinking ; ‘Good have I done’, thus he is happy Furthermore he is happy, When gone to the state of bliss.


Empty and calm and devoid of self is the nature of all things. Prajanaparamita

What are these Dhammas? They are everything; there isn'ʹt anything which is not Dhamma. Love and hate are Dhammas, happiness and suffering are Dhammas, like and dislike are Dhammas; all of these things, no matter how insignificant, are Dhammas.

Ajahn Chah

According to Buddhism, the opportunity of a long life is due to the merit we have gained in the past. Even if you are not Buddhist, think of people who die young and be joyful that your life has been a long one.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

If by giving up a slight happiness One may behold a greater one, Let the wise man renounce the lesser, Having regard to the greater.


"ʺMy religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."ʺ

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

The Traveler has reached the end of the journey! In the freedom of the infinite he is free from all sorrows, the fetters that bound him are thrown away, and the burning fever of life is no more.

The Dhammapada

The basics teachings of Buddha are about understanding what we are, who we are, why we are. When we begin to realize what we

are, who we are, why we are, then we begin to realize what we are not, who we are not, why we are not. We begin to realize that we don’t have basic, substantial, solid, fundamental ground that we can exert anymore. We begin to realize that our ideas of security and our concept of freedom have been purely phantom experiences.

Chögyam Trungpa

Sometime your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. Thich Nhat Hanh

Empty and calm and devoid of self is the nature of all things. Dhammapada

Wisdom, grow full with good qualities like the moon on the fifteenth day. With discernment at total fullness, burst the mass of darkness.

Wisdom, grow full with good q fifteenth day. With discernment darkness. Pakinnakavagga

qualities like the moon on the t at total fullness, burst the mass of

By day the sun shines. By night the moon is bright. Armoured shines the warrior. In mediation the brahmana glows But all day and all night, The Buddha shines in splendor.


Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes Thich Nhat Hanh

We cannot be useful to ourselves unless we are also useful to others. Whether we like it or not, we are all connected, and it is unthinkable to be happy all by oneself. Anyone who is only concerned by his own well-­‐‑being will suffer eventually. Anyone who is only concerned with the well-­‐‑being of others take care of himself without even thinking about it. Even if we decide to remain selfish, let us be intelligently selfish-­‐‑ let us help other!

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Thus by selfless giving, by being generous, we cease to be niggardly and become liberal not only with our wealth, but with our thoughts-­‐‑-­‐‑we become more and more broad-­‐‑minded. Piyadassa Thera

Material poverty should not prevent you from having noble thought. And in fact, these are far more important than wealth. That is why, as long as one has a human brain and body, even if one is poor, one has the main thing, so there is no reason to feel discouraged or retreat inside oneself.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

"ʺThe purpose of our lives is to be happy"ʺ

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-­‐‑ being. Cultivating a close, warm-­‐‑hearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It is the ultimate source of success in life.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

May you be filled with loving kindness.

May you be well.

May you be peaceful and at ease.

May you be happy.

A Buddha is a person who is aware of what is going on inside and around him or her and has a lot of understanding and compassion. Thich Nhat Hanh

Few are there among men Who go to the further shore,

The rest of the mankind Only run up and down the hither bank.


Commonsense shows that human life is short-­‐‑lived and that it is best to make of our brief sojourn on this Earth something that is useful to oneself and others.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

We may know of these things, but we don'ʹt really know if we don'ʹt know within our own minds. Buddhism doesn'ʹt enter our heart. If our mind is good and virtuous it is happy. There'ʹs a smile in our heart. But most of us can hardly find time to smile, can we? We can only manage to smile when things go our way. Most people'ʹs happiness depends on having things go to their liking. They have to have everybody in the world say only pleasant things. Is that how you find happiness? Is it possible to have everybody in the world say only pleasant things? If that'ʹs how it is when will you ever find happiness? Ajahn Chah

Inner happiness is not determined by material circumstances or sensual gratification. It depends on our mind. The most vital thing is to recognize how important this kind of happiness really is.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

If we fully know the truth, then there is peace. Having or not having, it'ʹs all the same. Gain and loss are one. The Buddha taught us to know this. This is peace; peace from happiness, unhappiness, gladness and sorrow.

Ajahn Chah

Just as a mountain of rock, is unwavering, well-­‐‑settled, so the monk whose delusion is ended, like a mountain, is undisturbed. Tuvataka Sutta

Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

As soon as we are born we are dead. Our birth and our death are just one thing. It'ʹs like a tree: when there'ʹs a root there must be branches, when there are branches there must be a root. You can'ʹt have one without the other. It'ʹs a little funny to see how at death people are so grief-­‐‑stricken and distracted and at birth how happy and delighted.

Ajahn Chah

Speak few words, but say them with quietude and sincerity and they will be long lasing. Lao Tzu

So where are you going to find happiness in this world? Do you expect everybody to say only pleasant things to you all your life? Is that possible? No, it'ʹs not. If it'ʹs not possible then where are you going to go? The world is simply like this, we must know the world -­‐‑ lokavidū -­‐‑ know the truth of this world.

Ajahn Chah

Since everything is but an apparition, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

By the strength of my pure motivation, Coupled with the power of the Realized Ones, And the mystic force of the Dharmadhatu, May all the aims that we have in mind, That accord with the laws of Truth Occur without obstruction. Nagarjuna

If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace. Thich Nhat Hanh

Whoso, himself seeking happiness, Harms pleasure-­‐‑loving beings-­‐‑ He gets no happiness In the world to come.


All the joy the world contains has come through wishing happiness for others

All the misery the world contains All the misery the world contains has come from wishing pleasure has come from wishing pleasure for oneself. Shantideva

for oneself. Shantideva

It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

As star, a lamp a fault of vision, As dewdrops or a bubble, a dream, A lightning flash, a cloud, So one should see conditioned things Diamond sutra Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness.

If you


If you are attentive, you will see it. “

Thich Nhat Hanh

Smile, Breathe and go slowly Thich Nhat Hanh

Happy is to have a friend in need. Happy is contentment with whatever betides. Happy is merit at the end of life. Happy is it to leave all sorrow behind.


If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Just like a blossom, bright colored but scentless: a well-­‐‑spoken word is fruitless when not carried out.

Just like a blossom, bright colored & full of scent: a well-­‐‑spoken word is fruitful when well carried out. Pakinnakavagga Sutta

If beings knew as I knew, the results of sharing gifts, they would not enjoy their gifts without sharing them with others, nor would the taint of stinginess obsess the heart and stay there. Even if it were their very last bit of food, they would not enjoy its use without sharing it if there were anyone to receive it.


According to Buddhism, it is important to train ourselves right now so that we can die well. When our vital functions cease, the gross level of consciousness dissolves and the subtle consciousness, which does not depend on a physical support, manifests and offers unique opportunity to seasoned practitioners to progress towards enlightenment, that is why particularly in the tantras, one finds many meditation methods aimed at preparing the practitioner for the moment of death.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Whatever living beings there may be –feeble or strong , small or large, seen or unseen, those who live far or those near, those who are born and those who are yet to be born – may all beings, without exception, experience happy mind .

Samyutta Nikaya

When we grow old if we have no religious faith the most important thing to recognize is that our fundamental suffering birth, sickness, old age, and death are an inherent part of life. As soon as we have taken birth, we cannot avoid growing old and dying. That is how it is pointless to say this is unfair or that it should be different.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

...We are, after all, social animals. Without human friendship, without the human smile, our lives become miserable. The loneliness becomes unbearable. Such human interdependence is a natural law--that is to say, according to natural law, we depend on others to live. If, under certain circumstances, because something is wrong inside us, our attitude toward our fellow human beings on whom we depend becomes hostile, how can we hope to attain peace of mind or a happy life? According to basic human nature or natural law, interdependence--giving and receiving affection--is the key to happiness. H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

The scent of Flowers cannot travel against the wind, but the scent of good deeds travels in all directions.

The Dhammapada

If we encounter a pleasant experience we feel happy, if we encounter a bad experience we are unhappy. Are we able to look at both the things we like and the things we dislike as having equal value? Measure yourself against this standard.

Ajahn Chah

To be constant is to be useful. To be useful is to realize one’s true nature. Realization of one’s true nature is happiness. When one reaches happiness, one is close to perfection. Chuang Tzu

The amount of Happiness that you have depends on

the amount of freedom you have in the heart.

Thich Nhat Hanh

There is a saying in Tibetan, Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength. No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that'ʹs our real disaster.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

The good shine from afar like the snowy Himalayas. The bad don'ʹt appear even when near, like arrows shot into the night. Pakinnakavagga

Smile if you want a smile from another face.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

The entire cosmos is a cooperative. The sun, the moon, and the stars live together as a cooperative. The same is true for humans and animals, trees and soil. Our bodily parts function as a cooperative. When we realize that the world is a mutual, interdependent, cooperative enterprise, that human beings are all mutual friends in the process of birth, old age, suffering and death, then we can build a noble, even heavenly environment. If our lives are not based in this truth, then we shall all perish.

Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

As we grow up we attach less and less importance to affection, friendship, and mutual support. Instead we emphasize race religion, or nationality. We forget the main things and concentrate on the most trivial.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

"ʺChoose to be optimistic, it feels better."ʺ

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

At the root of human responsibility is the concept of perfection. The urge to achieve it. The intelligence to fine a path toward it, and the will to follow the path if not to the end at least the distance needed to rise above individual limitations

Aung San Suu Kyi

We must be mindful of everything we do, for we become the inheritors of our own good or evil actions. In doing good, we reap good. In doing evil, we reap evil.

Ajahn Chah

Let us cultivate love and compassion, both of which give true meaning to life. This is the religion I preach, more so than Buddhism itself. It is simple. Its moral values are loving and respecting others, whoever they may be. Whether one is layperson or a monastic, we have no other option if we wish to survive in this world. H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Calm is his mind; Calm is his speech; Calm is his bodily action; Who, rightly knowing , is wholly freed, Perfectly peaceful and equipoised.


According to Buddhism, the opportunity of a long life is due to the merit we have gained in the past. Even if you are not Buddhist, think of people who die young and be joyful that your life has been a long one.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Once someone who previously did not care learns to care, they become beautiful, like the moon breaking from the cloud. Je Gampopa

For as long as space endures and for as long as living beings remain, Until then may I, too, abide To dispel the misery of the world. -­‐‑ Shantideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva Shantideva

Happily indeed do we live-­‐‑ We that call nothing our own. Feeder on joy shall we be Even as the Abhassara gods. Dhammapada

The knowledge of the truth leads to freedom

From all bondage and limitation. The knowledge of the truth lead to freedom To know is to be delivered. from all bondage and limitation. To know is to delivered. Samdhong Rinpoche

The jasmine has put forth blooms today, Dropping yesterday ‘s withered flowers. So let drop your old lust and hates Serene in body, speech, and mind, When all the world’s cravings are set aside, You will know yourself as tranquil. Rouse yourself to examine yourself, Be watchful and intent, Guard this self and live happily Dhammapada

If by giving up a slight happiness One may behold a greater one, Let the wise man renounce the lesser, Having regard to the greater.


Hard is to be born as a man, Hard is the life of mortals, Hard is to hear the Truth Sublime, Hard as well is the Buddha’s rise.


Calm is his mind; Calm is his speech; Calm is his bodily action; Who, rightly knowing , is wholly freed, Perfectly peaceful and equipoised.

The Dhammapada

Whether it is a tree, a mountain, or an animal, it’s all Dhamma, everything is Dhamma. Where is this Dhamma? Speaking simply, that which is not Dhamma doesn’t exist. Dhamma is nature. This is called the sacca-­‐‑dhamma, the True Dhamma. If one sees nature, one sees Dhamma; if one sees Dhamma, one sees nature. Seeing nature, one knows the Dhamma. Ajahn Chah

Since your mind is not physical, No one else can destroy it. But because of its attachment to the body, It is harmed by physical suffering. Bodhicharysvatara

The world is apprehended by the way of the mind the world act upon the way of mind. Samyutta nikaya

Let go of the past, let go of the future too, Let go of the present and bond with becoming. With mind released from everything. To birth-­‐‑and-­‐‑decay you shall come no more.


Absorbed in meditation practice, Delighting in the peace of Nibbana Mindful, wise and fully enlightened-­‐‑ Such men even the gods hold dear.


Ever well awake Are the disciples of Gotama Whose mind ever day and night Takes delight in meditation.

The Dhammapada


nounciation -­‐‑I invoke the transformation and purification of Om Mani Pémé Hung

the six negative emotions of pride, jealousy, transformation and purification of the six

desire, ignorance, greed and anger motions of pride, jealousy, desire, ignorance, greed and into their true nature, enlightened mind.

ue nature, enlightened mind.

ompassion -­‐‑ Avalokiteshvara

May I become at all times, both now and forever A protector for those without protection A guide for those who have lost their way A ship for those with oceans to cross A bridge for those with rivers to cross A sanctuary for those in danger A lamp for those without light A place of refuge for those who lack shelter And a servant to all in need. prayer of peace Prayer for Peace

Do everything with a mind that lets go. Do not expect any praise or reward. If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot you, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom. Your struggles with the world will come to an end. Ajahn Chah

True Tranquility is found in activity, in the midst of sense-­‐‑objects

Ajahn Chah

As with a staff the cowherd drives His cattle out to pasture-­‐‑ground, So do old age and death compel The life of being.


Happy is virtue until old age. Happy is faith that firmly stands. Happy is it to gain insight. Happy is it to commit no sin.


"ʺHappiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you

hat you say, and what you do are in harmony."ʺ

Mahatma Gandhi

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Acknowledgments I am fortunate to have met so many “kalyanamitta” spiritual friend, who help made this book possible. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Arjarn Sulak Sivaraksa, a prominent Buddhist scholar and founder of Sathirakoses-­‐‑Nagapradeepa Foundation, a man who has guided and motivated me into this spiritual path. Harsha Kumar Navaratne, chairman of Sewalanka Foundation for his support and encouragment to visit Sri Lanka. Professor Venerable Samdhong Rinpoche a distinguished scholar, for his scholarly advise on nonviolent philosophy. Dasho Karma Ura, an inspiring painter and the director at Centre of Bhutanese Studies who invited me to visit Bhutan. Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari, special envoy of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, who opened the door to Tibet for me. Phra Paisal Visalo an abbot at Wat Pa Sukato in Chaiyaphum for an unforgettable trip to Burma.

Phra Thanomsing Sukosalo, the editor of MOOM magazine for his inspirational advice on meditation practice that contributed to this project, Matteo Pistono, a writer and fellow photographer for his time and effort to proofread this book, Ven. Manjusri Balangoda, a monk from Sri Lanka for a memorable companion during my time in Sri Lanka. Tenzin Losel, a Tibetan friend for his enthusiastic and generous help in India. Professor Somyos Kumsang from Poh Chang College of Fine Art for sharing his deep knowledge of Buddhist art with me. Phatcharasiri Yimmuang from SNF foundation, who kindly prepare all my travel documents for this project. Finally my beloved mother Premrudee, who raised me to become a good buddhist with her patience and kindness. Bhanuwat Jittivuthikarn

About Photographer Bhanuwat Jittivuthikarn, is a photojournalist from Thailand. In 2006, he graduated form School of Creative Art University of Melbourne with a combine degree in International Politics. After spends seven years in Melbourne, where he hold a numbers of art exhibition and received numbers of awards. Return to Thailand in 2007, He joined SNF Sathirakoses-­‐‑Nagapradipa Foundation, one of leading grassroots empowerment organization in Asia where Bhanuwat have cover numbers of documentary projects notable “Requiem of Andaman”, which he has won Young Thai Artist Award , in Photographic category in 2006. “Diaspora Smile Portraits of Tibetan in Exile” a documenting life of Tibetan refugee in India. He is an only Thai photographer to be selected as part of 75 photographers around the world to commendation His Holiness The Dalai Lama 75th birthday in 2011.

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