How A Marketing Expert Relates To Brand Expert? A better marketing plays a great role in creating company's reputation and gaining wider customer market. Brand marketing is one of the best approach used by Marketing Experts today. Actually, marketing and branding are two different aspects of business promotion and advertisement. Marketing is the way gain customers or buyers in market. On the other hand Brand is a powerful marketing tool. Branding is like a promise to customers for delivering quality services and goods to them. A successful marketing for a business depends on the experts working for their marketing. A Marketing Expert is a specialist professional who analyses the promotional potential of a company and find out the best possible ways to bring success for business. He has his own set of high degree ethics which makes them reliable and consistent with the efficiency of their work. A professional marketer knows its customers and works according to the way, the customers feels satisfied but not in the way company satisfies. For a company, market expert play three important roles : coordinator and manager. 1.As a marketing coordinator, he plans the marketing strategies to make them goal oriented. Further he also checks the team effort at regular intervals to keep their responsibilities functioning towards gaining business success. 2.As a marketing manager, he not only controls marketing strategies and his team but he also communicates with managers of other teams to get guidance for the success of business. On the other hand, a brand name or company logo helps companies to define the goods and services they offer. These visual markers differentiate a business in market and create an impression in customers that are constantly memorable by them. Besides giving a name to the company, customer services is another area for brand expert. Customers are usually in habit to post negative things on internet and social media sites for a company or its products. A professional experts uses tools to keep track of all positive and negative reviews posted on internet anywhere and any time. He respond to these reviews immediately to maintain a customer feedback channel. This shows that company is really concerned about its customers and helps maintaining a good customer relationship. In conclusion, branding and marketing are indispensable for each other. Both brand and Marketing Expert can be a single person or different persons. If both are different, then brand expert works under the guidance of marketing professional. Brand expert possess excellent graphic skills and creative mind. With the growth of extensive internet world, there exists many online brand experts which helps marketing professional of a company in successful and effective branding. Companies contact them online and get their brands designed by the experts.