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HKU Architecture Portfolio Y2S1
The countless realities of our changing environment call for a new approach to design. In order to make architecture compatible with our contemporary world, it should respond to the evolving environment by being able to accommodate the changes to come.
In the second part of this semester, I revealed the idea of living with nature by responding to its natural context and surroundings. Starting from the essential diagram of the house, I re-imagined the house by changing the form and program.

“Nature” = Site context

To understand the issue of transformation, a new programme is added to the house - a studio + gallery space.
One family that uses part of the house as a workplace, used by an additional 4 people.

To start off, I tried to sketch different possiblities of dividing the programmes.53

Indoor vs Outdoor boundary

Private vs Public boundary

My reading to the original house is how it divide serve and servant by compressing most rooms and service to the front facade.
What I did as a reimagination is to duplicate the service part to the front, redefining the boundaries of the house.
Challenging and contrasting with the protective and enclosing context, I reveal what’s hidden inside the house. In the original house, there is a clear definition of an enclosing figure. But in the reimagined one, some structures are exposed to create irregular and complex boundaries between previous serve vs servant or now private vs public. These layers make the entering of the house a multiplied experience.