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No opportunities have been given to all respondents to be involved in decisionmaking,training,education, and research.
Electrical appliances that are commonly used in homes comprise internet modems, washing machines, and carpentry tools.
Women felt safe walking at night when street lights are fully working.
Solar PhotoVoltaic (PV) systems are cheaper to use than normal fossil fuel-based electricity.
The men and women felt that future solar PV based projects must be designed in a way that will still operate and safe to use during cyclones and storms. All men and women felt that the capacity of back-up generators need to be increased to cater for the increasing demand for electricity. They also felt that more opportunities are needed for education and research opportunities on clean energy, more public awareness on projects, and, upgrade and maintenance of lamp posts along the streets.
• High unemployment among youth,
• Lack of children supervision as adults are involved in other social activities like bingo;
• high cost of electricity and frequent blackouts; and
• remote locations of two settlements.
• In terms of energy-use, men had a higher demand for electricity than women,
• Women’s use of makes their work easy when undertaking reproductive activities such as washing and sewing.