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Introducing The

Brand Friendster helps you discover new friends, play, and enjoy rewards.

01 What we are:

Introducing The

Brand Friendster helps you discover new friends, play, and enjoy rewards.

Friendster starts with a belief - that there are those among us who see the world in a very different light. Where life is but a game, and that everything that we do, is a game. Friendster is borne out of a need - a desire to re-write the rules of social friending, playing and enjoying rewards. It's the creation of a whole new language and semantic that resonates with the needs of the target audiences. For a consumer, this means a chance to escape into a fantasy world where one can easily live out the desires of one’s heart, where one can truly have fun without consequences, or repercussions, be it in games, music, entertainment, or deals. For the developer / business partner, the brand signals the promise of unlimited potential, a new frontier where new business models can be explored, new and radical ways of gaming and rewarding can be introduced.


new friendster is:

LIFE. And LIFE as a GAME. And LIFE is a GAME we constantly PLAY WITH OTHERS.


Our Calling What we are: Our value proposition stems from the very core of our re-invention. From a social networking site, we have re-emerged as a game-changer and trailblazer in the online entertainment lifestyle world. We are MORE – Friendster offers more games, more like-minded people, more of what you want, more worlds and alternative realities to explore, more rewards, as well as more of what you get out of the time you spend within its worlds.

Who we reach out to:

Our audience would be:

1) People who love to game / play 2) People who love to experiment 3) People who want to get something out of play (tangible rewards / online playtime-only friendships) 4) People who understand that there are alternative worlds / personas they can live out their lives in, without any link to their real identities 5) People who want to go beyond doing activities with only who they know

What we promise: New Playtime Rules

- Rethink the way you play, rediscover the ‘play’ in you and enjoy the assurance of playing without consequences.

Connected and Convenient Ecosystem

– Play anytime, anywhere, with anyone, and enjoy the ride! Best of all, be rewarded, and enjoy those rewards in an ecosystem that gives you everything you need in the gameworld and outside of it.

We are FUN – Friendster is unique in that we offer the consumers and develop ers a distinctly alternative platform that has FUN right in the heart of its conception.

Everything is a game

We are UNLIMITED – Like a roadtrip, everytime you go online in Friendster, you never quite know where you would end up. The journey is the destination, and this is our true magic / mojo – that we offer really ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES that keep people coming back, and staying longer.

At the end of the day, we promise you will have fun.

– When the drive and the motivation is play, life is but a game we play. So let your hair down and ‘let your soul be your pilot’ (credits – Sting)


Our Brand Promise The roles of Friendster – sub brands and services Friendster being an ecosystem, consists of the following:

1) 2) Friendster Games 3) Friendster WiFi 4) Friendster iCafe 5) Friendster Music



How we look: The reality of how we appear to our audiences is invariably linked to how we present ourselves to them.

Game Face Perception is Reality

Our audiences see us as a brand with a personality that says: What wemust promise: Friendster personifies the


Our use of multiple colours reflects the dynamic and constantly shifting nature of our environment, that as everything within the Friendster universe is a game, our audiences need a shift in mindset that is not only revolutionary in how Friendster plays itself out, but at the same time a recognition of the heritage that speaks to them from the heart of the brand. All the above requires us to project the energy and dynamism associated with what our brand represents. In all communications materials, design must adopt the clean and uncluttered form that allows for a structured and concise delivery that will be a distinct hallmark of the Friendster footprint.




How we sound

Friendster's tone is always:

The irrepressible Friendster spirit is clear, ener getic, enthusiastic, powerful, and game for anything. This adventurous nature comes forth due to having no boundaries in what you can do, and with whom you can do it with.


Born as a netizen, there is a blurring of lines between what is offline and online for the Friendster persona.

Crisp Concise Intelligent Thought-provoking Energetic Witty

What we promise:

Sentences should typically be short. Accurate words and delivering universal truth. “Engaging conversation� would be our main requirement

Sample of Correct and Incorrect Usage:

Friendster's ad should be witty, clever, and cuts through the clutter. The proposition should be a single, strong and unbashedly thought provoking - evoking curiosity. Pointers: Be specific whenever possible. And have a compelling call-to-action and be clear about the reward.

If life is just a game, then let's start keeping


And why not? The rewards begin as soon as you play. Get real-world discounts, in-game bonuses, even prizes to be won. Imagine the possibilities, if only you venture further. The new Friendster - where your gaming rewards your life.

This is just not Friendster's style - too unimaginative, not clever enough, and no tongue-in-cheek or humour. Body copy is ambiguous, formal, and cold. Trusted, assurance, come experi ence, and phrasing that is too formal should be avoided. Copy that does not address or talk to the audience directly should also be avoided.

Get Rewarded For Gaming - with Friendster The new Friendster now allows you to discover new friends, play and game in our universes, and get rewarded at the same time. Come experience the new Friendster and see the world in a whole new light.


living the game

LOGO The visual core essence of the friendster brand identity is encapsulated in our logo, which must be used at all times as the first point of consideration for advertising, ambient and environments, collateral, online, stationery, and so forth.

NOTE: The recreation or modification of the Friendster logo in any form or format is strongly discouraged. Please request for, and use as directed, the master artwork files which is available from the Friendster marketing team.

Concept: The brandmark is inspired by: 1) Our legacy and strength of our brand 2) Our community which is at the core of everything we do 3) Our belief that life is a game, and everything is but a game NOTE: the brandmark must always be used with the tagline, and the associated tagline counter-balance graphic.

Design: The design is retro Friendster with a modern fusion twist, suggesting that from the Friendster of yesteryear we have evolved to become a lot more community-driven and crowdcentric. The colors also suggest a more vibrant Friendster, with a lot more richness and energies within its spaces.

06 06.2 On Black and White Background

living the game

On Black

living the game

On Black

living the game

When set against black or white backgrounds, full colour versions are strongly encouraged.

On White

06.3 Reversed-out Colours Greyscale Versions

living the game

On Orange

living the game

On Green

living the game

living the game

On Blue

On Gray

living the game

On Black

Example of Positive Colours and B & W version that you can use:

living the game

living the game

living the game

living the game

living the game

living the game

living the game

living the game

living the game

living the game

However, in situations where the colour background clashes or is the same in colour grouping with any of the logo brandmark elemental colours, then a reversed logo is permissible.


06 minimum width: 35mm / 99px with tagline

2x 2x x

5 1/ 2 x

living the game 2x

living the game



minimum width:18mm / 71px without tagline

06.6 Clear Space (For Online and Print Purposes) 06.4 Minimum Size

To protect the integrity of the brand, sufficient clear space is measured using an X-Value formula. It creates an invisible boundary where no graphic elements can infringe.

When going down to 35mm or below, it is best to remove the tagline as it won’t be legible at that size.

The clear space surrounding the whole logo is calculated by 1 X-Value, derived from the cap height of the letter F. 2 X - Value also creates a separation between logo and tagline. The tagline height should always be 41/2 X-Value (as indicated in the example given). This applies throughout different scales and adaptations.

The minimum size that the logo can be scaled down to is 35mm (actual size shown). This is to ensureclarity and legibility of the logo.

Logo should have a minimum clear space of 3.5mm/10px/21/2 X-Value all around it.

living the game

06.5 Special Monotone Logo To be used for certain applications such as premiums and brochures. Note: • The black area of the logo shown here can be debossed, embossed, etched, frosted or foil stamped if you prefer. • For this application, the ‘SM’ can be removed.

The Tagline: when to remove it?

As a general rule, we recommend that the Friendster logo be accompanied by its taglin whenever possible. However, like most rules, there are exceptions. One, as we have mentioned, is the size; 35mm and below = no more tagline. Here are some other situations that may necessitate its absence: • Premiums Gifts, giveaways and third-party paraphernalia bearing Friendster’s name. Tagline may still be included in some situations but it is no longer mandatory. • The Threat of Clutter The presence of many other elements in a constrained space may necessitate simplifying Friendster’s appearance via removal of tagline. • Joining Forces In cases where the logo is incorporated into a third-party design or masthead, and if the tagline does not fit well with the overall layout, it may be removed. Especially if the logo is being shrunk down (see Size guidelines).


06 minimum width: 35mm / 99px with tagline


2x x

5 1/ 2 x

living the game 2x

living the game



minimum width:18mm / 71px without tagline

06.6 Clear Space (For Online and Print Purposes) 06.4 Minimum Size

To protect the integrity of the brand, sufficient clear space is measured using an X-Value formula. It creates an invisible boundary where no graphic elements can infringe.

When going down to 35mm or below, it is best to remove the tagline as it won’t be legible at that size.

The clear space surrounding the whole logo is calculated by 1 X-Value, derived from the cap height of the letter F. 2 X - Value also creates a separation between logo and tagline. The tagline height should always be 41/2 X-Value (as indicated in the example given). This applies throughout different scales and adaptations.

The minimum size that the logo can be scaled down to is 35mm (actual size shown). This is to ensureclarity and legibility of the logo.

Logo should have a minimum clear space of 3.5mm/10px/21/2 X-Value all around it.

living the game

06.5 Special Monotone Logo To be used for certain applications such as premiums and brochures. Note: • The black area of the logo shown here can be debossed, embossed, etched, frosted or foil stamped if you prefer. • For this application, the ‘SM’ can be removed.

The Tagline: when to remove it?

As a general rule, we recommend that the Friendster logo be accompanied by its taglin whenever possible. However, like most rules, there are exceptions. One, as we have mentioned, is the size; 35mm and below = no more tagline. Here are some other situations that may necessitate its absence: • Premiums Gifts, giveaways and third-party paraphernalia bearing Friendster’s name. Tagline may still be included in some situations but it is no longer mandatory. • The Threat of Clutter The presence of many other elements in a constrained space may necessitate simplifying Friendster’s appearance via removal of tagline. • Joining Forces In cases where the logo is incorporated into a third-party design or masthead, and if the tagline does not fit well with the overall layout, it may be removed. Especially if the logo is being shrunk down (see Size guidelines).

06 06.7 Correct Usage

To ensure uniformity and build familiarity while branding, the logo must always be applied in a consistent and clear manner across all communication materials. The logo should not in any way be distorted from its original specifications.

living the game

Logo in white background

living the game

Logo in black background

06.7 Incorrect Usage

living the game

DO NOT change the colourways of the logo and the logotype

living the game

living the game DO NOT adjust the proportions or position of the elements in the logos

living the game

FRIENDSTER DO NOT add white outline on the logotype

DO NOT place the logo onto background that is too complex or photographic imagery

living the game

Logo onto background that is too complex or photographic imagery

living the game

DO NOT stretch or distort the logo

living the game

DO NOT position the logo onto any background colours that clash


Colour Palette The colour references shown can be applied for most print and on-screen applications. To ensure the vibrancy of the colours (seeing how colour represents the brand’s identity), the 4-colour process (CMYK) format is always preferred. Print (CMYK 4-Process Colours)

On Screen (RGB Colours)

C. 100 Pantone® Process Cyan

C. 100




R.0 G.174 B. 239 #00aeef

C.64 Y.100 Pantone® 368C

C.64 Y.100




R.102 G.188 B. 41 #66bc29

C. 50 M.10 Y.100 K.10 Pantone® 356C

C.85 M.10 Y.100 K.10




R.0 G.148 B. 68 #009444

M. 20 Y.100 Pantone® 123C

M.100 Y.100




R.255 G.200 B. 46 #ffc82e

M. 100 Y.100 Pantone® 485C

M.44 Y.90




R.237 G.28 B. 36 #ed1c24

K. 100 Pantone® Process Black C





R.0 G.0 B. 0 #000000

K. 60 Pantone® 877C





R.128 G.130 B. 133 #808285

08 08.2 Corporate Tagline and Copytext Typeface Corporate Tagline and Copytext Typeface

The corporate tagline and copytext typeface must be used for all communications materials.

Typography 08.1 Corporate Headline Typeface

The Friendster tagline and copytext typeface is DejaVu Sans - Condensed. It consists of 4 styles: - DejaVu Sans - Condensed - DejaVu Sans - Condensed Oblique - DejaVu Sans - Condensed Bold - DejaVu Sans - Condensed Bold Oblique. This typeface, with its structurally unified set of heights and widths, has been selected for its high legibility.

The corporate headline typeface must be used for all communications materials.

DejaVu Sans - Condensed

The Friendster typeface is DejaVu Sans -Condensed. This typeface, with its structurally unified set of heights and widths, has been selected for its high legibility.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~

DejaVu Sans - Condensed Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~ Note: Type can be in colour: For colour guidelines, refer to chapter 04. colour palette

DejaVu Sans - Condensed Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~ DejaVu Sans - Condensed Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~ DejaVu Sans - Condensed Bold Oblique\ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~


08.3 Corporate Screen Typeface

Verdana - Bold

Screen Typeface

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~

The screen typeface should be used for website applications and presentation slides. The Friendster screen typeface is Verdana, commonly available on most computer PC systems. The font-family for the web usage is Verdana, Geneva, sans serif.

Verdana - Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~ Verdana - Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~ Verdana - Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷…æ˚˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ ∑´†¥¨ˆ¡£¢§¶•ªº–≠//?”:;{}[]=-+_()*&^%$#@!~

Note: Type can be in colour: For colour guidelines, refer to chapter 04. colour palette


Friendster Sub-brands Design & Variations We would like now to introduce the various facet component assets under the Friendster brand. Immediately noticeable will be the retention of the core brandmark, font type and colour palette. So the distinct visual impact of the logo is retained. This will allow for the brandmark to possess longeivity and relevance as new sub-brands are introduced.

09.1 Friendster Games

09.2 Friendster iCafĂŠ

Friendster Games aims to deliver easy to access, entertaining, locally flavored and highly immersive MMO web games to Friendster users.

Friendster WiFi is a free high-speed wireless internet service provider at popular hot spots.

09.3 Friendster Music

09.4 Friendster Entertainment

CybercafĂŠ management system that allows cybercafĂŠ owners to manage their computers, customers, accounts and billing needs.

Friendster Music provides an enhanced social music discovery platform delivering global music for Asia.


Friendster Sub-brands minimum width: 25mm / 71px with tagline

09.1 Friendster Games

09.1.2 Minimum Size


The minimum size that the logo can be scaled down to is 25mm (actual size shown). This is to ensureclarity and legibility of the logo. x

09.1.3 Reversed-out Colours / Grayscale Versions When set against black or white backgrounds, full colour versions are strongly encouraged.


2x 2x 2x



However, in situations where the colour background clashes or is the same in colour grouping with any of the logo brandmark elemental colours, then a reversed logo is permissible.

09.1.1 Logo Clear Space To protect the integrity of a brand sufficient clear space must be carefully calculated using an X-Value Formula. Clear space creates an invisible boundary where no graphic elements and copy can infringe. In this instance, clear space is calculated by 1X-Value (derived from the Cap Height of the letter F)

On White

On Black



Friendster Sub-brands minimum width: 25mm / 71px with tagline

09.2 Friendster WiFi

09.2.2 Minimum Size


The minimum size that the logo can be scaled down to is 25mm (actual size shown). This is to ensureclarity and legibility of the logo. x

09.2.3 Reversed-out Colours / Grayscale Versions When set against black or white backgrounds, full colour versions are strongly encouraged.


2x 2x x



However, in situations where the colour background clashes or is the same in colour grouping with any of the logo brandmark elemental colours, then a reversed logo is permissible.

09.2.1 Logo Clear Space To protect the integrity of a brand sufficient clear space must be carefully calculated using an X-Value Formula. Clear space creates an invisible boundary where no graphic elements and copy can infringe. In this instance, clear space is calculated by 1X-Value (derived from the Cap Height of the letter F)

On White

On Black



Friendster Sub-brands minimum width: 25mm / 71px with tagline

09.3 Friendster iCafĂŠ

09.3.2 Minimum Size


The minimum size that the logo can be scaled down to is 25mm (actual size shown). This is to ensureclarity and legibility of the logo. x

09.3.3 Reversed-out Colours / Grayscale Versions When set against black or white backgrounds, full colour versions are strongly encouraged.


2x 2x x



However, in situations where the colour background clashes or is the same in colour grouping with any of the logo brandmark elemental colours, then a reversed logo is permissible.

09.3.1 Logo Clear Space To protect the integrity of a brand sufficient clear space must be carefully calculated using an X-Value Formula. Clear space creates an invisible boundary where no graphic elements and copy can infringe. In this instance, clear space is calculated by 1X-Value (derived from the Cap Height of the letter F)

On White

On Black



Friendster Sub-brands minimum width: 25mm / 71px with tagline

09.4 Friendster Music

09.4.2 Minimum Size


The minimum size that the logo can be scaled down to is 25mm (actual size shown). This is to ensureclarity and legibility of the logo. x

09.4.3 Reversed-out Colours / Grayscale Versions When set against black or white backgrounds, full colour versions are strongly encouraged.


2x 2x x



However, in situations where the colour background clashes or is the same in colour grouping with any of the logo brandmark elemental colours, then a reversed logo is permissible.

09.4.1 Logo Clear Space To protect the integrity of a brand sufficient clear space must be carefully calculated using an X-Value Formula. Clear space creates an invisible boundary where no graphic elements and copy can infringe. In this instance, clear space is calculated by 1X-Value (derived from the Cap Height of the letter F)

On White

On Black



Friendster Sub-brands 09.5 Postive Colors The colour references shown can be applied for most print and on-screen applications for all the Friendster Sub-brands.

Print (CMYK 4-Process Colours)

On Screen (RGB Colours)

C. 100 Pantone® Process Cyan

C. 100




R.0 G.174 B. 239 #00aeef

C.64 Y.100 Pantone® 368C

C.64 Y.100




R.102 G.188 B. 41 #66bc29

C. 50 M.10 Y.100 K.10 Pantone® 356C

C.85 M.10 Y.100 K.10




R.0 G.148 B. 68 #009444

M. 20 Y.100 Pantone® 123C

M.100 Y.100




R.255 G.200 B. 46 #ffc82e

M. 100 Y.100 Pantone® 485C

M.44 Y.90




R.237 G.28 B. 36 #ed1c24

K. 100 Pantone® Process Black C





R.0 G.0 B. 0 #000000


Friendster Sub-brands Appendix


100mm 5 0 mm

wifi icafe wifi

m i n i m u m s i z e: 3 5 m m







10 10.1 The Friendster Complementary Graphic

10.2 Complementary Graphics Usage 1 Horizontal Top 50%

2 Horizontal Bottom 50%

3 Vertical Left

4 Vertical Right

A very critical component of the friendster branding is the use of the complementing graphic that serves two purposes: 1) To counterbalance and bring harmony to the entire visual property 2) To give strong reminders of our heritage and brand legacy with an updated brandmark of a familiar symbol from our past 3) To update and give reminders through our complementing graphic the fact that Friendster's fundamental value is our community, and the many varied and colourful people / avatars / identities that play within our spaces 4) To inject an emphasis on fun, life, and gaming into the whole brand identity The use of the complementing graphic and its guidelines must be strictly followed, with the various allowed forms detailing in the following chapters. It must only be used in conjunction with the main brand logo, and not in isolation. The complementing graphic must not be reproduced in any form. Soft copies can be obtained from Friendster Marketing in high-resolution formats for allowed application usage.

10 The full complementing graphic must be used in whole, or in quadrant parts as specified herein. The individual elements must not be separated or used separately as standalone graphic.

examples of complementary graphic layout

NOTE: the graphic in whole, and in its various quadrant configurations is available from Friendster marketing in high-resolution art files.

5 Bottom Right

7 Top Right

Bottom Left

Top Left


Example of layout using No. 5 - Bottom Right

Example of layout using No. 8 - Top Left

Example of layout using No.1 - Horizontal Top 50%

Example of layout using No. 3 - Vertical Left 50%



3 One color on white

4 One color on black

5 Black color on white

6 White color on black

10.3 For transparency or watermark effects - the opacity must not be lower than 20%.

opacity 100%

opacity 20%

10.4 Complementary graphics may be applied in the following colors settings. 1 Full color on white

2 Full color on black


Friendster Graphic Icons The Friendster graphic icons serve as a complementary element to further enhance the Friendster Sub Brands.

11.1 Friendster Games

11.2 Friendster WiFi

Friendster Games aims to deliver easy to access, entertaining, locally flavored and highly immersive MMO web games to Friendster users.

Friendster WiFi is a free high-speed wireless internet service provider at popular hot spots.

11.3 Friendster iCafĂŠ

11.4 Friendster Music

CybercafĂŠ management system that allows cybercafĂŠ owners to manage their computers, customers, accounts and billing needs.

Friendster Music provides an enhanced social music discovery platform delivering global music for Asia.

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