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Nettle Cord

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Making a Good Fire

Making a Good Fire




nettles over 1M long two nettles per participant + spares Stick / smooth stone for bashing nettles firm working gloves 3 pair per base refuse bags large, strong tarpaulins (ca. 3x4m) 1x canopy 1 per base sisal 3ply 2.5kg ball 50m per base 1 box per base for all the base materials + base boxes' (ca. 0,8m x 0,4m x 0,4m) reserve

equipment list picture page and script print this page and put it with the gear A4 sheet in colour

Preparation have stings removed from nettles


There are different ways to light a fire. You can use matches, lighter, Flintstones, fire bow, sun parabola, wait for the lightning to strike, etc. We will practice with fire steels and Flintstones. According to the fire triangle you will need fuel, oxygen and heat.

Trying to light a fire half way up a mountain can be a challenge. Fire wood is difficult to find and carrying it isn’t really an option. The best was is to bring your own method of starting a fire. One simple method is to make a pocket size “Trangia Stove” and bring it with you.


To make a pocket size “Trangia Stove” you will need 2 empty “Coke Tins”. Any 2 identical diameter drink tins will do. Cut the bottom off one tin, using the blade to scrape a groove into the tin. Twist the tin until it is cut the whole way around. Put your initials on the bottom of this can with the pencil provided. Put 3 holes in centre of the bottom of the second can and 6 holes around the perimeter, cut the bottom off it, as before. Put a small cut on the edge of one can and fold in the flaps, so that they fit together. Fill the bottom of the tin without holes with cotton wool and squeeze both cans together using the gloves provided. Your stove is now completed. Pour mentholated spirits into the centre of the can (about 3 fills). Your stove is now primed to work. Light the tea-light and place the “Stove” over it on the blocks provided. and put the plastic wind shield around it. The mentholated spirits has to boil so that the vapours escape. When the stove bursts into flames remove the wind shield and the tee-light. You are now ready to boil water. Using one of the “Stoves” put 3 metal tent pegs in the ground around the stove and put a bean tin with water on top of it. Wear the gloves when doing this. NOTE your stove is now “VERY HOT”

Practical tips for the Base Leader

Have a “Stove” made before the participants arrive and have it lighting Use the wind shield to keep the Tea-light lighting When the “Stove” is lighting remove the wind shield and Tea-light for use on the next base Crush the part of the tin flat you are not using and put it in the “Green” rubbish bag Be careful of the sharp edge of the cut tin


● Be careful with flammable clothing. ● Be careful not to get flammable materials on the ground ● The “Stove” will be hot hot hot! ● Let the stove burn out and cool before you move it, it’s Hot Hot Hot ● Make sure you know how to use a safety blanket and fire extinguisher. ● Contact Team Leader for first aid (plasters) and serious injuries.

At the end of each session, get the scouts to move their “VERY HOT stoves to one side and have them collect them one hour later when they are cold. Use the two “top half” to scoop and hold and move the HOT STOVES.

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