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Exchange Toolkit Session 2012-2013


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AIESEC Acronym Whole Process How to seach project (1) How to seach project (2) How to seach project (3) How to apply? Motivation letter sample 5 things you must know Skype interview (1) Skype interview (2) After interview (1) After interview (2) Useful Information Preparation before X Contact Information

AIESEC Acronym


Global Community Development Programme


Global Internship Programme


Exchange Participants


Local Committee




Exchange Participant Acceptance Note


Traineeship Acceptance Note


Outgoing Exchange Team


Incoming Exchange Team




The stage when you generate an EP form


The stage when EPAN & TNAN are exchanged


The stage when you arrive the country

TN form

A form shows the details of a project


Whole Process

Contract Signing

Search Projects in myaiesec.net

Send Email

Send EPAN to TN manager

Receive Offer

Skype Interview

Receive TNAN from TN manager

Ask TN manager to change your status into “Matched�

Preparation & Realized


How to search project in myaiesec.net

How to search project in myaiesec.net There are two ways to search projects in myaiesec.net: 1

AIESEC Programmes Supply and demand management



AIESEC Programmes Browse internships

AIESEC Programmes Supply and demand management

Step 1: AIESEC Programmes > Supply and demand managerment

Step 2: Select Committee, Exchange Type > Search


How to search project in myaiesec.net Step 3: Choose

Step 4: Read the details of the project by clicking its TNID


How to search project in myaiesec.net 2

AIESEC Programmes Browse internships

Step 1: AIESEC Programmes > Browse Internship

Step 2: Choose LC by clicking “show” and choose the earliest start date

Step 3: Read the details of the project by clicking its TNID


Application Procedure

How to apply? After searching different projects, you can start applying by sending email to TN managers, which you can find the their email in “Raised by�.

Items must be included in email title

Items must be included in email content

Items must be included in attachment

Project name TNID Your home country

TNID EPID TN taker name Desired start Desired end date Desired length Contact method Photo (Optional) *Please draft your email with the template we provided

CV Motivation letter EP form


*All in pdf. format

Motivation Letter Sample

!"#$%&'()'*(+,-"+,(.'/&++&0' ' To whom it may concern, I am __________ (EPID: ____________), a year ___ student who is studying _____________ in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I joined AIESEC since _________. I am a ___ (position)___ of AIESEC Hong Kong and (any other achievements in/ not in AIESEC - e.g. In my 3 months AIESEC journey, I have been to both local and international conferences). The reason for me to apply this TN is that (You may also include how your past experiences (work/ AIESEC/any other activities) help to make you a suitable candidate for the TN)___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I am a _ (e.g. proactive and responsible) person _____________________ (Explain how your personality make you a suitable candidate for the TN).____________________________ ______ __ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Concerning the duration of the TN, my earliest starting date is __________ and my latest ending date is __________. (What do you expect to gain from this exchange opportunity?) ____________________ _______ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Yours truly, ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ !


5 things you must know in your Matching Stage

1 Send at least 20 emails a week.


2 It is very common to be rejected or ignored, keep sending email is the best way to solve this problem.


There is no need your background Know more about that has to be prefectly LC or project by matched their browsing their FB page requirement. Just or try to talk to the EPs apply for it if who joined that project you are interested. before!

5 Try not to change interview timeslot as they allocated. Instead of arranging a new timeslot for you, they may prefer looking for another new candidates.


Skype Interview

Preparation for general questions Why do you choose this project? What attract you most? How is your academic background related to this project? What makes you a capable candidate? Why do you choose this country? How much do you know about this country? Do you prefer individual work or teamwork? How will you present your home country to the people here? Do you have any relevant experience? What will be the biggest challenge you will foresee? Do you have any volunteer work experience? What impact will you bring to the locals?

*Most interviews will last for 10-15mins only.


Skype Interview

Reminder a. Questions that you are suggested to ask TN manager after the interview i. Confirm any job description you think is abstract ii. How many people in the project? iii. Will there be any “buddies�? iv. What is the exact working hours a day? v. What kind of accommodation? (Whether need to pay, if yes, how much) vi. How much is the living cost? vii. Is the transportation cost covered? viii. Do I need VISA for going to your country? b. Ensure stable network c. Beware of time difference / Online at least half an hour ahead and tell your TN manager that you are ready for interview . d. Prepare more than a formal interview (e.g. Show Hong Kong culture stuff / anything interesting about you) e. Make sure you speak clear and slow enough. The interviewer may not be used to you accent and speed. f. Dress properly. (Formal dressing is NOT required)


After Interview 1 Sending EPAN the TN manager If you are accepted to be one of the EPs in the project, the TN manager will ask you for a document called “EPAN” (or sometimes they call it AN). At this moment, please inform your EP manager that you got an offer and ask for the EPAN for you to fill in.

EPAN Sample

Student Acceptance Note From: Date: To: TN ID:

LC [EP LC name] , AIESEC in [EP country] - (dd-mm-yyyy) LC [TN LC name], AIESEC in [TN country] TN-In-








Complete Organisation Name in its legal form EP ID: Student Full name Passport Number Date of issue Expiry date Place of issue

I don't have a passport yet. I have applied for passport. Dear AIESEC in [TN country], I accept and commit to this traineeship. This acceptance note is a formal acceptance of the internship stated above. By signing to this acceptance note, I agree to participate in the above-mentioned internship if selected by the organisation. I understand that I may only withdraw my acceptance without consequence in the case of unsafe political conditions that arise in the host city/country or personal or family emergencies that prevent me from partaking in the AIESEC internship program. In any other circumstance, I will not be allowed to match with AIESEC in the future. Three copies of this acceptance note are required with original signature (1 for the organisation, 1 for AIESEC local committee and 1 for AIESEC sending committee). This acceptance note should be accompanied by four copies of the Student Contract completed, dated, and signed by the student, the Student Statement of Understanding, and any additional documentation required and specified in the Internship Job Questionnaire. If these are not included, the organisation has the right to reject the match or application for the internship. Upon receipt of this acceptance note, the organisation has a maximum of eight days in which to accept or reject this student. In the case where the organisation does not respond within 8 days, it is assumed that the organisation has rejected the student’s application. In this case, the student has the right to find another internship. In the case the organisation accepts my application, please send the company/organisation acceptance note with an official company/organisation stamp and the company/organisation representative’s signature as soon as possible with the confirmed starting and ending dates for the above internship. Also, please send information about the required procedures to obtain a visa and work permit in your country and/or territory. In the case that the embassy or consulate only accepts an original copy of the company/organisation acceptance note to apply for a visa, please send it by mail with original stamps and signatures. Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to participating in an internship in AIESEC in [TN country]. Sincerely,

[EP full name, surname, signature]


You can only send 1 Acceptance Note at a time. Please make sure you really want to go to that project before you send the EPAN.You must wait for 10 days to receive their response. If they do not respond you within 10 days, the EPAN becomes VOID.


After Interview 2 Receiving TNAN from TN manager After you send out your EPAN, make sure they send you a document called “TNAN” as soon as possible. Within the 10 days you send out your EPAN, you cannot send out your EPAN to other LC to accept other offer. If you cannot receive the TNAN after 10 days you send out your EPAN. You can start applying for other project and you have the right to send out EPANagain.

Important reminder When you receive the TNAN, it means that you have already been accepted by that LC and your internship is confirmed. Here are a few reminders: 1. Check if there is a signature of the Person-In-Charge of the project. 2. Check if there is a clear chop of the LC 3. After exchanging both EPAN and TNAN, the last step is to ask the TN manager to change your status into “Matched” in myaiesec.net


Useful Information Flight ticket Here are some suggested website which you can buy air ticket in a cheaper price: http://www.skyscanner.com http://www.zuji.com.hk http://www.aeroflot.ru/cms/en

VISA Information Visa regulations vary significantly from country to country. When considering additional travel before or after your traineeship, or travel outside your host country during the program, you should investigate fully the visa requirements of that country.Your visa may not allow you to leave the country during your stay, or may not allow you to be in the country outside the program dates. Here is a VISA guideline made by AIESEC Hong Kong which you can take it for reference: goo.gl/PtJWm


Preparation before X Hong Kong Ambassadorship Suggested items

Hong Kong Flag

Red packet


Hong Kong Postcard

Hong Kong Tee

Chinese traditional clothes

Red banners

Hong Kong coins and notes

Hong Kong typical food


Contact Information Waverly Yeung waverly.yeung@aiesec.net +852 9604 7811

Jeffrey Wong jeffrey.wong@aiesec.net +852 6825 5735

Joey Pang choyi.pang@aiesec.net +852 9514 5891

Marco Tsoi marco.tsoi@aiesec.net +852 9821 3932

Carmen Kwok carmen.kwok@aiesec.net +852 6331 4908

Kendrew Leung kendrew.leung@aiesec.net +852 9225 1283

Michelle Fong fong.szewing@aiesec.net +852 6171 6977

Anna Li anna.li@aiesec.net +852 6252 0802

Pamela Poon pamela.poon@aiesec.net +852 6028 0272

Melanie Chan melanie.chan@aiesec.net +852 9065 4694

Christy Lo tszkwan.lo@aiesec.net +852 6973 0273

Sandy Wong sandy.wong@aiesec.net +852 6682 8995

Yeung Eun Seo yeongeun.seo@aiesec.net +852 6504 4569

Joyce Cheung joyce.cheung@aiesec.net +852 6271 3225

Louis Lam louis.lam@aiesec.net +852 9715 3780

Karen Li karen.li@aiesec.net +852 9828 1620

Ivy Lui ivy.lui@aiesec.net +852 6244 9359

Nicole Cheung tikwan.cheung@aiesec.net +852 6920 9599


AIESEC-LC-PolyU Session 2012-2013 Outgoing Exchange Team

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