If you are into the internet marketing industry, you have most likely heard of affiliate marketing. If you are not sure what that is, it is the activity where you are promoting the products or a service for another company. This often involves a link to a certain product or service you are promoting. When a user buys a product or service through the link that you have placed, you will earn a commission. The commissions you earn depend on the company that you are affiliated with. While it is definitely not a get rich quick scheme, it is possible to earn a large amount of money as an affiliate. When many people first try to make money online, one of the things they hear about is affiliate marketing. One way people try to earn money from the internet is by starting an online business. Being an affiliate is a good way to start your business if you do not have your own products or services to sell. The first thing you have to do is to find a niche. This would be an untapped market, or a subject that you are very interested in. Then you have the option of building a website or a blog around that niche. You do not have to, but it will be a lot easier to be an affiliate with a website or a blog. After that, you must add content and promote your site so that it has traffic. Running an online business is a lot like having a brick and mortar business. The only difference is that you will not automatically get traffic just from building your site. You will have to participate in search engine optimization techniques which would include keyword placement and gaining back-links. There are avenues that you can use in order to get the traffic you need to get the income. You can use article directories. These are great for gaining the traffic. The traffic from these sources are targeted. However, the best source for traffic is from search engines. The important thing to decide is the affiliate program. Not all affiliate programs are created equal. There are some that are higher paying than others. Then there are some that are outright scams. Also, the money you will make will depend largely on the niche that you choose. Some niches have a lot more value placed on them than others. However, you do not want to make money be the dictator of your niche. If the user sees that you are really passionate about what you are talking about, you will have better results. Affiliate marketing can be one of the easiest ways to make money online when you figure it out. Of course the money will start pouring in slowly. However, once it starts pouring in, you will begin to see success. I have a FREE report Stay At Home Mum Starts A Business check it out HERE Please check out my blog for more information on starting your own online business HERE Joella is a home based marketer with a revolutionary home business opportunity. She is giving away a free course to get you started with making money from the comfort of your own home. Claim yours free at http://JoellaClare.com