"Costs" and Short-Term Survivorship of Hornless Black Rhinos

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Society for Conservation Biology

"Costs" and Short-Term Survivorship of Hornless Black Rhinos Author(s): Joel Berger, Carol Cunningham, A. Archie Gawuseb, Malan Lindeque Reviewed work(s): Source: Conservation Biology, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Dec., 1993), pp. 920-924 Published by: Blackwell Publishing for Society for Conservation Biology Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2386825 . Accessed: 09/11/2011 11:51 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org.

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"Costs"and Short-Term ofHornless Survivorship BlackRhinos JOEL BERGER CAROL CUNNINGHAM Programin Ecology,Evolution,and ConservationBiology of Nevada University Reno,Nevada 89512, U.S.A.

A. ARCHIE GAWUSEB P.O. Box 220 Khorixas,Kunene Province,Namibia

MALAN LINDEQUE EtoshaEcological Institute Okaukuejo via Outjo, Namibia

The devastation of Africa's black rhinos (Diceros bicornis) by poaching (Western 1987) highlights the challenges found at the interface of biology and economics (Leader-Williams & Albon 1988). One of the most controversial conservation actions to date has been the removal of horns fromblack and white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum), tactics adopted in both Namibia (Lindeque 1990) and Zimbabwe (Kock 1991). While acts such as these have been debated for more than a decade, the efficacy of "dehorning" remains unknown (Western 1982; Leader-Williams 1989), in part due to an absence of data on (1) rates of horn regrowthand the subsequent monetary worth of the horns; and (2) whether the vulnerability of dehorned rhinos or their neonates is altered with respect to poachers and predators. Here we explore economic and biological implications of horn removal using data gathered in Namibia in 1991, 1992, and 1993. Specifically, we make three Paper submittedSeptember22, 1992; revisedmanuscriptaccepted March 29, 1993.

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points. First,horn regrowth is rapid, averaging nearly 9 cm of total horn per animal per year, a finding that suggests new horns on an average animal are worth $1775-7750 one year afterdehorning. Second, because poachers fail to discriminate between large- and smallhorned rhinos, recently-dehorned animals may not be immune from poaching. However, neither horned nor hornless rhinos differedin their vulnerability to poachers more than four years after the initial dehorning. Third, for mothers that varied naturally in horn length, calf age and not horn size affected responsiveness to dangerous predators such as lions (Panthera leo) and spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Horns were removed from a total of 20 black rhinos in 1989 and 1991 by personnel of the Namibian Ministry of Wildlife, Conservation, and Tourism in the Kunene Province. This hyperarid region in the northern Namib Desert has lower densities (about 0.002/km2) than those reported for any species of rhinoceros (Hitchins & Anderson 1983; Conway & Goodman 1989; Owen-Smith 1989; Dinerstein & Price 1991). We as-

Bergeret al.

ofHornlessBlackRhinos Survivorship

sessed possibleconsequences ofdehorningby establishing fourstudypopulations:(1) two populationsin the KuneneProvince,one withhornedand one withmostly hornlessanimals,at the Namib and Escarpmentareas, which are up to 150 kmapartand isolated respectively, by a country-length Veterinarycordon fence; and (2) two high-density populationsPan and Vlei, both with hornedanimals,about 225 km apartat EtoshaNational Park.Variationin horn size and growthrates(changes over time,calculatedhere on a per annumbasis) were assessed at nightwith a Mitutoyo(500 Series) PhotoDigimaticCaliperattachedto a 300-mmNigrammetric kon lens. This equipmenthas been used to estimatethe size of flukesof killerwhales and horns of bison with about 98% accuracywhen used within37 m (Berger& in press). Duringtheday,when rhinosare Cunningham, moredangerousto approachon foot,a Lietzrangefinder witha 500-mmNikonlens was used at less than70 m,a distancewheretheaverageerrorofmorphologicalmeasures is less than 5% (Berger,unpublished). Horn regrowthis now knownfor80% (n = 16) of the dehornedblack rhinos.Anteriorhornsgrew more [SE = 0.7] versus rapidlythanposteriorones (6.9 cm/yr 3.3 (0.4), t = 5.96,p < 0.0001). The shape is somewhat tubularand,fouryearsafterthe 1989 dehorning,all of the hornsare stillbluntratherthanpointed.Regrown adultmale anterior(X = 5.3 + 0.3 cm/yr)and posterior (2.3 - 0.3 cm/yr)horns did not differfromthose for females(6.4 + 1.0, 3.0 + 0.5; t = 0.71, 0.61, respectively),but juvenilehornsgrewfaster(8.9 + 1.2, 4.4 ? 0.5; t = 2.14, 2.88,p < 0.05,p < 0.01, respectively).On averagethen,adultsand juvenilessupportedabout 8.7 and 13.3 cm of total horn per year,which means that adults carried about 26 cm of horn three years after initialpruning. Our measures of horn growthrepresentminimum values because rubbingmay obscure maximumhorn growth,but therateswe reportexceed thosefromelsewhere (Table 1). Althoughthe extentto which factors such as habitator populationdensityaffectgrowthrates remainsunknown,itis possiblethattheintrinsicgrowth of Kunene Province animals is compensatory;that is, dermal proliferationmay be stimulatedby horn removal.


To estimatethe possible monetaryworthof regrown horns,we firstassessed relationshipsbetweenhornsize and horn mass based on measures of 104 confiscated horns.More than83% of the variancein mass (Y) was explainedby the product(X) of horn length(m along outsidecurve) and basal circumference (m) witheither

power (14.32X105)

or linear (15.49X-.21)


hornheightand basal cir(p < 0.0001). Independently, cumferenceexplained 73% and 65% of the variance. Adultshad greaterbasal circumferencesthanjuveniles (t = 5.81;p < 0.001, n = 27). The above relationships

allow predictionof the regrownhorn mass per animal yr-1 (anteriorand posteriorsummed) which,on average is 0.54 and 0.33 kg per adult and juvenile black rhino.Since ratesofintrinsichorngrowthare similarfor hornedblack and white rhinos(Table 1), we must assume that regrowthis also approximatelysimilarfor both species. To convert mass measures to monetaryworth,we reliedon the 1990 marketvalue ofAfricanrhinohorns (per kg), which in Asia varies considerably:$3737 in Taiwan (Martin& Martin1991), $15,205 in Thailand (Vigne & Martin 1991), and $16,240 in Hong Kong (Millikenet al. 1991; for South Korea in 1988 it was $4410). Usingthe minimumand maximumvalues, average regrown horn mass per black rhino is worth $1780-7750 bytheend ofthefirstyear.Ifunprunedfor fouryears,the value of regrownhorn in a smallpopulationof 20 adults,assumingno changein marketprice, would be $142,000-$620,000. Given the minimumexistingdollar value per kg, regrownhorns are worth more than the cost of removingthem in less than 10 months.The inevitableconclusionis thatrhinoscan be completelydevalued onlyby annualpruning.Nevertheless, otherfactorsare involved,includingthe costs absorbed by the host countriesand nongovernmental organizations. The estimatedtotalexpenses (governmentand nongovernment combined) ofthe two Namibiandehorning operationswere $49,000,or $2450 per rhino.When the costsofrelocatingyoungeranimalsare subtracted,however, the price of dehorningthe 20 animalsdrops to $1400 per animal.By contrast,the cost ofremovingthe horns of 59 Zimbabweanwhite rhinos living at high

ofmeanhorngrowth ratesper yr-1 (cm) in intactand dehornedrhinos. Table 1. Comparison Adults


Kaokoveld,Namibia EtoshaPark,Namibia

Kruger Park, South Africa Kruger Park, South Africa

Black Rhinos

6.0, 0.7, 5.3

2.7 0.3



(11) (5,3)

(4) White Rhinos 4.9 (6)

8.9, -



dehorned horned;3 animalsestimatedat 20 + yrs

horned; radio-implant inhorn -


horned; radio-implant in horn

Juvenilesas used hereare 3-5 years old (values referto anteriorand posteriorhorns,respectively; sample sizes are in parentheses).Namibian data are from thisstudy(horn growthin Etosha animals was determinedby calculating thechange in distance in the location of a groove in thehorn); Krugerdata are fromPienaar et al. (1991).

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ofHornless BlackRhinosBerger Survivorship



densities was estimated at $425 per animal (Kock 1991). By including the estimated salaries of participating personnel (which were included in the Namibian but not the Zimbabwean sample), the mean cost becomes $704 per white rhino. Using the Namibian value and assuming a future (and conservative) annual inflation rate of 15%, a scenario can be developed representing extreme horn pruning schedules (one time only and annual) in relation to existing market prices (Fig. 1). Although the frequency of dehorning exercises will undoubtedly be affectedby monetary costs, to evaluate dehorning as a conservation tactic it is also critical to know whether poachers preferrhinos with larger horns. If poachers discriminate, then rhinos with smaller or regrowing horns would be less at risk, an assumption that alters the economics of how to render rhinos valueless. Although one of us was convicted of felonyrhino poaching and feels that preferences for horn size trophies do not exist, it seems prudent to evaluate the issue of poachers' choices statistically.Hence, we used data from our four study populations, in which more than 95% of the horn sizes of adults and subadults were known; the frequency distribution was then compared to that for horns matched by animal and confiscated by enforcement agencies (Fig. 2). Since rhinos carry two unequal-sized horns, a poacher might select for cumulative value rather than for the length of only one horn.







>] _) C




cv = 31 .nN= 17





341 v = 62 N = 15






Pan X = 2 87 x cv =32 N= 17










2 71



(Pooled) X

25 -

cv = 43 N= 61








Escarpment x = 349 cv= 47 N=22







X =286

3 17

cv = 47 =71









Horn Mass (kg) per Rhino Figure 2. Frequency distribution of horn mass (kg per adult and subadult) in four living Namibian black rhino populations, and that (nonpoached) sample pooled for comparison with a confiscated (poached) sample. Horn mass estimated by method described in the text.

35 -





1 1

2 2




Figure 1. Comparison of 1990 Asian marketvalue (mean $$ per kgper rhino)-dark squares-and range-vertical lines throughsquares (A-maximum,B-minimum) with two horn-pruningschedules-cross-hatching((C) annual and (D) one-time only) based on mean regrowthrate of anteriorand posteriorblack rhino horns.Dehorning costs assume annual inflation rate of 15%. Year 0 is the initial year of dehorning at $1400 per rhino.

ConservationBiology Volume 7, No. 4, December 1993

Hence, the mass of each horn (derived previously; see above) was added so that a frequency distribution of mass per animal could be contrasted between the live and confiscated samples. It was necessary to check first whether differences in the frequency distribution of horn mass varied among live populations; if it did, we could not safelyassume that the confiscated horns came from the same population. However, because interpopulation differenceswere not evident (Heterogeneity Chi Square Analysis using four horn mass categories; X2 = 13.47, df = 9, NS), the data were pooled and contrasted with those fromthe poached sample (Fig. 2). The lack of differencesin mean horn mass (t = 1.41, df = 130, NS)

or frequencydistributions Test; (Kolmogorov-Smirnoff D = 0.0444, NS) supportedour suspicionthatpoachers did not discriminate amongrhinohornsizes. This informationsuggeststhateven animalswith small regrown hornsare as likelyto be killedas animalswho have not been dehorned. Economic points aside, the critical biological issue is

etal. Berger

whether demographicviabilityis enhanced by horn Assessmentis necessaryat two levels.First,we pruning? have not seen interactionsbetween dehornedmothers and dangerouspredators.Ifhornlessanimalswere more vulnerableto predatorsthanwere intactrhinos,however,thendehornedanimalsin theprocessofregrowing theirhornsshould also be at a greaterrisk,since their horns would be smaller than those of intactanimals. Therefore,we inferredwhetherhornlessrhinosmight to predatorsby contrastingthe bereact differentially haviorofmothersthatvariednaturallyin hornsize during 27 witnessed interactionswith lions and spotted hyenasin Etosha.Those (n = 15) with anteriorhorns below the mean (31.5 cm) were no more likelyto run mothers(18% frompredatorsthanwere larger-horned versus19%, respectively;p= 0.68, Fisher'sExactTest). What affectedmaternalresponsivenesswas calf size; thosewithneonatesyoungerthanabout 18 monthsfled more thanthose with older calves (50 versus 10% ) (p = 0.056), thoughthesampleis stilltoo smallto remove the possibilitythathorn size and calfsize do not exert independenteffects. Second, the claim that demographic viabilityimproves with dehorningis untenablefor at least three reasons: (1) althoughno dehorned black rhinoshave been poached, neitherhave anyhornedones elsewhere in the Kunene Province,even thoughtheyoutnumber hornlessconspecificsby about 4-5:1; (2) all (n = 3) calves of hornless mothersthat were sympatricwith hyenashave died whereasno calves ofhornlessmothers areas or of hornedmotherswho were in predator-free withhyenasand transientlionshave perished sympatric (Berger& Cunningham1993); and (3) a country-length veterinarycordon fence isolates the dehornedanimals so thata high degree of uncertaintyabout theirlongtermpopulationviabilityexists. Withrespectto dehorningas a conservationtactic,it is worthwhileto recall thatsuch radical actions were not intendedas a long-termbiological solution.Therefore,theycannotbe judged solelyon biologicalcriteria; will alwaysmedieconomic and politicalenvironments ate the success of any long-termconservationplan. While poaching of Kunene Province animals has not occurred since 1989, both black and white rhinosare stillkilled in other regionsof northernNamibia,areas where poaching had not previouslyoccurred.Perhaps the overly sensational,massive, and ofteninaccurate publicityabout dehorning,both local and international, mayhave caused poachersto shiftactionsawayfromthe Kunene Province to areas where only horned rhinos occur. Ostensibly,thismayeven have been thepurpose of the media campaign.Nevertheless,without adherence to a time framein which the demographicresponse of targetspecies can be evaluatedand without attentionto monies allocated for resource protection (Leader-Williams & Albon 1988; Milner & Leader-

ofHornless BlackRhinos Survivorship


Williams 1992), it is imprudent to attempt persuasive arguments about the soundness of dehorning, particularlygiven the lack of precision in predicting the timing and intensity of poaching epidemics. Finally, political events in 1990 unrelated to the media but associated with Namibian independence may have prompted an overall decline in poaching. Although these may relate in some combination to the cessation of hostilities involving South Africa,Angola, Namibia, and the removal of South AfricanDefense Forces, it is also likely that the development of auxiliary game guard systems (OwenSmith 1986; Owen-Smith & Jacobsohn 1989) has facilitated rhino conservation. Whatever the cause or causes, it is clear that biological solutions to regional conservation problems will be effectiveonly as faras geography, socio-economics, and cultural influences on behavior are considered.

Acknowledgments Our research has been graciously sponsored by the American Philosophical Society, the FrankfurtZoological Society, the Hasselblad Foundation, the National Geographic Society, the Conservation and Research Center of the Smithsonian Institution, Rhino Rescue Ltd., Save the Rhino Trust, the University of Nevada, Wildlife Conservation International (New York Zoological Society), the National Science Foundation, the Office of Forestry,Environment,and Natural Resources of the Bureau of Science and Technology of the U.S. Agency for International Development (under NSF Grant BSR-9025018), and the World Wildlife FundUSA. We thank Namibia's Ministryof Wildlife, Conservation, and Tourism, W. Gasaway, E. Joubert, M. Jacobsohn, M. Kock, R. and B. Loutit, G. Owen-Smith, J. Rachlow, and an anonymous reviewer for discussions or comments on a prior draft. LiteratureCited Berger,J.,and C. Cunningham.Mating,conservation,and bison. ColumbiaUniversity Press,New York. In press. Conway,A.J.,and P. S. Goodman. 1989. Populationcharacteristics and managementof black rhinocerosDiceros bicornis minorandwhiterhinocerosCeratotherium simum simum in Ndumu Game Reserve,SouthAfrica.Biological Conservation 47:109-122. Dinerstein,E., and L. Price. 1991. Demographyand habitatuse by greaterone-hornedrhinocerosin Nepal.JournalofWildlife Management55:401-411. Hitchins,P. M., andJ.L. Anderson.1983. Reproduction,populationcharacteristics and managementofthe black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis minor in the Hluhluwe/Corridor/Umfolozi Game ReserveComplex.SouthAfricanJournalofWildlifeResearch 13:78-85.

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