Initiative towards resilient integrated border management takes off Pacific Integrated Border Management Project
Report: Partners meeting and site visit
Nadi International Airport, 15 – 16 February 2022
The UNDP project team led by Mr. Rustam Pulatov met Mr. Isei Tudreu, Acting Chief Executive Officer of Airports Fiji Limited (AFL) alongside the key border management agencies based in Nadi. The objectives of the visit were:
i) initiate an interagency coordination for the activities implemented by the project in Fiji Airports, and
ii) discuss with Nadi-based border management authorities the immediate plans for 2022 and possible synergies with other activities, and
iii) further identify the areas and facilities at Nadi Airport that need project support.
The meeting strengthened the shared understanding of the project strategy and four project outputs based on the theory of change. All agencies who participated in the meeting had an opportunity to share their perspectives and experiences towards a collaborative approach to the integrated border management.
Site Visit to Nadi International Airport
The site visit included all sections of the airport that would require support from the project. This included: checkin area, mandatory safety and security checkpoints, airport terminal, apron section and arrivals.
It strengthened project perspective on some of the underlying gaps and challenges and presented opportunities to look at potential areas and activities that the project could provide support for improvement.
Issues identified by the partners
• Streamline the processing of travelers at arrivals and departures to improve efficiency and decrease chances of COVID-19 transmission. A strong need to use automated passport scanners connected to the boarding system.
• Adopt and strengthen online systems to improve processing time for travelers at arrivals and departures.
• Strengthen digital information boards for passengers at various points throughout the terminal in inclusive, accessible and user-friendly ways.
• Improve AFL website as a one stop shop of information for travelers with the latest travel requirements and COVID-19 protocols.
• Establish sensor-based equipment at strategic points around the airport.
• Establish a medical waiting room at arrivals.
• Establish temporary medical quarantine tents to isolate COVID-19 infected passengers.
Next Steps
• All key border management agencies based in Nadi to provide feedback to the 2022 plans, before the agreement signing between AFL and UNDP.
• Border management agencies to share ideas regarding gaps and challenges to be addressed in coming years and additional research and assessment if required.
• UNDP to formalize the engagement for delivery and implementation.
• UNDP to organize a visit to Nausori Airport taking into account the scheduled major renovation at Nausori Airport in 2023.
• UNDP to organize a consultation meeting to brief authorities based in the Central division on the current state of implementation and ensure the coordination between Nadi-based and Suva-based partners.
Key personnel
Name Position Agency
Isei Tudreu Acting Chief Executive Officer AFL
Priti Reddy Coordinator Landside, Terminal Operations & Customer
Joe Gray Airport Operations Manager
Mosese Ligalevu Airports Security Services Manager
Ronald R Singh Aviation Security Coordinator AFL
Athil Narayan Executive General Manager AFL
David Crute Projects and Infrastructure Director
Owen Handyside Senior Manager Global Airports Fiji Airways
Samuela Kuridrani Coordinator Health, Safety and Environment
Air Terminal Services
Karalani Nakei Supervisor Biosecurity Authority of Fiji
Sanjay Reddy Principal Customs Officer Fiji Revenue & Customs Services
Edwina Fong Officer In Charge – border health protection
Project Contact Details
Rustam Pulatov
Ministry of Health and Medical Services
Programme Manager United Nations Development Programme Level 7, Kadavu House 414 Victoria Parade, Suva, Fiji
Tel: +6793227509; +6792843080