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Members Having Fun From 2023 Porsche Parade
Palm Springs
Member Brent Palmer’s family uses Porsche Parades as family vacations to keep in touch. The first one they attended was in San Diego in 1977. This photo from the 2023 Palm Springs Parade is a wonderful example. Here shown to the right, are 80-year-old identical twins Dr. Don Palmer (Left - 44 years with Oregon Region) and Ron Palmer (Right - 48 years with Alpine Mountain Region) posing in front of their identical 2008 997 C4S’s at the Lake Arrowhead lunch stop on Wednesday’s drive. n

Member Andy Kappler hired a transport trailer to bring his 1995 Polar Silver Carrera 2 with Flamenco Red interior (left) to Parade and home. This was his first Concours, regional or national, and he finished second in Preparation Touring. After the Concours, his entire family went on a driving tour the next day. Well done! n
Young helpers getting the Kappler Porsche ready for the competition.

Member’s Chuck and Judy Hervey. Did you know that Past President Chuck Hervey was also the Porsche Parade Chair in 1995? Thank you Chuck, for all you do for PCA. Chuck was one of the judges at this year’s Concours. He and Judy enjoyed seeing lots of friends from their many years of attending Porsche Parades. n