IDR Report 01

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Published in 2016 by Lulu Press, Inc. 3101 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, USA Printed in the United Kingdom by Lulu Press

2016 Copyright Š Joseph Henry Myerscough All rights reserved. Cover images by Author

Submitted to the department of Architecture in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture (MArch) at the Leeds School of Art, Architecture and Design, Leeds Beckett University

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing from the author.



01 02 03 04 05

Personal Position Design Studio Context Design Thesis Technical & Technological Further Development Illustrations Bibliography Appendices



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1 INS Vikrant in Darukhana ship breaking yard, Mumbai, India.




The perception of what architecture is throughout my MArch studies has fundamentally not changed, it remains as a think tank and a process of creative freedom, that in reality you never really get in architectural practice. I first noticed this during my Part I year out experience. I was fortunate enough to work on a large project and have a good level of responsibility working on the facade team, however design restrictions and costs from the client inevitably watered down any creative freedom. Materiality and utilitarian/industrial objects have always played a role within my architectural studies. This became even more apparent while visiting India in 2014, the ship breaking industry inspired myself to question the beauty of these unwanted objects [ships], I found a certain architectural romance with the ship breaking yards and this aesthetic of rawness/materiality - and prompted myself to question the aesthetic of raw materiality, utilitarian objects and their role in the built environment. I still as a result of my study into the ship breaking industry last year follow many of its activities. The prospect of changing the architectural ‘norm’ and re-inventing new typologies of architecture is of significant interest. I find myself questioning architecture more and more and the improved quality of life it can help produce.





2 Still from a working set model of the machine (air filtration cleaning system on my current thesis).

3 Layered composite drawing inspired by Julie Mehretu for last years thesis project on the ship breaking industry.




My MArch studies have been a part of the The Cinematic Construct of New Commons (Cinematic Commons) studio unit at Leeds Beckett University, lead by Sarah Mills & Doreen Bernath. The studio focuses on set & scenographic construct as a design tool and a new architectural medium of expression. It uses the techniques of film set models as a way of exploring the design process, axonometric drawings of space/moments within the architecture itself and the film essay - as a tool for the investigation of urban space and spatial properties. This tool allows a space to be explored in new ways, bringing architecture proposals to life, investigating choice of materiel, lighting and atmosphere. Tools & Techniques: • axonometric drawings of space/moments The use of axonometric and isometric perspective allows a three dimensional understanding of a space and its function and an alternative perspective on the traditional plan and section. • sets and the scene The use of ‘unfinished models’, a set that creates a scene that tells a narrative of the architecture • the film essay and narrative During the first year, we explored the works of film essayists and the film essay as a way of telling a narrative or idea. La Jetée by Chris Marker was of particular influence along with Hansworth Songs by the Black Audio Film Collective. • exploring space from the inside out Designing space in isolation and at different scales over a holistic approach. • composite drawings The Studio has introduced a variety of new skills and mediums of expression such as the layering composite drawing and work of Julie Mehretu. The studio investigates the processes of design and the teaching of design, questioning what is real and what is ‘common’ as a new approach to architecturemaking. These new commons form a new architectural typology within the built environment. It is this ethos that has helped develop my own architectural thinking on the urban fabric of cities, from this the problems faced by cities such as Mexico City where my second year thesis is based.





4 Proposed Axonometric drawing of the scheme on top of the existing road.

1:750 @A4


brick factory The small brick factory re-purposes the fine particulate matter from the air in to a useful building material for the city.

health centre The health centre offers treatment for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases directly relating to poor air quality, helping educate in the process.

residential The third part of the proposed program offers new residential apartments part subsidised for a life time no car use.



Air pollution as a catalyst for a new urban typology in Mexico City My design thesis proposes the hijacking of an existing structure ironically built to ease car congestion and using it [the structure] as a catalyst for a new urban typology above the road/in the sky. A machine will harvest the air pollution to create a new form of construction material and environment for living above the city - a paradox with the polluting car use below. The machine is proposed as a large mechanical system for living that is integrated into the existing urban fabric of the road. The ten thousand square metre proposal will be split over the following program areas; • air filtration machine The machine is split into two parts, a mechanical system and an organic system - both cleaning the polluted air around the road and re-distributing it to the program above the road. • small brick factory A by-product of the filtration is particulate matter (dust) that is collected and turned into a dust brick - used in the construction of the program above and the distributed to the locality. • respiratory and cardiovascular health centre The air pollution in the city can be linked to several respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, proposed is a health centre for the treatment of these through outpatient care. • residential units One of the problems of the city’s growth has been urban sprawl, the development intends to encourage re-densification of the central district. This will be government subsidised with a lifetime no car use policy of living on the development. • greenhouses The majority of the typologies proposed will feature communal greenhouse spaces on the roof, for example these spaces will be used on the health centre and treatment rooms. You can sit on your oxygen tank whilst sitting in gardens with a view across the city - questioning the clinical aspect of health care. The work of Edward Burtynsky [see appendix 1] through the film ‘manufactured landscapes’ during my thesis proposal in India greatly inspired my work including this year’s work in Mexico City. An exploration of the machine and its aesthetic beauty within the built environment, exposing systems and materiality in its raw form as a working model for a new typology within the city. My thesis proposal looks to celebrate mechanical systems and material, //IDR REPORT 01




provoking an opinion that questions the beauty of these objects within the built environment, and the detrimental effect air pollution can have on the city and its residents. Historically, the city has tried to alleviate pollution precursors such as the car - through legislation like the ‘Hoy no Circular’ (no car one day a week). The thesis looks to develop this idea by removing cars from the road through the subsidising of the housing - on the basis the residents have a lifetime ban on car use within the city.

5 Scene from the process hall of the machine, collecting dust from the atmosphere ready for brick production.


6 Scene from the health centre greenhouse, with patients receiving treatment in the gardens.





7 Exploded axonometric of the technological aspects of the thesis proposal for one section on the design.

ETFE The greenhouses made from ETFE are inflated using air from the machine on the levels below the new deck.

1:750 @A4

dust brick wall The walls of the proposal consist of a SIP panel construction and dust brick external cladding system. The bricks will be made on site at the factory.

steel frame The new deck positioned above the existing road is a steel frame. It is constructed in pieces off site and delivered to site. Specialist contractors will be needed. portal frame The existing concrete portal frame will support the new deck above the road. Reenforced using carbon fibre wrapping of the columns.




Design tools; • axonometric 3D drawings • designing through film & composite drawings • materiality on set model making • model making The techniques I have employed throughout my studies as part of the cinematic commons studio have greatly enhanced how I design. The use of film and set models have changed my perception on space and its creation - using these tools has allowed an exploration of atmosphere, light and sound that I had not thought about previously. In particular the noise from elements such as the machine and the road are an integral part of the design process. The application of the storyboard alongside film essays has helped understand narrative and explain my thesis in a clearer way. The use of 3D drawing in isometric and axonometric views, has helped to understand spatial arrangements. The thesis effectively situates a new steel frame on to an existing concrete portal frame road structure. During the design stage and for the technology reports produced as part of this thesis, consultants were used to help develop the design. Structural engineers enabled a more detailed understanding of the concrete portal frame and subsequent reinforcement for the new frame above.

(above) Dust brick prototypes

Environmental conditions were considered throughout the process and more specifically for the technological reports produced, in order to justify mechanical ventilation as part of the design ethos. For example the use of the greenhouses as a source of heat integrated into the environmental strategy, through air source heat pumps positioned inside the greenhouses. The program above is produced using brick building materials made from the dust collected from the air. These bricks are symbolic of the pollution in the city, in both shade and texture. A series of bricks used to build part of the city from the very air that is choking it. The scheme effectively becomes a paradox with the road below, without car use and pollution, the bricks wouldn’t exist - creating a unique symbiotic relationship. The images opposite are of a series of dust brick prototypes made for a 1:1 detail model I tested on the building envelope. A detailed study to the machine’s composition and equipment needed was completed during the design stage and a set model produced alongside, testing the strategy. //IDR REPORT 01




8 Study of the machine [system A - mechanical]

Baghouse Dust Collector 5HP @ 2500m3/hr Cyclone Dust Collector 10HP @ 8500m3/hr Dust collection drums x4

t ou r i nA a Cle

n ri i A rty i D


Dust extractor hood & pipe

Rotary airlock value & dust pipe





9 Composite drawing scene from the brick factory showing brick production.




Both thesis projects in India and Mexico City have looked to propose a new urban typology that is integrated within the urban fabric of a locality in order to improve the environments to which they sit. Further development of my thesis in Mexico would look to extrapolate the typology to a wider context, and integration to the wider urban fabric, these ‘machines’ would become further integrated into the city using the road networks - harvesting the dirty air from the roads to produce a new form of typology on top of the roads. Maybe even produce a city like a parasite latching on to the road, creating a place you would never want/need to leave in the sky, a paradox with the pollution and city below. There are several road locations along the Circuito Interior (inner ring road) that circles the central city. It would be in these locations that I would look to further develop the thesis - along with new typologies. I would look to create a tool kit of parts/ typologies such as the brick factory, residential units of varying density and other functions specific to the localities proposed. This may be educational units, commercial, new industries and factories all contributing to a new city on the road.





10 Federal district major road networks and site location


site locations The map above shows a series of potential sites for my chosen proposal along the main arterial routes of the inner ring road. My site for my thesis proposal is the western site (highlighted), where the ring roads cross paths.





ILLUSTRATIONS Chapter 01: 1 Myerscough, J. (2014). INS Vikrant in Darukhana ship breaking yard, Mumbai, India. Date created 23/11/2014.

Chapter 02: 2

Myerscough, J. (2016). Set model 01B. Date creared 23/02/2016.

3 Myerscough, J. (2015). INS Vikrant composite drawing. Date created 12/03/2016.

Chapter 03: 4 Myerscough, J. (2016). Exploded Axonometric drawing at 1:750 scale. Date created 13/04/2016. 5 Myerscough, J. (2016). Composite drawing dust collection hall scene. Date created 10/03/2016. 6 Myerscough, J. (2016). Health Centre Greenhouse scene. Date created 19/04/2016.

Chapter 04: 7 Myerscough, J. (2016). Exploded Axonometric of material components. Date created 10/04/2016. 8 Myerscough, J. (2016). Machine study - System A. Date created 12/03/2016.

Chapter 05: 9 Myerscough, J. (2016). Composite drawing brick manufacture process. Date created 05/03/2016. 10 Myerscough, J. (2015). Federal district map of road networks. Date created 27/10/2015.






BIBLIOGRAPHY ADDITIONAL Websites: in_Mexico Materials_140911_1.pdf Tenure_Mexico_Profile.pdf pdf






APPENDICES Appendix 1:

Edward Burtynsky’s ship breaking photographs from Chittagong ship breaking yard, Bangladesh. Burtynsky, E. (2001). Ship Breaking:. Available: Photographs/Shipbreaking.html. Last accessed 29/03/2015.

1.1 Shipbreaking #9a & #9b, Chittagong, Bangladesh 2001

1.2 Ship breaking #49 Chittagong, Bangladesh 2001


1.3 Ship breaking #13 Chittagong, Bangladesh 2001



1.4 Ship breaking #30 Chittagong, Bangladesh 2001 Note the size of the person in the picture.




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