Joel Lewinsohn
Instructor: Brenda McKinney
Course #:ED549G
Course name: Happiness Diet
Date: 6/8/2014
Level: 500
Assignment #11
Assignment #11: (Required for 400 and 500 Level) Create a graphic summary of the happiness diet. Define what it is and how it works. Include four of the most critical sections in this book to display. This would be something that could be hung on your wall or made available to other teachers to show them about willpower, self-control and faulty thinking. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ʻHappinessʼ #11.
What is the Happiness Diet?
You hold the power at every meal
The Happiness Diet is learning what foods areto help spread a smile and increase brain power! essential to a healthy and happy life, and which foods are actually destroying our minds and bodies. Armed with this information we can “steer clear of the MAD way of life” and replace it with brain building, mood improving feel good food.
Cooking at home increases your life span, but eating processed foods speeds up the aging process!
Foods for Energ y
AVOID these! •
Refined Carbohydrates
Processed food
Nitrates, MSG, Fructose
Eating out at Fast food restaurants
Meats that are NOT wild, range freee, or grass-fed
1. Mesculun (green leafy veges) 2. Drupes- coffee & dark chocolate
Foods for Thought 1. Eggs, grass-fed beef, and milk 2. Crucifers (brussel sprouts)
Foods for Good Mood
3. Walnuts
1. Wild Salmon & shrimp
4. Red beans
2. Cherry tomatoes and Watermelon
5. Red skinned potatoes 6.
3. Chile peppers
3. Citrus
4. Beets
4. Berries
5. garlic
5. Anchovies