Treat Your Eating Disorder & Live A Healthy Life Once Again Any mental illness has the potential to turn your life upside down and eating disorder is no exception, which gives you an unreasonable urge to lose weight at any cost. A person with eating disorder develops a kind of hatred for their body believing that they are overweight which makes them look too ugly. In short, they start disliking the way they look which forces them to follow abnormal eating behaviour wherein some of them cut their normal food consumption which makes them weak and unhealthy. However, the irony of the story is that some people who look just fine still develop this mental illness wherein they begin to dislike the shape of their body thinking that they are overweight. And the major problem with this mental illness is that rather than implementing the logical approach to lose weight, people start using unconvincing and illogical methods, which eventually prove to be harmful to their health.
Without taking any professional guidance eating disorder patients start skipping their meals and cut certain foods from their diet thinking that they are unhealthy for them. This unguided approach proves to be really dangerous for them provided the fact that they do not take right treatment at the right time. It’s extremely hard to deal with the emotional stress associated with eating disorder. Having a burning desire to lose weight make them skip all kinds of family and social events wherein people try to socialize with each other while enjoying delicious food.
If you are among those people who lock themselves in their rooms with an urge to avoid food when rest of their family members and relatives are busy relishing mouth-watering dishes, it means something is really wrong with you. In addition to that, if you also believe that you do not look good at all, then there are chances that you are suffering from an eating disorder, and you need to take your problem seriously. Some of the common eating disorders which are found largely among teens and adults include anorexia nervosa, binge eating, and bulimia nervosa.
Anorexia Nervosa It is a kind of medical condition wherein a person always feels like maintaining a low weight and to achieve their goals they start following abnormal eating behaviour. People struggling with the mental disorder are always scared of gaining weight. If they eat something the fear of gaining weight grabs them immediately. They are often reported with low self-esteem which makes their lives truly miserable Some of the common signs and symptoms of Anorexia nervosa include drop in body temperature, dull and yellowish skin, brittle nails, unhealthy hair, and weakness. In addition to that, those who reach a very critical stage of illness also face medical complications like multi-organ failure, abnormal menstrual cycles and infertility among women.
Binge Eating Unlike Anorexia nervosa, binge eating is a type of mental illness wherein a person suffering from it eats an excessive amount of food but they still feel embarrassed about their weight. In addition to that, the food is eaten by them in short intervals. They always try to hide their problem from others because they feel embarrassed about their behaviour.
Bulimia Nervosa Binge eating and bulimia nervosa are quite similar and the only difference between them is people struggling with the later get a tendency to puke whatever they have eaten because they fear weight gain after. Some people also indulge into fasting and excessive exercise which again have their own health consequences. On the other hand, when compared with Anorexia nervosa people with bulimia nervosa are often found with a healthy weight. Some of the common signs and symptoms of bulimia nervosa include severe dehydration, swollen slavery glands, and sore throat etc. If people fail to treat this condition it can have really damaging consequences for their health.
Now Let’s Discuss How to Treat Eating Disorders
There are several methods and rehab centres for treating eating disorders and they include individual and group psychotherapy, medical care, and consulting nutritionists. In addition to that, family members also play an instrumental role when it comes to guiding their loved ones to lead a normal life. However, the most important steps that one need to take to recover from their illness is to accept the fact that they living with a mental illness and they need to cure their condition. So, if you also have bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa for that matter, once you get to know that you are struggling with a mental illness, you will surely take necessary steps to deal with your problem. You can consult a good nutritionist and can also meet a therapist to overcome your problem easily. They will guide you through every step of your treatment process and which will help you in recovering from your problem soon.
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