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SUV DRIVE continued
the security of the pavement.” ‘Nuff said.
We eventually made it to the Wheatland Ferry which carried us across the Willamette River. It was quite a sight seeing the entire vessel full of Porsches. More curious looks from the other travelers on the ferry.
• Do Porsches always roam in herds?
• What is the proper name for a herd of Porsches? Maybe someone knows and can share that with me. ;)
Off the ferry, we continued east for a bit, before turning north again winding through St. Paul on our way to Dundee. We ended the tour at the Dundee Bistro, where we enjoyed recapping the day and learning more about our fellow Porsche travelmates that day. I was fortunate to sit next to Joe and Jerome and learn about the many different cars that they have both owned and enjoyed over the years.
This was a super trip, as it allowed us to see the countryside that just isn’t attainable in non-SUV Porsches. In total, we were a group of 24 folks in 15 SUV’s enjoying a fantastic country drive. What a great way to start the year!
Thank you to our fabulous leader, Heinz Holzapfel, and his lovely wife Sylvia Nessan. Thank you to the participants: Marc Franck, Stephanie Morrison, Joseph Sweeney, Jerome Deluz, Lynne Roe, Ron Gotcher, Eric Lewis, Peg Ryan, Lou and Queene Mavor, Matthew and Deb Rose, Valerie Menely, Jim Goetsch, Claudio and Lupita Insaurralde, Bob Ellis, Max Noxon, Jurita Metovic, Brandon Rotolo and Michael Newby. n