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Autocross Events 2023
All events are on Sundays at PIR South Paddock and begin at 7:30 a.m.
Autocross #6 | August 13 https://www.oregonpca.org/event/autocross-6-2023/
Autocross #7 | September 24 https://www.oregonpca.org/event/autocross-7-4/
Autocross #8 | October 15 https://www.oregonpca.org/event/autocross-8/
Sunday, August 13| 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Portland International Raceway | 1940 N Victory Blvd. | Portland, OR 97217
Join us for Autocross #6 on Sunday, August 13, 2023, in the South Paddock of Portland International Raceway. Here is the link to Motorsportreg with all the information on this event: https://orpca. motorsportreg.com/events/orpca-ax-6-08-13-2022-portland-intl-raceway-pca-oregon-136564 For other information on Oregon PCA Autocross please go to: https://www.oregonpca.org/home/ club-events/autocross/orpca-autocross/. General Autocross Questions: Eric Freedle: axchair@oregonpca.org. Registration Questions: Anson Lytle: axregistration@oregonpca.org n
Note: Next Autocross is Sunday, September 24. More information and registration are here: https:// www.motorsportreg.com/events/orpca-ax-7-09-24-2022-portland-intl-raceway-pca-oregon-045252
2023 Drives and Tours
This new section will include a 2-month rolling list of Drives and Tours to help you plan for your driving season. We will continue to advertise drives opening up for registration and tours with early sign ups in our weekly Emails.